defmodule AshGraphql do @moduledoc """ AshGraphql is a GraphQL extension for the Ash framework. """ defmacro __using__(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [apis: opts[:apis], api: opts[:api]], generated: true do apis = api |> List.wrap() |> Kernel.++(List.wrap(apis)) apis = apis |> {api, registry} -> {api, registry} api -> raise """ Must now include registry with api when using `AshGraphql`. For example: use AshGraphql, apis: [{My.App.Api, My.App.Registry}] In order to ensure the absinthe schema is recompiled properly, the Registry for each Api must be provided explicitly. """ end) |> {api, registry} -> {api, registry, false} end) |> List.update_at(0, fn {api, registry, _} -> {api, registry, true} end) schema = __MODULE__ for {api, registry, first?} <- apis do defmodule Module.concat(api, AshTypes) do @moduledoc false alias Absinthe.{Blueprint, Phase, Pipeline} # Ensures the api is compiled, and any errors are raised _ = api.spark_dsl_config() _ = registry.spark_dsl_config() def pipeline(pipeline) do Pipeline.insert_before( pipeline, Absinthe.Phase.Schema.ApplyDeclaration, __MODULE__ ) end @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, {:run, 2}} def run(blueprint, _opts) do api = unquote(api) Code.ensure_compiled!(api) blueprint = AshGraphql.add_root_types(blueprint, __ENV__) blueprint_with_queries = api |> AshGraphql.Api.queries(__MODULE__) |> Enum.reduce(blueprint, fn query, blueprint -> Absinthe.Blueprint.add_field(blueprint, "RootQueryType", query) end) blueprint_with_mutations = api |> AshGraphql.Api.mutations(__MODULE__) |> Enum.reduce(blueprint_with_queries, fn mutation, blueprint -> Absinthe.Blueprint.add_field(blueprint, "RootMutationType", mutation) end) type_definitions = if unquote(first?) do apis = unquote(, &elem(&1, 0))) embedded_types = AshGraphql.get_embedded_types(apis, unquote(schema)) global_enums = AshGraphql.global_enums(apis, unquote(schema), __ENV__) AshGraphql.Api.global_type_definitions(unquote(schema), __ENV__) ++ AshGraphql.Api.type_definitions(api, unquote(schema), __ENV__, true) ++ global_enums ++ embedded_types else AshGraphql.Api.type_definitions(api, unquote(schema), __ENV__, false) end new_defs = List.update_at(blueprint_with_mutations.schema_definitions, 0, fn schema_def -> %{ schema_def | type_definitions: schema_def.type_definitions ++ type_definitions } end) {:ok, %{blueprint_with_mutations | schema_definitions: new_defs}} end end if first? do import_types(Absinthe.Type.Custom) import_types(AshGraphql.Types.JSON) import_types(AshGraphql.Types.JSONString) end @pipeline_modifier Module.concat(api, AshTypes) end end end def global_enums(apis, schema, env) do apis |> Enum.flat_map(&Ash.Api.Info.resources/1) |> Enum.flat_map(&all_attributes_and_arguments/1) |> only_enum_types() |> Enum.uniq() |> type -> {name, identifier} = case type do Ash.Type.DurationName -> {"DurationName", :duration_name} type -> graphql_type = type.graphql_type() {graphql_type |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), graphql_type} end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.EnumTypeDefinition{ module: schema, name: name, values:, fn value -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.EnumValueDefinition{ module: schema, identifier: value, __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env), name: String.upcase(to_string(value)), value: value } end), identifier: identifier, __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env) } end) |> Enum.uniq_by(& &1.identifier) end defp all_attributes_and_arguments(resource) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.concat(all_arguments(resource)) |> Enum.concat(Ash.Resource.Info.calculations(resource)) |> Enum.flat_map(fn %{type: type} = attr -> if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do [ attr | type |> embedded_resource() |> all_attributes_and_arguments() ] else [attr] end end) end # defp embedded_enums(%{type: type}) do # if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do # type # end # end defp only_enum_types(attributes) do Enum.flat_map(attributes, fn attribute -> case enum_type(attribute.type) do nil -> [] type -> [type] end end) end def get_embedded_types(apis, schema) do apis |> Enum.flat_map(&Ash.Api.Info.resources/1) |> Enum.flat_map(fn resource -> resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.concat(all_arguments(resource)) |> Enum.concat(Ash.Resource.Info.calculations(resource)) |>{resource, &1}) end) |> Enum.filter(fn {_resource, attribute} -> attribute.type |> embedded_resource() |> Ash.Type.embedded_type?() end) |> {source_resource, attribute} -> {source_resource, attribute, embedded_resource(attribute.type)} end) |> Enum.flat_map(fn {source_resource, attribute, embedded} -> [{source_resource, attribute, embedded}] ++ get_nested_embedded_types(embedded) end) |> Enum.flat_map(fn {source_resource, attribute, embedded_type} -> if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(embedded_type) do [ AshGraphql.Resource.type_definition( embedded_type, Module.concat(embedded_type, ShadowApi), schema ), AshGraphql.Resource.embedded_type_input( source_resource, attribute, embedded_type, schema ) ] ++ AshGraphql.Resource.enum_definitions(embedded_type, schema, __ENV__) else [ AshGraphql.Resource.embedded_type_input( source_resource, attribute, embedded_type, schema ) ] ++ AshGraphql.Resource.enum_definitions(embedded_type, schema, __ENV__) end end) |> Enum.uniq_by(& &1.identifier) end def add_root_types(%Absinthe.Blueprint{} = blueprint, env) do %{ blueprint | schema_definitions:, &do_add_root_types(&1, env)) } end defp do_add_root_types(%Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.SchemaDefinition{} = schema, env) do schema |> add_root_query_type(env) |> add_root_mutation_type(env) end defp add_root_query_type(schema, env) do if Enum.any?(schema.type_definitions, &(& == "RootQueryType")) do schema else root_query = %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ name: "RootQueryType", identifier: :query, module: AshHqWeb.Schema, description: nil, interfaces: [], interface_blueprints: [], fields: [], directives: [], is_type_of: {:ref, env.module, {Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition, :query}}, source_location: nil, flags: %{}, imports: [], errors: [], __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env), __private__: [] } %{schema | type_definitions: [root_query | schema.type_definitions]} end end defp add_root_mutation_type(schema, env) do if Enum.any?(schema.type_definitions, &(& == "RootMutationType")) do schema else root_mutation = %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ name: "RootMutationType", identifier: :mutation, module: AshHqWeb.Schema, description: nil, interfaces: [], interface_blueprints: [], fields: [], directives: [], is_type_of: {:ref, env.module, {Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition, :mutation}}, source_location: nil, flags: %{}, imports: [], errors: [], __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env), __private__: [] } %{schema | type_definitions: [root_mutation | schema.type_definitions]} end end defp all_arguments(resource) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.actions() |> Enum.flat_map(& &1.arguments) end defp enum_type({:array, type}), do: enum_type(type) defp enum_type(type) do if is_atom(type) && :erlang.function_exported(type, :values, 0) && :erlang.function_exported(type, :graphql_type, 0) do type end end defp embedded_resource({:array, type}), do: embedded_resource(type) defp embedded_resource(type), do: type defp get_nested_embedded_types(embedded_type) do embedded_type |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.filter(&Ash.Type.embedded_type?(&1.type)) |> attribute -> {attribute, embedded_resource(attribute.type)} end) |> Enum.flat_map(fn {attribute, embedded} -> [{embedded_type, attribute, embedded}] ++ get_nested_embedded_types(embedded) end) end def add_context(ctx, apis, options \\ []) do options = Keyword.put(options, :get_policy, :tuples) empty_dataloader = dataloader = apis |> List.wrap() |> Enum.reduce(empty_dataloader, fn {api, _registry}, dataloader -> Dataloader.add_source( dataloader, api, ) end) Map.put(ctx, :loader, dataloader) end end