defmodule AshGraphql.ResourceTest do use ExUnit.Case test "object generated according to generate_object?" do assert %Absinthe.Type.Object{ identifier: :user } = Absinthe.Schema.lookup_type(AshGraphql.Test.Schema, :user) assert nil == Absinthe.Schema.lookup_type(AshGraphql.Test.Schema, :no_object) end test "resource with no type can execute generic queries" do resp = """ query NoObjectCount { noObjectCount } """ |> assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{data: %{"noObjectCount" => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}} = result end test "queries can be created with custom descriptions" do {:ok, %{data: data}} = """ query { __schema { queryType { name fields { name description } } } } """ |> get_post_with_custom_description_query = data["__schema"]["queryType"]["fields"] |> Enum.find(fn field -> field["name"] == "getPostWithCustomDescription" end) assert get_post_with_custom_description_query["description"] == "A custom description" end test "mutations can be created with custom descriptions" do {:ok, %{data: data}} = """ query { __schema { mutationType { name fields { name description } } } } """ |> create_post_with_custom_description_mutation = data["__schema"]["mutationType"]["fields"] |> Enum.find(fn field -> field["name"] == "createPostWithCustomDescription" end) assert create_post_with_custom_description_mutation["description"] == "Another custom description" end end