defmodule AshGraphql.RelayIdsTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false alias AshGraphql.Test.RelayIds.{Post, ResourceWithNoPrimaryKeyGet, Schema, User} setup do on_exit(fn -> AshGraphql.TestHelpers.stop_ets() end) end describe "relay global ID" do test "can be used in get queries and is exposed correctly in relationships" do user = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "fred"}) |> Ash.create!() post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create( :create, %{ author_id:, text: "foo" } ) |> Ash.create!() user_relay_id = AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id(user) post_relay_id = AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id(post) resp = """ query GetPost($id: ID!) { getPost(id: $id) { text author { id name } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" => post_relay_id } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "getPost" => %{ "text" => "foo", "author" => %{"id" => ^user_relay_id, "name" => "fred"} } } } = result end test "returns error on invalid ID" do resp = """ query GetPost($id: ID!) { getPost(id: $id) { text } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" => "invalid" } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert [%{message: "invalid primary key provided"}] = result[:errors] end test "returns error on ID for wrong resource" do user = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "fred"}) |> Ash.create!() user_relay_id = AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id(user) resp = """ query GetPost($id: ID!) { getPost(id: $id) { text } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" => user_relay_id } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert [%{message: "invalid primary key provided"}] = result[:errors] end end describe "node interface and query" do test "allows retrieving resources" do user = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "fred"}) |> Ash.create!() post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create( :create, %{ author_id:, text: "foo" } ) |> Ash.create!() user_relay_id = AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id(user) post_relay_id = AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id(post) document = """ query Node($id: ID!) { node(id: $id) { __typename ... on User { name } ... on Post { text } } } """ resp = document |>, variables: %{ "id" => post_relay_id } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "node" => %{ "__typename" => "Post", "text" => "foo" } } } = result resp = document |>, variables: %{ "id" => user_relay_id } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "node" => %{ "__typename" => "User", "name" => "fred" } } } = result end test "return an error for resources without a primary key get" do resource = ResourceWithNoPrimaryKeyGet |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "foo"}) |> Ash.create!() document = """ query Node($id: ID!) { node(id: $id) { __typename ... on ResourceWithNoPrimaryKeyGet{ name } } } """ resource_relay_id = AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id(resource) resp = document |>, variables: %{ "id" => resource_relay_id } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert result[:errors] != nil end end describe "relay ID decoding" do test "round trips" do user = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "Fred"}) |> Ash.create!() user_id = user_type = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(User) user_relay_id = AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id(user) assert {:ok, %{type: ^user_type, id: ^user_id}} = AshGraphql.Resource.decode_relay_id(user_relay_id) end test "fails for invalid ids" do assert {:error, %Ash.Error.Invalid.InvalidPrimaryKey{}} = AshGraphql.Resource.decode_relay_id("notbase64") assert {:error, %Ash.Error.Invalid.InvalidPrimaryKey{}} = "non-existing-type:1234" |> Base.encode64() |> AshGraphql.Resource.decode_relay_id() assert {:error, %Ash.Error.Invalid.InvalidPrimaryKey{}} = "user" |> Base.encode64() |> AshGraphql.Resource.decode_relay_id() end end describe "relay ID translation" do test "works with create mutations" do author_id = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "Fred"}) |> Ash.create!() |> AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id() resp = """ mutation SimpleCreatePost($input: SimpleCreatePostInput) { simpleCreatePost(input: $input) { result { text author { id } } errors { message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foo", "author_id" => author_id } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "simpleCreatePost" => %{ "result" => %{ "text" => "foo", "author" => %{ "id" => ^author_id } } } } } = result end test "works in update mutations" do author_id = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "Fred"}) |> Ash.create!() |> AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id() post_id = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "foo"}) |> Ash.create!() |> AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id() resp = """ mutation AssignAuthor($id: ID!, $input: AssignAuthorInput) { assignAuthor(id: $id, input: $input) { result { text author { id } } errors { message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" => post_id, "input" => %{ "author_id" => author_id } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "assignAuthor" => %{ "result" => %{ "author" => %{ "id" => ^author_id } } } } } = result end test "works with lists" do author_id = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "Fred"}) |> Ash.create!() |> AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id() post_ids =, fn i -> Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "foo #{i}"}) |> Ash.create!() |> AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id() end) resp = """ mutation AssignPosts($id: ID!, $input: AssignPostsInput) { assignPosts(id: $id, input: $input) { result { posts { id } } errors { message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" => author_id, "input" => %{ "post_ids" => post_ids } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "assignPosts" => %{ "result" => %{ "posts" => posts } } } } = result assert length(posts) == 5 Enum.each(posts, fn post -> assert post["id"] in post_ids end) end test "rejects invalid IDs" do author_id = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "Fred"}) |> Ash.create!() |> AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id() post_ids =, fn i -> Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "foo #{i}"}) |> Ash.create!() |> AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id() end) post_ids = ["invalid_id" | post_ids] resp = """ mutation AssignPosts($id: ID!, $input: AssignPostsInput) { assignPosts(id: $id, input: $input) { result { posts { id } } errors { fields message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" => author_id, "input" => %{ "post_ids" => post_ids } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{ data: %{ "assignPosts" => %{ "result" => nil, "errors" => [ %{ "fields" => ["post_ids"], "message" => "is invalid" } ] } } } = result end test "rejects IDs for another type" do author_id = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "Fred"}) |> Ash.create!() |> AshGraphql.Resource.encode_relay_id() post_ids = [author_id] resp = """ mutation AssignPosts($id: ID!, $input: AssignPostsInput) { assignPosts(id: $id, input: $input) { result { posts { id } } errors { fields message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "id" => author_id, "input" => %{ "post_ids" => post_ids } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{ data: %{ "assignPosts" => %{ "result" => nil, "errors" => [ %{ "fields" => ["post_ids"], "message" => "is invalid" } ] } } } = result end end end