defmodule AshGraphql.AttributeTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false setup do on_exit(fn -> Application.delete_env(:ash_graphql, AshGraphql.Test.Domain) try do AshGraphql.TestHelpers.stop_ets() rescue _ -> :ok end end) end test ":uuid arguments are mapped to ID type" do {:ok, %{data: data}} = """ query { __type(name: "SimpleCreatePostInput") { inputFields { name type { kind name ofType { kind name } } } } } """ |> author_id_field = data["__type"]["inputFields"] |> Enum.find(fn field -> field["name"] == "authorId" end) assert author_id_field["type"]["name"] == "ID" end test "nested maps with constraints create types for nested maps" do assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "__type" => %{ "fields" => [ %{ "name" => "bam", "type" => %{ "kind" => "OBJECT", "name" => "ConstrainedMapBam", "ofType" => nil } }, %{ "name" => "baz", "type" => %{"kind" => "SCALAR", "name" => "Int", "ofType" => nil} }, %{ "name" => "fooBar", "type" => %{ "kind" => "NON_NULL", "name" => nil, "ofType" => %{"kind" => "SCALAR", "name" => "String"} } } ] } } }} = """ query { __type(name: "ConstrainedMap") { fields { name type { kind name ofType { kind name } } } } } """ |> assert {:ok, %{ data: %{ "__type" => %{ "inputFields" => [ %{ "name" => "bam", "type" => %{ "kind" => "INPUT_OBJECT", "name" => "ConstrainedMapBamInput", "ofType" => nil } }, %{ "name" => "baz", "type" => %{"kind" => "SCALAR", "name" => "Int", "ofType" => nil} }, %{ "name" => "fooBar", "type" => %{ "kind" => "NON_NULL", "name" => nil, "ofType" => %{"kind" => "SCALAR", "name" => "String"} } } ] } } }} = """ query { __type(name: "ConstrainedMapInput") { inputFields { name type { kind name ofType { kind name } } } } } """ |> end end