defmodule AshBlogTest do use ExUnit.Case alias AshBlog.Test.Post setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("priv/blog") end) :ok end describe "creating a blog post" do test "a blog post can be created" do assert %{title: "first\"", body: "the body"} = Post.create!("first\"", "the body") end end describe "reading blog posts" do test "blog posts can be listed" do Post.create!("first\"", "the body") assert [%{title: "first\"", body: "the body"}] =!() end end describe "slug" do test "a slug is auto generated" do Post.create!("first", "the body")!() end end describe "updating blog posts" do test "blog posts can be published" do post = Post.create!("first\"", "the body") assert %{state: :published} = Post.publish!(post) assert [%{state: :published, title: "first\"", body: "the body"}] =!() assert [_] = Path.wildcard("priv/blog/**/*.md") end test "blog posts can be archived" do post = Post.create!("first\"", "the body") assert %{state: :published} = Post.publish!(post) assert [%{state: :published, title: "first\"", body: "the body"} = post] =!() assert [_] = Path.wildcard("priv/blog/**/*.md") assert %{state: :archived} = Post.archive!(post) assert [_] = Path.wildcard("priv/blog/archived/**/*.md") end end end