defmodule AshGraphql.Domain.Transformers.ValidateCompatibleNames do # Ensures that all field names are valid or remapped to something valid exist @moduledoc false use Spark.Dsl.Transformer alias Spark.Dsl.Transformer def after_compile?, do: true def transform(dsl) do dsl |> Transformer.get_entities([:graphql, :queries]) |> Enum.concat(Transformer.get_entities(dsl, [:graphql, :mutations])) |> Enum.each(fn query_or_mutation -> argument_names = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.argument_names(query_or_mutation.resource) action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(query_or_mutation.resource, query_or_mutation.action) Enum.each(action.arguments, fn argument -> name = argument_names[][] || if invalid_name?(name) do raise_invalid_argument_name_error( query_or_mutation.resource, action,, name ) end end) end) {:ok, dsl} end defp invalid_name?(name) do Regex.match?(~r/_+\d/, to_string(name)) end defp raise_invalid_argument_name_error(resource, action, argument_name, name) do path = [:actions, action.type,, :argument, argument_name] raise Spark.Error.DslError, module: resource, path: path, message: """ Name #{name} is invalid. Due to issues in the underlying tooling with camel/snake case conversion of names that include underscores immediately preceding integers, a different name must be provided to use in the graphql. To do so, add a mapping in your configured argument_names, i.e graphql do ... argument_names #{}: [#{argument_name}: :#{make_name_better(name)}] ... end For more information on the underlying issue, see: """ end defp make_name_better(name) do name |> to_string() |> String.replace(~r/_+\d/, fn v -> String.trim_leading(v, "_") end) end end