defmodule AshGraphql.Errors do @moduledoc """ Utilities for working with errors in custom resolvers. """ require Logger @doc """ Transform an error or list of errors into the response for graphql. """ def to_errors(errors, context, api) do errors |> AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver.unwrap_errors() |> error -> if AshGraphql.Error.impl_for(error) do error = AshGraphql.Error.to_error(error) case AshGraphql.Api.Info.error_handler(api) do nil -> error {m, f, a} -> apply(m, f, [error, context | a]) end else uuid = Ash.UUID.generate() if is_exception(error) do case error do %{stacktrace: %{stacktrace: stacktrace}} -> Logger.warning( "`#{uuid}`: AshGraphql.Error not implemented for error:\n\n#{Exception.format(:error, error, stacktrace)}" ) error -> Logger.warning( "`#{uuid}`: AshGraphql.Error not implemented for error:\n\n#{Exception.format(:error, error)}" ) end else Logger.warning( "`#{uuid}`: AshGraphql.Error not implemented for error:\n\n#{inspect(error)}" ) end %{ message: "something went wrong. Unique error id: `#{uuid}`" } end end) end end