defmodule AshGraphql.Resource do alias Ash.Dsl.Extension alias Ash.Query.Aggregate alias AshGraphql.Resource alias AshGraphql.Resource.{Mutation, Query} @get %Ash.Dsl.Entity{ name: :get, args: [:name, :action], describe: "A query to fetch a record by primary key", examples: [ "get :get_post, :read" ], schema: Query.get_schema(), target: Query, auto_set_fields: [ type: :get ] } @read_one %Ash.Dsl.Entity{ name: :read_one, args: [:name, :action], describe: "A query to fetch a record", examples: [ "read_one :current_user, :current_user" ], schema: Query.read_one_schema(), target: Query, auto_set_fields: [ type: :read_one ] } @list %Ash.Dsl.Entity{ name: :list, schema: Query.list_schema(), args: [:name, :action], describe: "A query to fetch a list of records", examples: [ "list :list_posts, :read" ], target: Query, auto_set_fields: [ type: :list ] } @create %Ash.Dsl.Entity{ name: :create, schema: Mutation.create_schema(), args: [:name, :action], describe: "A mutation to create a record", examples: [ "create :create_post, :create" ], target: Mutation, auto_set_fields: [ type: :create ] } @update %Ash.Dsl.Entity{ name: :update, schema: Mutation.update_schema(), args: [:name, :action], describe: "A mutation to update a record", examples: [ "update :update_post, :update" ], target: Mutation, auto_set_fields: [ type: :update ] } @destroy %Ash.Dsl.Entity{ name: :destroy, schema: Mutation.destroy_schema(), args: [:name, :action], describe: "A mutation to destroy a record", examples: [ "destroy :destroy_post, :destroy" ], target: Mutation, auto_set_fields: [ type: :destroy ] } @queries %Ash.Dsl.Section{ name: :queries, describe: """ Queries (read actions) to expose for the resource. """, examples: [ """ queries do get :get_post, :read read_one :current_user, :current_user list :list_posts, :read end """ ], entities: [ @get, @read_one, @list ] } @mutations %Ash.Dsl.Section{ name: :mutations, describe: """ Mutations (create/update/destroy actions) to expose for the resource. """, examples: [ """ mutations do create :create_post, :create update :update_post, :update destroy :destroy_post, :destroy end """ ], entities: [ @create, @update, @destroy ] } @graphql %Ash.Dsl.Section{ name: :graphql, describe: """ Configuration for a given resource in graphql """, examples: [ """ graphql do type :post queries do get :get_post, :read list :list_posts, :read end mutations do create :create_post, :create update :update_post, :update destroy :destroy_post, :destroy end end """ ], schema: [ type: [ type: :atom, required: true, doc: "The type to use for this entity in the graphql schema" ], primary_key_delimiter: [ type: :string, doc: "If a composite primary key exists, this must be set to determine the `id` field value" ] ], sections: [ @queries, @mutations ] } @transformers [ AshGraphql.Resource.Transformers.RequireIdPkey, AshGraphql.Resource.Transformers.ValidateActions ] @sections [@graphql] @moduledoc """ This Ash resource extension adds configuration for exposing a resource in a graphql. # Table of Contents #{Ash.Dsl.Extension.doc_index(@sections)} #{Ash.Dsl.Extension.doc(@sections)} """ use Extension, sections: @sections, transformers: @transformers def queries(resource) do Extension.get_entities(resource, [:graphql, :queries]) end def mutations(resource) do Extension.get_entities(resource, [:graphql, :mutations]) || [] end def type(resource) do Extension.get_opt(resource, [:graphql], :type, nil) end def primary_key_delimiter(resource) do Extension.get_opt(resource, [:graphql], :primary_key_delimiter, [], false) end def encode_primary_key(%resource{} = record) do case Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key(resource) do [field] -> Map.get(record, field) keys -> delimiter = primary_key_delimiter(resource) [_ | concatenated_keys] = keys |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.reduce([], fn key, acc -> [delimiter, to_string(Map.get(record, key)), acc] end) IO.iodata_to_binary(concatenated_keys) end end def decode_primary_key(resource, value) do case Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key(resource) do [_field] -> {:ok, value} fields -> delimiter = primary_key_delimiter(resource) parts = String.split(value, delimiter) if Enum.count(parts) == Enum.count(fields) do {:ok,, parts)} else {:error, "Invalid primary key"} end end end @doc false def queries(api, resource, schema) do type = Resource.type(resource) if type do resource |> queries() |> query -> query_action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, query.action, :read) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ arguments: args(query.type, resource, query_action, schema, query.identity), identifier:, middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :resolve}, {api, resource, query}} ], module: schema, name: to_string(, type: query_type(query.type, query_action, type) } end) else [] end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] @doc false def mutations(api, resource, schema) do resource |> mutations() |> %{type: :destroy} = mutation -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ arguments: mutation_args(mutation, resource, schema), identifier:, middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :mutate}, {api, resource, mutation}} ], module: schema, name: to_string(, type: String.to_atom("#{}_result") } %{type: :create} = mutation -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ arguments: [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ identifier: :input, module: schema, name: "input", placement: :argument_definition, type: String.to_atom("#{}_input") } ], identifier:, middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :mutate}, {api, resource, mutation}} ], module: schema, name: to_string(, type: String.to_atom("#{}_result") } mutation -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ arguments: mutation_args(mutation, resource, schema) ++ [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ identifier: :input, module: schema, name: "input", placement: :argument_definition, type: String.to_atom("#{}_input") } ], identifier:, middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :mutate}, {api, resource, mutation}} ], module: schema, name: to_string(, type: String.to_atom("#{}_result") } end) end defp mutation_args(%{identity: identity}, resource, _schema) when not is_nil(identity) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.identities() |> Enum.find(&(& == identity)) |> Map.get(:keys) |> key -> attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, key) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: to_string(key), identifier: key, type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type(attribute.type, attribute, resource) }, description: attribute.description || "" } end) end defp mutation_args(_, _, schema) do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ identifier: :id, module: schema, name: "id", placement: :argument_definition, type: :id } ] end @doc false # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] def mutation_types(resource, schema) do resource |> mutations() |> Enum.flat_map(fn mutation -> mutation = %{ mutation | action: Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, mutation.action, mutation.type) } description = if mutation.type == :destroy do "The record that was successfully deleted" else "The successful result of the mutation" end result = %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ description: "The result of the #{inspect(} mutation", fields: [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: description, identifier: :result, module: schema, name: "result", type: Resource.type(resource) }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "Any errors generated, if the mutation failed", identifier: :errors, module: schema, name: "errors", type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: :mutation_error } } ], identifier: String.to_atom("#{}_result"), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize("#{}_result") } if mutation.type == :destroy do [result] else input = %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ fields: mutation_fields(resource, schema, mutation.action, mutation.type), identifier: String.to_atom("#{}_input"), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize("#{}_input") } [input, result] end end) end @doc false # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] def embedded_type_input(source_resource, attribute, resource, schema) do create_action = case attribute.constraints[:create_action] do nil -> Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(resource, :create) name -> Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, name, :create) end update_action = case attribute.constraints[:update_action] do nil -> Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(resource, :update) name -> Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, name, :update) end fields = mutation_fields(resource, schema, create_action, :create) ++ mutation_fields(resource, schema, update_action, :update) fields = fields |> Enum.group_by(& &1.identifier) # We only want one field per id. Right now we just take the first one # If there are overlaps, and the field isn't `NonNull` in *all* cases, then # we pick one and mark it explicitly as nullable (we unwrap the `NonNull`) |> {_id, fields} -> if Enum.all?( fields, &match?(%Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{}, &1.type) ) do, 0) else fields |> |> case do %{type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{of_type: type}} = field -> %{field | type: type} field -> field end end end) name = "#{AshGraphql.Resource.type(source_resource)}_#{}_input" %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ fields: fields, identifier: String.to_atom(name), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize(name) } end defp mutation_fields(resource, schema, action, type) do attribute_fields = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.filter(fn attribute -> is_nil(action.accept) || in action.accept end) |> Enum.filter(& &1.writable?) |> attribute -> type = field_type(attribute.type, attribute, resource, true) field_type = if attribute.allow_nil? || attribute.default || type == :update do type else %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type } end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: attribute.description, identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type } end) relationship_fields = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_relationships() |> Enum.filter(fn relationship -> Resource in Ash.Resource.Info.extensions(relationship.destination) end) |> %{cardinality: :one} = relationship -> type = if relationship.type == :belongs_to and relationship.required? and type == :create do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: :id } else :id end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: type } %{cardinality: :many} = relationship -> case type do :update -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: :relationship_change } :create -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: :id } } end end) argument_fields = action.arguments |> Enum.reject(& &1.private?) |> argument -> type = if argument.allow_nil? do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type(argument.type, argument, resource, true) } else field_type(argument.type, argument, resource, true) end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: type } end) attribute_fields ++ relationship_fields ++ argument_fields end defp query_type(:get, _, type), do: type defp query_type(:read_one, _, type), do: type # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp query_type(:list, action, type) do if action.pagination do String.to_atom("page_of_#{type}") else %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type } } } end end defp args(action_type, resource, action, schema, identity \\ nil) defp args(:get, resource, action, schema, nil) do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "id", identifier: :id, type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{of_type: :id}, description: "The id of the record" } ] ++ read_args(resource, action, schema) end defp args(:get, resource, action, schema, identity) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.identities() |> Enum.find(&(& == identity)) |> Map.get(:keys) |> key -> attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, key) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: to_string(key), identifier: key, type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type(attribute.type, attribute, resource, true) }, description: attribute.description || "" } end) |> Enum.concat(read_args(resource, action, schema)) end defp args(:read_one, resource, action, schema, _) do args = case resource_filter_fields(resource, schema) do [] -> [] _ -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "filter", identifier: :filter, type: resource_filter_type(resource), description: "A filter to limit the results" } ] end args ++ read_args(resource, action, schema) end defp args(:list, resource, action, schema, _) do args = case resource_filter_fields(resource, schema) do [] -> [] _ -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "filter", identifier: :filter, type: resource_filter_type(resource), description: "A filter to limit the results" } ] end args = case sort_values(resource) do [] -> args _ -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "sort", identifier: :sort, type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: resource_sort_type(resource) }, description: "How to sort the records in the response" } | args ] end args ++ pagination_args(action) ++ read_args(resource, action, schema) end defp read_args(resource, action, schema) do action.arguments |> Enum.reject(& &1.private?) |> argument -> type = if argument.allow_nil? do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type(argument.type, argument, resource, true) } else field_type(argument.type, argument, resource, true) end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: type } end) end defp pagination_args(action) do if action.pagination do max_message = if action.pagination.max_page_size do " Maximum #{action.pagination.max_page_size}" else "" end limit_type = if action.pagination.required? && is_nil(action.pagination.default_limit) do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: :integer } else :integer end [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "limit", identifier: :limit, type: limit_type, default_value: action.pagination.default_limit, description: "The number of records to return." <> max_message } ] ++ keyset_pagination_args(action) ++ offset_pagination_args(action) else [] end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp resource_sort_type(resource) do String.to_atom(to_string(AshGraphql.Resource.type(resource)) <> "_sort_input") end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp resource_filter_type(resource) do String.to_atom(to_string(AshGraphql.Resource.type(resource)) <> "_filter_input") end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp attribute_filter_field_type(resource, attribute) do String.to_atom( to_string(AshGraphql.Resource.type(resource)) <> "_filter_" <> to_string( ) end defp keyset_pagination_args(action) do if action.pagination.keyset? do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "before", identifier: :before, type: :string, description: "Show records before the specified keyset." }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "after", identifier: :after, type: :string, description: "Show records after the specified keyset." } ] else [] end end defp offset_pagination_args(action) do if action.pagination.offset? do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition{ name: "offset", identifier: :offset, type: :integer, description: "The number of records to skip." } ] else [] end end @doc false def type_definitions(resource, api, schema) do [ type_definition(resource, api, schema) ] ++ List.wrap(sort_input(resource, schema)) ++ List.wrap(filter_input(resource, schema)) ++ filter_field_types(resource, schema) ++ List.wrap(page_of(resource, schema)) ++ enum_definitions(resource, schema) end defp filter_field_types(resource, schema) do filter_attribute_types(resource, schema) ++ filter_aggregate_types(resource, schema) end defp filter_attribute_types(resource, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.flat_map(&filter_type(&1, resource, schema)) end defp filter_aggregate_types(resource, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_aggregates() |> Enum.flat_map(&filter_type(&1, resource, schema)) end defp attribute_or_aggregate_type(%Ash.Resource.Attribute{type: type}, _resource), do: type defp attribute_or_aggregate_type(%Ash.Resource.Aggregate{kind: kind, field: field}, resource) do field_type = if field do Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, field).type end {:ok, aggregate_type} = Ash.Query.Aggregate.kind_to_type(kind, field_type) aggregate_type end defp filter_type(attribute_or_aggregate, resource, schema) do type = attribute_or_aggregate_type(attribute_or_aggregate, resource) fields = Enum.flat_map(Ash.Filter.builtin_operators(), fn operator -> expressable_types = Enum.filter(operator.types(), fn [:any, {:array, type}] when is_atom(type) -> true :same -> true :any -> true [:any, type] when is_atom(type) -> true _ -> false end) if Enum.any?(expressable_types, &(&1 == :same)) do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type(type, attribute_or_aggregate, resource, true) } ] else type = case, 0) do [_, {:array, :same}] -> {:array, type} [_, :same] -> type [_, :any] -> Ash.Type.String [_, type] when is_atom(type) -> case Ash.Type.get_type(type) do nil -> nil type -> type end _ -> nil end if type do attribute_or_aggregate = constraints_to_item_constraints(type, attribute_or_aggregate) [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type(type, attribute_or_aggregate, resource, true) } ] else [] end end end) if fields == [] do [] else identifier = attribute_filter_field_type(resource, attribute_or_aggregate) [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ identifier: identifier, fields: fields, module: schema, name: identifier |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize() } ] end end defp constraints_to_item_constraints( {:array, _}, %Ash.Resource.Attribute{ constraints: constraints, allow_nil?: allow_nil? } = attribute ) do %{ attribute | constraints: [items: constraints, nil_items?: allow_nil?] } end defp constraints_to_item_constraints(_, attribute_or_aggregate), do: attribute_or_aggregate defp sort_input(resource, schema) do case sort_values(resource) do [] -> nil _ -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ fields: [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: :order, module: schema, name: "order", default_value: :asc, type: :sort_order }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: :field, module: schema, name: "field", type: resource_sort_field_type(resource) } ], identifier: resource_sort_type(resource), module: schema, name: resource |> resource_sort_type() |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize() } end end defp filter_input(resource, schema) do case resource_filter_fields(resource, schema) do [] -> nil fields -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputObjectTypeDefinition{ identifier: resource_filter_type(resource), module: schema, name: resource |> resource_filter_type() |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), fields: fields } end end defp resource_filter_fields(resource, schema) do boolean_filter_fields(resource, schema) ++ attribute_filter_fields(resource, schema) ++ relationship_filter_fields(resource, schema) ++ aggregate_filter_fields(resource, schema) end defp attribute_filter_fields(resource, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.reject(fn {:array, _} -> true _ -> false end) |> Enum.reject(&Ash.Type.embedded_type?/1) |> Enum.flat_map(fn attribute -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: attribute_filter_field_type(resource, attribute) } ] end) end defp aggregate_filter_fields(resource, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_aggregates() |> Enum.flat_map(fn aggregate -> [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: attribute_filter_field_type(resource, aggregate) } ] end) end defp relationship_filter_fields(resource, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_relationships() |> Enum.filter(fn relationship -> AshGraphql.Resource.type(relationship.destination) end) |> relationship -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: resource_filter_type(relationship.destination) } end) end defp boolean_filter_fields(resource, schema) do if Ash.DataLayer.can?(:boolean_filter, resource) do [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: :and, module: schema, name: "and", type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: resource_filter_type(resource) } } }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier: :or, module: schema, name: "or", type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: resource_filter_type(resource) } } } ] else [] end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp resource_sort_field_type(resource) do type = AshGraphql.Resource.type(resource) String.to_atom(to_string(type) <> "_sort_field") end defp enum_definitions(resource, schema) do atom_enums = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.filter(&(&1.type == Ash.Type.Atom)) |> Enum.filter(&is_list(&1.constraints[:one_of])) |> attribute -> type_name = atom_enum_type(resource, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.EnumTypeDefinition{ module: schema, name: type_name |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), values:[:one_of], fn value -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.EnumValueDefinition{ module: schema, identifier: value, name: String.upcase(to_string(value)), value: value } end), identifier: type_name } end) sort_values = sort_values(resource) sort_order = %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.EnumTypeDefinition{ module: schema, name: resource |> resource_sort_field_type() |> to_string() |> Macro.camelize(), identifier: resource_sort_field_type(resource), values:, fn sort_value -> %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.EnumValueDefinition{ module: schema, identifier: sort_value, name: String.upcase(to_string(sort_value)), value: sort_value } end) } [sort_order | atom_enums] end defp sort_values(resource) do attribute_sort_values = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.attributes() |> Enum.reject(fn %{type: {:array, _}} -> false _ -> true end) |> Enum.reject(&Ash.Type.embedded_type?(&1.type)) |> & aggregate_sort_values = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.aggregates() |> Enum.reject(fn aggregate -> case Ash.Query.Aggregate.kind_to_type(aggregate.kind, nil) do {:ok, {:array, _}} -> true {:ok, type} -> Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) _ -> true end end) |> & attribute_sort_values ++ aggregate_sort_values end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp page_of(resource, schema) do type = Resource.type(resource) paginatable? = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.actions() |> Enum.any?(fn action -> action.type == :read && action.pagination end) if paginatable? do %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ description: "A page of #{inspect(type)}", fields: [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "The records contained in the page", identifier: :results, module: schema, name: "results", type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type } } }, %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "The count of records", identifier: :count, module: schema, name: "count", type: :integer } ], identifier: String.to_atom("page_of_#{type}"), module: schema, name: Macro.camelize("page_of_#{type}") } else nil end end def type_definition(resource, api, schema) do type = Resource.type(resource) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition{ description: Ash.Resource.Info.description(resource), fields: fields(resource, api, schema), identifier: type, module: schema, name: Macro.camelize(to_string(type)) } end defp fields(resource, api, schema) do attributes(resource, schema) ++ relationships(resource, api, schema) ++ aggregates(resource, schema) ++ calculations(resource, schema) end defp attributes(resource, schema) do non_id_attributes = resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_attributes() |> Enum.reject(& &1.primary_key?) |> attribute -> field_type = field_type(attribute.type, attribute, resource) field_type = if attribute.allow_nil? do field_type else %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type } end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: attribute.description, identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type } end) pkey_fields = case Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key(resource) do [field] -> attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, field) if attribute.private? do non_id_attributes else field_type = field_type(attribute.type, attribute, resource) field_type = if attribute.allow_nil? do field_type else %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type } end [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: attribute.description, identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type } ] end fields -> added_pkey_fields = if :id in fields do [] else for field <- fields do attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, field) field_type = field_type(attribute.type, attribute, resource) field_type = if attribute.allow_nil? do field_type else %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type } end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: attribute.description, identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type } end end [ %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ description: "The primary key of the resource", identifier: :id, module: schema, name: "id", type: :id } ] ++ added_pkey_fields end non_id_attributes ++ pkey_fields end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp relationships(resource, api, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_relationships() |> Enum.filter(fn relationship -> Resource in Ash.Resource.Info.extensions(relationship.destination) end) |> %{cardinality: :one} = relationship -> type = if relationship.type == :belongs_to && relationship.required? do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: Resource.type(relationship.destination) } else Resource.type(relationship.destination) end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :resolve_assoc}, {api, relationship}} ], arguments: [], type: type } %{cardinality: :many} = relationship -> read_action = Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(relationship.destination, :read) type = Resource.type(relationship.destination) query_type = %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: type } } } %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, middleware: [ {{AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :resolve_assoc}, {api, relationship}} ], arguments: args(:list, relationship.destination, read_action, schema), type: query_type } end) end defp aggregates(resource, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_aggregates() |> aggregate -> field_type = if aggregate.field do Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, aggregate.field).type end {:ok, type} = Aggregate.kind_to_type(aggregate.kind, field_type) %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type(type, nil, resource) } end) end defp calculations(resource, schema) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.public_calculations() |> calculation -> field_type = field_type(calculation.type, nil, resource) field_type = if calculation.allow_nil? do field_type else %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type } end %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.FieldDefinition{ identifier:, module: schema, name: to_string(, type: field_type } end) end defp field_type(type, field, resource, input? \\ false) defp field_type({:array, type}, %Ash.Resource.Aggregate{} = aggregate, resource, input?) do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: field_type(type, aggregate, resource, input?) } end defp field_type({:array, type}, attribute, resource, input?) do new_constraints = attribute.constraints[:items] || [] new_attribute = %{attribute | constraints: new_constraints, type: type} if attribute.constraints[:nil_items?] do %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: field_type(type, new_attribute, resource, input?) } else %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{ of_type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{ of_type: field_type(type, new_attribute, resource, input?) } } end end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.BinToAtom"] defp field_type(type, attribute, resource, input?) do if Ash.Type.builtin?(type) do do_field_type(type, attribute, resource) else if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do if input? do :"#{AshGraphql.Resource.type(resource)}_#{}_input" else case type(type) do nil -> :json type -> type end end else function = if input? do :graphql_input_type else :graphql_type end if is_atom(type) && :erlang.function_exported(type, function, 1) do apply(type, function, [attribute.constraints]) else raise """ Could not determine graphql type for #{type}! """ end end end end defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.Atom, %{constraints: constraints, name: name}, resource) do if is_list(constraints[:one_of]) do atom_enum_type(resource, name) else :string end end defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.Boolean, _, _), do: :boolean defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.CiString, _, _), do: :string defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.Date, _, _), do: :date defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.Decimal, _, _), do: :decimal defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.Integer, _, _), do: :integer defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.Map, _, _), do: :json defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.String, _, _), do: :string defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.Term, _, _), do: :string defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.UtcDatetime, _, _), do: :naive_datetime defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.UtcDatetimeUsec, _, _), do: :naive_datetime defp do_field_type(Ash.Type.UUID, _, _), do: :string # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp atom_enum_type(resource, attribute_name) do resource |> AshGraphql.Resource.type() |> to_string() |> Kernel.<>("_") |> Kernel.<>(to_string(attribute_name)) |> String.to_atom() end end