defmodule AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver do @moduledoc false require Ash.Query require Logger import AshGraphql.TraceHelpers import AshGraphql.ContextHelpers def resolve(%Absinthe.Resolution{state: :resolved} = resolution, _), do: resolution def resolve( %{arguments: arguments, context: context} = resolution, {api, resource, %{ name: query_name, type: :get, action: action, identity: identity, modify_resolution: modify } = gql_query} ) do case handle_arguments(resource, action, arguments) do {:ok, arguments} -> metadata = %{ api: api, resource: resource, resource_short_name: Ash.Resource.Info.short_name(resource), actor: Map.get(context, :actor), tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), action: action, source: :graphql, query: query_name, authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) } trace api, resource, :gql_query, query_name, metadata do opts = [ actor: Map.get(context, :actor), action: action, verbose?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.debug?(api) ] filter = identity_filter(identity, resource, arguments) query = resource |> |> Ash.Query.set_tenant(Map.get(context, :tenant)) |> Ash.Query.set_context(get_context(context)) |> set_query_arguments(action, arguments) |> select_fields(resource, resolution) {result, modify_args} = case filter do {:ok, filter} -> query = query |> Ash.Query.do_filter(filter) |> load_fields( [ api: api, tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api), actor: Map.get(context, :actor) ], resource, resolution, resolution.path ) result = query |> Ash.Query.for_read(action, %{}, actor: opts[:actor], authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) ) |> api.read_one(opts) {result, [query, result]} {:error, error} -> query = resource |> |> Ash.Query.set_tenant(Map.get(context, :tenant)) |> Ash.Query.set_context(get_context(context)) |> set_query_arguments(action, arguments) |> select_fields(resource, resolution) |> load_fields( [ api: api, tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api), actor: Map.get(context, :actor) ], resource, resolution, resolution.path ) {{:error, error}, [query, {:error, error}]} end case {result, gql_query.allow_nil?} do {{:ok, nil}, false} -> {:ok, filter} = filter result = not_found(filter, resource, context, api) resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(result) |> add_root_errors(api, result) {result, _} -> resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( to_resolution( result |> add_read_metadata( gql_query, Ash.Resource.Info.action(query.resource, action) ), context, api ) ) |> add_root_errors(api, result) |> modify_resolution(modify, modify_args) end end {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end rescue e -> if AshGraphql.Api.Info.show_raised_errors?(api) do error = Ash.Error.to_ash_error([e], __STACKTRACE__) Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api)) else something_went_wrong(resolution, e, api, __STACKTRACE__) end end def resolve( %{arguments: args, context: context} = resolution, {api, resource, %{name: query_name, type: :read_one, action: action, modify_resolution: modify} = gql_query} ) do metadata = %{ api: api, resource: resource, resource_short_name: Ash.Resource.Info.short_name(resource), actor: Map.get(context, :actor), tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), action: action, source: :graphql, query: query_name, authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) } with {:ok, args} <- handle_arguments(resource, action, args), {:ok, query} <- read_one_query(resource, args) do trace api, resource, :gql_query, query_name, metadata do opts = [ actor: Map.get(context, :actor), action: action, verbose?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.debug?(api) ] query = query |> Ash.Query.set_tenant(Map.get(context, :tenant)) |> Ash.Query.set_context(get_context(context)) |> set_query_arguments(action, args) |> select_fields(resource, resolution) |> load_fields( [ api: api, tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api), actor: Map.get(context, :actor) ], resource, resolution, resolution.path ) result = query |> Ash.Query.for_read(action, %{}, actor: opts[:actor], authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) ) |> api.read_one(opts) result = add_read_metadata( result, gql_query, Ash.Resource.Info.action(query.resource, action) ) resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(to_resolution(result, context, api)) |> add_root_errors(api, result) |> modify_resolution(modify, [query, args]) end else {:error, error} -> resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api)) end rescue e -> if AshGraphql.Api.Info.show_raised_errors?(api) do error = Ash.Error.to_ash_error([e], __STACKTRACE__) Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api)) else something_went_wrong(resolution, e, api, __STACKTRACE__) end end def resolve( %{arguments: args, context: context} = resolution, {api, resource, %{ name: query_name, type: :list, relay?: relay?, action: action, modify_resolution: modify } = gql_query} ) do case handle_arguments(resource, action, args) do {:ok, args} -> metadata = %{ api: api, resource: resource, resource_short_name: Ash.Resource.Info.short_name(resource), actor: Map.get(context, :actor), tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), action: action, source: :graphql, query: query_name, authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) } trace api, resource, :gql_query, query_name, metadata do opts = [ actor: Map.get(context, :actor), action: action, verbose?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.debug?(api) ] pagination = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, action).pagination query = apply_load_arguments(args, {result, modify_args} = with {:ok, opts} <- validate_resolve_opts(resolution, pagination, opts, args), result_fields <- get_result_fields(pagination, relay?), initial_query <- query |> Ash.Query.set_tenant(Map.get(context, :tenant)) |> Ash.Query.set_context(get_context(context)) |> set_query_arguments(action, args) |> select_fields(resource, resolution, result_fields), query <- load_fields( initial_query, [ api: api, tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api), actor: Map.get(context, :actor) ], resource, resolution, resolution.path, result_fields ), {:ok, page} <- query |> Ash.Query.for_read(action, %{}, actor: Map.get(context, :actor), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) ) |> do result = paginate(resource, action, page, relay?) {result, [query, result]} else {:error, error} -> {{:error, error}, [query, {:error, error}]} end result = add_read_metadata(result, gql_query, Ash.Resource.Info.action(query.resource, action)) resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(to_resolution(result, context, api)) |> add_root_errors(api, modify_args) |> modify_resolution(modify, modify_args) end {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end rescue e -> if AshGraphql.Api.Info.show_raised_errors?(api) do error = Ash.Error.to_ash_error([e], __STACKTRACE__) Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api)) else something_went_wrong(resolution, e, api, __STACKTRACE__) end end defp read_one_query(resource, args) do case Map.fetch(args, :filter) do {:ok, filter} when filter != %{} -> case Ash.Filter.parse_input(resource, filter) do {:ok, parsed} -> {:ok, Ash.Query.do_filter(resource, parsed)} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end _ -> {:ok,} end end defp handle_arguments(_resource, nil, argument_values) do {:ok, argument_values} end defp handle_arguments(resource, action, argument_values) when is_atom(action) do action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, action) handle_arguments(resource, action, argument_values) end defp handle_arguments(resource, action, argument_values) do action_arguments = action.arguments attributes = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.attributes() argument_values |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, %{}}, fn {key, value}, {:ok, arguments} -> argument = Enum.find(action_arguments, &(& == key)) || Enum.find(attributes, &(& == key)) if argument do %{type: type, name: name, constraints: constraints} = argument case handle_argument(resource, action, type, constraints, value, name) do {:ok, value} -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(arguments, name, value)}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end else {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(arguments, key, value)}} end end) end defp handle_argument(resource, action, {:array, type}, constraints, value, name) when is_list(value) do value |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, []}, fn value, {:ok, acc} -> case handle_argument(resource, action, type, constraints[:items], value, name) do {:ok, value} -> {:cont, {:ok, [value | acc]}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end end) |> case do {:ok, value} -> {:ok, Enum.reverse(value)} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end defp handle_argument(_resource, _action, Ash.Type.Union, constraints, value, name) do handle_union_type(value, constraints, name) end defp handle_argument(resource, action, type, constraints, value, name) do cond do AshGraphql.Resource.Info.managed_relationship(resource, action, %{name: name}) && is_map(value) -> managed_relationship = AshGraphql.Resource.Info.managed_relationship(resource, action, %{name: name}) opts = AshGraphql.Resource.find_manage_change(%{name: name}, action, resource) relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, opts[:relationship]) || raise """ No relationship found when building managed relationship input: #{opts[:relationship]} """ manage_opts_schema = if opts[:opts][:type] do defaults = Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship_opts(opts[:opts][:type]) Enum.reduce(defaults, Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship_schema(), fn {key, value}, manage_opts -> Spark.OptionsHelpers.set_default!(manage_opts, key, value) end) else Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship_schema() end manage_opts = Spark.OptionsHelpers.validate!(opts[:opts], manage_opts_schema) fields = manage_opts |> AshGraphql.Resource.manage_fields( managed_relationship, relationship, __MODULE__ ) |> Enum.reject(fn {_, :__primary_key, _} -> true {_, {:identity, _}, _} -> true _ -> false end) |> {_, _, %{identifier: identifier}} = field -> {identifier, field} end) Enum.reduce_while(value, {:ok, %{}}, fn {key, value}, {:ok, acc} -> field_name = resource |> AshGraphql.Resource.Info.field_names() |> {l, r} -> {r, l} end) |> Keyword.get(key, key) case Map.get(fields, field_name) do nil -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(acc, key, value)}} {resource, action, _} -> action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, action) attributes = Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes(resource) argument = Enum.find(action.arguments, &(& == field_name)) || Enum.find(attributes, &(& == field_name)) if argument do %{type: type, name: name, constraints: constraints} = argument case handle_argument(resource, action, type, constraints, value, name) do {:ok, value} -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(acc, key, value)}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end else {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(acc, key, value)}} end end end) Ash.Type.NewType.new_type?(type) -> handle_argument( resource, action, Ash.Type.NewType.subtype_of(type), Ash.Type.NewType.constraints(type, constraints), value, name ) Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) and is_map(value) -> create_action = if constraints[:create_action] do Ash.Resource.Info.action(type, constraints[:create_action]) || Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action(type, :create) else Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action(type, :create) end update_action = if constraints[:update_action] do Ash.Resource.Info.action(type, constraints[:update_action]) || Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action(type, :update) else Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action(type, :update) end attributes = Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes(type) fields = cond do create_action && update_action -> create_action.arguments ++ update_action.arguments ++ attributes update_action -> update_action.arguments ++ attributes create_action -> create_action.arguments ++ attributes true -> attributes end value |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, %{}}, fn {key, value}, {:ok, acc} -> field = Enum.find(fields, fn field -> == key end) if field do case handle_argument( resource, action, field.type, field.constraints, value, "#{name}.#{key}" ) do {:ok, value} -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(acc, key, value)}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end else {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(acc, key, value)}} end end) true -> {:ok, value} end end defp handle_union_type(value, constraints, name) do value |> Enum.reject(fn {_key, value} -> is_nil(value) end) |> case do [] -> {:ok, nil} [{key, value}] -> config = constraints[:types][key] if config[:tag] && is_map(value) do {:ok, Map.put_new(value, config[:tag], config[:tag_value])} else {:ok, value} end key_vals -> keys = Enum.map_join(key_vals, ", ", fn {key, _} -> to_string(key) end) {:error, %{message: "Only one key can be specified, but got #{keys}", fields: ["#{name}"]}} end end def validate_resolve_opts(resolution, pagination, opts, args) do if pagination && (pagination.offset? || pagination.keyset?) do with page_opts <- args |> Map.take([:limit, :offset, :first, :after, :before, :last]) |> Enum.reject(fn {_, val} -> is_nil(val) end), {:ok, page_opts} <- validate_offset_opts(page_opts, pagination), {:ok, page_opts} <- validate_keyset_opts(page_opts, pagination) do field_names = resolution |> fields([]) |> names_only() page = if Enum.any?(field_names, &(&1 == :count)) do Keyword.put(page_opts, :count, true) else page_opts end {:ok, Keyword.put(opts, :page, page)} else error -> error end else {:ok, opts} end end defp validate_offset_opts(opts, %{offset?: true, max_page_size: max_page_size}) do limit = case opts |> Keyword.take([:limit]) |> Enum.into(%{}) do %{limit: limit} -> min(limit, max_page_size) _ -> max_page_size end {:ok, Keyword.put(opts, :limit, limit)} end defp validate_offset_opts(opts, _) do {:ok, opts} end defp validate_keyset_opts(opts, %{keyset?: true, max_page_size: max_page_size}) do case opts |> Keyword.take([:first, :last, :after, :before]) |> Enum.into(%{}) do %{first: _first, last: _last} -> {:error, %Ash.Error.Query.InvalidQuery{ message: "You can pass either `first` or `last`, not both", field: :first }} %{first: _first, before: _before} -> {:error, %Ash.Error.Query.InvalidQuery{ message: "You can pass either `first` and `after` cursor, or `last` and `before` cursor", field: :first }} %{last: _last, after: _after} -> {:error, %Ash.Error.Query.InvalidQuery{ message: "You can pass either `first` and `after` cursor, or `last` and `before` cursor", field: :last }} %{first: first} -> {:ok, opts |> Keyword.delete(:first) |> Keyword.put(:limit, min(first, max_page_size))} %{last: last, before: before} when not is_nil(before) -> {:ok, opts |> Keyword.delete(:last) |> Keyword.put(:limit, min(last, max_page_size))} %{last: _last} -> {:error, %Ash.Error.Query.InvalidQuery{ message: "You can pass `last` only with `before` cursor", field: :last }} _ -> {:ok, Keyword.put(opts, :limit, max_page_size)} end end defp validate_keyset_opts(opts, _) do {:ok, opts} end defp get_result_fields(%{keyset?: true}, true) do ["edges", "node"] end defp get_result_fields(%{keyset?: true}, false) do ["results"] end defp get_result_fields(%{offset?: true}, _) do ["results"] end defp get_result_fields(_pagination, _) do [] end defp paginate( _resource, _action, %Ash.Page.Keyset{ results: results, more?: more, after: after_cursor, before: before_cursor, count: count }, relay? ) do {start_cursor, end_cursor} = case results do [] -> {nil, nil} [first] -> {first.__metadata__.keyset, first.__metadata__.keyset} [first | rest] -> last = List.last(rest) {first.__metadata__.keyset, last.__metadata__.keyset} end {has_previous_page, has_next_page} = case {after_cursor, before_cursor} do {nil, nil} -> {false, more} {_, nil} -> {true, more} {nil, _} -> # {more, not Enum.empty?(results)} end if relay? do { :ok, %{ page_info: %{ start_cursor: start_cursor, end_cursor: end_cursor, has_next_page: has_next_page, has_previous_page: has_previous_page }, count: count, edges:, fn result -> %{ cursor: result.__metadata__.keyset, node: result } end) } } else {:ok, %{results: results, count: count, start_keyset: start_cursor, end_keyset: end_cursor}} end end defp paginate( _resource, _action, %Ash.Page.Offset{results: results, count: count, more?: more}, true ) do {start_cursor, end_cursor} = case results do [] -> {nil, nil} [first] -> {first.__metadata__.keyset, first.__metadata__.keyset} [first | rest] -> last = List.last(rest) {first.__metadata__.keyset, last.__metadata__.keyset} end has_previous_page = false has_next_page = more { :ok, %{ page_info: %{ start_cursor: start_cursor, end_cursor: end_cursor, has_next_page: has_next_page, has_previous_page: has_previous_page }, count: count, edges:, fn result -> %{ cursor: result.__metadata__.keyset, node: result } end) } } end defp paginate( _resource, _action, %Ash.Page.Offset{results: results, count: count, more?: more?}, _ ) do {:ok, %{results: results, count: count, more?: more?}} end defp paginate(resource, action, page, relay?) do case Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, action).pagination do %{offset?: true} -> paginate( resource, action, %Ash.Page.Offset{results: page, count: Enum.count(page), more?: false}, relay? ) %{keyset?: true} -> paginate( resource, action, %Ash.Page.Keyset{ results: page, more?: false, after: nil, before: nil }, relay? ) _ -> {:ok, page} end end def mutate(%Absinthe.Resolution{state: :resolved} = resolution, _), do: resolution def mutate( %{arguments: arguments, context: context} = resolution, {api, resource, %{ type: :create, name: mutation_name, action: action, upsert?: upsert?, upsert_identity: upsert_identity, modify_resolution: modify }} ) do input = arguments[:input] || %{} case handle_arguments(resource, action, input) do {:ok, input} -> metadata = %{ api: api, resource: resource, resource_short_name: Ash.Resource.Info.short_name(resource), actor: Map.get(context, :actor), tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), action: action, source: :graphql, mutation_name: mutation_name, authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) } trace api, resource, :gql_mutation, mutation_name, metadata do opts = [ actor: Map.get(context, :actor), action: action, verbose?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.debug?(api), upsert?: upsert? ] opts = if upsert? && upsert_identity do Keyword.put(opts, :upsert_identity, upsert_identity) else opts end changeset = resource |> |> Ash.Changeset.set_tenant(Map.get(context, :tenant)) |> Ash.Changeset.set_context(get_context(context)) |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(action, input, actor: Map.get(context, :actor), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) ) |> select_fields(resource, resolution, ["result"]) |> load_fields( [ api: api, tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api), actor: Map.get(context, :actor) ], resource, resolution, resolution.path, ["result"] ) {result, modify_args} = changeset |> api.create(opts) |> case do {:ok, value} -> {{:ok, add_metadata(%{result: value, errors: []}, value, changeset.action)}, [changeset, {:ok, value}]} {:error, %{changeset: changeset} = error} -> {{:ok, %{result: nil, errors: to_errors(changeset.errors, context, api)}}, [changeset, {:error, error}]} end resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(to_resolution(result, context, api)) |> add_root_errors(api, modify_args) |> modify_resolution(modify, modify_args) end {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end rescue e -> if AshGraphql.Api.Info.show_raised_errors?(api) do error = Ash.Error.to_ash_error([e], __STACKTRACE__) if AshGraphql.Api.Info.root_level_errors?(api) do Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api) ) else Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, to_resolution( {:ok, %{result: nil, errors: to_errors(error, context, api)}}, context, api ) ) end else something_went_wrong(resolution, e, api, __STACKTRACE__) end end def mutate( %{arguments: arguments, context: context} = resolution, {api, resource, %{ name: mutation_name, type: :update, action: action, identity: identity, read_action: read_action, modify_resolution: modify }} ) do read_action = read_action || Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(resource, :read).name input = arguments[:input] || %{} args_result = with {:ok, input} <- handle_arguments(resource, action, input), {:ok, read_action_input} <- handle_arguments(resource, read_action, Map.delete(arguments, :input)) do {:ok, input, read_action_input} end case args_result do {:ok, input, read_action_input} -> metadata = %{ api: api, resource: resource, resource_short_name: Ash.Resource.Info.short_name(resource), actor: Map.get(context, :actor), tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), action: action, mutation: mutation_name, source: :graphql, authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) } trace api, resource, :gql_mutation, mutation_name, metadata do filter = identity_filter(identity, resource, arguments) case filter do {:ok, filter} -> resource |> Ash.Query.do_filter(filter) |> Ash.Query.set_tenant(Map.get(context, :tenant)) |> Ash.Query.set_context(get_context(context)) |> set_query_arguments(read_action, read_action_input) |> api.read_one( action: read_action, verbose?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.debug?(api), actor: Map.get(context, :actor), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) ) |> case do {:ok, nil} -> result = not_found(filter, resource, context, api) resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(result) |> add_root_errors(api, result) {:ok, initial} -> opts = [ actor: Map.get(context, :actor), action: action, verbose?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.debug?(api) ] changeset = initial |> |> Ash.Changeset.set_tenant(Map.get(context, :tenant)) |> Ash.Changeset.set_context(get_context(context)) |> Ash.Changeset.for_update(action, input, actor: Map.get(context, :actor), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) ) |> select_fields(resource, resolution, ["result"]) |> load_fields( [ api: api, tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api), actor: Map.get(context, :actor) ], resource, resolution, resolution.path, ["result"] ) {result, modify_args} = changeset |> api.update(opts) |> case do {:ok, value} -> {{:ok, add_metadata(%{result: value, errors: []}, value, changeset.action)}, [changeset, {:ok, value}]} {:error, error} -> {{:ok, %{result: nil, errors: to_errors(List.wrap(error), context, api)}}, [changeset, {:error, error}]} end resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(to_resolution(result, context, api)) |> add_root_errors(api, modify_args) |> modify_resolution(modify, modify_args) {:error, error} -> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api) ) end {:error, error} -> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api) ) end end {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end rescue e -> if AshGraphql.Api.Info.show_raised_errors?(api) do error = Ash.Error.to_ash_error([e], __STACKTRACE__) if AshGraphql.Api.Info.root_level_errors?(api) do Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api) ) else Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, to_resolution( {:ok, %{result: nil, errors: to_errors(error, context, api)}}, context, api ) ) end else something_went_wrong(resolution, e, api, __STACKTRACE__) end end def mutate( %{arguments: arguments, context: context} = resolution, {api, resource, %{ name: mutation_name, type: :destroy, action: action, identity: identity, read_action: read_action, modify_resolution: modify }} ) do read_action = read_action || Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(resource, :read).name input = arguments[:input] || %{} args_result = with {:ok, input} <- handle_arguments(resource, action, input), {:ok, read_action_input} <- handle_arguments(resource, read_action, Map.delete(arguments, :input)) do {:ok, input, read_action_input} end case args_result do {:ok, input, read_action_input} -> metadata = %{ api: api, resource: resource, resource_short_name: Ash.Resource.Info.short_name(resource), actor: Map.get(context, :actor), tenant: Map.get(context, :tenant), action: action, source: :graphql, mutation: mutation_name, authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) } trace api, resource, :gql_mutation, mutation_name, metadata do filter = identity_filter(identity, resource, arguments) case filter do {:ok, filter} -> resource |> Ash.Query.do_filter(filter) |> Ash.Query.set_tenant(Map.get(context, :tenant)) |> Ash.Query.set_context(get_context(context)) |> set_query_arguments(action, read_action_input) |> api.read_one( action: read_action, verbose?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.debug?(api), actor: Map.get(context, :actor), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) ) |> case do {:ok, nil} -> result = not_found(filter, resource, context, api) resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(result) |> add_root_errors(api, result) {:ok, initial} -> opts = destroy_opts(api, context, action) changeset = initial |> |> Ash.Changeset.set_tenant(Map.get(context, :tenant)) |> Ash.Changeset.set_context(get_context(context)) |> Ash.Changeset.for_destroy(action, input, actor: Map.get(context, :actor), authorize?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) ) |> select_fields(resource, resolution, ["result"]) {result, modify_args} = changeset |> api.destroy(opts) |> destroy_result(initial, resource, changeset, api, resolution) resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(to_resolution(result, context, api)) |> add_root_errors(api, result) |> modify_resolution(modify, modify_args) {:error, error} -> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api) ) end {:error, error} -> Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api) ) end end {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end rescue e -> if AshGraphql.Api.Info.show_raised_errors?(api) do error = Ash.Error.to_ash_error([e], __STACKTRACE__) if AshGraphql.Api.Info.root_level_errors?(api) do Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api) ) else Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, to_resolution( {:ok, %{result: nil, errors: to_errors(error, context, api)}}, context, api ) ) end else something_went_wrong(resolution, e, api, __STACKTRACE__) end end defp log_exception(e, stacktrace) do uuid = Ash.UUID.generate() Logger.error(""" #{uuid}: Exception raised while resolving query. #{String.slice(Exception.format(:error, e), 0, 2000)} #{Exception.format_stacktrace(stacktrace)} """) uuid end defp something_went_wrong(resolution, e, api, stacktrace) do tracer = AshGraphql.Api.Info.tracer(api) if tracer do tracer.set_error(Ash.Error.to_ash_error(e)) end uuid = log_exception(e, stacktrace) Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, {:error, [ %{ message: "Something went wrong. Unique error id: `#{uuid}`", code: "something_went_wrong", vars: %{}, fields: [], short_message: "Something went wrong." } ]} ) end defp modify_resolution(resolution, nil, _), do: resolution defp modify_resolution(resolution, {m, f, a}, args) do apply(m, f, [resolution | args] ++ a) end def identity_filter(false, _resource, _arguments) do {:ok, nil} end def identity_filter(nil, resource, arguments) do if AshGraphql.Resource.Info.encode_primary_key?(resource) do case AshGraphql.Resource.decode_primary_key(resource, Map.get(arguments, :id) || "") do {:ok, value} -> {:ok, value} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end else resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key() |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, nil}, fn key, {:ok, expr} -> value = Map.get(arguments, key) if value do if expr do {:cont, {:ok, Ash.Query.expr(^expr and ref(^key) == ^value)}} else {:cont, {:ok, Ash.Query.expr(ref(^key) == ^value)}} end else {:halt, {:error, "Required key not present"}} end end) end end def identity_filter(identity, resource, arguments) do {:ok, resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.identities() |> Enum.find(&(& == identity)) |> Map.get(:keys) |> key -> {key, Map.get(arguments, key)} end)} end defp not_found(filter, resource, context, api) do {:ok, %{ result: nil, errors: to_errors( Ash.Error.Query.NotFound.exception( primary_key: || []), resource: resource ), context, api ) }} end defp massage_filter(_resource, nil), do: nil defp massage_filter(resource, filter) when is_map(filter) do, fn {key, value} -> cond do rel = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, key) -> {key, massage_filter(rel.destination, value)} Ash.Resource.Info.calculation(resource, key) -> calc_input(key, value) true -> {key, value} end end) end defp massage_filter(_resource, other), do: other defp calc_input(key, value) do case Map.fetch(value, :input) do {:ok, input} -> {key, {input, Map.delete(value, :input)}} :error -> {key, value} end end defp clear_fields(nil, _, _), do: nil defp clear_fields(result, resource, resolution) do resolution |> fields(["result"]) |> names_only() |> identifier -> Ash.Resource.Info.aggregate(resource, identifier) end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> & |> Enum.reduce(result, fn field, result -> Map.put(result, field, nil) end) end @doc false def load_fields(query_or_changeset, load_opts, resource, resolution, path, nested \\ []) do {fields, path} = nested_fields_and_path(resolution, path, nested) fields |> resource_loads(resource, resolution, load_opts, path) |> then(fn load -> case query_or_changeset do %Ash.Query{} = query -> Ash.Query.load(query, load) %Ash.Changeset{} = changeset -> Ash.Changeset.load(changeset, load) end end) end defp nested_fields_and_path(resolution, path, []) do base =, 0) || resolution selections = case base do %Absinthe.Resolution{} -> Absinthe.Resolution.project(resolution) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Document.Field{selections: selections} -> {fields, _} = selections |> Absinthe.Resolution.Projector.project( Absinthe.Schema.lookup_type(resolution.schema, base.schema_node.type), path, %{}, resolution ) fields end {selections, path} end defp nested_fields_and_path(resolution, path, [nested | rest]) do base =, 0) || resolution selections = case base do %Absinthe.Resolution{} -> Absinthe.Resolution.project(resolution) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Document.Field{selections: selections} -> {fields, _} = selections |> Absinthe.Resolution.Projector.project( Absinthe.Schema.lookup_type(resolution.schema, base.schema_node.type), path, %{}, resolution ) fields end selection = Enum.find(selections, &(& == nested)) if selection do nested_fields_and_path(resolution, [selection | path], rest) else {[], path} end end defp resource_loads(fields, resource, resolution, load_opts, path) do Enum.flat_map(fields, fn selection -> cond do aggregate = Ash.Resource.Info.aggregate(resource, selection.schema_node.identifier) -> [] calculation = Ash.Resource.Info.calculation(resource, selection.schema_node.identifier) -> arguments = selection.arguments |> argument -> {argument.schema_node.identifier,} end) |> then(fn args -> if selection.alias do Map.put(args, :as, {:__ash_graphql_calculation__, selection.alias}) else args end end) if Ash.Type.can_load?(calculation.type, calculation.constraints) do loads = type_loads( selection.selections, calculation.type, calculation.constraints, load_opts, resource,, resolution, [selection | path], selection, AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) ) case loads do [] -> [{, arguments}] loads -> [{, {arguments, loads}}] end else [{, arguments}] end attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, selection.schema_node.identifier) -> if Ash.Type.can_load?(attribute.type, attribute.constraints) do loads = type_loads( selection.selections, attribute.type, attribute.constraints, load_opts, resource,, resolution, [selection | path], selection, AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) ) case loads do [] -> if selection.alias do {:ok, calc} = {:__ash_graphql_attribute__, selection.alias}, Ash.Resource.Calculation.LoadAttribute, Keyword.put(load_opts, :attribute,, {attribute.type, attribute.constraints} ) [ calc ] else [] end loads -> if selection.alias do {:ok, calc} = {:__ash_graphql_attribute__, selection.alias}, Ash.Resource.Calculation.LoadAttribute, Keyword.merge(load_opts, load: loads, attribute:, {attribute.type, attribute.constraints} ) [ calc ] else [{, loads}] end end else [] end relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, selection.schema_node.identifier) -> related_query = selection.arguments |> argument -> {argument.schema_node.identifier,} end) |> apply_load_arguments( |> select_fields(relationship.destination, selection) |> load_fields(load_opts, relationship.destination, resolution, [selection | path]) if selection.alias do {type, constraints} = case relationship.cardinality do :many -> {{:array, :struct}, items: [instance_of: relationship.destination]} :one -> {:struct, instance_of: relationship.destination} end {:ok, calc} = {:__ash_graphql_relationship__, selection.alias}, Ash.Resource.Calculation.LoadRelationship, Keyword.merge(load_opts, relationship:, query: related_query), {type, constraints} ) [ calc ] else [{, related_query}] end true -> [] end end) end defp type_loads( selections, type, constraints, load_opts, resource, field_name, resolution, path, selection, parent_type_name, original_type \\ nil, already_expanded? \\ false ) defp type_loads( selections, {:array, type}, constraints, load_opts, resource, field_name, resolution, path, selection, parent_type_name, original_type, already_expanded? ) do type_loads( selections, type, constraints[:items] || [], load_opts, resource, field_name, resolution, path, selection, parent_type_name, original_type, already_expanded? ) end defp type_loads( selections, type, constraints, load_opts, resource, field_name, resolution, path, selection, parent_type_name, original_type, already_expanded? ) do cond do Ash.Type.NewType.new_type?(type) -> subtype_constraints = Ash.Type.NewType.constraints(type, constraints) subtype_of = Ash.Type.NewType.subtype_of(type) type_loads( selections, subtype_of, subtype_constraints, load_opts, resource, field_name, resolution, path, selection, parent_type_name, {type, constraints}, already_expanded? ) Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) || Ash.Resource.Info.resource?(type) -> fields = if already_expanded? do selections else value_type = Absinthe.Schema.lookup_type(resolution.schema, selection.schema_node.type) {fields, _} = Absinthe.Resolution.Projector.project( selections, value_type, path, %{}, resolution ) fields end fields |> resource_loads(type, resolution, load_opts, path) type == Ash.Type.Union -> {global_selections, fragments} = Enum.split_with(selections, fn %Absinthe.Blueprint.Document.Field{} -> true _ -> false end) loads = case global_selections do [] -> [] global_selections -> first_type_config = constraints[:types] |> |> elem(1) first_type = first_type_config[:type] first_constraints = first_type_config[:constraints] type_loads( global_selections, first_type, first_constraints, load_opts, resource, field_name, resolution, path, selection, parent_type_name, original_type ) end {graphql_unnested_unions, configured_type_name} = case original_type do {type, constraints} -> configured_type_name = cond do function_exported?(type, :graphql_type, 0) -> type.graphql_type() function_exported?(type, :graphql_type, 1) -> type.graphql_type(constraints) true -> nil end unnested_unions = if function_exported?(type, :graphql_unnested_unions, 1) do type.graphql_unnested_unions(constraints) else [] end {unnested_unions, configured_type_name} _ -> {[], nil} end constraints[:types] |> Enum.filter(fn {_, config} -> Ash.Type.can_load?(config[:type], config[:constraints]) end) |> Enum.reduce(loads, fn {type_name, config}, acc -> {gql_type_name, nested?} = if type_name in graphql_unnested_unions do {AshGraphql.Resource.field_type( config[:type], %Ash.Resource.Attribute{ name: configured_type_name || AshGraphql.Resource.atom_enum_type(resource, field_name), type: config[:type], constraints: config[:constraints] }, resource ), false} else {AshGraphql.Resource.nested_union_type_name( %{name: configured_type_name || "#{parent_type_name}_#{field_name}"}, type_name, true ), true} end gql_type = Absinthe.Schema.lookup_type(resolution.schema, gql_type_name) if !gql_type do raise Ash.Error.Framework.AssumptionFailed, message: "Could not find a corresponding graphql type for #{inspect(gql_type_name)}" end if nested? do {fields, _} = Absinthe.Resolution.Projector.project( fragments, gql_type, path, %{}, resolution ) if selection = Enum.find(fields, &(&1.schema_node.identifier == :value)) do Keyword.put( acc, type_name, type_loads( selection.selections, config[:type], config[:constraints], load_opts, resource, gql_type_name, resolution, [selection | path], selection, gql_type_name, original_type ) ) else acc end else {fields, _} = Absinthe.Resolution.Projector.project( fragments, gql_type, path, %{}, resolution ) Keyword.put( acc, type_name, type_loads( fields, config[:type], config[:constraints], load_opts, resource, gql_type_name, resolution, path, selection, gql_type_name, original_type, true ) ) end end) true -> [] end end @doc false def select_fields(query_or_changeset, resource, resolution, nested \\ []) do subfields = resolution |> fields(nested) |> names_only() |>, &1)) |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> names_only() case query_or_changeset do %Ash.Query{} = query -> query |> %Ash.Changeset{} = changeset -> changeset |> end end defp field_or_relationship(resource, identifier) do case Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, identifier) do nil -> case Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, identifier) do nil -> nil rel -> Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, rel.source_attribute) end attr -> attr end end defp fields(%Absinthe.Resolution{} = resolution, []) do resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.project() end defp fields(resolution, names) do {project, cache} = case resolution do %Absinthe.Blueprint.Document.Field{selections: selections} -> {selections, %{}} resolution -> {resolution |> Absinthe.Resolution.project(), resolution.fields_cache} end Enum.reduce(names, {project, cache}, fn name, {fields, cache} -> case fields |> Enum.find(&(& == name)) do nil -> {fields, cache} selection -> type = Absinthe.Schema.lookup_type(resolution.schema, selection.schema_node.type) selection |> Map.get(:selections) |> Absinthe.Resolution.Projector.project( type, [selection | resolution.path], cache, resolution ) end end) |> elem(0) end defp names_only(fields) do, fn %{schema_node: %{identifier: identifier}} -> identifier %{name: name} -> name end) end @doc false def set_query_arguments(query, action, arg_values) do action = if is_atom(action) do Ash.Resource.Info.action(query.resource, action) else action end action.arguments |> Enum.reject(& &1.private?) |> Enum.reduce(query, fn argument, query -> case Map.fetch(arg_values, do {:ok, value} -> Ash.Query.set_argument(query,, value) _ -> query end end) end defp destroy_opts(api, context, action) do if AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?(api) do [ actor: Map.get(context, :actor), action: action, verbose?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.debug?(api) ] else [ action: action, verbose?: AshGraphql.Api.Info.debug?(api) ] end end defp add_root_errors(resolution, api, {:error, error_or_errors}) do do_root_errors(api, resolution, error_or_errors) end defp add_root_errors(resolution, api, [_, {:error, error_or_errors}]) do do_root_errors(api, resolution, error_or_errors) end defp add_root_errors(resolution, api, [_, {:ok, %{errors: errors}}]) when errors not in [nil, []] do do_root_errors(api, resolution, errors, false) end defp add_root_errors(resolution, api, {:ok, %{errors: errors}}) when errors not in [nil, []] do do_root_errors(api, resolution, errors, false) end defp add_root_errors(resolution, _api, _other_thing) do resolution end defp do_root_errors(api, resolution, error_or_errors, to_errors? \\ true) do if AshGraphql.Api.Info.root_level_errors?(api) do Map.update!(resolution, :errors, fn current_errors -> if to_errors? do Enum.concat( current_errors || [], List.wrap(to_errors(error_or_errors, resolution.context, api)) ) else Enum.concat(current_errors || [], List.wrap(error_or_errors)) end end) else resolution end end defp add_read_metadata({:error, error}, _, _) do {:error, error} end defp add_read_metadata({:ok, result}, query, action) do {:ok, add_read_metadata(result, query, action)} end defp add_read_metadata(nil, _, _), do: nil defp add_read_metadata(result, query, action) when is_list(result) do show_metadata = query.show_metadata ||, :metadata, []), & &, fn record -> do_add_read_metadata(record, show_metadata) end) end defp add_read_metadata(result, query, action) do show_metadata = query.show_metadata ||, :metadata, []), & & do_add_read_metadata(result, show_metadata) end defp do_add_read_metadata(record, show_metadata) do Enum.reduce(show_metadata, record, fn key, record -> Map.put(record, key, Map.get(record.__metadata__ || %{}, key)) end) end defp add_metadata(result, action_result, action) do metadata = Map.get(action, :metadata, []) if Enum.empty?(metadata) do result else metadata =, fn metadata -> {, Map.get(action_result.__metadata__ || %{},} end) Map.put(result, :metadata, metadata) end end defp destroy_result(result, initial, resource, changeset, api, resolution) do case result do :ok -> {{:ok, %{result: clear_fields(initial, resource, resolution), errors: []}}, [changeset, :ok]} {:error, %{changeset: changeset} = error} -> {{:ok, %{result: nil, errors: to_errors(changeset.errors, resolution.context, api)}}, {:error, error}} end end @doc false def unwrap_errors([]), do: [] def unwrap_errors(errors) do errors |> List.wrap() |> Enum.flat_map(fn %class{errors: errors} when class in [Ash.Error.Invalid, Ash.Error.Forbidden] -> unwrap_errors(List.wrap(errors)) errors -> List.wrap(errors) end) end defp to_errors(errors, context, api) do AshGraphql.Errors.to_errors(errors, context, api) end def resolve_calculation(%Absinthe.Resolution{state: :resolved} = resolution, _), do: resolution def resolve_calculation( %Absinthe.Resolution{ source: parent, context: context } = resolution, {api, resource, calculation} ) do result = if resolution.definition.alias do Map.get(parent.calculations, {:__ash_graphql_calculation__, resolution.definition.alias}) else Map.get(parent, end {type, constraints} = unwrap_type_and_constraints(calculation.type, calculation.constraints) result = if Ash.Type.NewType.new_type?(type) && Ash.Type.NewType.subtype_of(type) == Ash.Type.Union && function_exported?(type, :graphql_unnested_unions, 1) do unnested_types = type.graphql_unnested_unions(calculation.constraints) calculation = %{calculation | type: type, constraints: constraints} resolve_union_result( result, {, calculation.type, calculation, resource, unnested_types} ) else result end Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, to_resolution({:ok, result}, context, api)) end defp unwrap_type_and_constraints({:array, type}, constraints), do: unwrap_type_and_constraints(type, constraints[:items] || []) defp unwrap_type_and_constraints(other, constraints), do: {other, constraints} def resolve_assoc(%Absinthe.Resolution{state: :resolved} = resolution, _), do: resolution def resolve_assoc( %{source: parent} = resolution, {_api, relationship} ) do value = if resolution.definition.alias do Map.get(parent.calculations, {:__ash_graphql_relationship__, resolution.definition.alias}) else Map.get(parent, end Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, {:ok, value}) end def resolve_id(%Absinthe.Resolution{state: :resolved} = resolution, _), do: resolution def resolve_id( %{source: parent} = resolution, {_resource, field} ) do Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, {:ok, Map.get(parent, field)}) end def resolve_union(%Absinthe.Resolution{state: :resolved} = resolution, _), do: resolution def resolve_union( %{source: parent} = resolution, {name, _field_type, _field, _resource, _unnested_types} = data ) do value = if resolution.definition.alias do Map.get(parent.calculations, {:__ash_graphql_attribute__, resolution.definition.alias}) else Map.get(parent, name) end result = resolve_union_result(value, data) Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, {:ok, result}) end def resolve_attribute(%{source: parent} = resolution, {name, type, constraints}) do value = if resolution.definition.alias && Ash.Type.can_load?(type, constraints) do Map.get(parent.calculations, {:__ash_graphql_attribute__, resolution.definition.alias}) else Map.get(parent, name) end Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, {:ok, value}) end defp resolve_union_result(value, data) when is_list(value) do, &resolve_union_result(&1, data)) end defp resolve_union_result( value, {_name, field_type, field, resource, unnested_types} ) do case value do %Ash.Union{type: type, value: value} = union -> constraints = Ash.Type.NewType.constraints(field_type, field.constraints) if type in unnested_types do if value do type = AshGraphql.Resource.field_type( constraints[:types][type][:type], field, resource ) Map.put(value, :__union_type__, type) end else union end other -> other end end def resolve_keyset(%Absinthe.Resolution{state: :resolved} = resolution, _), do: resolution def resolve_keyset( %{source: parent} = resolution, _field ) do Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, {:ok, Map.get(parent.__metadata__, :keyset)}) end def resolve_composite_id(%Absinthe.Resolution{state: :resolved} = resolution, _), do: resolution def resolve_composite_id( %{source: parent} = resolution, {_resource, _fields} ) do Absinthe.Resolution.put_result( resolution, {:ok, AshGraphql.Resource.encode_primary_key(parent)} ) end def query_complexity( %{limit: limit}, child_complexity, _ ) do if child_complexity == 0 do 1 else limit * child_complexity end end def query_complexity( _, child_complexity, _ ) do child_complexity + 1 end defp apply_load_arguments(arguments, query) do Enum.reduce(arguments, query, fn {:limit, limit}, query -> Ash.Query.limit(query, limit) {:offset, offset}, query -> Ash.Query.offset(query, offset) {:filter, value}, query -> Ash.Query.do_filter(query, massage_filter(query.resource, value)) {:sort, value}, query -> keyword_sort =, fn %{order: order, field: field} = input -> case Ash.Resource.Info.calculation(query.resource, field) do %{arguments: [_ | _]} -> input_name = String.to_existing_atom("#{field}_input") {field, {order, input[input_name] || %{}}} _ -> {field, order} end end) Ash.Query.sort(query, keyword_sort) _, query -> query end) end defp to_resolution({:ok, value}, _context, _api), do: {:ok, value} defp to_resolution({:error, error}, context, api) do {:error, error |> unwrap_errors() |> error -> if AshGraphql.Error.impl_for(error) do error = AshGraphql.Error.to_error(error) case AshGraphql.Api.Info.error_handler(api) do nil -> error {m, f, a} -> apply(m, f, [error, context | a]) end else uuid = Ash.UUID.generate() stacktrace = case error do %{stacktrace: %{stacktrace: v}} -> v _ -> nil end Logger.warn( "`#{uuid}`: AshGraphql.Error not implemented for error:\n\n#{Exception.format(:error, error, stacktrace)}" ) if AshGraphql.Api.Info.show_raised_errors?(api) do %{ message: """ Raised error: #{uuid} #{Exception.format(:error, error, stacktrace)}" """ } else %{ message: "Something went wrong. Unique error id: `#{uuid}`" } end end end)} end end