defmodule AshGraphql.DestroyTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false setup do on_exit(fn -> try do ETS.Set.delete(ETS.Set.wrap_existing!(AshGraphql.Test.Post)) ETS.Set.delete(ETS.Set.wrap_existing!(AshGraphql.Test.Comment)) rescue _ -> :ok end end) end test "a destroy works" do post = AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!(, text: "foobar")) resp = """ mutation DeletePost($id: ID) { deletePost(id: $id) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" => } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{data: %{"deletePost" => %{"result" => %{"text" => "foobar"}}}} = result end test "a destroy with a configured read action and no identity works" do AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!(, text: "foobar", best: true) ) resp = """ mutation DeleteBestPost { deleteBestPost { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |> assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{data: %{"deleteBestPost" => %{"result" => %{"text" => "foobar"}}}} = result end test "destroying a non-existent record returns a not found error" do resp = """ mutation DeletePost($id: ID) { deletePost(id: $id) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" => Ash.UUID.generate() } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{data: %{"deletePost" => %{"errors" => [%{"message" => "not found"}]}}} = result end end