defmodule AshGraphql.Resource do alias Ash.Changeset.ManagedRelationshipHelpers alias Ash.Query.Aggregate alias AshGraphql.Resource alias AshGraphql.Resource.{ManagedRelationship, Mutation, Query} @get %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :get, args: [:name, :action], describe: "A query to fetch a record by primary key", examples: [ "get :get_post, :read" ], schema: Query.get_schema(), target: Query, auto_set_fields: [ type: :get ] } @read_one %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :read_one, args: [:name, :action], describe: "A query to fetch a record", examples: [ "read_one :current_user, :current_user" ], schema: Query.read_one_schema(), target: Query, auto_set_fields: [ type: :read_one ] } @list %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :list, schema: Query.list_schema(), args: [:name, :action], describe: "A query to fetch a list of records", examples: [ "list :list_posts, :read", "list :list_posts_paginated, :read, relay?: true" ], target: Query, auto_set_fields: [ type: :list ] } @create %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :create, schema: Mutation.create_schema(), args: [:name, :action], describe: "A mutation to create a record", examples: [ "create :create_post, :create" ], target: Mutation, auto_set_fields: [ type: :create ] } @update %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :update, schema: Mutation.update_schema(), args: [:name, :action], describe: "A mutation to update a record", examples: [ "update :update_post, :update" ], target: Mutation, auto_set_fields: [ type: :update ] } @destroy %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :destroy, schema: Mutation.destroy_schema(), args: [:name, :action], describe: "A mutation to destroy a record", examples: [ "destroy :destroy_post, :destroy" ], target: Mutation, auto_set_fields: [ type: :destroy ] } @queries %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :queries, describe: """ Queries (read actions) to expose for the resource. """, examples: [ """ queries do get :get_post, :read read_one :current_user, :current_user list :list_posts, :read end """ ], entities: [ @get, @read_one, @list ] } @managed_relationship %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :managed_relationship, schema: ManagedRelationship.schema(), args: [:action, :argument], target: ManagedRelationship, describe: """ Instructs ash_graphql that a given argument with a `manage_relationship` change should have its input objects derived automatically from the potential actions to be called. For example, given an action like: ```elixir actions do create :create do argument :comments, {:array, :map} change manage_relationship(:comments, type: :direct_control) # <- we look for this change with a matching argument name end end ``` You could add the following managed_relationship ```elixir graphql do ... managed_relationships do managed_relationship :create, :comments end end ``` By default, the `{:array, :map}` would simply be a `json[]` type. If the argument name is placed in this list, all of the potential actions that could be called will be combined into a single input object. If there are type conflicts (for example, if the input could create or update a record, and the create and update actions have an argument of the same name but with a different type), a warning is emitted at compile time and the first one is used. If that is insufficient, you will need to do one of the following: 1.) provide the `:types` option to the `managed_relationship` constructor (see that option for more) 2.) define a custom type, with a custom input object (see the custom types guide), and use that custom type instead of `:map` 3.) change your actions to not have overlapping inputs with different types """ } @managed_relationships %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :managed_relationships, describe: """ Generates input objects for `manage_relationship` arguments on resource actions. """, examples: [ """ managed_relationships do manage_relationship :create_post, :comments end """ ], entities: [ @managed_relationship ] } @mutations %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :mutations, describe: """ Mutations (create/update/destroy actions) to expose for the resource. """, examples: [ """ mutations do create :create_post, :create update :update_post, :update destroy :destroy_post, :destroy end """ ], entities: [ @create, @update, @destroy ] } @graphql %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :graphql, imports: [AshGraphql.Resource.Helpers], describe: """ Configuration for a given resource in graphql """, examples: [ """ graphql do type :post queries do get :get_post, :read list :list_posts, :read end mutations do create :create_post, :create update :update_post, :update destroy :destroy_post, :destroy end end """ ], schema: [ type: [ type: :atom, required: true, doc: "The type to use for this entity in the graphql schema" ], derive_filter?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, doc: """ Set to false to disable the automatic generation of a filter input for read actions. """ ], derive_sort?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, doc: """ Set to false to disable the automatic generation of a sort input for read actions. """ ], encode_primary_key?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, doc: "For resources with composite primary keys, or primary keys not called `:id`, this will cause the id to be encoded as a single `id` attribute, both in the representation of the resource and in get requests" ], relationships: [ type: {:list, :atom}, required: false, doc: "A list of relationships to include on the created type. Defaults to all public relationships where the destination defines a graphql type." ], field_names: [ type: :keyword_list, doc: "A keyword list of name overrides for attributes." ], argument_names: [ type: :keyword_list, doc: "A nested keyword list of action names, to argument name remappings. i.e `create: [arg_name: :new_name]`" ], keyset_field: [ type: :atom, doc: """ If set, the keyset will be displayed on all read actions in this field. It will always be `nil` unless at least one of the read actions on a resource uses keyset pagination. It will also be nil on any mutation results. """ ], attribute_types: [ type: :keyword_list, doc: "A keyword list of type overrides for attributes. The type overrides should refer to types available in the graphql (absinthe) schema. `list_of/1` and `non_null/1` helpers can be used." ], attribute_input_types: [ type: :keyword_list, doc: "A keyword list of input type overrides for attributes. The type overrides should refer to types available in the graphql (absinthe) schema. `list_of/1` and `non_null/1` helpers can be used." ], primary_key_delimiter: [ type: :string, doc: "If a composite primary key exists, this must be set to determine the `id` field value" ], depth_limit: [ type: :integer, doc: """ A simple way to prevent massive queries. """ ], generate_object?: [ type: :boolean, doc: "Whether or not to create the GraphQL object, this allows you to manually create the GraphQL object.", default: true ] ], sections: [ @queries, @mutations, @managed_relationships ] } @transformers [ AshGraphql.Resource.Transformers.RequirePkeyDelimiter, AshGraphql.Resource.Transformers.RequireKeysetForRelayQueries, AshGraphql.Resource.Transformers.ValidateActions, AshGraphql.Resource.Transformers.ValidateCompatibleNames, AshGraphql.Resource.Transformers.AddUnionTypeResolvers ] @verifiers [ AshGraphql.Resource.Verifiers.VerifyQueryMetadata ] @sections [@graphql] @moduledoc """ This Ash resource extension adds configuration for exposing a resource in a graphql. ## DSL Documentation ### Index #{Spark.Dsl.Extension.doc_index(@sections)} ### Docs #{Spark.Dsl.Extension.doc(@sections)} """ use Spark.Dsl.Extension, sections: @sections, transformers: @transformers, verifiers: @verifiers @deprecated "See `AshGraphql.Resource.Info.queries/1`" defdelegate queries(resource), to: AshGraphql.Resource.Info @deprecated "See `AshGraphql.Resource.Info.mutations/1`" defdelegate mutations(resource), to: AshGraphql.Resource.Info @deprecated "See `AshGraphql.Resource.Info.managed_relationships/1`" defdelegate managed_relationships(resource), to: AshGraphql.Resource.Info @deprecated "See `AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type/1`" defdelegate type(resource), to: AshGraphql.Resource.Info @deprecated "See `AshGraphql.Resource.Info.primary_key_delimiter/1`" defdelegate primary_key_delimiter(resource), to: AshGraphql.Resource.Info @deprecated "See `AshGraphql.Resource.Info.generate_object?/1`" defdelegate generate_object?(resource), to: AshGraphql.Resource.Info def ref(env) do %{module: __MODULE__, location: %{file: env.file, line: env.line}} end def encode_primary_key(%resource{} = record) do case Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key(resource) do [field] -> Map.get(record, field) keys -> delimiter = primary_key_delimiter(resource) [_ | concatenated_keys] = keys |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.reduce([], fn key, acc -> [delimiter, to_string(Map.get(record, key)), acc] end) IO.iodata_to_binary(concatenated_keys) end end def decode_primary_key(resource, value) do case Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key(resource) do [field] -> {:ok, [{field, value}]} fields -> delimiter = primary_key_delimiter(resource) parts = String.split(value, delimiter) if Enum.count(parts) == Enum.count(fields) do {:ok,, parts)} else {:error, "Invalid primary key"} end end end @doc false def queries(api, resource, action_middleware, schema, as_mutations? \\ false) do type = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) if type do resource |> queries() |> Enum.filter(&(&1.as_mutation? == as_mutations?)) |> query -> query_action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, query.action) || raise "No such action #{query.action} on #{resource}" %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ arguments: args(query.type, resource, query_action, schema, query.identity), identifier:, middleware: action_middleware ++ [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :resolve}, {api, resource, query}} ], complexity: {AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :query_complexity}, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: query_type(query, resource, query_action, type), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) else [] end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] @doc false def mutations(api, resource, action_middleware, schema) do resource |> mutations() |> %{type: :destroy} = mutation -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, mutation.action) || raise "No such action #{mutation.action} for #{inspect(resource)}" if action.soft? do update_mutation(resource, schema, mutation, schema, action_middleware, api) else %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ arguments: mutation_args(mutation, resource, schema), identifier:, middleware: action_middleware ++ [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :mutate}, {api, resource, mutation}} ], module: schema, name: to_string(, type: String.to_atom("#{}_result"), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end %{type: :create} = mutation -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, mutation.action) || raise "No such action #{mutation.action} for #{inspect(resource)}" args = case mutation_fields( resource, schema, action, mutation.type ) do [] -> [] _ -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ identifier: :input, module: schema, name: "input", placement: :argument_definition, type: String.to_atom("#{}_input") } ] end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ arguments: args, identifier:, middleware: action_middleware ++ [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :mutate}, {api, resource, mutation}} ], module: schema, name: to_string(, type: String.to_atom("#{}_result"), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } mutation -> update_mutation(resource, schema, mutation, schema, action_middleware, api) end) |> Enum.concat(queries(api, resource, action_middleware, schema, true)) end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp update_mutation(resource, schema, mutation, schema, action_middleware, api) do action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, mutation.action) || raise "No such action #{mutation.action} for #{inspect(resource)}" args = case mutation_fields( resource, schema, action, mutation.type ) do [] -> mutation_args(mutation, resource, schema) _ -> mutation_args(mutation, resource, schema) ++ [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ identifier: :input, module: schema, name: "input", placement: :argument_definition, type: String.to_atom("#{}_input"), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ arguments: args, identifier:, middleware: action_middleware ++ [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :mutate}, {api, resource, mutation}} ], module: schema, name: to_string(, type: String.to_atom("#{}_result"), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end defp mutation_args(%{identity: false} = mutation, resource, schema) do mutation_read_args(mutation, resource, schema) end defp mutation_args(%{identity: identity} = mutation, resource, schema) when not is_nil(identity) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.identities() |> Enum.find(&(& == identity)) |> Map.get(:keys) |> key -> attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, key) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: to_string(key), identifier: key, type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type(attribute.type, attribute, resource) }, description: attribute.description || "", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) |> Enum.concat(mutation_read_args(mutation, resource, schema)) end defp mutation_args(mutation, resource, schema) do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ identifier: :id, module: schema, name: "id", placement: :argument_definition, type: :id, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } | mutation_read_args(mutation, resource, schema) ] end defp mutation_read_args(%{read_action: read_action}, resource, schema) do read_action = cond do is_nil(read_action) -> Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(resource, :read) is_atom(read_action) -> Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, read_action) true -> read_action end read_action.arguments |> Enum.reject(& &1.private?) |> argument -> type = argument.type |> field_type(argument, resource, true) |> maybe_wrap_non_null(argument_required?(argument)) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end @doc false # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] def mutation_types(resource, schema) do resource |> mutations() |> Enum.flat_map(fn mutation -> mutation = %{ mutation | action: Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, mutation.action) || raise("No such action #{mutation.action} for #{inspect(resource)}") } description = if mutation.type == :destroy do "The record that was successfully deleted" else "The successful result of the mutation" end fields = [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: description, identifier: :result, module: schema, name: "result", type: AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "Any errors generated, if the mutation failed", identifier: :errors, module: schema, name: "errors", type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: :mutation_error }, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] metadata_object_type = metadata_field(resource, mutation, schema) fields = if metadata_object_type do fields ++ [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "Metadata produced by the mutation", identifier: :metadata, module: schema, name: "metadata", type: metadata_object_type.identifier, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] else fields end result = %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ description: "The result of the #{inspect(} mutation", fields: fields, identifier: String.to_atom("#{}_result"), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize("#{}_result"), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } case mutation_fields( resource, schema, mutation.action, mutation.type ) do [] -> [result] ++ List.wrap(metadata_object_type) fields -> input = %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ fields: fields, identifier: String.to_atom("#{}_input"), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize("#{}_input"), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } [input, result] ++ List.wrap(metadata_object_type) end end) end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp metadata_field(resource, mutation, schema) do metadata_fields = Map.get(mutation.action, :metadata, []) |> metadata -> field_type = metadata.type |> field_type(metadata, resource) |> maybe_wrap_non_null(not metadata.allow_nil?) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: metadata.description, identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) if !Enum.empty?(metadata_fields) do name = "#{}_metadata" %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ fields: metadata_fields, identifier: String.to_atom(name), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize(name), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end end @doc false # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] def embedded_type_input(source_resource, attribute, resource, schema) do attribute = %{ attribute | constraints: Ash.Type.NewType.constraints(resource, attribute.constraints) } resource = Ash.Type.NewType.subtype_of(resource) create_action = case attribute.constraints[:create_action] do nil -> Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(resource, :create) name -> Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, name) end update_action = case attribute.constraints[:update_action] do nil -> Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(resource, :update) name -> Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, name) end fields = mutation_fields(resource, schema, create_action, :create) ++ mutation_fields(resource, schema, update_action, :update) fields = fields |> Enum.group_by(& &1.identifier) # We only want one field per id. Right now we just take the first one # If there are overlaps, and the field isn't `NonNull` in *all* cases, then # we pick one and mark it explicitly as nullable (we unwrap the `NonNull`) |> {_id, fields} -> if Enum.all?( fields, &match?(%Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{}, &1.type) ) do, 0) else fields |> |> case do %{type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{of_type: type}} = field -> %{field | type: type} field -> field end end end) name = "#{AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(source_resource)}_#{}_input" %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ fields: fields, identifier: String.to_atom(name), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize(name), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end defp mutation_fields(resource, schema, action, type) do managed_relationships = Enum.filter( AshGraphql.Resource.Info.managed_relationships(resource), &(&1.action == ) field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) argument_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.argument_names(resource) attribute_fields = if action.type == :destroy && !action.soft? do [] else resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.filter(fn attribute -> (is_nil(action.accept) || in action.accept) && attribute.writable? end) |> attribute -> allow_nil? = attribute.allow_nil? || attribute.default != nil || type == :update || attribute.generated? || (type == :create && in action.allow_nil_input) explicitly_required = in action.require_attributes field_type = attribute.type |> field_type(attribute, resource, true) |> maybe_wrap_non_null(explicitly_required || not allow_nil?) name = field_names[] || %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: attribute.description, identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(name), type: field_type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end argument_fields = action.arguments |> Enum.reject(& &1.private?) |> argument -> name = argument_names[][] || case find_manage_change(argument, action, managed_relationships) do nil -> type = argument.type |> field_type(argument, resource, true) |> maybe_wrap_non_null(argument_required?(argument)) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: name, module: schema, name: to_string(name), type: type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } _manage_opts -> managed = Enum.find(managed_relationships, &(&1.argument == type = if managed.type_name do managed.type_name else default_managed_type_name(resource, action, argument) end type = wrap_arrays(argument.type, type, argument.constraints) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(name), type: maybe_wrap_non_null(type, argument_required?(argument)), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end end) attribute_fields ++ argument_fields end defp wrap_arrays({:array, arg_type}, type, constraints) do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: maybe_wrap_non_null( wrap_arrays(arg_type, type, constraints[:items] || []), !constraints[:nil_items?] || Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) ) } end defp wrap_arrays(_, type, _), do: type type_name_template = Application.compile_env( :ash_graphql, :default_managed_relationship_type_name_template, :action_type ) case type_name_template do :action_type -> # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp default_managed_type_name(resource, action, argument) do type_name = String.to_atom( to_string(action.type) <> "_" <> to_string(AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource)) <> "_" <> to_string( <> "_input" ) IO.warn(""" #{inspect(resource)}: Type Name Error in `managed_relationship :#{}, #{}`. Type names for managed_relationships have been updated, but for backwards compatibility must be explicitly opted into. These type names are better because the old ones are based off of the action type, not the action name, and therefore could produce clashes in their type names. To resolve this warning, do the following things: 1) If you want to keep the current type name, set an explicit type name for this and any other affected `managed_relationship`. Here is an example of the specific `managed_relationship` with the fix applied: managed_relationship :#{}, #{} do type_name :#{type_name} # <- add this line end 2) Once you have done the above (or skipped it because you don't care about the type names), you can set the following configuration: config :ash_graphql, :default_managed_relationship_type_name_template, :action_name """) type_name end :action_name -> # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp default_managed_type_name(_resource, action, argument) do String.to_atom( to_string( <> "_" <> to_string( <> "_input" ) end end defp find_manage_change(argument, action, managed_relationships) do if in, & &1.argument) do Enum.find_value(action.changes, fn %{change: {Ash.Resource.Change.ManageRelationship, opts}} -> opts[:argument] == && opts _ -> nil end) end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp query_type(%{type: :list, relay?: relay?} = query, _resource, action, type) do type = query.type_name || type if action.pagination do cond do relay? -> String.to_atom("#{type}_connection") action.pagination.keyset? -> String.to_atom("keyset_page_of_#{type}") true -> String.to_atom("page_of_#{type}") end else %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type } } } end end defp query_type(query, _resource, _action, type) do type = query.type_name || type maybe_wrap_non_null(type, not query.allow_nil?) end defp maybe_wrap_non_null({:non_null, type}, true) do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type } end defp maybe_wrap_non_null(type, true) do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type } end defp maybe_wrap_non_null(type, _), do: type defp get_fields(resource) do if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.encode_primary_key?(resource) do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "id", identifier: :id, type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{of_type: :id}, description: "The id of the record", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] else resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key() |> key -> attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, key) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: to_string(key), identifier: key, type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type(attribute.type, attribute, resource, true) }, description: attribute.description || "", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end end defp args(action_type, resource, action, schema, identity \\ nil) defp args(:get, resource, action, schema, nil) do get_fields(resource) ++ read_args(resource, action, schema) end defp args(:get, resource, action, schema, identity) do if identity do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.identities() |> Enum.find(&(& == identity)) |> Map.get(:keys) |> key -> attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, key) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: to_string(key), identifier: key, type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type(attribute.type, attribute, resource, true) }, description: attribute.description || "", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) else [] end |> Enum.concat(read_args(resource, action, schema)) end defp args(:read_one, resource, action, schema, _) do args = if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.derive_filter?(resource) do case resource_filter_fields(resource, schema) do [] -> [] _ -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "filter", identifier: :filter, type: resource_filter_type(resource), description: "A filter to limit the results", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end else [] end args ++ read_args(resource, action, schema) end defp args(:list, resource, action, schema, _) do args = if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.derive_filter?(resource) do case resource_filter_fields(resource, schema) do [] -> [] _ -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "filter", identifier: :filter, type: resource_filter_type(resource), description: "A filter to limit the results", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end else [] end args = if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.derive_sort?(resource) do case sort_values(resource) do [] -> args _ -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "sort", identifier: :sort, type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: resource_sort_type(resource) }, description: "How to sort the records in the response", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } | args ] end else args end args ++ pagination_args(action) ++ read_args(resource, action, schema) end defp args(:list_related, resource, action, schema, identity) do args(:list, resource, action, schema, identity) ++ [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "limit", identifier: :limit, type: :integer, description: "The number of records to return.", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "offset", identifier: :offset, type: :integer, description: "The number of records to skip.", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end defp args(:one_related, resource, action, schema, _identity) do read_args(resource, action, schema) end defp read_args(resource, action, schema) do action.arguments |> Enum.reject(& &1.private?) |> argument -> type = argument.type |> field_type(argument, resource, true) |> maybe_wrap_non_null(argument_required?(argument)) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end defp pagination_args(action) do if action.pagination do if action.pagination.keyset? do keyset_pagination_args(action) else offset_pagination_args(action) end else [] end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp resource_sort_type(resource) do String.to_atom(to_string(AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource)) <> "_sort_input") end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp resource_filter_type(resource) do String.to_atom(to_string(AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource)) <> "_filter_input") end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp attribute_filter_field_type(resource, attribute) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) String.to_atom( to_string(AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource)) <> "_filter_" <> to_string(field_names[] || ) end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp calculation_filter_field_type(resource, calculation) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) String.to_atom( to_string(AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource)) <> "_filter_" <> to_string(field_names[] || ) end defp keyset_pagination_args(action) do if action.pagination.keyset? do max_message = if action.pagination.max_page_size do " Maximum #{action.pagination.max_page_size}" else "" end [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "first", identifier: :first, type: :integer, description: "The number of records to return from the beginning." <> max_message, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "before", identifier: :before, type: :string, description: "Show records before the specified keyset.", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "after", identifier: :after, type: :string, description: "Show records after the specified keyset.", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "last", identifier: :last, type: :integer, description: "The number of records to return to the end." <> max_message, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] else [] end end defp offset_pagination_args(action) do if action.pagination.offset? do max_message = if action.pagination.max_page_size do " Maximum #{action.pagination.max_page_size}" else "" end limit_type = maybe_wrap_non_null( :integer, action.pagination.required? && is_nil(action.pagination.default_limit) ) [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "limit", identifier: :limit, type: limit_type, default_value: action.pagination.default_limit, description: "The number of records to return." <> max_message, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "offset", identifier: :offset, type: :integer, description: "The number of records to skip.", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] else [] end end @doc false def type_definitions(resource, api, schema) do List.wrap(calculation_input(resource, schema)) ++ List.wrap(type_definition(resource, api, schema)) ++ List.wrap(query_type_definitions(resource, api, schema)) ++ List.wrap(sort_input(resource, schema)) ++ List.wrap(filter_input(resource, schema)) ++ filter_field_types(resource, schema) ++ List.wrap(page_of(resource, schema)) ++ List.wrap(relay_page(resource, schema)) ++ List.wrap(keyset_page_of(resource, schema)) ++ enum_definitions(resource, schema, __ENV__) ++ union_definitions(resource, schema, __ENV__) ++ managed_relationship_definitions(resource, schema) end def no_graphql_types(resource, schema) do enum_definitions(resource, schema, __ENV__, true) ++ union_definitions(resource, schema, __ENV__) ++ managed_relationship_definitions(resource, schema) end defp managed_relationship_definitions(resource, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.actions() |> Enum.flat_map(fn action -> resource |> AshGraphql.Resource.Info.managed_relationships() |> Enum.filter(&(&1.action == |> managed_relationship -> argument = Enum.find(action.arguments, &(& == managed_relationship.argument)) || raise """ No such argument #{managed_relationship.argument}, in `managed_relationship` """ opts = find_manage_change(argument, action, [managed_relationship]) || raise """ There is no corresponding `change manage_change(...)` for the given argument and action combination. """ managed_relationship_input( resource, action, opts, argument, managed_relationship, schema ) end) end) end defp managed_relationship_input(resource, action, opts, argument, managed_relationship, schema) do relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, opts[:relationship]) || raise """ No relationship found when building managed relationship input: #{opts[:relationship]} """ manage_opts_schema = if opts[:opts][:type] do defaults = Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship_opts(opts[:opts][:type]) Enum.reduce(defaults, Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship_schema(), fn {key, value}, manage_opts -> Spark.OptionsHelpers.set_default!(manage_opts, key, value) end) else Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship_schema() end manage_opts = Spark.OptionsHelpers.validate!(opts[:opts], manage_opts_schema) fields = on_match_fields(manage_opts, relationship, schema) ++ on_no_match_fields(manage_opts, relationship, schema) ++ on_lookup_fields(manage_opts, relationship, schema) ++ manage_pkey_fields(manage_opts, managed_relationship, relationship, schema) type = managed_relationship.type_name || default_managed_type_name(resource, action, argument) fields = check_for_conflicts!(fields, managed_relationship, resource) if Enum.empty?(fields) do raise """ Input object for managed relationship #{} on #{inspect(relationship.source)}#{} would have no fields. This typically means that you are missing the `lookup_with_primary_key?` option or the `lookup_identities` option on the configured managed_relationship DSL. For example, calls to `manage_relationship` that only look things up and accept no modifications (like `type: :accept`), they will have no fields because we don't assume the primary key or specific identities should be included in the input object. """ end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ identifier: type, fields: fields, module: schema, name: type |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end defp check_for_conflicts!(fields, managed_relationship, resource) do {ok, errors} = fields |> {resource, action, field} -> %{field: field, source: %{resource: resource, action: action}} end) |> Enum.group_by(& &1.field.identifier) |> {identifier, data} -> case Keyword.fetch(managed_relationship.types || [], identifier) do {:ok, nil} -> nil {:ok, type} -> type = unwrap_literal_type(type) {:ok, %{, 0).field | type: type}} :error -> get_conflicts(data) end end) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) |> Enum.split_with(&match?({:ok, _}, &1)) unless Enum.empty?(errors) do raise_conflicts!(, &elem(&1, 1)), managed_relationship, resource) end, &elem(&1, 1)) end defp raise_conflicts!(conflicts, managed_relationship, resource) do raise """ #{inspect(resource)}: #{managed_relationship.action}.#{managed_relationship.argument} Error while deriving managed relationship input object type: type conflict. Because multiple actions could be called, and those actions may have different derived types, you will need to override the graphql schema to specify the type for the following fields. This can be done by specifying the `types` option on your `managed_relationship` inside of the `managed_relationships` in your resource's `graphql` configuration. #{Enum.map_join(conflicts, "\n\n", &conflict_message(&1, managed_relationship))} """ end defp conflict_message( {_reducing_type, _type, [%{field: %{name: name}} | _] = fields}, managed_relationship ) do formatted_types = fields |> %{source: %{action: :__primary_key}} = field -> "#{inspect(format_type(field.field.type))} - from #{inspect(field.source.resource)}'s lookup by primary key" %{source: %{action: {:identity, identity}}} = field -> "#{inspect(format_type(field.field.type))} - from #{inspect(field.source.resource)}'s identity: #{identity}" field -> "#{inspect(format_type(field.field.type))} - from #{inspect(field.source.resource)}.#{field.source.action}" end) |> Enum.uniq() """ Possible types for #{managed_relationship.action}.#{managed_relationship.argument}.#{name}: #{, &" * #{&1}\n")} """ end defp unwrap_literal_type({:non_null, {:non_null, type}}) do unwrap_literal_type({:non_null, type}) end defp unwrap_literal_type({:array, {:array, type}}) do unwrap_literal_type({:array, type}) end defp unwrap_literal_type({:non_null, type}) do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{of_type: unwrap_literal_type(type)} end defp unwrap_literal_type({:array, type}) do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{of_type: unwrap_literal_type(type)} end defp unwrap_literal_type(type) do type end defp format_type(%Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{of_type: type}) do {:non_null, format_type(type)} end defp format_type(%Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{of_type: type}) do {:array, format_type(type)} end defp format_type(type) do type end defp get_conflicts([field]) do {:ok, field.field} end defp get_conflicts([field | _] = fields) do case reduce_types(fields) do {:ok, res} -> {:ok, %{field.field | type: res}} {:error, {reducing_type, type}} -> {:error, {reducing_type, type, fields}} end end defp reduce_types(fields) do Enum.reduce_while(fields, {:ok, nil}, fn field, {:ok, type} -> if type do case match_types(type, field.field.type) do {:ok, value} -> {:cont, {:ok, value}} :error -> {:halt, {:error, {type, field.field.type}}} end else {:cont, {:ok, field.field.type}} end end) end defp match_types( %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type }, type ) do {:ok, type} end defp match_types( type, %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type } ) do {:ok, type} end defp match_types( type, type ) do {:ok, type} end defp match_types(_, _) do :error end defp on_lookup_fields(opts, relationship, schema) do case ManagedRelationshipHelpers.on_lookup_update_action(opts, relationship) do {:destination, nil} -> [] {:destination, action} -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(relationship.destination, action) relationship.destination |> mutation_fields(schema, action, action.type) |> field -> {relationship.destination,, field} end) {:source, nil} -> [] {:source, action} -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(relationship.source, action) relationship.source |> mutation_fields(schema, action, action.type) |> field -> {relationship.source,, field} end) {:join, nil, _} -> [] {:join, action, fields} -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(relationship.through, action) if fields == :all do mutation_fields(relationship.through, schema, action, action.type) else relationship.through |> mutation_fields(schema, action, action.type) |> Enum.filter(&(&1.identifier in fields)) end |> field -> {relationship.through,, field} end) nil -> [] end end defp on_match_fields(opts, relationship, schema) do opts |> ManagedRelationshipHelpers.on_match_destination_actions(relationship) |> List.wrap() |> Enum.flat_map(fn {:destination, nil} -> [] {:destination, action_name} -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(relationship.destination, action_name) relationship.destination |> mutation_fields(schema, action, action.type) |> field -> {relationship.destination,, field} end) {:join, nil, _} -> [] {:join, action_name, fields} -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(relationship.through, action_name) if fields == :all do mutation_fields(relationship.through, schema, action, action.type) else relationship.through |> mutation_fields(schema, action, action.type) |> Enum.filter(&(&1.identifier in fields)) end |> field -> {relationship.through,, field} end) end) end defp on_no_match_fields(opts, relationship, schema) do opts |> ManagedRelationshipHelpers.on_no_match_destination_actions(relationship) |> List.wrap() |> Enum.flat_map(fn {:destination, nil} -> [] {:destination, action_name} -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(relationship.destination, action_name) relationship.destination |> mutation_fields(schema, action, action.type) |> field -> {relationship.destination,, field} end) {:join, nil, _} -> [] {:join, action_name, fields} -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(relationship.through, action_name) if fields == :all do mutation_fields(relationship.through, schema, action, action.type) else relationship.through |> mutation_fields(schema, action, action.type) |> Enum.filter(&(&1.identifier in fields)) end |> field -> {relationship.through,, field} end) end) end defp manage_pkey_fields(opts, managed_relationship, relationship, schema) do resource = relationship.destination could_lookup? = ManagedRelationshipHelpers.could_lookup?(opts) could_match? = ManagedRelationshipHelpers.could_update?(opts) needs_pkey? = opts[:on_no_match] == :match if could_lookup? || (could_match? && needs_pkey?) do pkey_fields = if managed_relationship.lookup_with_primary_key? do resource |> pkey_fields(schema, false) |> field -> {resource, :__primary_key, field} end) else [] end resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.identities() |> Enum.filter(fn identity -> is_nil(managed_relationship.lookup_identities) || in managed_relationship.lookup_identities end) |> Enum.flat_map(fn identity -> identity |> Map.get(:keys) |> key -> {, key} end) end) |> Enum.uniq_by(&elem(&1, 1)) |> {identity_name, key} -> attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, key) field = %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: to_string(key), identifier: key, type: field_type(attribute.type, attribute, resource), description: attribute.description || "", __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } {resource, {:identity, identity_name}, field} end) |> Enum.concat(pkey_fields) else [] end end defp filter_field_types(resource, schema) do filter_attribute_types(resource, schema) ++ filter_aggregate_types(resource, schema) end defp filter_attribute_types(resource, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.filter(&filterable?(&1, resource)) |> Enum.flat_map(&filter_type(&1, resource, schema)) end defp filter_aggregate_types(resource, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_aggregates() |> Enum.filter(&filterable?(&1, resource)) |> Enum.flat_map(&filter_type(&1, resource, schema)) end defp attribute_or_aggregate_type(%Ash.Resource.Attribute{type: type}, _resource), do: type defp attribute_or_aggregate_type( %Ash.Resource.Aggregate{kind: kind, field: field, relationship_path: relationship_path}, resource ) do field_type = with field when not is_nil(field) <- field, related when not is_nil(related) <- Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, relationship_path), attr when not is_nil(attr) <- Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(related, field) do attr.type end {:ok, aggregate_type} = Ash.Query.Aggregate.kind_to_type(kind, field_type) aggregate_type end defp filter_type(attribute_or_aggregate, resource, schema) do type = attribute_or_aggregate_type(attribute_or_aggregate, resource) array_type? = match?({:array, _}, type) fields = Ash.Filter.builtin_operators() |> Enum.filter(& &1.predicate?) |> restrict_for_lists(type) |> Enum.flat_map(fn operator -> filter_fields(operator, type, array_type?, schema, attribute_or_aggregate, resource) end) if fields == [] do [] else identifier = attribute_filter_field_type(resource, attribute_or_aggregate) [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ identifier: identifier, fields: fields, module: schema, name: identifier |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end end defp filter_fields(operator, type, array_type?, schema, attribute_or_aggregate, resource) do expressable_types = Enum.filter(operator.types(), fn [:any, {:array, type}] when is_atom(type) -> true [{:array, inner_type}, :same] when is_atom(inner_type) and array_type? -> true :same -> true :any -> true [:any, type] when is_atom(type) -> true _ -> false end) if Enum.any?(expressable_types, &(&1 == :same)) do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type(type, attribute_or_aggregate, resource, true), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] else type = case, 0) do [{:array, :any}, :same] -> {:unwrap, type} [_, {:array, :same}] -> {:array, type} [_, :same] -> type [_, :any] -> Ash.Type.String [_, type] when is_atom(type) -> Ash.Type.get_type(type) _ -> nil end if type do {type, attribute_or_aggregate} = case type do {:unwrap, type} -> {:array, type} = type constraints = Map.get(attribute_or_aggregate, :constraints) || [] {type, %{attribute_or_aggregate | type: type, constraints: constraints[:items] || []}} type -> {type, attribute_or_aggregate} end if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do [] else attribute_or_aggregate = constraints_to_item_constraints(type, attribute_or_aggregate) [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type(type, attribute_or_aggregate, resource, true), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end else [] end end rescue _ -> [] end defp restrict_for_lists(operators, {:array, _}) do list_predicates = [Ash.Query.Operator.IsNil, Ash.Query.Operator.Has] Enum.filter(operators, &(&1 in list_predicates)) end defp restrict_for_lists(operators, _), do: operators defp constraints_to_item_constraints( {:array, _}, %Ash.Resource.Attribute{ constraints: constraints, allow_nil?: allow_nil? } = attribute ) do %{ attribute | constraints: [ items: constraints, nil_items?: allow_nil? || Ash.Type.embedded_type?(attribute.type) ] } end defp constraints_to_item_constraints(_, attribute_or_aggregate), do: attribute_or_aggregate defp sort_input(resource, schema) do if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) && AshGraphql.Resource.Info.derive_sort?(resource) do case sort_values(resource) do [] -> nil _ -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ fields: [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: :order, module: schema, name: "order", default_value: :asc, type: :sort_order, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: :field, module: schema, name: "field", type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: resource_sort_field_type(resource) }, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] ++ calc_input_fields(resource, schema), identifier: resource_sort_type(resource), module: schema, name: resource |> resource_sort_type() |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end else nil end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp calc_input_fields(resource, schema) do calcs = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_calculations() |> Enum.reject(fn %{type: {:array, _}} -> true calc -> Ash.Type.embedded_type?(calc.type) || Enum.empty?(calc.arguments) end) field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource), fn calc -> input_name = "#{field_names[] ||}_input" %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: String.to_atom("#{}_input"), module: schema, name: input_name, type: calc_input_type(, resource), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp calc_input_type(calc, resource) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) String.to_atom( "#{AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource)}_#{field_names[calc] || calc}_field_input" ) end defp filter_input(resource, schema) do if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.derive_filter?(resource) do case resource_filter_fields(resource, schema) do [] -> nil fields -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ identifier: resource_filter_type(resource), module: schema, name: resource |> resource_filter_type() |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), fields: fields, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end else nil end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp calculation_input(resource, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_calculations() |> Enum.flat_map(fn %{calculation: {module, _}} = calculation -> Code.ensure_compiled(module) filterable? = filterable?(calculation, resource) field_type = calculation_type(calculation, resource) arguments = calculation_args(calculation, resource, schema) array_type? = match?({:array, _}, field_type) filter_fields = Ash.Filter.builtin_operators() |> Enum.filter(& &1.predicate?) |> restrict_for_lists(field_type) |> Enum.flat_map( &filter_fields( &1, calculation.type, array_type?, schema, calculation, resource ) ) input = %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ fields: arguments, identifier: String.to_atom(to_string(calc_input_type(, resource))), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize(to_string(calc_input_type(, resource))), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } types = if Enum.empty?(arguments) do [] else [input] end if filterable? do type_def = if Enum.empty?(arguments) do %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ fields: filter_fields, identifier: calculation_filter_field_type(resource, calculation), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize(to_string(calculation_filter_field_type(resource, calculation))), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } else filter_input_field = %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: :input, module: schema, name: "input", type: String.to_atom(to_string(calc_input_type(, resource))), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ fields: [filter_input_field | filter_fields], identifier: calculation_filter_field_type(resource, calculation), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize(to_string(calculation_filter_field_type(resource, calculation))), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end [type_def | types] else types end end) end defp resource_filter_fields(resource, schema) do boolean_filter_fields(resource, schema) ++ attribute_filter_fields(resource, schema) ++ relationship_filter_fields(resource, schema) ++ aggregate_filter_fields(resource, schema) ++ calculation_filter_fields(resource, schema) end defp attribute_filter_fields(resource, schema) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.filter(&filterable?(&1, resource)) |> Enum.flat_map(fn attribute -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(field_names[] ||, type: attribute_filter_field_type(resource, attribute), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end) end defp aggregate_filter_fields(resource, schema) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) if Ash.DataLayer.data_layer_can?(resource, :aggregate_filter) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_aggregates() |> Enum.filter(&filterable?(&1, resource)) |> Enum.flat_map(fn aggregate -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(field_names[] ||, type: attribute_filter_field_type(resource, aggregate), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end) else [] end end defp calculation_filter_fields(resource, schema) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) if Ash.DataLayer.data_layer_can?(resource, :expression_calculation) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_calculations() |> Enum.filter(&filterable?(&1, resource)) |> calculation -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(field_names[] ||, type: calculation_filter_field_type(resource, calculation), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) else [] end end defp filterable?(%Ash.Resource.Aggregate{} = aggregate, resource) do field_type = with field when not is_nil(field) <- aggregate.field, related when not is_nil(related) <- Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, aggregate.relationship_path), attr when not is_nil(attr) <- Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(related, aggregate.field) do attr.type end {:ok, type} = Aggregate.kind_to_type(aggregate.kind, field_type) filterable?(%Ash.Resource.Attribute{name:, type: type}, resource) end defp filterable?(%{type: {:array, _}}, _), do: false defp filterable?(%{filterable?: false}, _), do: false defp filterable?(%{type: Ash.Type.Union}, _), do: false defp filterable?(%Ash.Resource.Calculation{type: type, calculation: {module, _opts}}, _) do !Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) && function_exported?(module, :expression, 2) end defp filterable?(%{type: type}, _) do !Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) end defp filterable?(_, _), do: false defp relationship_filter_fields(resource, schema) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) relationships = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.relationships(resource) resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_relationships() |> Enum.filter(fn relationship -> Resource in Spark.extensions(relationship.destination) && in relationships end) |> relationship -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(field_names[] ||, type: resource_filter_type(relationship.destination), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end defp boolean_filter_fields(resource, schema) do if Ash.DataLayer.can?(:boolean_filter, resource) do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: :and, module: schema, name: "and", type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: resource_filter_type(resource) } }, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: :or, module: schema, name: "or", __reference__: ref(__ENV__), type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: resource_filter_type(resource) } } } ] else [] end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp resource_sort_field_type(resource) do type = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) String.to_atom(to_string(type) <> "_sort_field") end def enum_definitions(resource, schema, env, only_auto? \\ false) do resource = Ash.Type.NewType.subtype_of(resource) if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) do atom_enums = resource |> get_auto_enums() |> Enum.flat_map(fn attribute -> constraints = Ash.Type.NewType.constraints(attribute.type, attribute.constraints) type_name = if constraints[:one_of] do if Ash.Type.NewType.new_type?(attribute.type) do cond do function_exported?(attribute.type, :graphql_type, 0) -> attribute.type.graphql_type() function_exported?(attribute.type, :graphql_type, 1) -> attribute.type.graphql_type(attribute.constraints) true -> atom_enum_type(resource, end else atom_enum_type(resource, end end additional_type_name = if constraints[:one_of] && Ash.Type.NewType.new_type?(attribute.type) do cond do function_exported?(attribute.type, :graphql_input_type, 0) -> attribute.type.graphql_input_type() function_exported?(attribute.type, :graphql_input_type, 1) -> attribute.type.graphql_input_type(attribute.constraints) true -> atom_enum_type(resource, end else nil end [ type_name, additional_type_name ] |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> type_name -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.EnumTypeDefinition{ module: schema, name: type_name |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), values:[:one_of], fn value -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.EnumValueDefinition{ module: schema, identifier: value, __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env), name: String.upcase(to_string(value)), value: value } end), identifier: type_name, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end) if only_auto? || !AshGraphql.Resource.Info.derive_sort?(resource) do atom_enums else sort_values = sort_values(resource) sort_order = %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.EnumTypeDefinition{ module: schema, name: resource |> resource_sort_field_type() |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), identifier: resource_sort_field_type(resource), __reference__: ref(__ENV__), values:, fn {sort_value_alias, sort_value} -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.EnumValueDefinition{ module: schema, identifier: sort_value_alias, __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env), name: String.upcase(to_string(sort_value_alias)), value: sort_value } end) } [sort_order | atom_enums] end else [] end end # sobelow_skip ["RCE.CodeModule", "DOS.BinToAtom", "DOS.StringToAtom"] def union_definitions(resource, schema, env) do if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) do resource |> get_auto_unions() |> Enum.flat_map(fn attribute -> type_name = if Ash.Type.NewType.new_type?(attribute.type) do cond do function_exported?(attribute.type, :graphql_type, 0) -> attribute.type.graphql_type() function_exported?(attribute.type, :graphql_type, 1) -> attribute.type.graphql_type(attribute.constraints) true -> atom_enum_type(resource, end else atom_enum_type(resource, end input_type_name = if Ash.Type.NewType.new_type?(attribute.type) do cond do function_exported?(, :graphql_input_type, 0) -> attribute.type.graphql_input_type() function_exported?(, :graphql_input_type, 1) -> attribute.type.graphql_input_type(attribute.constraints) true -> "#{atom_enum_type(resource,}_input" end else "#{atom_enum_type(resource,}_input" end constraints = Ash.Type.NewType.constraints(attribute.type, attribute.constraints) names_to_field_types =[:types] || %{}, fn {name, config} -> {name, field_type( config[:type], %{attribute | name: String.to_atom("#{}_#{name}")}, resource )} end) func_name = :"resolve_gql_union_#{type_name}" {func, _} = Code.eval_quoted( {:&, [], [ {:/, [], [ {{:., [], [resource, func_name]}, [], []}, 2 ]} ]}, [] ) constraints = Ash.Type.NewType.constraints(attribute.type, attribute.constraints) [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.UnionTypeDefinition{ module: schema, name: type_name |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), resolve_type: func, types:[:types], fn {name, _} -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.Name{ name: "#{type_name}_#{name}" |> Macro.camelize() } end), identifier: type_name, __reference__: ref(env) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ module: schema, name: input_type_name |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), identifier: String.to_atom(input_type_name), __reference__: ref(env), fields:[:types], fn {name, config} -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: name |> to_string(), identifier: name, __reference__: ref(env), type: field_type( config[:type], %{attribute | name: String.to_atom("#{}_#{name}")}, resource, true ) } end) } ] ++[:types], fn {name, _} -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ module: schema, name: "#{type_name}_#{name}" |> Macro.camelize(), identifier: :"#{type_name}_#{name}", __reference__: ref(env), fields: [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: :value, module: schema, name: "value", __reference__: ref(env), type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: names_to_field_types[name] } } ] } end) end) else [] end end @doc false def get_auto_enums(resource) do resource |> AshGraphql.all_attributes_and_arguments([], false) |> |> Enum.filter(&(Ash.Type.NewType.subtype_of(&1.type) == Ash.Type.Atom)) |> Enum.uniq_by(&{&, &1.type}) end defp unnest(%{type: {:array, type}, constraints: constraints} = attribute) do %{attribute | type: type, constraints: constraints[:items] || []} end defp unnest(other), do: other @doc false def get_auto_unions(resource) do resource |> AshGraphql.all_attributes_and_arguments() |> attribute -> unnest(attribute) end) |> Enum.filter(&(Ash.Type.NewType.subtype_of(&1.type) == Ash.Type.Union)) end defp sort_values(resource) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.concat(Ash.Resource.Info.public_calculations(resource)) |> Enum.concat(Ash.Resource.Info.public_aggregates(resource)) |> Enum.filter(&filterable?(&1, resource)) |> & |> Enum.uniq() |> name -> {field_names[name] || name, name} end) end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp relay_page(resource, schema) do type = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) paginatable? = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.actions() |> Enum.any?(fn action -> action.type == :read && action.pagination end) if paginatable? do relay? = resource |> queries() |> Enum.any?(& &1.relay?) countable? = resource |> queries() |> Enum.any?(fn query -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, query.action) query.relay? && action.pagination && action.pagination.countable end) if relay? do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ description: "#{inspect(type)} edge", fields: [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "Cursor", identifier: :cursor, module: schema, name: "cursor", __reference__: ref(__ENV__), type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: :string } }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "#{inspect(type)} node", identifier: :node, module: schema, name: "node", __reference__: ref(__ENV__), type: type } ], identifier: String.to_atom("#{type}_edge"), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize("#{type}_edge"), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ description: "#{inspect(type)} connection", fields: [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "Page information", identifier: :page_info, module: schema, name: "page_info", __reference__: ref(__ENV__), type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: :page_info } }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "#{inspect(type)} edges", identifier: :edges, module: schema, name: "edges", __reference__: ref(__ENV__), type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: String.to_atom("#{type}_edge") } } ] |> add_count_to_page(schema, countable?), identifier: String.to_atom("#{type}_connection"), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize("#{type}_connection"), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end end end defp add_count_to_page(fields, schema, true) do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "Total count on all pages", identifier: :count, module: schema, name: "count", __reference__: ref(__ENV__), type: :integer } | fields ] end defp add_count_to_page(fields, _, _), do: fields # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp page_of(resource, schema) do type = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) paginatable? = resource |> queries() |> Enum.any?(fn query -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, query.action) action.type == :read && action.pagination end) countable? = resource |> queries() |> Enum.any?(fn query -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, query.action) action.pagination && action.pagination.offset? && action.pagination.countable end) if paginatable? do %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ description: "A page of #{inspect(type)}", fields: [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "The records contained in the page", identifier: :results, module: schema, name: "results", __reference__: ref(__ENV__), type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type } } }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "Wether or not there is a next page", identifier: :more?, module: schema, name: "has_next_page", __reference__: ref(__ENV__), type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: :boolean } } ] |> add_count_to_page(schema, countable?), identifier: String.to_atom("page_of_#{type}"), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize("page_of_#{type}"), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp keyset_page_of(resource, schema) do type = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) paginatable? = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.actions() |> Enum.any?(fn action -> action.type == :read && action.pagination end) countable? = resource |> queries() |> Enum.any?(fn query -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, query.action) action.pagination && action.pagination.keyset? && action.pagination.countable end) if paginatable? do %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ description: "A keyset page of #{inspect(type)}", fields: [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "The records contained in the page", identifier: :results, module: schema, name: "results", __reference__: ref(__ENV__), type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type } } }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "The first keyset in the results", identifier: :start_keyset, module: schema, name: "start_keyset", type: :string, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "The last keyset in the results", identifier: :end_keyset, module: schema, name: "end_keyset", type: :string, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] |> add_count_to_page(schema, countable?), identifier: String.to_atom("keyset_page_of_#{type}"), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize("keyset_page_of_#{type}"), __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end end def is_node_type(type) do type.identifier == :node end def query_type_definitions(resource, api, schema) do resource_type = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) resource |> AshGraphql.Resource.Info.queries() |> Enum.filter(&(&1.type_name && &1.type_name != resource_type)) |> query -> relay? = Map.get(query, :relay?) interfaces = if relay? do [:node] else [] end is_type_of = if relay? do &AshGraphql.Resource.is_node_type/1 else nil end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ description: Ash.Resource.Info.description(resource), interfaces: interfaces, fields: fields(resource, api, schema, query), identifier: query.type_name, module: schema, name: Macro.camelize(to_string(query.type_name)), __reference__: ref(__ENV__), is_type_of: is_type_of } end) end def type_definition(resource, api, schema) do actual_resource = Ash.Type.NewType.subtype_of(resource) if generate_object?(resource) do type = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) resource = actual_resource relay? = resource |> queries() |> Enum.any?(& &1.relay?) interfaces = if relay? do [:node] else [] end is_type_of = if relay? do &AshGraphql.Resource.is_node_type/1 else nil end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ description: Ash.Resource.Info.description(resource), interfaces: interfaces, fields: fields(resource, api, schema), identifier: type, module: schema, name: Macro.camelize(to_string(type)), __reference__: ref(__ENV__), is_type_of: is_type_of } end end defp fields(resource, api, schema, query \\ nil) do attributes(resource, schema) ++ metadata(query, resource, schema) ++ relationships(resource, api, schema) ++ aggregates(resource, schema) ++ calculations(resource, api, schema) ++ keyset(resource, schema) end defp metadata(nil, _resource, _schema) do [] end defp metadata(query, resource, schema) do action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, query.action) show_metadata = query.show_metadata ||, :metadata, []), & & action.metadata |> Enum.filter(&(& in show_metadata)) |> metadata -> field_type = case query.metadata_types[] do nil -> metadata.type |> field_type(metadata, resource) |> maybe_wrap_non_null(not metadata.allow_nil?) type -> unwrap_literal_type(type) end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: metadata.description, identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(query.metadata_names[] ||, type: field_type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end defp keyset(resource, schema) do case AshGraphql.Resource.Info.keyset_field(resource) do nil -> [] field -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "The pagination #{field}.", identifier: field, module: schema, middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :resolve_keyset}, field} ], name: to_string(field), type: :string, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end end defp attributes(resource, schema) do attribute_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) attributes = if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.encode_primary_key?(resource) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.reject(& &1.primary_key?) else Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes(resource) end attributes = attributes |> attribute -> field_type = attribute.type |> field_type(attribute, resource) |> maybe_wrap_non_null(not attribute.allow_nil?) name = attribute_names[] || %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: attribute.description, identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(name), type: field_type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.encode_primary_key?(resource) do encoded_primary_key_attributes(resource, schema) ++ attributes else attributes end end defp encoded_primary_key_attributes(resource, schema) do case Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key(resource) do [field] -> attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, field) if attribute.private? do [] else [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: attribute.description, identifier: :id, module: schema, name: "id", type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{of_type: :id}, middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :resolve_id}, {resource, field}} ], __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end fields -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "A unique identifier", identifier: :id, module: schema, name: "id", type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{of_type: :id}, middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :resolve_composite_id}, {resource, fields}} ], __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] end end defp pkey_fields(resource, schema, require?) do encode? = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.encode_primary_key?(resource) case Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key(resource) do [field] when encode? -> attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, field) field_type = maybe_wrap_non_null(:id, require?) [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: attribute.description, identifier: field, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } ] fields -> for field <- fields do attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, field) field_type = attribute.type |> field_type(attribute, resource) |> maybe_wrap_non_null(require?) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: attribute.description, identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end end end defp argument_required?(%{allow_nil?: true}), do: false defp argument_required?(%{default: default}) when not is_nil(default), do: false defp argument_required?(_), do: true # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp relationships(resource, api, schema) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) relationships = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.relationships(resource) resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_relationships() |> Enum.filter(fn relationship -> Resource in Spark.extensions(relationship.destination) && in relationships end) |> %{cardinality: :one} = relationship -> name = field_names[] || type = relationship.destination |> AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type() |> maybe_wrap_non_null(!relationship.allow_nil?) read_action = if relationship.read_action do Ash.Resource.Info.action(relationship.destination, relationship.read_action) else Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(relationship.destination, :read) end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(name), arguments: args(:one_related, relationship.destination, read_action, schema), middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :resolve_assoc}, {api, relationship}} ], type: type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } %{cardinality: :many} = relationship -> name = field_names[] || read_action = if relationship.read_action do Ash.Resource.Info.action(relationship.destination, relationship.read_action) else Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(relationship.destination, :read) end type = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(relationship.destination) query_type = %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type } } } %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(name), complexity: {AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :query_complexity}, middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :resolve_assoc}, {api, relationship}} ], arguments: args(:list_related, relationship.destination, read_action, schema), type: query_type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end defp aggregates(resource, schema) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_aggregates() |> aggregate -> name = field_names[] || field_type = with field when not is_nil(field) <- aggregate.field, related when not is_nil(related) <- Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, aggregate.relationship_path), attr when not is_nil(attr) <- Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(related, aggregate.field) do attr.type end {:ok, type} = Aggregate.kind_to_type(aggregate.kind, field_type) type = if is_nil(Ash.Query.Aggregate.default_value(aggregate.kind)) do field_type(type, aggregate, resource) else %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type(type, aggregate, resource) } end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(name), type: type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end defp calculations(resource, api, schema) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_calculations() |> calculation -> name = field_names[] || field_type = calculation_type(calculation, resource) arguments = calculation_args(calculation, resource, schema) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, arguments: arguments, complexity: 2, middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :resolve_calculation}, {api, resource, calculation}} ], name: to_string(name), type: field_type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end defp calculation_type(calculation, resource) do calculation.type |> Ash.Type.get_type() |> field_type(calculation, resource) |> maybe_wrap_non_null(not calculation.allow_nil?) end defp calculation_args(calculation, resource, schema) do, fn argument -> type = argument.type |> field_type(argument, resource, true) |> maybe_wrap_non_null(argument_required?(argument)) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: type, __reference__: ref(__ENV__) } end) end def field_type(type, field, resource, input? \\ false) do case field do %Ash.Resource.Attribute{name: name} -> override = if input? do AshGraphql.Resource.Info.attribute_input_types(resource)[name] else AshGraphql.Resource.Info.attribute_types(resource)[name] end if override do unwrap_literal_type(override) else do_field_type(type, field, resource, input?) end _ -> do_field_type(type, field, resource, input?) end end defp do_field_type(type, field, resource, input?) defp do_field_type( {:array, type}, %Ash.Resource.Aggregate{kind: :list} = aggregate, resource, input? ) do with related when not is_nil(related) <- Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, aggregate.relationship_path), attr when not is_nil(related) <- Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(related, aggregate.field) do if attr.allow_nil? do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: do_field_type(type, aggregate, resource, input?) } else %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: do_field_type(type, aggregate, resource, input?) } } end end end defp do_field_type({:array, type}, %Ash.Resource.Aggregate{} = aggregate, resource, input?) do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: do_field_type(type, aggregate, resource, input?) } end defp do_field_type({:array, type}, nil, resource, input?) do field_type = do_field_type(type, nil, resource, input?) %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: field_type } end defp do_field_type({:array, type}, attribute, resource, input?) do new_constraints = attribute.constraints[:items] || [] new_attribute = %{attribute | constraints: new_constraints, type: type} field_type = type |> do_field_type(new_attribute, resource, input?) |> maybe_wrap_non_null( !attribute.constraints[:nil_items?] || Ash.Type.embedded_type?(attribute.type) ) %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: field_type } end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.BinToAtom"] defp do_field_type(type, attribute, resource, input?) do type = Ash.Type.get_type(type) if Ash.Type.builtin?(type) do get_specific_field_type(type, attribute, resource, input?) else if, Ash.Resource) && !Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do if input? do raise "Cannot construct an input type for #{inspect(type)}" end AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(type) else if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do if input? && type(type) do :"#{AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource)}_#{}_input" else case type(type) do nil -> Application.get_env(:ash_graphql, :json_type) || :json_string type -> type end end else if Spark.implements_behaviour?(type, Ash.Type.Enum) do cond do function_exported?(type, :graphql_type, 0) -> type.graphql_type() function_exported?(type, :graphql_type, 1) -> type.graphql_type(attribute.constraints) true -> :string end else function = if input? do :graphql_input_type else :graphql_type end cond do function_exported?(type, function, 1) -> apply(type, function, [Map.get(attribute, :constraints)]) function_exported?(type, function, 0) -> apply(type, function, []) true -> if Ash.Type.NewType.new_type?(type) do do_field_type( type.subtype_of(), %{ attribute | type: type.subtype_of(), constraints: type.type_constraints( attribute.constraints, type.subtype_constraints() ) }, resource, input? ) else raise """ Could not determine graphql type for #{inspect(type)}, please define: #{function}/1! """ end end end end end end end defp get_specific_field_type( Ash.Type.Atom, %Ash.Resource.Attribute{constraints: constraints, name: name}, resource, _input? ) when not is_nil(resource) do if is_list(constraints[:one_of]) do atom_enum_type(resource, name) else :string end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.BinToAtom"] defp get_specific_field_type( Ash.Type.Union, %Ash.Resource.Attribute{name: name}, resource, input? ) when not is_nil(resource) do # same logic for naming a union currently base_type_name = atom_enum_type(resource, name) if input? do :"#{base_type_name}_input" else base_type_name end end defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.Boolean, _, _, _), do: :boolean defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.Atom, _, _, _) do :string end defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.CiString, _, _, _), do: :string defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.Date, _, _, _), do: :date defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.Decimal, _, _, _), do: :decimal defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.Integer, _, _, _), do: :integer defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.DurationName, _, _, _), do: :duration_name defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.Map, _, _, _), do: Application.get_env(:ash_graphql, :json_type) || :json_string defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.String, _, _, _), do: :string defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.Term, _, _, _), do: :string defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.UtcDatetime, _, _, _), do: Application.get_env(:ash, :utc_datetime_type) || raise_datetime_error() defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.UtcDatetimeUsec, _, _, _), do: Application.get_env(:ash, :utc_datetime_type) || raise_datetime_error() defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.NaiveDatetime, _, _, _), do: :naive_datetime defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.UUID, _, _, _), do: :id defp get_specific_field_type(Ash.Type.Float, _, _, _), do: :float defp get_specific_field_type(type, attribute, resource, _) do raise """ Could not determine graphql field type for #{inspect(type)} on #{inspect(resource)}.#{} If this is a custom type, you can add `def graphql_type/1` to your type to define the graphql type. If this is not your type, you will need to use `types` or `attribute_types` or `attribute_input_types` to configure the type for any field using this type. If this is an `Ash.Type.NewType`, you may need to define `graphql_type` and `graphql_input_type`s for it. """ end defp raise_datetime_error do raise """ No type configured for utc_datetimes! The existing default of using `:naive_datetime` for `:utc_datetime` and `:utc_datetime_usec` is being deprecated. To prevent accidental API breakages, we are requiring that you configure your selected type for these, via # This was the previous default, so use this if you want to ensure no unintended # change in your API, although switching to `:datetime` eventually is suggested. config :ash, :utc_datetime_type, :naive_datetime or config :ash, :utc_datetime_type, :datetime When the 1.0 version of ash_graphql is released, the default will be changed to `:datetime`, and this error message will no longer be shown (but any configuration set will be retained indefinitely). """ end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] @doc false def atom_enum_type(resource, attribute_name) do field_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names(resource) resource |> AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type() |> to_string() |> Kernel.<>("_") |> Kernel.<>(to_string(field_names[attribute_name] || attribute_name)) |> String.to_atom() end end