defmodule AshGraphql.RelayTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false require Ash.Query setup do on_exit(fn -> AshGraphql.TestHelpers.stop_ets() end) end describe "relay" do setup do letters = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] for name <- letters do tag = AshGraphql.Test.RelayTag |> Ash.Changeset.for_create( :create, name: name ) |> Ash.create!() for text <- letters do AshGraphql.Test.Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: text, published: true) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship( :relay_tags, [tag], on_no_match: :error, on_lookup: :relate_and_update ) |> Ash.create!() end end :ok end test "neither first nor last passed" do page = """ query PaginatedPosts { getRelayTags(sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } count edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "count" => 5, "pageInfo" => %{ "hasNextPage" => false, "hasPreviousPage" => false, "startCursor" => start_cursor, "endCursor" => end_cursor }, # relay returned all the records "edges" => [ %{ "cursor" => start_cursor, "node" => %{"name" => "a"} }, %{ "cursor" => _, "node" => %{"name" => "b"} }, %{ "cursor" => _, "node" => %{"name" => "c"} }, %{ "cursor" => _, "node" => %{"name" => "d"} }, %{ "cursor" => end_cursor, "node" => %{"name" => "e"} } ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end test "first page contains few records" do page = """ query PaginatedPosts { getRelayTags(first: 2, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "hasNextPage" => true, "hasPreviousPage" => false, "startCursor" => start_cursor, "endCursor" => end_cursor }, # relay returned only first 2 records "edges" => [ %{ "cursor" => start_cursor, "node" => %{"name" => "a"} }, %{ "cursor" => end_cursor, "node" => %{"name" => "b"} } ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end test "first page contains all records" do doc = """ query PaginatedPosts { getRelayTags(first: 6, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "hasNextPage" => false, "hasPreviousPage" => false, "startCursor" => start_cursor, "endCursor" => end_cursor }, # relay returned all the records "edges" => [ %{ "cursor" => start_cursor, "node" => %{"name" => "a"} }, %{ "cursor" => _, "node" => %{"name" => "b"} }, %{ "cursor" => _, "node" => %{"name" => "c"} }, %{ "cursor" => _, "node" => %{"name" => "d"} }, %{ "cursor" => end_cursor, "node" => %{"name" => "e"} } ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end test "first with starting cursor" do page = """ query PaginatedPosts($after: String) { getRelayTags(first: 2, after: $after, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ # cursor is matching "a" tag {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "startCursor" => start_cursor1 } } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "hasNextPage" => true, "hasPreviousPage" => true, "startCursor" => start_cursor2, "endCursor" => end_cursor2 }, # relay returned only first 2 records "edges" => [ %{ "cursor" => start_cursor2, "node" => %{"name" => "b"} }, %{ "cursor" => end_cursor2, "node" => %{"name" => "c"} } ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"after" => start_cursor1}) assert start_cursor1 != start_cursor2 end test "first with middle cursor" do page = """ query PaginatedPosts($after: String) { getRelayTags(first: 2, after: $after, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ # cursor is matching "b" tag {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "endCursor" => end_cursor1 } } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "hasNextPage" => true, "hasPreviousPage" => true, "startCursor" => start_cursor2, "endCursor" => end_cursor2 }, # relay returned only first 2 records "edges" => [ %{ "cursor" => start_cursor2, "node" => %{"name" => "c"} }, %{ "cursor" => end_cursor2, "node" => %{"name" => "d"} } ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"after" => end_cursor1}) assert end_cursor1 != start_cursor2 assert end_cursor1 != end_cursor2 end test "first with final cursor" do page = """ query PaginatedPosts($after: String) { getRelayTags(first: 20, after: $after, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ # cursor is matching "f" tag {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "endCursor" => end_cursor1 } } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "hasNextPage" => false, "hasPreviousPage" => true, "startCursor" => nil, "endCursor" => nil }, "edges" => [] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"after" => end_cursor1}) end test "last with starting cursor" do page1 = """ query PaginatedPosts { getRelayTags(first: 1, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ # cursor is matching "a" tag {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "startCursor" => start_cursor1 } } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) page2 = """ query PaginatedPosts($before: String) { getRelayTags(last: 2, before: $before, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "hasNextPage" => false, "hasPreviousPage" => false, "endCursor" => nil, "startCursor" => nil }, "edges" => [] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"before" => start_cursor1} ) end test "last with middle cursor" do page1 = """ query PaginatedPosts($after: String) { getRelayTags(first: 3, after: $after, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ # cursor is matching "c" tag {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "endCursor" => end_cursor1 } } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) page2 = """ query PaginatedPosts($before: String) { getRelayTags(last: 1, before: $before, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "hasNextPage" => true, "hasPreviousPage" => true, "startCursor" => start_cursor2, "endCursor" => start_cursor2 }, "edges" => [ %{ "cursor" => start_cursor2, "node" => %{"name" => "b"} } ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"before" => end_cursor1}) assert end_cursor1 != start_cursor2 end test "last with final cursor" do page1 = """ query PaginatedPosts { getRelayTags(first: 20, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ # cursor is matching "e" tag {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ "endCursor" => end_cursor1 } } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) page2 = """ query PaginatedPosts($before: String) { getRelayTags(last: 2, before: $before, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "getRelayTags" => %{ "pageInfo" => %{ # item matching 'before' cursor (== "e") is not returned # but it can be fetched using first + after + endCursor of current page "hasNextPage" => true, "hasPreviousPage" => true, "startCursor" => start_cursor2, "endCursor" => end_cursor2 }, # relay returned only last 2 records "edges" => [ %{ "cursor" => start_cursor2, "node" => %{"name" => "c"} }, %{ "cursor" => end_cursor2, "node" => %{"name" => "d"} } ] } } }} =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"before" => end_cursor1}) assert end_cursor1 != start_cursor2 assert end_cursor1 != end_cursor2 end end describe "relay errors" do test "both first and last are passed" do page = """ query PaginatedPosts { getRelayTags(last: 2, first: 10, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ assert { :ok, %{ data: %{"getRelayTags" => nil}, errors: [ %{ locations: [%{column: 3, line: 2}], message: "You can pass either `first` or `last`, not both", path: ["getRelayTags"] } ] } } =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end test "last without before cursor" do page = """ query PaginatedPosts { getRelayTags(last: 2, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ assert { :ok, %{ data: %{"getRelayTags" => nil}, errors: [ %{ locations: [%{column: 3, line: 2}], message: "You can pass `last` only with `before` cursor", path: ["getRelayTags"] } ] } } =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema) end test "wrong first/last with after/before combinations" do page = """ query PaginatedPosts($first: Int, $last: Int, $before: String, $after: String) { getRelayTags(first: $first, last: $last, before: $before, after: $after, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ assert { :ok, %{ data: %{"getRelayTags" => nil}, errors: [ %{ locations: [%{column: 3, line: 2}], message: "You can pass either `first` and `after` cursor, or `last` and `before` cursor", path: ["getRelayTags"] } ] } } =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"first" => 20, "before" => "abc"} ) assert { :ok, %{ data: %{"getRelayTags" => nil}, errors: [ %{ locations: [%{column: 3, line: 2}], message: "You can pass either `first` and `after` cursor, or `last` and `before` cursor", path: ["getRelayTags"] } ] } } =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"first" => 20, "after" => "abc", "before" => "abc"} ) assert { :ok, %{ data: %{"getRelayTags" => nil}, errors: [ %{ locations: [%{column: 3, line: 2}], message: "You can pass either `first` and `after` cursor, or `last` and `before` cursor", path: ["getRelayTags"] } ] } } =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"last" => 20, "after" => "abc"} ) assert { :ok, %{ data: %{"getRelayTags" => nil}, errors: [ %{ locations: [%{column: 3, line: 2}], message: "You can pass either `first` and `after` cursor, or `last` and `before` cursor", path: ["getRelayTags"] } ] } } =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"last" => 20, "after" => "abc", "before" => "abc"} ) end # return readable error message test "invalid after cursor" do page = """ query PaginatedPosts($after: String) { getRelayTags(first: 2, after: $after, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ assert { :ok, %{ data: %{"getRelayTags" => nil}, errors: [ %{ locations: [%{column: 3, line: 2}], message: "Invalid value provided as a keyset for after: \"abc\"", short_message: "invalid keyset", path: ["getRelayTags"] } ] } } =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"after" => "abc"}) end test "invalid before cursor" do page = """ query PaginatedPosts($before: String) { getRelayTags(last: 1, before: $before, sort: [{field: NAME}]) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor } edges{ cursor node { name } } } } """ assert { :ok, %{ data: %{"getRelayTags" => nil}, errors: [ %{ locations: [%{column: 3, line: 2}], message: "Invalid value provided as a keyset for before: \"abc\"", short_message: "invalid keyset", path: ["getRelayTags"] } ] } } =, AshGraphql.Test.Schema, variables: %{"before" => "abc"}) end end end