James Harton 1c8f138c67
improvement!: Major redesign of DSL and code structure. (#35)

* Replaced `AshAuthentication.Provider` with the much more flexible `AshAuthentication.Strategy`.
* Moved strategies to within the `authentication` DSL using entities and removed excess extensions.
* Added a lot more documentation and test coverage.
2022-11-23 09:09:41 +13:00

45 lines
1.2 KiB

import Config
config :git_ops,
mix_project: Mix.Project.get!(),
changelog_file: "",
repository_url: "",
manage_mix_version?: true,
manage_readme_version: "",
version_tag_prefix: "v"
config :ash_authentication, DevServer, start?: true, port: 4000
config :ash_authentication, ecto_repos: [Example.Repo], ash_apis: [Example]
config :ash_authentication, Example.Repo,
username: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
hostname: "localhost",
database: "ash_authentication_dev",
stacktrace: true,
show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true,
pool_size: 10
config :ash_authentication, Example,
resources: [
registry: Example.Registry
config :ash_authentication, AshAuthentication.Jwt,
signing_secret: "Marty McFly in the past with the Delorean"
config :ash_authentication,
authentication: [
strategies: [
oauth2: [
client_id: System.get_env("OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID"),
redirect_uri: "http://localhost:4000/auth",
client_secret: System.get_env("OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET"),
site: System.get_env("OAUTH2_SITE"),
authorize_path: "/authorize",
token_path: "/oauth/token",
user_path: "/userinfo"