James Harton e25a8bf397
feat: UI refresh. (#3)
* Redesign the overrides system to be easier to reason about.
* Redesign the password UI to be fancier.
2022-10-28 20:13:48 +13:00

24 lines
574 B

# Used by "mix format"
locals_without_parens = [
sign_in_route: 0,
sign_in_route: 1,
sign_in_route: 2,
sign_in_route: 3,
sign_out_route: 1,
sign_out_route: 2,
sign_out_route: 3,
auth_routes: 1,
auth_routes: 2,
auth_routes: 3,
set: 2
import_deps: [:ash, :ash_authentication, :phoenix, :phoenix_live_view],
inputs: ["{mix,.formatter}.exs", "{dev,config,lib,test}/**/*.{heex,ex,exs}"],
locals_without_parens: locals_without_parens,
export: [
locals_without_parens: locals_without_parens
plugins: [Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter]