defmodule AshGraphql.GenericActionsTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false setup do on_exit(fn -> Application.delete_env(:ash_graphql, AshGraphql.Test.Api) AshGraphql.TestHelpers.stop_ets() end) end test "generic action queries can be run" do resp = """ query { postCount } """ |>, context: %{actor: %{id: "an-actor"}}) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{data: %{"postCount" => 0}} = result end test "generic action that have policies return forbidden if no actor is present" do resp = """ query { postCount } """ |> assert {:ok, result} = resp assert Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: nil, errors: [ %{ code: "forbidden", message: "forbidden", path: ["postCount"], fields: [], vars: %{}, locations: [%{line: 2, column: 3}], short_message: "forbidden" } ] } == result end test "generic action mutations can be run" do post = AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!(, text: "foobar")) resp = """ mutation { randomPost { id comments{ id } } } """ |> assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) post_id = assert %{data: %{"randomPost" => %{"id" => ^post_id, "comments" => []}}} = result end test "generic action mutations can be run with input" do post = AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!(, text: "foobar")) resp = """ mutation { randomPost(input: {published: true}) { id comments{ id } } } """ |> assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) post_id = assert %{data: %{"randomPost" => %{"id" => ^post_id, "comments" => []}}} = result end end