defmodule AshGraphql.Graphql.IdTranslator do @moduledoc false def translate_relay_ids(%{state: :unresolved} = resolution, relay_id_translations) do arguments = Enum.reduce(relay_id_translations, resolution.arguments, &process/2) %{resolution | arguments: arguments} end def translate_relay_ids(resolution, _relay_id_translations) do resolution end defp process({field, nested_translations}, args) when is_list(nested_translations) do case Map.get(args, field) do subtree when is_map(subtree) -> new_subtree = Enum.reduce(nested_translations, subtree, &process/2) Map.put(args, field, new_subtree) elements when is_list(elements) -> new_elements =, fn element -> Enum.reduce(nested_translations, element, &process/2) end) Map.put(args, field, new_elements) _ -> args end end defp process({field, type}, args) when is_atom(type) do case Map.get(args, field) do id when is_binary(id) -> case AshGraphql.Resource.decode_relay_id(id) do {:ok, %{type: ^type, id: decoded_id}} -> Map.put(args, field, decoded_id) _ -> # If we fail to decode for the correct type, we just skip translation # This will be marked as an invalid input down the line args end [id | _] = ids when is_binary(id) -> decoded_ids =, fn id -> case AshGraphql.Resource.decode_relay_id(id) do {:ok, %{type: ^type, id: decoded_id}} -> decoded_id _ -> # If we fail to decode for the correct type, we just skip translation # This will be marked as an invalid input down the line id end end) Map.put(args, field, decoded_ids) _ -> args end end end