defmodule AshGraphql.Resource.Verifiers.VerifyPaginateRelationshipWith do # Validates the paginate_relationship_with option @moduledoc false use Spark.Dsl.Verifier alias Spark.Dsl.Verifier @valid_strategies [ nil, :keyset, :offset, :relay ] def verify(dsl) do many_relationship_names = dsl |> Verifier.get_entities([:relationships]) |> Enum.filter(&(&1.cardinality == :many)) |> & dsl |> Verifier.get_option([:graphql], :paginate_relationship_with, []) |> Enum.each(fn {relationship_name, strategy} -> cond do relationship_name not in many_relationship_names -> module = Verifier.get_persisted(dsl, :module) raise Spark.Error.DslError, module: module, path: [:graphql, :paginate_relationship_with], message: """ #{relationship_name} is not a relationship with cardinality many. """ strategy not in @valid_strategies -> module = Verifier.get_persisted(dsl, :module) choices = Enum.map_join(@valid_strategies, ", ", &inspect/1) raise Spark.Error.DslError, module: module, path: [:graphql, :paginate_relationship_with], message: """ #{inspect(strategy)} is not a valid pagination strategy for relationships. Available strategies: #{choices} """ true -> :ok end end) end end