defmodule AshGraphql do @moduledoc """ AshGraphql is a graphql front extension for the Ash framework. See the getting started guide for information on setting it up, and see the `AshGraphql.Resource` documentation for docs on its DSL """ defmacro __using__(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [api: opts[:api]] do defmodule AshTypes do @moduledoc false alias Absinthe.{Blueprint, Phase, Pipeline} def pipeline(pipeline) do Pipeline.insert_before( pipeline, Phase.Schema.Validation.QueryTypeMustBeObject, __MODULE__ ) end def run(blueprint, _opts) do api = unquote(api) case Code.ensure_compiled(api) do {:module, _} -> blueprint_with_queries = api |> AshGraphql.Api.queries(__MODULE__) |> Enum.reduce(blueprint, fn query, blueprint -> Absinthe.Blueprint.add_field(blueprint, "RootQueryType", query) end) blueprint_with_mutations = api |> AshGraphql.Api.mutations(__MODULE__) |> Enum.reduce(blueprint_with_queries, fn mutation, blueprint -> Absinthe.Blueprint.add_field(blueprint, "RootMutationType", mutation) end) new_defs = List.update_at(blueprint_with_mutations.schema_definitions, 0, fn schema_def -> %{ schema_def | type_definitions: schema_def.type_definitions ++ AshGraphql.Api.type_definitions(api, __MODULE__) } end) {:ok, %{blueprint_with_mutations | schema_definitions: new_defs}} {:error, _} -> # Something else will fail here, so we don't need to {:ok, blueprint} end end end @pipeline_modifier AshTypes end end defguard is_digit(x) when x in ?0..?0 def roll(schema) do, fn <> when is_digit(x) and is_digit(y) -> Enum.random(1..String.to_integer(<>)) <> when is_digit(x) and is_digit(y) and is_digit(z) -> Enum.random(1..String.to_integer(<>)) "adv" -> {:max, roll(["d20", "d20"])} "dis" -> {:min, roll(["d20", "d20"])} x -> x end) end end