defmodule AshGraphql.UpdateTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false setup do on_exit(fn -> Application.delete_env(:ash_graphql, AshGraphql.Test.Domain) try do AshGraphql.TestHelpers.stop_ets() rescue _ -> :ok end end) end test "an update works" do post = AshGraphql.Test.Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: "foobar") |> Ash.create!() resp = """ mutation UpdatePost($id: ID!, $input: UpdatePostInput) { updatePost(id: $id, input: $input) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" =>, "input" => %{ "text" => "barbuz" } } ) assert {:ok, %{data: %{"updatePost" => %{"errors" => [], "result" => %{"text" => "barbuz"}}}}} = resp end test "an update with a managed relationship works" do resp = """ mutation CreatePostWithComments($input: CreatePostWithCommentsInput) { createPostWithComments(input: $input) { result{ id text comments(sort:{field:TEXT}){ id text } } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "comments" => [ %{"text" => "foobar"}, %{"text" => "barfoo"} ] } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "createPostWithComments" => %{ "result" => %{ "id" => post_id, "text" => "foobar", "comments" => [ %{"id" => comment_id, "text" => "barfoo"}, %{"text" => "foobar"} ] } } } } = result resp = """ mutation UpdatePostWithComments($id: ID!, $input: UpdatePostWithCommentsInput) { updatePostWithComments(id: $id, input: $input) { result{ comments(sort:{field:TEXT}){ id text } } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" => post_id, "input" => %{ "comments" => [ %{"text" => "barfoonew", "id" => comment_id} ] } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "updatePostWithComments" => %{ "result" => %{ "comments" => [%{"id" => ^comment_id, "text" => "barfoonew"}] } } } } = result end test "an update with a configured read action and no identity works" do post = AshGraphql.Test.Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: "foobar", best: true) |> Ash.create!() resp = """ mutation UpdateBestPost($input: UpdateBestPostInput) { updateBestPost(input: $input) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" =>, "input" => %{ "text" => "barbuz" } } ) assert {:ok, %{data: %{"updateBestPost" => %{"errors" => [], "result" => %{"text" => "barbuz"}}}}} = resp end test "an update with a configured read action and no identity works with an argument the same name as an attribute" do AshGraphql.Test.Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: "foobar", best: true) |> Ash.create!() resp = """ mutation UpdateBestPostArg($best: Boolean!, $input: UpdateBestPostArgInput) { updateBestPostArg(best: $best, input: $input) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "best" => true, "input" => %{ "text" => "barbuz" } } ) assert {:ok, %{ data: %{"updateBestPostArg" => %{"errors" => [], "result" => %{"text" => "barbuz"}}} }} = resp end test "arguments are threaded properly" do post = AshGraphql.Test.Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: "foobar", best: true) |> Ash.create!() resp = """ mutation UpdatePostConfirm($input: UpdatePostConfirmInput, $id: ID!) { updatePostConfirm(input: $input, id: $id) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" =>, "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "confirmation" => "foobar2" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{ data: %{ "updatePostConfirm" => %{"result" => nil, "errors" => [%{"message" => message}]} } } = result assert message =~ "confirmation did not match value" end test "root level error" do Application.put_env(:ash_graphql, AshGraphql.Test.Domain, graphql: [show_raised_errors?: true, root_level_errors?: true] ) post = AshGraphql.Test.Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: "foobar", best: true) |> Ash.create!() resp = """ mutation UpdatePostConfirm($input: UpdatePostConfirmInput, $id: ID!) { updatePostConfirm(input: $input, id: $id) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" =>, "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "confirmation" => "foobar2" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{errors: [%{message: message}]} = result assert message =~ "confirmation did not match value" end test "referencing a hidden input is not allowed" do post = AshGraphql.Test.Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: "foobar") |> Ash.create!() resp = """ mutation UpdatePostWithHiddenInput($id: ID!, $input: UpdatePostWithHiddenInputInput) { updatePostWithHiddenInput(id: $id, input: $input) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" =>, "input" => %{ "score" => 10 } } ) assert { :ok, %{ errors: [ %{ message: "Argument \"input\" has invalid value $input.\nIn field \"score\": Unknown field." } ] } } = resp end test "an update with a configured read action and no identity works in resource with simple data layer" do channel = AshGraphql.Test.Channel |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, name: "test channel 1") |> Ash.create!() resp = """ mutation UpdateChannel($channelId: ID!, $input: UpdateChannelInput!) { updateChannel(channelId: $channelId, input: $input) { result{ channel { name } } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "channelId" =>, "input" => %{"name" => "test channel 2"} } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{ data: %{ "updateChannel" => %{"result" => %{"channel" => %{"name" => "test channel 2"}}} } } = result end end