defmodule AshGraphql.PaginateTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false require Ash.Query setup do on_exit(fn -> AshGraphql.TestHelpers.stop_ets() end) end describe "keyset pagination" do setup do letters = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] for text <- letters do post = AshGraphql.Test.Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: text, published: true) |> Ash.create!() for text <- letters do AshGraphql.Test.Comment |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: text) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:post, post, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() end end :ok end test "default_limit records are fetched" do doc = """ query KeysetPaginatedPosts { keysetPaginatedPosts(sort: [{field: TEXT, order: ASC_NULLS_LAST}]) { count startKeyset endKeyset results{ text keyset } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "keysetPaginatedPosts" => %{ "startKeyset" => start_keyset, "endKeyset" => end_keyset, "count" => 5, "results" => [ %{"text" => "a", "keyset" => keyset}, %{"text" => "b"}, %{"text" => "c"}, %{"text" => "d"}, %{"text" => "e"} ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) assert is_binary(keyset) assert is_binary(start_keyset) assert is_binary(end_keyset) end end describe "offset pagination" do setup do letters = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] for text <- letters do post = AshGraphql.Test.Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: text, published: true) |> Ash.create!() for text <- letters do AshGraphql.Test.Comment |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: text) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:post, post, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() end end :ok end test "default_limit records are fetched" do doc = """ query PaginatedPosts { paginatedPosts(sort: [{field: TEXT}]) { count results{ text } hasNextPage } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "paginatedPosts" => %{ "count" => 5, "hasNextPage" => false, "results" => [ %{"text" => "a"}, %{"text" => "b"}, %{"text" => "c"}, %{"text" => "d"}, %{"text" => "e"} ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end test "without limit all records are fetched" do doc = """ query PaginatedPostsLimitNotRequired { paginatedPostsLimitNotRequired(sort: [{field: TEXT}]) { count results{ text } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "paginatedPostsLimitNotRequired" => %{ "count" => 5, "results" => [ %{"text" => "a"}, %{"text" => "b"}, %{"text" => "c"}, %{"text" => "d"}, %{"text" => "e"} ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end test "the first can be fetched" do doc = """ query PaginatedPosts { paginatedPosts(limit: 1, sort: [{field: TEXT}]) { count results{ text } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "paginatedPosts" => %{ "count" => 5, "results" => [ %{"text" => "a"} ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end test "the count can be fetched on its own" do doc = """ query PaginatedPosts { paginatedPosts(limit: 1) { count } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "paginatedPosts" => %{ "count" => 5 } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end test "it can be paged through" do doc = """ query PaginatedPosts { paginatedPosts(limit: 2, offset: 2, sort: [{field: TEXT}]) { count results{ text } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "paginatedPosts" => %{ "count" => 5, "results" => [ %{"text" => "c"}, %{"text" => "d"} ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end test "related items can be requested while paginating" do doc = """ query PaginatedPosts { paginatedPosts(limit: 2, offset: 2, sort: [{field: TEXT}]) { count results{ text comments(sort:[{field: TEXT}]){ text } } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "paginatedPosts" => %{ "count" => 5, "results" => [ %{ "text" => "c", "comments" => [ %{"text" => "a"}, %{"text" => "b"}, %{"text" => "c"}, %{"text" => "d"}, %{"text" => "e"} ] }, %{ "text" => "d", "comments" => [ %{"text" => "a"}, %{"text" => "b"}, %{"text" => "c"}, %{"text" => "d"}, %{"text" => "e"} ] } ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end test "related items can be limited and offset while paginating" do doc = """ query PaginatedPosts { paginatedPosts(limit: 2, offset: 2, sort: [{field: TEXT}]) { count results{ text comments(limit: 2, offset: 2, sort:[{field: TEXT}]){ text } } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "paginatedPosts" => %{ "count" => 5, "results" => [ %{ "text" => "c", "comments" => [ %{"text" => "c"}, %{"text" => "d"} ] }, %{ "text" => "d", "comments" => [ %{"text" => "c"}, %{"text" => "d"} ] } ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end end describe "pagination errors" do test "required limit without explicit value" do doc = """ query PaginatedPosts { paginatedPostsWithoutLimit(sort: [{field: TEXT}]) { count results{ text } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ errors: [ %{ locations: [%{column: 3, line: 2}], message: "In argument \"limit\": Expected type \"Int!\", found null." } ] }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end end end