defmodule AshGraphql.Resource.Verifiers.VerifyQueryMetadata do @moduledoc "Ensures that queries for actions with metadata have a type set" use Spark.Dsl.Verifier alias Spark.Dsl.Transformer def verify(dsl) do dsl |> AshGraphql.Resource.Info.queries() |> Enum.each(fn query -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(dsl, query.action) show_metadata = query.show_metadata ||, :metadata, []), & & metadata = action |> Map.get(:metadata, []) |> Enum.filter(&(& in show_metadata)) if !Enum.empty?(metadata) && is_nil(query.type_name) do resource = Transformer.get_persisted(dsl, :module) raise Spark.Error.DslError, module: resource, message: """ Queries for actions with metadata must have a type configured on the query. The #{query.action} action on #{inspect(resource)} has the following metadata fields: #{Enum.map_join(action.metadata, "\n", &"* #{&}")} To generate a new type and include the metadata in that type, provide a new type name, for example `type :user_with_token`. To ignore the generated metadata, use the same type as the default. """ end end) :ok end end