# Authorization and Context AshGraphql uses two special keys in the `absinthe` context: * `:actor` - the current actor, to be used for authorization/preparations/changes * `:ash_context` - a map of arbitrary context to be passed into the changeset/query. Accessible via `changeset.context` and `query.context` By default, `authorize?` in the api is set to true. To disable authorization for a given API in graphql, use: ```elixir graphql do authorize? false end ``` If you are doing authorization, you'll need to provide an `actor`. To set the `actor` for authorization, you'll need to add an `actor` key to the absinthe context. Typically, you would have a plug that fetches the current user, and in that plug you could set the absinthe context. For example: ```elixir defmodule MyAppWeb.UserPlug do @behaviour Plug import Plug.Conn def init(opts), do: opts def call(conn, _) do case build_context(conn) do {:ok, context} -> put_private(conn, :absinthe, %{context: context}) _ -> conn end end defp build_context(conn) do with ["" <> token] <- get_req_header(conn, "authorization"), {:ok, user, _claims} <- MyApp.Guardian.resource_from_token(token) do # ash_context allows you to pass arbitrary data down into the changeset/query context # This can be accessed at `changeset.context` or `query.context`. {:ok, %{actor: user, ash_context: %{some: :data}}} end end end ```