defmodule AshBlog.DataLayer do @behaviour Ash.DataLayer @blog %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :blog, describe: """ A section for configuring the blog data layer """, examples: [ """ blog do end """ ], links: [], schema: [ file_namer: [ type: :mfa, default: {AshBlog.FileNamer, :name_file, []}, doc: """ An MFA that will take a changeset and produce a file name. The default one looks for a title or name, and appends it to `YYYY/YYYY-MM-DD-\#\{dasherized_name\}.md`. The date uses the time that the file name was generated record. """ ], title_attribute: [ type: :atom, default: :title, doc: "The attribute name to use for the title of the blog post. Will be created if it doesn't exist." ], created_at_attribute: [ type: :atom, default: :created_at, doc: "The attribute name to use for the created_at timestamp of the blog post. Will be created if it doesn't exist." ], body_attribute: [ type: :atom, default: :body, doc: "The attribute name to use for the body of the post. Wil be created if it doesn't exist." ], slug_attribute: [ type: :atom, default: :slug, doc: "The attribute name to use for the slug. All past slugs will be stored and used when looking up by slug." ], folder: [ type: :string, default: "blog/published", doc: """ A path relative to to the priv directory where the files should be placed. """ ], staging_folder: [ type: :string, default: "blog/staged", doc: """ A path relative to to the priv directory where the staged files should be placed when they are staged. """ ], archive_folder: [ type: :string, default: "blog/archived", doc: """ A path relative to to the priv directory where the archived files should be placed when they are staged. """ ] ] } @moduledoc """ A blog data layer backed by markdown files. ## DSL Documentation ### Index #{Spark.Dsl.Extension.doc_index([@blog])} ### Docs #{Spark.Dsl.Extension.doc([@blog])} """ use Spark.Dsl.Extension, sections: [@blog], transformers: [AshBlog.DataLayer.Transformers.AddStructure] alias Ash.Actions.Sort defmodule Query do @moduledoc false defstruct [ :resource, :filter, :limit, :sort, :api, calculations: [], relationships: %{}, offset: 0 ] end @doc false @impl true def can?(_, :async_engine), do: true def can?(_, :composite_primary_key), do: true def can?(_, :expression_calculation), do: true def can?(_, :expression_calculation_sort), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_relationship, _}), do: true def can?(_, :create), do: true def can?(_, :read), do: true def can?(_, :update), do: true # Destroy is not implemented yet, because I didn't need it def can?(_, :destroy), do: false def can?(_, :sort), do: true def can?(_, :filter), do: true def can?(_, :limit), do: true def can?(_, :offset), do: true def can?(_, :boolean_filter), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_expr, _}), do: true def can?(_, :nested_expressions), do: true def can?(_, {:query_aggregate, :count}), do: true def can?(_, {:sort, _}), do: true def can?(_, :transact), do: true def can?(_, _), do: false @doc false @impl true def resource_to_query(resource, api) do %Query{ resource: resource, api: api } end @doc false @impl true def limit(query, limit, _), do: {:ok, %{query | limit: limit}} @doc false @impl true def offset(query, offset, _), do: {:ok, %{query | offset: offset}} @doc false @impl true def add_calculation(query, calculation, _, _), do: {:ok, %{query | calculations: [calculation | query.calculations]}} @doc false @impl true def add_aggregate(query, aggregate, _), do: {:ok, %{query | aggregates: [aggregate | query.aggregates]}} @doc false @impl true def filter(query, filter, _resource) do if query.filter do {:ok, %{query | filter: Ash.Filter.add_to_filter!(query.filter, filter)}} else {:ok, %{query | filter: filter}} end end @doc false @impl true def sort(query, sort, _resource) do {:ok, %{query | sort: sort}} end @doc false @impl true def run_aggregate_query(%{api: api} = query, aggregates, resource) do case run_query(query, resource) do {:ok, results} -> Enum.reduce_while(aggregates, {:ok, %{}}, fn %{kind: :count, name: name, query: query}, {:ok, acc} -> results |> filter_matches(Map.get(query || %{}, :filter), api) |> case do {:ok, matches} -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(acc, name, Enum.count(matches))}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end _, _ -> {:halt, {:error, "unsupported aggregate"}} end) {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end |> case do {:error, error} -> {:error, Ash.Error.to_ash_error(error)} other -> other end end @doc false @impl true def run_query( %Query{ resource: resource, filter: filter, offset: offset, limit: limit, sort: sort, calculations: calculations, api: api }, _resource ) do with {:ok, records} <- get_records(resource), {:ok, records} <- filter_matches(records, filter, api), {:ok, records} <- do_add_calculations(records, resource, calculations) do offset_records = records |> Sort.runtime_sort(sort) |> Enum.drop(offset || 0) if limit do {:ok, Enum.take(offset_records, limit)} else {:ok, offset_records} end else {:error, error} -> {:error, Ash.Error.to_ash_error(error)} end end defp do_add_calculations(records, _resource, []), do: {:ok, records} defp do_add_calculations(records, resource, calculations) do Enum.reduce_while(records, {:ok, []}, fn record, {:ok, records} -> calculations |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, record}, fn calculation, {:ok, record} -> expression = calculation.module.expression(calculation.opts, calculation.context) case Ash.Filter.hydrate_refs(expression, %{ resource: resource, public?: false }) do {:ok, expression} -> case Ash.Filter.Runtime.do_match(record, expression) do {:ok, value} -> if calculation.load do {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(record, calculation.load, value)}} else {:cont, {:ok, Map.update!(record, :calculations, &Map.put(&1,, value))}} end :unknown -> if calculation.load do {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(record, calculation.load, nil)}} else {:cont, {:ok, Map.update!(record, :calculations, &Map.put(&1,, nil))}} end {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end end) |> case do {:ok, record} -> {:cont, {:ok, [record | records]}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end end) |> case do {:ok, records} -> {:ok, Enum.reverse(records)} {:error, error} -> {:error, Ash.Error.to_ash_error(error)} end end defp get_records(resource) do published = resource |> AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.folder() |> all_files(resource) staged = resource |> AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.staging_folder() |> all_files(resource) archived = resource |> AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.archive_folder() |> all_files(resource) [published, staged, archived] |> Stream.concat() |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, []}, fn file, {:ok, results} -> contents =!(file) [data, body] = contents |> String.split("---", trim: true) |> case YamlElixir.read_all_from_string(data, one_result: true) do {:ok, result} -> attrs = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.attributes() |> attr -> {, Map.get(result, to_string(} end) |> Map.put(AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.body_attribute(resource), body) resource |> struct(attrs) |> cast_record(resource) |> case do {:ok, record} -> {:cont, {:ok, [Ash.Resource.put_metadata(record, :ash_blog_file, file) | results]}} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end end) end @doc false def cast_records(records, resource) do records |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, []}, fn record, {:ok, casted} -> case cast_record(record, resource) do {:ok, casted_record} -> {:cont, {:ok, [casted_record | casted]}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end end) |> case do {:ok, records} -> {:ok, Enum.reverse(records)} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end @doc false def cast_record(record, resource) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.attributes() |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, %{}}, fn attribute, {:ok, attrs} -> case Map.get(record, do nil -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(attrs,, nil)}} value -> case Ash.Type.cast_stored(attribute.type, value, attribute.constraints) do {:ok, value} -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(attrs,, value)}} :error -> {:halt, {:error, "Failed to load #{inspect(value)} as type #{inspect(attribute.type)}"}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end end end) |> case do {:ok, attrs} -> {:ok, Ash.Resource.set_meta(struct(resource, attrs), %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{ state: :loaded, schema: resource })} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end defp expand_path(folder, resource) do Path.join([priv_dir(resource), folder]) end defp all_files(folder, resource) do Path.wildcard(Path.join([expand_path(folder, resource), "**", "*.md"])) end defp filter_matches(records, nil, _api), do: {:ok, records} defp filter_matches(records, filter, api) do Ash.Filter.Runtime.filter_matches(api, records, filter) end @doc false @impl true def create(resource, changeset) do file_name = file_name(resource, changeset) file_path = resource |> priv_dir() |> Path.join(folder(resource, Ash.Changeset.get_attribute(changeset, :state))) |> Path.join(file_name) with {:ok, record} <- Ash.Changeset.apply_attributes(changeset), record <- Ash.Resource.set_meta(record, %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{state: :loaded, schema: resource}), {:ok, yaml} <- yaml_frontmatter(record) do File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(file_path)) File.write!( file_path, """ --- #{yaml} --- #{Map.get(record, AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.body_attribute(resource))} """ ) {:ok, Ash.Resource.put_metadata(record, :ash_blog_file, file_path)} end end defp folder(resource, :staged) do AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.staging_folder(resource) end defp folder(resource, :published) do AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.folder(resource) end defp folder(resource, :archived) do AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.archive_folder(resource) end defp yaml_frontmatter(%resource{} = record) do body_attribute = AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.body_attribute(resource) resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.attributes() |> Enum.reject(&(& == body_attribute)) |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, []}, fn attr, {:ok, acc} -> storage_type = Ash.Type.storage_type(unwrap_array(attr.type)) if storage_type in [ :string, :integer, :uuid, :utc_datetime, :utc_datetime_usec ] do case Ash.Type.dump_to_embedded(attr.type, Map.get(record,, attr.constraints) do {:ok, value} -> {:cont, {:ok, [{, value} | acc]}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end else {:halt, {:error, "#{inspect(attr.type)} with storage type #{inspect(storage_type)} is not yet supported by `AshBlog.DataLayer`"}} end end) |> case do {:ok, attrs} -> {:ok, attrs |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.map_join("\n", fn {name, value} -> "#{name}: #{encode(value)}" end)} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end def encode(value, indentation \\ 2) do case value do value when is_binary(value) -> "'#{escape_string(value)}'" %DateTime{} = value -> "'#{escape_string(value)}'" [] -> "[]" list when is_list(value) -> "\n#{listify(list, indentation)}" other -> to_string(other) end end def listify(value, indentation \\ 2) do Enum.map_join(value, "\n", fn value -> "#{String.duplicate(" ", indentation)}- #{encode(value, indentation + 2)}" end) end defp unwrap_array({:array, value}), do: unwrap_array(value) defp unwrap_array(value), do: value defp escape_string(value) do value |> to_string() |> String.replace("'", "\\'") end case Code.ensure_compiled(Mix) do {:module, _} -> def priv_dir(resource) do _ = otp_app!(resource) Path.join(File.cwd!(), "priv") end _ -> def priv_dir(resource) do :code.priv_dir(otp_app!(resource)) end end defp otp_app!(resource) do Spark.otp_app(resource) || raise """ Must configure otp_app for #{inspect(resource)}. For example: use Ash.Resource, otp_app: :my_app """ end defp file_name(resource, changeset) do {m, f, a} = AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.file_namer(resource) apply(m, f, [changeset | a]) end @doc false def dump_to_native(record, attributes) do Enum.reduce_while(attributes, {:ok, %{}}, fn attribute, {:ok, attrs} -> case Map.get(record, do nil -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(attrs,, nil)}} value -> case Ash.Type.dump_to_native( attribute.type, value, attribute.constraints ) do {:ok, casted_value} -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(attrs,, casted_value)}} :error -> {:halt, {:error, "Failed to dump #{inspect(Map.get(record,} as type #{inspect(attribute.type)}"}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end end end) end @doc false @impl true def update(resource, changeset) do with {:ok, record} <- do_update(changeset, resource), {:ok, record} <- cast_record(record, resource) do file_path = if folder(resource, record.state) == folder(resource, do[:ash_blog_file] else new_file_path = Path.join( folder(resource, record.state), Path.basename([:ash_blog_file]) ) |> expand_path(resource) File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(new_file_path)) File.rename!([:ash_blog_file], new_file_path ) new_file_path end {:ok, record |> Ash.Resource.put_metadata(:ash_blog_file, file_path) |> Ash.Resource.set_meta(%Ecto.Schema.Metadata{state: :loaded, schema: resource})} else {:error, error} -> {:error, Ash.Error.to_ash_error(error)} end end @doc false def pkey_map(resource, data) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key() |> Enum.into(%{}, fn attr -> {attr, Map.get(data, attr)} end) end defp do_update(changeset, resource) do file_path =[:ash_blog_file] || raise "Missing `ash_blog_file` metadata for record, cannot update!" with {:ok, record} <- Ash.Changeset.apply_attributes(changeset), record <- Ash.Resource.set_meta(record, %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{state: :loaded, schema: resource}), {:ok, yaml} <- yaml_frontmatter(record) do File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(file_path)) File.write!( file_path, """ --- #{yaml} --- #{Map.get(record, AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.body_attribute(resource))} """ ) {:ok, Ash.Resource.put_metadata(record, :ash_blog_file, file_path)} end end @impl true def transaction(resource, fun, _timeout) do tx_identifiers = tx_identifiers(resource) all_in_transaction(tx_identifiers, fn -> try do {:ok, fun.()} catch {{:blog_rollback, rolled_back_tx_identifiers}, value} = thrown -> if Enum.any?(tx_identifiers, &(&1 in rolled_back_tx_identifiers)) do {:error, value} else throw(thrown) end end end) end defp all_in_transaction([], fun) do fun.() end defp all_in_transaction([tx_identifier | rest], fun) do :global.trans( {{:blog, tx_identifier}, System.unique_integer()}, fn -> Process.put({:blog_in_transaction, tx_identifier}, true) all_in_transaction(rest, fun) end, [node() | :erlang.nodes()], 0 ) |> case do :aborted -> {:error, "transaction failed"} result -> result end end @impl true def rollback(resource, error) do throw({{:blog_rollback, tx_identifiers(resource)}, error}) end @impl true def in_transaction?(resource) do resource |> tx_identifiers() |> Enum.any?(fn identifier -> Process.get({:blog_in_transaction, identifier}, false) == true end) end defp tx_identifiers(resource) do [ AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.folder(resource), AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.staging_folder(resource), AshBlog.DataLayer.Info.archive_folder(resource) ] end end