defmodule AshHqWeb.Pages.ResetPassword do @moduledoc "Log in page" use Surface.LiveComponent alias Surface.Components.{Form, LivePatch} alias Surface.Components.Form.{ ErrorTag, Field, Label, PasswordInput, Submit, TextInput } alias AshHqWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes prop params, :map data error, :boolean, default: false data password_reset_form, :any def render(assigns) do ~F"""
{#if @password_reset_form}

Reset Password

{#if @password_reset_form.submitted_once?}

Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.

Reset Password

Choose New Password

{#if @error}

Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.

Send Password Reset Email
Remember your password? {/if}
""" end def update(assigns, socket) do {:ok, socket |> assign(assigns) |> assign_reset_form()} end defp assign_reset_form(socket) do case socket.assigns[:params]["token"] do nil -> assign(socket, password_reset_form: nil) token -> user = AshHq.Accounts.User |> Ash.Query.for_read( :with_verified_email_token, %{token: token, context: "reset_password"}, authorize?: false ) |> AshHq.Accounts.read_one!() if user do assign( socket, :password_reset_form, AshPhoenix.Form.for_update(user, :reset_password, as: "reset_password", api: AshHq.Accounts, authorize?: false ) ) else socket |> put_flash(:error, "Reset password link is invalid or it has expired.") |> assign(password_reset_form: nil) end end end @impl true def handle_event("reset_password", %{"reset_password" => params}, socket) do case AshPhoenix.Form.submit(socket.assigns.password_reset_form, params: params ) do {:ok, _result} -> {:noreply, socket |> put_flash(:info, "Successfully reset password.") |> push_redirect(to: Routes.app_view_path(AshHqWeb.Endpoint, :log_in))} {:error, form} -> {:noreply, assign(socket, password_reset_form: form)} end end @impl true def handle_event( "request_password_reset", %{"request_password_reset" => %{"email" => email}}, socket ) do with {:ok, user} <- AshHq.Accounts.get(AshHq.Accounts.User, [email: String.trim(email)], authorize?: false) do user |> Ash.Changeset.for_update( :deliver_user_reset_password_instructions, %{reset_password_url_fun: &Routes.app_view_url(AshHqWeb.Endpoint, :reset_password, &1)}, authorize?: false ) |> AshHq.Accounts.update!() end {:noreply, socket |> put_flash( :info, "If your email is in our system, you will receive instructions to reset your password shortly." ) |> push_redirect(to: Routes.app_view_path(AshHqWeb.Endpoint, :reset_password))} end end