defmodule Example.Repo.Migrations.InstallAshFunctionsExtension320240426022723 do @moduledoc """ Installs any extensions that are mentioned in the repo's `installed_extensions/0` callback This file was autogenerated with `mix ash_postgres.generate_migrations` """ use Ecto.Migration def up do execute(""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ash_elixir_or(left BOOLEAN, in right ANYCOMPATIBLE, out f1 ANYCOMPATIBLE) AS $$ SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF($1, FALSE), $2) $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; """) execute(""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ash_elixir_or(left ANYCOMPATIBLE, in right ANYCOMPATIBLE, out f1 ANYCOMPATIBLE) AS $$ SELECT COALESCE($1, $2) $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; """) execute(""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ash_elixir_and(left BOOLEAN, in right ANYCOMPATIBLE, out f1 ANYCOMPATIBLE) AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN $1 IS TRUE THEN $2 ELSE $1 END $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; """) execute(""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ash_elixir_and(left ANYCOMPATIBLE, in right ANYCOMPATIBLE, out f1 ANYCOMPATIBLE) AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN $1 IS NOT NULL THEN $2 ELSE $1 END $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; """) execute(""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ash_trim_whitespace(arr text[]) RETURNS text[] AS $$ DECLARE start_index INT = 1; end_index INT = array_length(arr, 1); BEGIN WHILE start_index <= end_index AND arr[start_index] = '' LOOP start_index := start_index + 1; END LOOP; WHILE end_index >= start_index AND arr[end_index] = '' LOOP end_index := end_index - 1; END LOOP; IF start_index > end_index THEN RETURN ARRAY[]::text[]; ELSE RETURN arr[start_index : end_index]; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; """) execute(""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ash_raise_error(json_data jsonb) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN -- Raise an error with the provided JSON data. -- The JSON object is converted to text for inclusion in the error message. RAISE EXCEPTION 'ash_error: %', json_data::text; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; """) execute(""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ash_raise_error(json_data jsonb, type_signal ANYCOMPATIBLE) RETURNS ANYCOMPATIBLE AS $$ BEGIN -- Raise an error with the provided JSON data. -- The JSON object is converted to text for inclusion in the error message. RAISE EXCEPTION 'ash_error: %', json_data::text; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; """) end def down do # Uncomment this if you actually want to uninstall the extensions # when this migration is rolled back: execute( "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ash_raise_error(jsonb), ash_raise_error(jsonb, ANYCOMPATIBLE), ash_elixir_and(BOOLEAN, ANYCOMPATIBLE), ash_elixir_and(ANYCOMPATIBLE, ANYCOMPATIBLE), ash_elixir_or(ANYCOMPATIBLE, ANYCOMPATIBLE), ash_elixir_or(BOOLEAN, ANYCOMPATIBLE), ash_trim_whitespace(text[])" ) end end