# Enums ## Automatically created enums Enums are implemented automatically for any `atom` attribute with a `one_of` constraint. For example: ```elixir # On the resource of type `:ticket` attribute :type, :atom, one_of: [:foo, :bar, :baz] ``` This would produce an enum called `:ticket_type`/`TicketType`. ## Custom enums You can implement a custom enum by first adding the enum type to your absinthe schema (more [here](https://hexdocs.pm/absinthe/Absinthe.Type.Enum.html)). Then you can define a custom Ash type that refers to that absinthe enum type. ```elixir # In your absinthe schema: enum :status do value(:open, description: "The post is open") value(:closed, description: "The post is closed") end ``` ```elixir # Your cusotm Ash Type defmodule AshGraphql.Test.Status do use Ash.Type @values [:open, :closed] @string_values Enum.map(@values, &to_string/1) def graphql_input_type(_), do: :status def graphql_type(_), do: :status @impl true def storage_type, do: :string @impl true def cast_input(value, _) when value in @values do {:ok, value} end def cast_input(value, _) when is_binary(value) do value = String.downcase(value) if value in @string_values do {:ok, String.to_existing_atom(value)} else :error end end @impl true def cast_stored(value, _) when value in @values do {:ok, value} end def cast_stored(value, _) when value in @string_values do {:ok, String.to_existing_atom(value)} rescue ArgumentError -> :error end @impl true def dump_to_native(value, _) when is_atom(value) do {:ok, to_string(value)} end def dump_to_native(_, _), do: :error end ```