import css from "../css/app.scss" import "phoenix_html" import { Socket } from "phoenix" import NProgress from "nprogress" import { LiveSocket, Browser } from "phoenix_live_view" import 'alpinejs' let socketPath = document.querySelector("html").getAttribute("phx-socket") || "/live" let csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute("content") let Hooks = {} const editors = {}; Hooks.JsonEditor = { mounted() { const inputId = this.el.getAttribute("data-input-id") const hook = this; this.editor = new JSONEditor(this.el, { onChangeText: (json) => { const target = document.getElementById(inputId) try { JSON.parse(json) target.value = json; target.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true })) } catch (_e) { } }, onChange: () => { try { const target = document.getElementById(inputId) json = hook.editor.get(); target.value = JSON.stringify(json) target.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true })) } catch (_e) { } }, onModeChange: (newMode) => { hook.mode = newMode; }, modes: ['text', 'tree'] }, JSON.parse(document.getElementById(inputId).value)); editors[] = this.editor } } Hooks.JsonEditorSource = { updated() { try { let editor = editors[this.el.getAttribute("data-editor-id")]; if (editor.getMode() === "tree") { editor.update(JSON.parse(this.el.value)) } else { if (console.log(editor.get()) !== console.log(JSON.parse(this.el.value))) { editor.setText(this.el.value) } else { } } } catch (_e) { } } } Hooks.JsonView = { updated() { const json = JSON.parse(this.el.getAttribute("data-json")); this.editor = new JSONEditor(this.el, { mode: 'preview' }, json) }, mounted() { const json = JSON.parse(this.el.getAttribute("data-json")); this.editor = new JSONEditor(this.el, { mode: 'preview' }, json) } } Hooks.Actor = { mounted() { this.handleEvent("set_actor", (payload) => { document.cookie = 'actor_resource' + '=' + payload.resource + ';path=/'; document.cookie = 'actor_primary_key' + '=' + payload.primary_key + ';path=/'; document.cookie = 'actor_action' + '=' + payload.action + ';path=/'; document.cookie = 'actor_api' + '=' + payload.api + ';path=/'; }); this.handleEvent("clear_actor", () => { document.cookie = 'actor_resource' + '=' + ';path=/'; document.cookie = 'actor_primary_key' + '=' + ';path=/'; document.cookie = 'actor_action' + ';path=/'; document.cookie = 'actor_api' + '=' + ';path=/'; document.cookie = 'actor_authorizing=false;path=/'; document.cookie = 'actor_paused=true;path=/'; }); this.handleEvent("toggle_authorizing", (payload) => { document.cookie = 'actor_authorizing' + '=' + payload.authorizing + ';path=/'; }); this.handleEvent("toggle_actor_paused", (payload) => { document.cookie = 'actor_paused' + '=' + payload.actor_paused + ';path=/'; }); } } Hooks.Tenant = { mounted() { this.handleEvent('set_tenant', (payload) => { document.cookie = 'tenant' + '=' + payload.tenant + ';path=/'; }) this.handleEvent('clear_tenant', () => { document.cookie = 'tenant' + '=' + ';path=/' }) } } Hooks.FormChange = { mounted() { this.handleEvent('form_change', () => { this.el.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true })) }) } } Hooks.MaintainAttrs = { attrs() { return this.el.getAttribute("data-attrs").split(", ") }, beforeUpdate() { this.prevAttrs = this.attrs().map(name => [name, this.el.getAttribute(name)]) }, updated() { this.prevAttrs.forEach(([name, val]) => this.el.setAttribute(name, val)) } } let liveSocket = new LiveSocket(socketPath, Socket, { hooks: Hooks, dom: { onBeforeElUpdated(from, to) { if (from.__x) { window.Alpine.clone(from.__x, to) } } }, params: { _csrf_token: csrfToken } }) // Show progress bar on live navigation and form submits window.addEventListener("phx:page-loading-start", info => NProgress.start()) window.addEventListener("phx:page-loading-stop", info => NProgress.done()) // connect if there are any LiveViews on the page liveSocket.connect() // expose liveSocket on window for web console debug logs and latency simulation: // >> liveSocket.enableDebug() // >> liveSocket.enableLatencySim(1000) window.liveSocket = liveSocket