defmodule Mix.Tasks.AshGraphql.Install do @moduledoc "Installs AshGraphql. Should be run with `mix igniter.install ash_postgres`" @shortdoc @moduledoc require Igniter.Code.Common use Igniter.Mix.Task def igniter(igniter, _argv) do igniter = igniter |> Igniter.Project.Formatter.import_dep(:ash_graphql) |> Spark.Igniter.prepend_to_section_order(:"Ash.Resource", [:graphql]) |> Spark.Igniter.prepend_to_section_order(:"Ash.Domain", [:graphql]) schema_name = Igniter.Code.Module.module_name("GraphqlSchema") {igniter, candidate_ash_graphql_schemas} = Igniter.Code.Module.find_all_matching_modules(igniter, fn _name, zipper -> zipper |> Igniter.Code.Module.move_to_use(AshGraphql) end) if Enum.empty?(candidate_ash_graphql_schemas) do igniter |> setup_absinthe_schema(schema_name) |> setup_web(schema_name) else igniter |> Igniter.add_warning("AshGraphql schema already exists, skipping installation.") end end defp setup_web(igniter, schema_name) do case Igniter.Libs.Phoenix.select_router(igniter) do {igniter, nil} -> igniter |> Igniter.add_warning(""" No Phoenix router found, skipping phoenix installation. See the getting started guide for instructions on installing AshGraphql with `plug`. If you have yet to set up phoenix, you'll have to do that manually and then rerun this installer. """) {igniter, router} -> igniter |> Igniter.Libs.Phoenix.add_pipeline(:graphql, "plug AshGraphql.Plug", router: router) |> Igniter.Libs.Phoenix.add_scope( "/gql", """ pipe_through [:graphql] forward "/", Absinthe.Plug, schema: Module.concat(["#{inspect(schema_name)}"]) forward "/playground", Absinthe.Plug.GraphiQL, schema: Module.concat(["#{inspect(schema_name)}"]), interface: :playground """, router: router ) end end defp setup_absinthe_schema(igniter, schema_name) do {igniter, domains} = Ash.Domain.Igniter.list_domains(igniter) {igniter, resources} = Ash.Resource.Igniter.list_resources(igniter) {igniter, any_queries?} = Enum.reduce_while(, &{&1, [2, 3]}) ++, &{&1, [3, 4]}), {igniter, false}, fn {mod, arities}, {igniter, false} -> with {:ok, {igniter, _source, zipper}} <- Igniter.Code.Module.find_module(igniter, mod), {:ok, zipper} <- Igniter.Code.Function.move_to_function_call_in_current_scope( zipper, :graphql, 1 ), {:ok, zipper} <- Igniter.Code.Common.move_to_do_block(zipper), {:ok, zipper} <- Igniter.Code.Function.move_to_function_call_in_current_scope( zipper, :queries, 1 ), {:ok, zipper} <- Igniter.Code.Common.move_to_do_block(zipper) do has_query? = Enum.any?([:get, :read_one, :list, :action], fn query_name -> match?( {:ok, _}, Igniter.Code.Function.move_to_function_call_in_current_scope( zipper, query_name, arities ) ) end) if has_query? do {:halt, {igniter, true}} else {:cont, {igniter, false}} end else _ -> {:cont, {igniter, false}} end end ) placeholder_query = unless any_queries? do """ @desc "Remove me once you have a query of your own!" field :remove_me, :string do resolve fn _, _, _ -> {:ok, "Remove me!"} end end """ end igniter |> Igniter.Code.Module.find_and_update_or_create_module( schema_name, """ use Absinthe.Schema use AshGraphql, domains: #{inspect(domains)} query do # Custom absinthe queries can be placed here #{placeholder_query} end mutation do # Custom absinthe mutations can be placed here end """, fn zipper -> # Should never get here {:ok, zipper} end ) end end