defmodule AshGraphql.ErrorsTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false import ExUnit.CaptureLog setup do on_exit(fn -> Application.delete_env(:ash_graphql, AshGraphql.Test.Api) Application.delete_env(:ash_graphql, :policies) AshGraphql.TestHelpers.stop_ets() end) end test "errors can be configured to be shown in the root" do Application.put_env(:ash_graphql, AshGraphql.Test.Api, graphql: [root_level_errors?: true]) resp = """ mutation CreatePost($input: CreatePostInput) { createPost(input: $input) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "confirmation" => "foobar2" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{data: %{"createPost" => nil}, errors: [%{message: message}]} = result assert message =~ "confirmation did not match value" end test "raised errors are by default not shown" do assert capture_log(fn -> resp = """ mutation CreatePostWithError($input: CreatePostWithErrorInput) { createPostWithError(input: $input) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{data: %{"createPostWithError" => nil}, errors: [%{message: message}]} = result assert message =~ "Something went wrong." end) =~ "Exception raised while resolving query" end test "raised errors can be configured to be shown" do Application.put_env(:ash_graphql, AshGraphql.Test.Api, graphql: [show_raised_errors?: true]) resp = """ mutation CreatePostWithError($input: CreatePostWithErrorInput) { createPostWithError(input: $input) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{ data: %{ "createPostWithError" => %{"errors" => [%{"message" => message}]} } } = result assert message =~ "is required" end test "showing raised errors alongside root errors shows raised errors in the root" do Application.put_env(:ash_graphql, AshGraphql.Test.Api, graphql: [show_raised_errors?: true, root_level_errors?: true] ) resp = """ mutation CreatePostWithError($input: CreatePostWithErrorInput) { createPostWithError(input: $input) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{ data: %{ "createPostWithError" => nil }, errors: [ %{message: message} ] } = result assert message =~ "is required" end test "a multitenant object cannot be read if tenant is not set" do assert capture_log(fn -> tenant = "Some Tenant" tag = AshGraphql.Test.MultitenantTag |> Ash.Changeset.for_create( :create, [name: "My Tag4"], tenant: tenant ) |> AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!() resp = """ query MultitenantTag($id: ID!) { getMultitenantTag(id: $id) { name } } """ |>, variables: %{"id" =>}) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{data: %{"getMultitenantTag" => nil}, errors: [%{message: message}]} = result assert message =~ "Something went wrong." end) =~ "Queries against the AshGraphql.Test.MultitenantTag resource require a tenant to be specified" end test "a multitenant object cannot be read without tenant" do assert capture_log(fn -> tenant = "Some Tenant" tag = AshGraphql.Test.MultitenantTag |> Ash.Changeset.for_create( :create, [name: "My Tag2"], tenant: tenant ) |> AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!() resp = """ query MultitenantTag($id: ID!) { getMultitenantTag(id: $id) { name } } """ |>, variables: %{"id" =>}) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{data: %{"getMultitenantTag" => nil}, errors: [%{message: message}]} = result assert message =~ "Something went wrong." end) =~ "Queries against the AshGraphql.Test.MultitenantTag resource require a tenant to be specified" end test "a multitenant relation cannot be read without tenant" do assert capture_log(fn -> tenant = "Some Tenant" tag = AshGraphql.Test.MultitenantTag |> Ash.Changeset.for_create( :create, [name: "My Tag3"], tenant: tenant ) |> AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!() post = AshGraphql.Test.Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, text: "foo", published: true) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship( :multitenant_tags, [tag], on_no_match: {:create, :create_action}, on_lookup: :relate ) |> AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!() resp = """ query MultitenantPostTag($id: ID!) { getPost(id: $id) { text published multitenantTags { name } } } """ |>, variables: %{"id" =>}) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{ data: %{ "getPost" => nil }, errors: [%{message: message}] } = result assert message =~ "Something went wrong." end) =~ "Queries against the AshGraphql.Test.MultitenantTag resource require a tenant to be specified" end test "unauthorized requests do not show policy breakdowns by default" do user = AshGraphql.Test.User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, name: "My Name" ) |> AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!() resp = """ mutation CreateUser($input: CreateUserInput) { createUser(input: $input) { result{ name } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{"input" => %{"name" => "The Dude"}}, context: %{actor: user} ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{ data: %{ "createUser" => %{ "errors" => [ %{ "message" => message } ] } } } = result assert message == "forbidden" end test "unauthorized requests can be configured to show policy breakdowns" do Application.put_env( :ash_graphql, :policies, show_policy_breakdowns?: true ) user = AshGraphql.Test.User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, name: "My Name" ) |> AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!() resp = """ mutation CreateUser($input: CreateUserInput) { createUser(input: $input) { result{ name } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{"input" => %{"name" => "The Dude"}}, context: %{actor: user} ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{ data: %{ "createUser" => %{ "errors" => [ %{ "message" => message } ] } } } = result assert message =~ "Breakdown" end end