defmodule DevServer.TestPage do @moduledoc """ Displays a very basic login form according to the currently configured Überauth providers. """ @behaviour Plug alias Plug.Conn require EEx EEx.function_from_file(:defp, :render, String.replace(__ENV__.file, ".ex", ".html.eex"), [ :assigns ]) @doc false @impl true @spec init(keyword) :: keyword def init(opts), do: opts @doc false @spec call(Conn.t(), any) :: Conn.t() @impl true def call(conn, _opts) do resources = AshAuthentication.authenticated_resources(:ash_authentication) current_actors = conn.assigns |> Stream.filter(fn {key, _value} -> key |> to_string() |> String.starts_with?("current_") end) |> payload = render(resources: resources, current_actors: current_actors) Conn.send_resp(conn, 200, payload) end end