defmodule AshGraphql.CreateTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false setup do on_exit(fn -> try do Ash.DataLayer.Ets.stop(AshGraphql.Test.Post) Ash.DataLayer.Ets.stop(AshGraphql.Test.Comment) rescue _ -> :ok end end) end test "metadata is in the result" do resp = """ mutation SimpleCreatePost($input: SimpleCreatePostInput) { simpleCreatePost(input: $input) { result{ text comments(sort:{field:TEXT}){ text } } metadata{ foo } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{"input" => %{"text" => "foobar"}} ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "simpleCreatePost" => %{ "result" => %{ "text" => "foobar" }, "metadata" => %{ "foo" => "bar" } } } } = result end test "a create with a managed relationship works" do resp = """ mutation CreatePostWithComments($input: CreatePostWithCommentsInput) { createPostWithComments(input: $input) { result{ text comments(sort:{field:TEXT}){ text } } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "comments" => [ %{"text" => "foobar"}, %{"text" => "barfoo"} ] } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "createPostWithComments" => %{ "result" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "comments" => [%{"text" => "barfoo"}, %{"text" => "foobar"}] } } } } = result end test "a create with a managed relationship works with many_to_many and [on_lookup: :relate, on_match: :relate]" do resp = """ mutation CreatePostWithCommentsAndTags($input: CreatePostWithCommentsAndTagsInput) { createPostWithCommentsAndTags(input: $input) { result{ text comments(sort:{field:TEXT}){ text } tags(sort:{field:NAME}){ name } } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "comments" => [ %{"text" => "foobar"}, %{"text" => "barfoo"} ], "tags" => [%{"name" => "test"}, %{"name" => "tag"}] } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "createPostWithCommentsAndTags" => %{ "result" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "comments" => [%{"text" => "barfoo"}, %{"text" => "foobar"}], "tags" => [%{"name" => "tag"}, %{"name" => "test"}] } } } } = result end test "a create with arguments works" do resp = """ mutation CreatePost($input: CreatePostInput) { createPost(input: $input) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "confirmation" => "foobar" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{data: %{"createPost" => %{"result" => %{"text" => "foobar"}}}} = result end test "a create with a fragment works" do resp = """ fragment comparisonFields on Post { text } mutation CreatePost($input: CreatePostInput) { createPost(input: $input) { result{ ...comparisonFields } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "confirmation" => "foobar" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{data: %{"createPost" => %{"result" => %{"text" => "foobar"}}}} = result end test "an upsert works" do post = AshGraphql.Test.Post |> "foobar") |> AshGraphql.Test.Api.create!() resp = """ mutation CreatePost($input: UpsertPostInput) { upsertPost(input: $input) { result{ text id } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "id" =>, "text" => "foobar" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) post_id = assert %{data: %{"upsertPost" => %{"result" => %{"text" => "foobar", "id" => ^post_id}}}} = result end test "arguments are threaded properly" do resp = """ mutation CreatePost($input: CreatePostInput) { createPost(input: $input) { result{ text } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "confirmation" => "foobar2" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp assert %{data: %{"createPost" => %{"result" => nil, "errors" => [%{"message" => message}]}}} = result assert message =~ "Confirmation did not match value" assert %{errors: [%{"message" => message}]} = result assert message =~ "Confirmation did not match value" end test "custom input types are used" do resp = """ mutation CreatePost($input: CreatePostInput) { createPost(input: $input) { result{ text foo{ foo bar } } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "confirmation" => "foobar", "foo" => %{ "foo" => "foo", "bar" => "bar" } } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "createPost" => %{ "result" => %{"text" => "foobar", "foo" => %{"foo" => "foo", "bar" => "bar"}} } } } = result end test "standard enums are used" do resp = """ mutation CreatePost($input: CreatePostInput) { createPost(input: $input) { result{ text statusEnum } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "confirmation" => "foobar", "statusEnum" => "OPEN" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "createPost" => %{ "result" => %{"text" => "foobar", "statusEnum" => "OPEN"} } } } = result end test "custom enums are used" do resp = """ mutation CreatePost($input: CreatePostInput) { createPost(input: $input) { result{ text status } errors{ message } } } """ |>, variables: %{ "input" => %{ "text" => "foobar", "confirmation" => "foobar", "status" => "OPEN" } } ) assert {:ok, result} = resp refute Map.has_key?(result, :errors) assert %{ data: %{ "createPost" => %{ "result" => %{"text" => "foobar", "status" => "OPEN"} } } } = result end end