2024-08-16 14:36:49 -04:00

3299 lines
66 KiB

schema {
mutation: RootMutationType
query: RootQueryType
input PostEmbedInput {
nestedEmbed: EmbedNestedEmbedInput
input PostEmbedFooInput {
foo: String
input PostEmbedUnionNewTypeBarInput {
bar: String
input PostEmbedUnionNewTypeFooInput {
foo: String
input PostEmbedUnionUnnestedBarInput {
bar: String
type BarEmbed {
type: String
bar: String!
alwaysTrue: Boolean
alwaysFalse: Boolean
input PostEmbedUnionUnnestedFooInput {
foo: String
type FooEmbed {
type: String
foo: String!
alwaysTrue: Boolean
alwaysNil: Boolean
input EmbedNestedEmbedInput {
name: String
enum: NestedEnum
type NestedEmbed {
name: String
enum: NestedEnum
type Embed {
nestedEmbed: NestedEmbed
union Message = TextMessage | ImageMessage
type SimpleUnionString {
value: String!
type SimpleUnionInt {
value: Int!
input SimpleUnionInput {
int: Int
string: String
union SimpleUnion = SimpleUnionInt | SimpleUnionString
type EmbedUnionNewTypeBar {
value: BarEmbed!
type EmbedUnionNewTypeFoo {
value: FooEmbed!
input EmbedUnionNewTypeInput {
foo: PostEmbedUnionNewTypeFooInput
bar: PostEmbedUnionNewTypeBarInput
union EmbedUnionNewType = EmbedUnionNewTypeFoo | EmbedUnionNewTypeBar
input FooBarUnnestedInput {
foo: PostEmbedUnionUnnestedFooInput
bar: PostEmbedUnionUnnestedBarInput
union FooBarUnnested = FooEmbed | BarEmbed
union PostComments = Comment | SponsoredComment
enum StatusEnum {
enum EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription {
"A foo"
"A bar"
enum EnumWithAshDescription {
"A fizz"
"A buzz"
enum NestedEnum {
type IndirectChannelMessages {
results: [Message]!
hasNextPage: Boolean!
count: Int!
input CommonMapStructInput {
stuff: String!
some: String!
type CommonMapStruct {
stuff: String!
some: String!
input BarWithFoo {
foo: String!
input BarWithBaz {
baz: Int!
input CommonMapInput {
stuff: String!
some: String!
type CommonMap {
stuff: String!
some: String!
input ConstrainedMapBamInput {
qux: String
input ConstrainedMapInput {
bam: ConstrainedMapBamInput
baz: Int
fooBar: String!
type ConstrainedMapBam {
qux: String
type ConstrainedMap {
bam: ConstrainedMapBam
baz: Int
fooBar: String!
type ImageMessage {
id: ID!
text: String
type: String
channelId: ID
channel: Channel
type TextMessage {
id: ID!
text: String
type: String
channelId: ID
channel: Channel
"The result of the :update_channel mutation"
type UpdateChannelResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: ChannelSimple
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input UpdateChannelInput {
channel: JsonString
name: String!
type ChannelSimple {
id: ID!
channel: Channel!
createdAt: DateTime!
type Channel {
id: ID!
name: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
channelMessageCount: Int!
directChannelMessages: [Message!]
indirectChannelMessages(offset: Int, limit: Int): IndirectChannelMessages
"The result of the :delete_current_user mutation"
type DeleteCurrentUserResult {
"The record that was successfully deleted"
result: User
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
type AuthenticateWithTokenMetadata {
jwt: String!
"The result of the :authenticate_with_token mutation"
type AuthenticateWithTokenResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: User
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
"Metadata produced by the mutation"
metadata: AuthenticateWithTokenMetadata
input AuthenticateWithTokenInput {
name: String
secret: String
"The result of the :create_user mutation"
type CreateUserResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: User
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreateUserInput {
name: String
secret: String
input UserFilterNameTwice {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String!]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input UserFilterSecret {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String!]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input UserFilterName {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input UserFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input UserFilterInput {
and: [UserFilterInput!]
or: [UserFilterInput!]
not: [UserFilterInput!]
id: UserFilterId
name: UserFilterName
secret: UserFilterSecret
posts: PostFilterInput
nameTwice: UserFilterNameTwice
type UserWithBar {
id: ID!
name: String
secret: String
bar: String
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [PostSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: PostFilterInput
"The number of records to return."
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): [Post!]!
nameTwice: String
type User {
id: ID!
name: String
secret: String
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [PostSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: PostFilterInput
"The number of records to return."
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): [Post!]!
nameTwice: String
"The result of the :destroy_tag mutation"
type DestroyTagResult {
"The record that was successfully deleted"
result: Tag
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
"The result of the :create_tag mutation"
type CreateTagResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Tag
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreateTagInput {
name: String
enum TagSortField {
"A keyset page of :tag"
type KeysetPageOfTag {
"Total count on all pages"
count: Int
"The records contained in the page"
results: [Tag!]
"The first keyset in the results"
startKeyset: String
"The last keyset in the results"
endKeyset: String
input TagFilterName {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input TagFilterInput {
and: [TagFilterInput!]
or: [TagFilterInput!]
not: [TagFilterInput!]
name: TagFilterName
input TagSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: TagSortField!
type Tag {
id: ID!
name: String
"The result of the :create_sponsored_comment mutation"
type CreateSponsoredCommentResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: SponsoredComment
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreateSponsoredCommentInput {
text: String
postId: ID
enum SponsoredCommentSortField {
input SponsoredCommentFilterPostId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input SponsoredCommentFilterType {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input SponsoredCommentFilterText {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input SponsoredCommentFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input SponsoredCommentFilterInput {
and: [SponsoredCommentFilterInput!]
or: [SponsoredCommentFilterInput!]
not: [SponsoredCommentFilterInput!]
id: SponsoredCommentFilterId
text: SponsoredCommentFilterText
type: SponsoredCommentFilterType
postId: SponsoredCommentFilterPostId
post: PostFilterInput
input SponsoredCommentSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: SponsoredCommentSortField!
type SponsoredComment {
id: ID!
text: String
type: String
postId: ID
post: Post
enum ReviewSortField {
"A page of :review"
type PageOfReview {
"Total count on all pages"
count: Int
"The records contained in the page"
results: [Review!]
"Whether or not there is a next page"
hasNextPage: Boolean!
input ReviewFilterMovieId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input ReviewFilterText {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input ReviewFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input ReviewFilterInput {
and: [ReviewFilterInput!]
or: [ReviewFilterInput!]
not: [ReviewFilterInput!]
id: ReviewFilterId
text: ReviewFilterText
movieId: ReviewFilterMovieId
movie: MovieFilterInput
input ReviewSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: ReviewSortField!
type Review {
id: ID!
text: String
movieId: ID
movie: Movie
"The result of the :destroy_relay_tag mutation"
type DestroyRelayTagResult {
"The record that was successfully deleted"
result: RelayTag
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
"The result of the :create_relay_tag mutation"
type CreateRelayTagResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: RelayTag
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreateRelayTagInput {
name: String
enum RelayTagSortField {
":relay_tag connection"
type RelayTagConnection {
"Total count on all pages"
count: Int
"Page information"
pageInfo: PageInfo!
":relay_tag edges"
edges: [RelayTagEdge!]
":relay_tag edge"
type RelayTagEdge {
cursor: String!
":relay_tag node"
node: RelayTag!
input RelayTagFilterName {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input RelayTagFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input RelayTagFilterInput {
and: [RelayTagFilterInput!]
or: [RelayTagFilterInput!]
not: [RelayTagFilterInput!]
id: RelayTagFilterId
name: RelayTagFilterName
input RelayTagSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: RelayTagSortField!
type RelayTag implements Node {
id: ID!
name: String
input RandomPostInput {
published: Boolean
"The result of the :delete_post_with_error mutation"
type DeletePostWithErrorResult {
"The record that was successfully deleted"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
"The result of the :delete_best_post mutation"
type DeleteBestPostResult {
"The record that was successfully deleted"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
"The result of the :delete_post mutation"
type DeletePostResult {
"The record that was successfully deleted"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
"The result of the :archive_post mutation"
type ArchivePostResult {
"The record that was successfully deleted"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input ArchivePostInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
"The result of the :update_post_with_hidden_input mutation"
type UpdatePostWithHiddenInputResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input UpdatePostWithHiddenInputInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
"The result of the :update_best_post_arg mutation"
type UpdateBestPostArgResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input UpdateBestPostArgInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
"The result of the :update_best_post mutation"
type UpdateBestPostResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input UpdateBestPostInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
"The result of the :update_post_confirm mutation"
type UpdatePostConfirmResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input UpdatePostConfirmInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
confirmation: String
"The result of the :update_post_with_comments mutation"
type UpdatePostWithCommentsResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input UpdatePostWithCommentsInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
comments: [PostUpdateWithCommentsCommentsInput!]
sponsoredComments: [PostUpdateWithCommentsSponsoredCommentsInput!]
"The result of the :update_post mutation"
type UpdatePostResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input UpdatePostInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
type CreatePostWithCustomDescriptionMetadata {
foo: String
"The result of the :create_post_with_custom_description mutation"
type CreatePostWithCustomDescriptionResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
"Metadata produced by the mutation"
metadata: CreatePostWithCustomDescriptionMetadata
input CreatePostWithCustomDescriptionInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
"The result of the :create_post_with_comments_and_tags mutation"
type CreatePostWithCommentsAndTagsResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreatePostWithCommentsAndTagsInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
comments: [CreatePostCommentWithTag!]
tags: [PostWithCommentsAndTagsTagsInput!]!
"The result of the :create_post_with_comments mutation"
type CreatePostWithCommentsResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreatePostWithCommentsInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
comments: [PostWithCommentsCommentsInput!]
sponsoredComments: [PostWithCommentsSponsoredCommentsInput!]
"The result of the :create_post_bar_with_baz mutation"
type CreatePostBarWithBazResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreatePostBarWithBazInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
bar: BarWithBaz
"The result of the :create_post_bar_with_foo_with_map mutation"
type CreatePostBarWithFooWithMapResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreatePostBarWithFooWithMapInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
bar: BarWithFoo
"The result of the :create_post_bar_with_foo mutation"
type CreatePostBarWithFooResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreatePostBarWithFooInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
bar: BarWithFoo
"The result of the :create_post_with_common_map mutation"
type CreatePostWithCommonMapResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreatePostWithCommonMapInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
commonMapArg: [CommonMapInput!]
"The result of the :upsert_post mutation"
type UpsertPostResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input UpsertPostInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
id: ID
"The result of the :create_post mutation"
type CreatePostResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreatePostInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
confirmation: String
"The result of the :create_post_with_required_error mutation"
type CreatePostWithRequiredErrorResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreatePostWithRequiredErrorInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
"The result of the :create_post_with_error mutation"
type CreatePostWithErrorResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreatePostWithErrorInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
type SimpleCreatePostMetadata {
foo: String
"The result of the :simple_create_post mutation"
type SimpleCreatePostResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Post
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
"Metadata produced by the mutation"
metadata: SimpleCreatePostMetadata
input SimpleCreatePostInput {
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: FooInput
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: PostEmbedInput
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnionInput
embedFoo: PostEmbedFooInput
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnestedInput!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewTypeInput
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnestedInput
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String
commonMapAttribute: CommonMapInput
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStructInput
authorId: ID
enum PostSortField {
"A keyset page of :post"
type KeysetPageOfPost {
"Total count on all pages"
count: Int
"The records contained in the page"
results: [Post!]
"The first keyset in the results"
startKeyset: String
"The last keyset in the results"
endKeyset: String
"A page of :post"
type PageOfPost {
"Total count on all pages"
count: Int
"The records contained in the page"
results: [Post!]
"Whether or not there is a next page"
hasNextPage: Boolean!
input PostText1And2FieldInput {
separator: String
input PostFilterText1And2 {
input: PostText1And2FieldInput
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String!]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input PostFilterLatestCommentType {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input PostFilterLatestCommentAt {
isNil: Boolean
eq: DateTime
notEq: DateTime
in: [DateTime]
lessThan: DateTime
greaterThan: DateTime
lessThanOrEqual: DateTime
greaterThanOrEqual: DateTime
input PostFilterCommentCount {
isNil: Boolean
eq: Int
notEq: Int
in: [Int]
lessThan: Int
greaterThan: Int
lessThanOrEqual: Int
greaterThanOrEqual: Int
input PostFilterAuthorId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input PostFilterCreatedAt {
isNil: Boolean
eq: DateTime
notEq: DateTime
in: [DateTime!]
lessThan: DateTime
greaterThan: DateTime
lessThanOrEqual: DateTime
greaterThanOrEqual: DateTime
input PostFilterCommonMapStructAttribute {
isNil: Boolean
eq: CommonMapStructInput
notEq: CommonMapStructInput
in: [CommonMapStructInput]
lessThan: CommonMapStructInput
greaterThan: CommonMapStructInput
lessThanOrEqual: CommonMapStructInput
greaterThanOrEqual: CommonMapStructInput
input PostFilterCommonMapAttribute {
isNil: Boolean
eq: CommonMapInput
notEq: CommonMapInput
in: [CommonMapInput]
lessThan: CommonMapInput
greaterThan: CommonMapInput
lessThanOrEqual: CommonMapInput
greaterThanOrEqual: CommonMapInput
input PostFilterRequiredString {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String!]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input PostFilterPrivateAttribute {
isNil: Boolean
eq: Boolean
notEq: Boolean
in: [Boolean]
lessThan: Boolean
greaterThan: Boolean
lessThanOrEqual: Boolean
greaterThanOrEqual: Boolean
input PostFilterStringNewType {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input PostFilterVisibility {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input PostFilterText2 {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input PostFilterText1 {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input PostFilterIntegerAsStringInDomain {
isNil: String
eq: String
notEq: String
in: String
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input PostFilterScore {
isNil: Boolean
eq: Float
notEq: Float
in: [Float]
lessThan: Float
greaterThan: Float
lessThanOrEqual: Float
greaterThanOrEqual: Float
input PostFilterBest {
isNil: Boolean
eq: Boolean
notEq: Boolean
in: [Boolean]
lessThan: Boolean
greaterThan: Boolean
lessThanOrEqual: Boolean
greaterThanOrEqual: Boolean
input PostFilterEnumWithAshDescription {
isNil: Boolean
eq: EnumWithAshDescription
notEq: EnumWithAshDescription
in: [EnumWithAshDescription]
lessThan: EnumWithAshDescription
greaterThan: EnumWithAshDescription
lessThanOrEqual: EnumWithAshDescription
greaterThanOrEqual: EnumWithAshDescription
input PostFilterEnumWithAshGraphqlDescription {
isNil: Boolean
eq: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
notEq: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
in: [EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription]
lessThan: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
greaterThan: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
lessThanOrEqual: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
greaterThanOrEqual: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
input PostFilterStatusEnum {
isNil: Boolean
eq: StatusEnum
notEq: StatusEnum
in: [StatusEnum]
lessThan: StatusEnum
greaterThan: StatusEnum
lessThanOrEqual: StatusEnum
greaterThanOrEqual: StatusEnum
input PostFilterStatus {
isNil: Boolean
eq: Status
notEq: Status
in: [Status]
lessThan: Status
greaterThan: Status
lessThanOrEqual: Status
greaterThanOrEqual: Status
input PostFilterFoo {
isNil: Boolean
eq: FooInput
notEq: FooInput
in: [FooInput]
lessThan: FooInput
greaterThan: FooInput
lessThanOrEqual: FooInput
greaterThanOrEqual: FooInput
input PostFilterPublished {
isNil: Boolean
eq: Boolean
notEq: Boolean
in: [Boolean]
lessThan: Boolean
greaterThan: Boolean
lessThanOrEqual: Boolean
greaterThanOrEqual: Boolean
input PostFilterText {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input PostFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input PostFilterInput {
and: [PostFilterInput!]
or: [PostFilterInput!]
not: [PostFilterInput!]
id: PostFilterId
text: PostFilterText
published: PostFilterPublished
foo: PostFilterFoo
status: PostFilterStatus
statusEnum: PostFilterStatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: PostFilterEnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: PostFilterEnumWithAshDescription
best: PostFilterBest
score: PostFilterScore
integerAsStringInDomain: PostFilterIntegerAsStringInDomain
text1: PostFilterText1
text2: PostFilterText2
visibility: PostFilterVisibility
stringNewType: PostFilterStringNewType
privateAttribute: PostFilterPrivateAttribute
requiredString: PostFilterRequiredString
commonMapAttribute: PostFilterCommonMapAttribute
commonMapStructAttribute: PostFilterCommonMapStructAttribute
createdAt: PostFilterCreatedAt
authorId: PostFilterAuthorId
author: UserFilterInput
comments: CommentFilterInput
sponsoredComments: SponsoredCommentFilterInput
paginatedComments: CommentFilterInput
tags: TagFilterInput
multitenantTags: MultitenantTagFilterInput
relayTags: RelayTagFilterInput
relatedPosts: PostFilterInput
commentCount: PostFilterCommentCount
latestCommentAt: PostFilterLatestCommentAt
latestCommentType: PostFilterLatestCommentType
text1And2: PostFilterText1And2
input PostSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: PostSortField!
text1And2Input: PostText1And2FieldInput
type Post {
id: ID!
text: String
published: Boolean
foo: Foo
status: Status
statusEnum: StatusEnum
enumWithAshGraphqlDescription: EnumWithAshGraphqlDescription
enumWithAshDescription: EnumWithAshDescription
best: Boolean
score: Float
integerAsStringInDomain: String
embed: Embed
text1: String
text2: String
visibility: String
simpleUnion: SimpleUnion
embedFoo: FooEmbed
embedUnionNewTypeList: [FooBarUnnested!]
embedUnionNewType: EmbedUnionNewType
embedUnionUnnested: FooBarUnnested
stringNewType: String
privateAttribute: Boolean
requiredString: String!
commonMapAttribute: CommonMap
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStruct
createdAt: DateTime!
authorId: ID
author: User
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [CommentSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: CommentFilterInput
"The number of records to return."
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): [Comment!]!
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [SponsoredCommentSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: SponsoredCommentFilterInput
"The number of records to return."
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): [SponsoredComment!]!
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [CommentSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: CommentFilterInput
"The number of records to return. Maximum 250"
limit: Int!
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): PageOfComment!
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [TagSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: TagFilterInput
"The number of records to return."
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): [Tag!]!
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [MultitenantTagSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: MultitenantTagFilterInput
"The number of records to return."
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): [MultitenantTag!]!
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [RelayTagSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: RelayTagFilterInput
"The number of records to return."
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): [RelayTag!]!
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [PostSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: PostFilterInput
"The number of records to return."
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): [Post!]!
commentCount: Int!
latestCommentAt: DateTime
latestCommentType: String
staticCalculation: String
commonMapCalculation: CommonMap
privateCalculation: Embed
fullText: String
text1And2(separator: String): String
postComments: [PostComments!]
"The pagination keyset."
keyset: String
type NonIdPrimaryKey {
id: ID!
other: ID!
"The result of the :destroy_multitenant_tag mutation"
type DestroyMultitenantTagResult {
"The record that was successfully deleted"
result: MultitenantTag
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
"The result of the :create_multitenant_tag mutation"
type CreateMultitenantTagResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: MultitenantTag
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreateMultitenantTagInput {
name: String
enum MultitenantTagSortField {
"A keyset page of :multitenant_tag"
type KeysetPageOfMultitenantTag {
"Total count on all pages"
count: Int
"The records contained in the page"
results: [MultitenantTag!]
"The first keyset in the results"
startKeyset: String
"The last keyset in the results"
endKeyset: String
input MultitenantTagFilterName {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input MultitenantTagFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input MultitenantTagFilterInput {
and: [MultitenantTagFilterInput!]
or: [MultitenantTagFilterInput!]
not: [MultitenantTagFilterInput!]
id: MultitenantTagFilterId
name: MultitenantTagFilterName
posts: PostFilterInput
input MultitenantTagSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: MultitenantTagSortField!
type MultitenantTag {
id: ID!
name: String
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [PostSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: PostFilterInput
"The number of records to return."
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): [Post!]!
"The result of the :destroy_movie mutation"
type DestroyMovieResult {
"The record that was successfully deleted"
result: Movie
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
"The result of the :update_movie mutation"
type UpdateMovieResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Movie
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input UpdateMovieInput {
title: String
"The result of the :create_movie mutation"
type CreateMovieResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Movie
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreateMovieInput {
title: String
actorIds: [ID!]!
enum MovieSortField {
input MovieFilterTitle {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input MovieFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input MovieFilterInput {
and: [MovieFilterInput!]
or: [MovieFilterInput!]
not: [MovieFilterInput!]
id: MovieFilterId
title: MovieFilterTitle
actors: ActorFilterInput
reviews: ReviewFilterInput
awards: AwardFilterInput
input MovieSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: MovieSortField!
type Movie {
id: ID!
title: String
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [ActorSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: ActorFilterInput
"The number of records to return from the beginning. Maximum 250"
first: Int
"Show records before the specified keyset."
before: String
"Show records after the specified keyset."
after: String
"The number of records to return to the end. Maximum 250"
last: Int
): ActorConnection!
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [ReviewSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: ReviewFilterInput
"The number of records to return. Maximum 250"
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): PageOfReview!
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [AwardSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: AwardFilterInput
"The number of records to return from the beginning. Maximum 250"
first: Int
"Show records before the specified keyset."
before: String
"Show records after the specified keyset."
after: String
"The number of records to return to the end. Maximum 250"
last: Int
): KeysetPageOfAward!
"The result of the :module_update_map_types mutation"
type ModuleUpdateMapTypesResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: MapTypes
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input ModuleUpdateMapTypesInput {
jsonMap: JsonString
values: ConstrainedMapInput
moduleValues: ConstrainedMapInput
enum MapTypesSortField {
"A keyset page of :map_types"
type KeysetPageOfMapTypes {
"Total count on all pages"
count: Int
"The records contained in the page"
results: [MapTypes!]
"The first keyset in the results"
startKeyset: String
"The last keyset in the results"
endKeyset: String
input MapTypesFilterValues {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ConstrainedMapInput
notEq: ConstrainedMapInput
in: [ConstrainedMapInput]
lessThan: ConstrainedMapInput
greaterThan: ConstrainedMapInput
lessThanOrEqual: ConstrainedMapInput
greaterThanOrEqual: ConstrainedMapInput
input MapTypesFilterJsonMap {
isNil: Boolean
eq: JsonString
notEq: JsonString
in: [JsonString]
lessThan: JsonString
greaterThan: JsonString
lessThanOrEqual: JsonString
greaterThanOrEqual: JsonString
input MapTypesFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input MapTypesFilterInput {
and: [MapTypesFilterInput!]
or: [MapTypesFilterInput!]
not: [MapTypesFilterInput!]
id: MapTypesFilterId
jsonMap: MapTypesFilterJsonMap
values: MapTypesFilterValues
input MapTypesSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: MapTypesSortField!
type MapTypes {
id: ID!
jsonMap: JsonString
values: ConstrainedMap
type CompositePrimaryKeyNotEncoded {
first: ID!
second: ID!
type CompositePrimaryKey {
"A unique identifier"
id: ID!
first: ID!
second: ID!
"The result of the :create_comment mutation"
type CreateCommentResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: Comment
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreateCommentInput {
text: String
postId: ID
authorId: ID
enum CommentSortField {
"A page of :comment"
type PageOfComment {
"Total count on all pages"
count: Int
"The records contained in the page"
results: [Comment!]
"Whether or not there is a next page"
hasNextPage: Boolean!
input CommentFilterTimestamp {
isNil: Boolean
eq: DateTime
notEq: DateTime
in: [DateTime!]
lessThan: DateTime
greaterThan: DateTime
lessThanOrEqual: DateTime
greaterThanOrEqual: DateTime
input CommentFilterAuthorId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input CommentFilterPostId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input CommentFilterType {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input CommentFilterText {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input CommentFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input CommentFilterInput {
and: [CommentFilterInput!]
or: [CommentFilterInput!]
not: [CommentFilterInput!]
id: CommentFilterId
text: CommentFilterText
type: CommentFilterType
postId: CommentFilterPostId
authorId: CommentFilterAuthorId
post: PostFilterInput
author: UserFilterInput
timestamp: CommentFilterTimestamp
input CommentSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: CommentSortField!
type Comment {
id: ID!
text: String
type: String
postId: ID
authorId: ID
post: Post
author: User
timestamp: DateTime
enum AwardSortField {
"A keyset page of :award"
type KeysetPageOfAward {
"Total count on all pages"
count: Int
"The records contained in the page"
results: [Award!]
"The first keyset in the results"
startKeyset: String
"The last keyset in the results"
endKeyset: String
input AwardFilterMovieId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input AwardFilterName {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input AwardFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input AwardFilterInput {
and: [AwardFilterInput!]
or: [AwardFilterInput!]
not: [AwardFilterInput!]
id: AwardFilterId
name: AwardFilterName
movieId: AwardFilterMovieId
movie: MovieFilterInput
input AwardSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: AwardSortField!
type Award {
id: ID!
name: String
movieId: ID
movie: Movie
enum AgentSortField {
":agent connection"
type AgentConnection {
"Total count on all pages"
count: Int
"Page information"
pageInfo: PageInfo!
":agent edges"
edges: [AgentEdge!]
":agent edge"
type AgentEdge {
cursor: String!
":agent node"
node: Agent!
input AgentFilterName {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input AgentFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input AgentFilterInput {
and: [AgentFilterInput!]
or: [AgentFilterInput!]
not: [AgentFilterInput!]
id: AgentFilterId
name: AgentFilterName
actors: ActorFilterInput
input AgentSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: AgentSortField!
type Agent {
id: ID!
name: String
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [ActorSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: ActorFilterInput
"The number of records to return from the beginning. Maximum 250"
first: Int
"Show records before the specified keyset."
before: String
"Show records after the specified keyset."
after: String
"The number of records to return to the end. Maximum 250"
last: Int
): ActorConnection!
enum ActorSortField {
":actor connection"
type ActorConnection {
"Total count on all pages"
count: Int
"Page information"
pageInfo: PageInfo!
":actor edges"
edges: [ActorEdge!]
":actor edge"
type ActorEdge {
cursor: String!
":actor node"
node: Actor!
input ActorFilterName {
isNil: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String]
lessThan: String
greaterThan: String
lessThanOrEqual: String
greaterThanOrEqual: String
input ActorFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input ActorFilterInput {
and: [ActorFilterInput!]
or: [ActorFilterInput!]
not: [ActorFilterInput!]
id: ActorFilterId
name: ActorFilterName
movies: MovieFilterInput
agents: AgentFilterInput
input ActorSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: ActorSortField!
type Actor {
id: ID!
name: String
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [MovieSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: MovieFilterInput
"The number of records to return."
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): [Movie!]!
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [AgentSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: AgentFilterInput
"The number of records to return from the beginning. Maximum 250"
first: Int
"Show records before the specified keyset."
before: String
"Show records after the specified keyset."
after: String
"The number of records to return to the end. Maximum 250"
last: Int
): AgentConnection!
"A relay page info"
type PageInfo {
"When paginating backwards, are there more items?"
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
"When paginating forwards, are there more items?"
hasNextPage: Boolean!
"When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue"
startCursor: String
"When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue"
endCursor: String
"A relay node"
interface Node {
"A unique identifier"
id: ID!
enum SortOrder {
"An error generated by a failed mutation"
type MutationError {
"The human readable error message"
message: String
"A shorter error message, with vars not replaced"
shortMessage: String
"Replacements for the short message"
vars: Json
"An error code for the given error"
code: String
"The field or fields that produced the error"
fields: [String!]
input PostWithCommentsCommentsInput {
id: ID
text: String
authorId: ID
input PostWithCommentsSponsoredCommentsInput {
id: ID
text: String
input CreatePostCommentWithTag {
id: ID
text: String
authorId: ID
input PostWithCommentsAndTagsTagsInput {
name: String
input PostUpdateWithCommentsCommentsInput {
id: ID
text: String
authorId: ID
input PostUpdateWithCommentsSponsoredCommentsInput {
id: ID
text: String
"The result of the :create_other_resource_with_common_map mutation"
type CreateOtherResourceWithCommonMapResult {
"The successful result of the mutation"
result: OtherResource
"Any errors generated, if the mutation failed"
errors: [MutationError!]!
input CreateOtherResourceWithCommonMapInput {
commonMapArg: [CommonMapInput!]
enum OtherResourceSortField {
input OtherResourceFilterCommonMapStructAttribute {
isNil: Boolean
eq: CommonMapStructInput
notEq: CommonMapStructInput
in: [CommonMapStructInput]
lessThan: CommonMapStructInput
greaterThan: CommonMapStructInput
lessThanOrEqual: CommonMapStructInput
greaterThanOrEqual: CommonMapStructInput
input OtherResourceFilterCommonMapAttribute {
isNil: Boolean
eq: CommonMapInput
notEq: CommonMapInput
in: [CommonMapInput]
lessThan: CommonMapInput
greaterThan: CommonMapInput
lessThanOrEqual: CommonMapInput
greaterThanOrEqual: CommonMapInput
input OtherResourceFilterId {
isNil: Boolean
eq: ID
notEq: ID
in: [ID!]
lessThan: ID
greaterThan: ID
lessThanOrEqual: ID
greaterThanOrEqual: ID
input OtherResourceFilterInput {
and: [OtherResourceFilterInput!]
or: [OtherResourceFilterInput!]
not: [OtherResourceFilterInput!]
id: OtherResourceFilterId
commonMapAttribute: OtherResourceFilterCommonMapAttribute
commonMapStructAttribute: OtherResourceFilterCommonMapStructAttribute
input OtherResourceSortInput {
order: SortOrder
field: OtherResourceSortField!
type OtherResource {
id: ID!
commonMapAttribute: CommonMap
commonMapStructAttribute: CommonMapStruct
commonMapCalculation: CommonMap
type RootQueryType {
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): OtherResource
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [OtherResourceSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: OtherResourceFilterInput
): [OtherResource!]!
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): Comment
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [CommentSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: CommentFilterInput
): [Comment!]!
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): CompositePrimaryKey
first: ID!, ""
second: ID!
): CompositePrimaryKeyNotEncoded
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [MapTypesSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: MapTypesFilterInput
"The number of records to return from the beginning. Maximum 250"
first: Int
"Show records before the specified keyset."
before: String
"Show records after the specified keyset."
after: String
"The number of records to return to the end. Maximum 250"
last: Int
): KeysetPageOfMapTypes
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): Movie
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [MovieSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: MovieFilterInput
): [Movie!]!
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): MultitenantTag
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [MultitenantTagSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: MultitenantTagFilterInput
"The number of records to return from the beginning. Maximum 250"
first: Int
"Show records before the specified keyset."
before: String
"Show records after the specified keyset."
after: String
"The number of records to return to the end. Maximum 250"
last: Int
): KeysetPageOfMultitenantTag
noObjectCount: [Int!]!
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): NonIdPrimaryKey
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [PostSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: PostFilterInput
score: Float
): [Post!]!
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): Post
"A custom description"
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): Post
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [PostSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: PostFilterInput
published: Boolean
): [Post!]!
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [PostSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: PostFilterInput
"The number of records to return. Maximum 250"
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): PageOfPost
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [PostSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: PostFilterInput
"The number of records to return from the beginning. Maximum 250"
first: Int
"Show records before the specified keyset."
before: String
"Show records after the specified keyset."
after: String
"The number of records to return to the end. Maximum 250"
last: Int
): KeysetPageOfPost
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [PostSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: PostFilterInput
"The number of records to return from the beginning. Maximum 250"
first: Int
"Show records before the specified keyset."
before: String
"Show records after the specified keyset."
after: String
"The number of records to return to the end. Maximum 250"
last: Int
): KeysetPageOfPost
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [PostSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: PostFilterInput
"The number of records to return. Maximum 250"
limit: Int!
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): PageOfPost
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [PostSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: PostFilterInput
"The number of records to return. Maximum 250"
limit: Int
"The number of records to skip."
offset: Int
): PageOfPost
postCount(published: Boolean): Int!
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): RelayTag
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [RelayTagSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: RelayTagFilterInput
"The number of records to return from the beginning. Maximum 250"
first: Int
"Show records before the specified keyset."
before: String
"Show records after the specified keyset."
after: String
"The number of records to return to the end. Maximum 250"
last: Int
): RelayTagConnection
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): SponsoredComment
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): Tag
"How to sort the records in the response"
sort: [TagSortInput]
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: TagFilterInput
"The number of records to return from the beginning. Maximum 250"
first: Int
"Show records before the specified keyset."
before: String
"Show records after the specified keyset."
after: String
"The number of records to return to the end. Maximum 250"
last: Int
): KeysetPageOfTag
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: UserFilterInput
): User
"A filter to limit the results"
filter: UserFilterInput
): UserWithBar
"The id of the record"
id: ID!
): Channel
type Foo {
foo: String
bar: String
input FooInput {
foo: String!
bar: String!
enum Status {
"The post is open"
"The post is closed"
type RootMutationType {
createOtherResourceWithCommonMap(input: CreateOtherResourceWithCommonMapInput): CreateOtherResourceWithCommonMapResult!
createComment(input: CreateCommentInput): CreateCommentResult!
moduleUpdateMapTypes(id: ID!, input: ModuleUpdateMapTypesInput): ModuleUpdateMapTypesResult!
createMovie(input: CreateMovieInput!): CreateMovieResult!
updateMovie(id: ID!, input: UpdateMovieInput): UpdateMovieResult!
destroyMovie(id: ID!): DestroyMovieResult!
createMultitenantTag(input: CreateMultitenantTagInput): CreateMultitenantTagResult!
destroyMultitenantTag(id: ID!): DestroyMultitenantTagResult!
simpleCreatePost(input: SimpleCreatePostInput): SimpleCreatePostResult!
createPostWithError(input: CreatePostWithErrorInput): CreatePostWithErrorResult!
createPostWithRequiredError(input: CreatePostWithRequiredErrorInput): CreatePostWithRequiredErrorResult!
createPost(input: CreatePostInput): CreatePostResult!
upsertPost(input: UpsertPostInput): UpsertPostResult!
createPostWithCommonMap(input: CreatePostWithCommonMapInput): CreatePostWithCommonMapResult!
createPostBarWithFoo(input: CreatePostBarWithFooInput): CreatePostBarWithFooResult!
createPostBarWithFooWithMap(input: CreatePostBarWithFooWithMapInput): CreatePostBarWithFooWithMapResult!
createPostBarWithBaz(input: CreatePostBarWithBazInput): CreatePostBarWithBazResult!
createPostWithComments(input: CreatePostWithCommentsInput): CreatePostWithCommentsResult!
createPostWithCommentsAndTags(input: CreatePostWithCommentsAndTagsInput!): CreatePostWithCommentsAndTagsResult!
"Another custom description"
createPostWithCustomDescription(input: CreatePostWithCustomDescriptionInput): CreatePostWithCustomDescriptionResult!
updatePost(id: ID!, input: UpdatePostInput): UpdatePostResult!
updatePostWithComments(id: ID!, input: UpdatePostWithCommentsInput): UpdatePostWithCommentsResult!
updatePostConfirm(id: ID!, input: UpdatePostConfirmInput): UpdatePostConfirmResult!
updateBestPost(input: UpdateBestPostInput): UpdateBestPostResult!
updateBestPostArg(best: Boolean!, input: UpdateBestPostArgInput): UpdateBestPostArgResult!
updatePostWithHiddenInput(id: ID!, input: UpdatePostWithHiddenInputInput): UpdatePostWithHiddenInputResult!
archivePost(id: ID!, input: ArchivePostInput): ArchivePostResult!
deletePost(id: ID!): DeletePostResult!
deleteBestPost: DeleteBestPostResult!
deletePostWithError(id: ID!): DeletePostWithErrorResult!
randomPost(input: RandomPostInput): Post
createRelayTag(input: CreateRelayTagInput): CreateRelayTagResult!
destroyRelayTag(id: ID!): DestroyRelayTagResult!
createSponsoredComment(input: CreateSponsoredCommentInput): CreateSponsoredCommentResult!
createTag(input: CreateTagInput): CreateTagResult!
destroyTag(id: ID!): DestroyTagResult!
createUser(input: CreateUserInput): CreateUserResult!
authenticateWithToken(token: String!, input: AuthenticateWithTokenInput): AuthenticateWithTokenResult!
deleteCurrentUser: DeleteCurrentUserResult!
updateChannel(channelId: ID!, input: UpdateChannelInput!): UpdateChannelResult!
The `Json` scalar type represents arbitrary json string data, represented as UTF-8
character sequences. The Json type is most often used to represent a free-form
human-readable json string.
scalar JsonString
The `Json` scalar type represents arbitrary json string data, represented as UTF-8
character sequences. The Json type is most often used to represent a free-form
human-readable json string.
scalar Json
The `DateTime` scalar type represents a date and time in the UTC
timezone. The DateTime appears in a JSON response as an ISO8601 formatted
string, including UTC timezone ("Z"). The parsed date and time string will
be converted to UTC if there is an offset.
scalar DateTime