defmodule AshGraphql.Domain.Transformers.ValidateActions do # Ensures that all referenced actiosn exist @moduledoc false use Spark.Dsl.Transformer alias Spark.Dsl.Transformer def after_compile?, do: true def transform(dsl) do dsl |> Transformer.get_entities([:graphql, :queries]) |> Enum.concat(Transformer.get_entities(dsl, [:graphql, :mutations])) |> Enum.each(fn query_or_mutation -> type = case query_or_mutation do %AshGraphql.Resource.Query{} -> :read %AshGraphql.Resource.Action{} -> nil %AshGraphql.Resource.Mutation{type: type} -> type end available_actions = Ash.Resource.Info.actions(query_or_mutation.resource) available_actions = if type do Enum.filter(available_actions, fn action -> action.type == type end) else available_actions end action = Enum.find(available_actions, fn action -> == query_or_mutation.action end) unless action do raise Spark.Error.DslError, module: Transformer.get_persisted(dsl, :module), message: """ No such action #{query_or_mutation.action} of type #{type} on #{inspect(query_or_mutation.resource)} Available #{type} actions: #{Enum.map_join(available_actions, ", ", & &} """ end end) {:ok, dsl} end end