import Config pg_url = System.get_env("PG_URL") || "postgres:postgres@" pg_database = System.get_env("PG_DATABASE") || "ash_admin_dev" Application.put_env(:ash_admin, Demo.Repo, url: "ecto://#{pg_url}/#{pg_database}") config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason config :ash_admin, ecto_repos: [Demo.Repo] config :ash, :use_all_identities_in_manage_relationship?, false config :ash_admin, DemoWeb.Endpoint, url: [host: "localhost"], secret_key_base: "Hu4qQN3iKzTV4fJxhorPQlA/osH9fAMtbtjVS58PFgfw3ja5Z18Q/WSNR9wP4OfW", live_view: [signing_salt: "hMegieSe"], http: [port: System.get_env("PORT") || 4000], debug_errors: true, check_origin: false, pubsub_server: Demo.PubSub, server: true config :logger, level: :debug config :phoenix, :serve_endpoints, true if config_env() == :dev do config :ash_admin, ash_apis: [ Demo.Accounts.Api, Demo.Tickets.Api ] config :git_ops, mix_project: AshAdmin.MixProject, changelog_file: "", repository_url: "", # Instructs the tool to manage your mix version in your `mix.exs` file # See below for more information manage_mix_version?: true, # Instructs the tool to manage the version in your # Pass in `true` to use `""` or a string to customize manage_readme_version: "", version_tag_prefix: "v" end if config_env() == :test do config :ash_admin, AshAdmin.Test.Endpoint, url: [host: "localhost"], debug_errors: true, secret_key_base: "Hu4qQN3iKzTV4fJxhorPQlA/osH9fAMtbtjVS58PFgfw3ja5Z18Q/WSNR9wP4OfW", live_view: [signing_salt: "hMegieSe"], pubsub_server: AshAdmin.Test.PubSub config :ash, :disable_async?, true config :ash_admin, ash_apis: [ AshAdmin.Test.Api ] end