AshHq.Docs.Library.create!( %{ name: "ash", display_name: "Ash", order: 0, description: """ The core framework, providing all the features and goodies that power and enable the rest of the ecosystem. """ }, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_name ) AshHq.Docs.Library.create!( %{ name: "ash_postgres", display_name: "AshPostgres", order: 10, description: """ A PostgreSQL data layer for Ash resources, allowing for rich query capabilities and seamless persistence. """ }, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_name ) AshHq.Docs.Library.create!( %{ name: "ash_phoenix", display_name: "AshPhoenix", order: 20, description: """ Utilities for using Ash resources with Phoenix Framework, from building forms to running queries in sockets & LiveViews. """ }, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_name ) AshHq.Docs.Library.create!( %{ name: "ash_graphql", display_name: "AshGraphql", order: 40, description: """ A GraphQL extension that allows you to build a rich and customizable GraphQL API with minimal configuration required. """ }, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_name ) AshHq.Docs.Library.create!( %{ name: "ash_json_api", display_name: "AshJsonApi", order: 50, description: """ A JSON:API extension that allows you to effortlessly create a JSON:API spec compliant API. """ }, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_name ) AshHq.Docs.Library.create!( %{ name: "ash_authentication", display_name: "AshAuthentication", order: 55, repo_org: "alembic", description: """ Provides drop-in support for user authentication with various strategies and tons of customizability. """ }, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_name ) AshHq.Docs.Library.create!( %{ name: "ash_authentication_phoenix", display_name: "AshAuthenticationPhoenix", order: 56, repo_org: "alembic", description: """ Phoenix helpers and UI components in support of AshAuthentication. """ }, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_name ) AshHq.Docs.Library.create!( %{ name: "ash_csv", display_name: "AshCSV", order: 70, description: """ A CSV data layer allowing resources to be queried from and persisted in a CSV file. """ }, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_name ) AshHq.Docs.Library.create!( %{ name: "ash_archival", display_name: "AshArchival", order: 85, description: """ A light-weight resource extension that modifies resources to simulate deletion by setting an `archived_at` attribute. """ }, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_name ) # Always at the bottom AshHq.Docs.Library.create!( %{ name: "spark", display_name: "Spark", order: 100, description: """ The core DSL and extension tooling, allowing for powerful, extensible DSLs with minimal effort. """ }, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_name )