defmodule AshGraphql.PlugTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: false require Ash.Query import Plug.Conn @moduletag capture_log: true setup do on_exit(fn -> AshGraphql.TestHelpers.stop_ets() end) end defmodule Pipeline do @moduledoc false use Plug.Router plug(Plug.Parsers, parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json], json_decoder: Jason) plug(AshGraphql.Plug) plug(:match) plug(:dispatch) forward("/", to: Absinthe.Plug, init_opts: [schema: AshGraphql.Test.Schema]) end test "when the actor is set, the current user returns the correct value" do user = AshGraphql.Test.User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "Marty McFly"}) |> AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!() resp = """ query { currentUser { id name } } """ |> conn() |> Ash.PlugHelpers.set_actor(user) |> run() assert resp["data"]["currentUser"]["id"] == assert resp["data"]["currentUser"]["name"] == end test "when the actor is not set, the current user return nil" do resp = """ query { currentUser { id name } } """ |> conn() |> run() refute resp["data"]["currentUser"] end test "when the tenant is set, the the multi tenant tag is correct" do tenant = "Marty McFly" tag = AshGraphql.Test.MultitenantTag |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, [name: "1985"], tenant: tenant) |> AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!() resp = """ query MultitenantTag($id: ID!) { getMultitenantTag(id: $id) { name } } """ |> conn(%{id:}) |> Ash.PlugHelpers.set_tenant(tenant) |> run() assert resp["data"]["getMultitenantTag"]["name"] == "1985" end test "when the tenant is not set, the multi tennant tag is nil" do resp = """ query MultitenantTag($id: ID!) { getMultitenantTag(id: $id) { name } } """ |> conn(%{id: Ecto.UUID.generate()}) |> run() refute resp["data"]["getMultitenantTag"] end def conn(query, variables \\ %{}) do :post |> Plug.Test.conn("/", %{query: query, variables: variables}) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") end def run(conn) do conn |>[]) |> Map.fetch!(:resp_body) |> Jason.decode!() end end