defmodule AshGraphql.Dataloader do @moduledoc "The dataloader in charge of resolving " defstruct [ :api, batches: %{}, results: %{}, default_params: %{} ] @type t :: %__MODULE__{ api: Ash.api(), batches: map, results: map, default_params: map } @type api_opts :: Keyword.t() @type batch_fun :: (Ash.resource(), Ash.query(), any, [any], api_opts -> [any]) @doc """ Create an Ash Dataloader source. This module handles retrieving data from Ash for dataloader. It requires a valid Ash API. """ @spec new(Ash.api()) :: t def new(api) do %__MODULE__{api: api} end defimpl Dataloader.Source do def run(source) do results = Dataloader.async_safely(__MODULE__, :run_batches, [source]) results = Map.merge(source.results, results, fn _, {:ok, v1}, {:ok, v2} -> {:ok, Map.merge(v1, v2)} end) %{source | results: results, batches: %{}} end def fetch(source, batch_key, item) do {batch_key, item_key, _item} = batch_key |> normalize_key(source.default_params) |> get_keys(item) case Map.fetch(source.results, batch_key) do {:ok, batch} -> fetch_item_from_batch(batch, item_key) :error -> {:error, "Unable to find batch #{inspect(batch_key)}"} end end defp fetch_item_from_batch({:error, _reason} = tried_and_failed, _item_key), do: tried_and_failed defp fetch_item_from_batch({:ok, batch}, item_key) do case Map.fetch(batch, item_key) do :error -> {:error, "Unable to find item #{inspect(item_key)} in batch"} result -> result end end def put(source, _batch, _item, %Ash.NotLoaded{type: :relationship}) do source end def put(source, batch, item, result) do batch = normalize_key(batch, source.default_params) {batch_key, item_key, _item} = get_keys(batch, item) results = Map.update( source.results, batch_key, {:ok, %{item_key => result}}, fn {:ok, map} -> {:ok, Map.put(map, item_key, result)} end ) %{source | results: results} end def load(source, batch, item) do {batch_key, item_key, item} = batch |> normalize_key(source.default_params) |> get_keys(item) if fetched?(source.results, batch_key, item_key) do source else entry = {item_key, item} update_in(source.batches, fn batches -> Map.update(batches, batch_key,[entry]), &MapSet.put(&1, entry)) end) end end defp fetched?(results, batch_key, item_key) do case results do %{^batch_key => {:ok, %{^item_key => _}}} -> true _ -> false end end def pending_batches?(%{batches: batches}) do batches != %{} end def timeout(_) do Dataloader.default_timeout() end defp related(path, resource) do Ash.Resource.related(resource, path) || raise """ Valid relationship for path #{inspect(path)} not found on resource #{inspect(resource)} """ end defp get_keys({assoc_field, opts}, %resource{} = record) when is_atom(assoc_field) do validate_resource(resource) pkey = Ash.Resource.primary_key(resource) id =, &Map.get(record, &1)) queryable = related([assoc_field], resource) {{:assoc, resource, self(), assoc_field, queryable, opts}, id, record} end defp get_keys(key, item) do raise """ Invalid: #{inspect(key)} #{inspect(item)} The batch key must either be a schema module, or an association name. """ end defp validate_resource(resource) do unless Ash.Resource.resource?(resource) do raise "The given module - #{resource} - is not an Ash resouce." end end defp normalize_key({key, params}, default_params) do {key, Enum.into(params, default_params)} end defp normalize_key(key, default_params) do {key, default_params} end def run_batches(source) do options = [ timeout: Dataloader.default_timeout(), on_timeout: :kill_task ] results = source.batches |> Task.async_stream( fn batch -> id = :erlang.unique_integer() system_time = System.system_time() start_time_mono = System.monotonic_time() emit_start_event(id, system_time, batch) batch_result = run_batch(batch, source) emit_stop_event(id, start_time_mono, batch) batch_result end, options ) |> {:ok, {_key, result}} -> {:ok, result} {:exit, reason} -> {:error, reason} end) source.batches |> {key, _set} -> key end) |> |> end defp run_batch( {{:assoc, source_resource, _pid, field, _resource, opts} = key, records}, source ) do {ids, records} = Enum.unzip(records) query = opts[:query] api_opts = opts[:api_opts] tenant = opts[:tenant] || tenant_from_records(records) empty = source_resource |> struct |> Map.fetch!(field) records = records |>, field, empty)) cardinality = Ash.Resource.relationship(source_resource, field).cardinality query = query |> |> Ash.Query.set_tenant(tenant) loaded = source.api.load!(records, [{field, query}], api_opts || []) results = case cardinality do :many ->, fn record -> List.wrap(Map.get(record, field)) end) :one ->, fn record -> Map.get(record, field) end) end {key,, results))} end defp tenant_from_records([%{__metadata__: %{tenant: tenant}}]) when not is_nil(tenant) do tenant end defp tenant_from_records(_), do: nil defp emit_start_event(id, system_time, batch) do :telemetry.execute( [:dataloader, :source, :batch, :run, :start], %{system_time: system_time}, %{id: id, batch: batch} ) end defp emit_stop_event(id, start_time_mono, batch) do :telemetry.execute( [:dataloader, :source, :batch, :run, :stop], %{duration: System.monotonic_time() - start_time_mono}, %{id: id, batch: batch} ) end end end