defmodule AshGraphql.Resource.Info do @moduledoc "Introspection helpers for AshGraphql.Resource" alias Spark.Dsl.Extension @doc "The queries exposed for the resource" def queries(resource) do Extension.get_entities(resource, [:graphql, :queries]) end @doc "The mutations exposed for the resource" def mutations(resource) do Extension.get_entities(resource, [:graphql, :mutations]) || [] end @doc "The managed_relationship configurations" def managed_relationships(resource) do Extension.get_entities(resource, [:graphql, :managed_relationships]) || [] end @doc "The graphql type of the resource" def type(resource) do Extension.get_opt(resource, [:graphql], :type, nil) end @doc "Graphql type overrides for the resource" def attribute_types(resource) do Extension.get_opt(resource, [:graphql], :attribute_types, []) end @doc "Graphql type overrides for the resource" def attribute_input_types(resource) do Extension.get_opt(resource, [:graphql], :attribute_input_types, []) end @doc "The delimiter for a resource with a composite primary key" def primary_key_delimiter(resource) do Extension.get_opt(resource, [:graphql], :primary_key_delimiter, nil) end @doc "Wether or not an object should be generated, or if one with the type name for this resource should be used." def generate_object?(resource) do Extension.get_opt(resource, [:graphql], :generate_object?, nil) end end