require Logger [name, version, file, mix_project, repo_org | rest] = System.argv() github_sha = case rest do [github_sha] -> github_sha _ -> nil end mix_project = Module.concat([mix_project]) Application.put_env(:dsl, :name, name) Application.put_env(:ash, :use_all_identities_in_manage_relationship?, true) if github_sha do Mix.install( [ {String.to_atom(name), github: "#{repo_org}/#{name}", sha: github_sha} ], force: true, system_env: [ {"MIX_QUIET", "true"} ] ) else Mix.install( [ {String.to_atom(name), "== #{version}"} ], force: true, system_env: [ {"MIX_QUIET", "true"} ] ) end defmodule Types do def for_module(module) do {:ok, types} = Code.Typespec.fetch_types(module) types rescue _ -> [] end def callbacks_for_module(module) do {:ok, callbacks} = Code.Typespec.fetch_callbacks(module) callbacks rescue _ -> [] end def specs_for_module(module) do {:ok, specs} = Code.Typespec.fetch_specs(module) specs rescue _ -> [] end def additional_heads_for(specs, name, arity) do specs |> Enum.flat_map(fn {{^name, ^arity}, contents} -> contents _ -> [] end) |> body -> name |> Code.Typespec.spec_to_quoted(body) |> Macro.to_string() end) end def code_for(types, name, arity) do case Enum.find_value(types, fn {:type, {^name, _, args} = type} -> if Enum.count(args) == arity do type end _other -> false end) do nil -> "" type -> type |> Code.Typespec.type_to_quoted() |> Macro.to_string() end end end defmodule Utils do def try_apply(func, default \\ nil) do func.() rescue _ -> default end def build(extension, order) do %{ name:, target: extension[:target], module: inspect(extension.module), default_for_target: extension[:default_for_target?] || false, type: extension[:type], order: order, doc: module_docs(extension.module) || "No documentation", dsls: build_sections(extension.module.sections()) } end defp build_sections(sections, path \\ []) do sections |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.flat_map(fn {section, index} -> [ %{ name:, options: schema(section.schema, path ++ []), links: || []), imports:, &inspect/1), type: :section, order: index, doc: docs_with_examples(section.describe || "", examples(section.examples)), path: path } ] ++ build_entities(section.entities, path ++ []) ++ build_sections(section.sections, path ++ []) end) end defp wrap_code(text) do """ ```elixir #{text} ``` """ end defp docs_with_examples(doc, examples) do case doc do nil -> "### Examples\n#{Enum.map_join(examples, "\n\n", &wrap_code/1)}" doc -> """ #{doc} # Examples #{Enum.map_join(examples, "\n\n", &wrap_code/1)} """ end end defp build_entities(entities, path) do entities |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.flat_map(fn {entity, index} -> keys_to_remove = || [], &elem(&1, 0)) option_schema = Keyword.drop(entity.schema || [], keys_to_remove) [ %{ name:, recursive_as: Map.get(entity, :recursive_as), order: index, doc: docs_with_examples(entity.describe || "", examples(entity.examples)), imports: [], links: || []), args:, fn {:optional, name, _} -> name {:optional, name} -> name name -> name end), optional_args: Enum.flat_map(entity.args, fn {:optional, name, _} -> [name] {:optional, name} -> [name] _ -> [] end), arg_defaults: Enum.reduce(entity.args, %{}, fn {:optional, name, default}, acc -> Map.put(acc, name, inspect(default)) _, acc -> acc end), type: :entity, path: path, options: add_argument_indices(schema(option_schema, path ++ []), entity.args) } ] ++ build_entities(List.flatten(Keyword.values(entity.entities)), path ++ []) end) end defp add_argument_indices(values, []) do values end defp add_argument_indices(values, arguments) do, fn value -> case Enum.find_index(arguments, fn {:optional, name, _} -> name == {:optional, name} -> name == name -> name == end) do nil -> value arg_index -> Map.put(value, :argument_index, arg_index) end end) end defp examples(examples) do, fn {title, example} -> "#{title}<>\n<>#{example}" example -> example end) end defp schema(schema, path) do schema |> Enum.with_index() |> {{name, value}, index} -> %{ name: name, path: path, order: index, links:[:links] || []), type: value[:type_name] || type(value[:type]), doc: value[:doc] || "No documentation", required: value[:required] || false, default: inspect(value[:default]) } end) end def module_docs(module) do {:docs_v1, _, :elixir, _, %{"en" => docs}, _, _} = Code.fetch_docs(module) docs rescue _ -> "" end def build_function({_, _, _, :hidden, _}, _, _, _, _, _), do: [] def build_function( {{type, name, arity}, line, heads, docs, _}, file, types, callbacks, specs, order ) when not is_nil(type) and not is_nil(name) and not is_nil(arity) do docs = case docs do %{"en" => en} -> en _ -> "" end heads = List.wrap(heads) heads = case type do :type -> case Types.code_for(types, name, arity) do "" -> heads head -> [head | heads] end :callback -> heads ++ Types.additional_heads_for(callbacks, name, arity) :function -> heads ++ Types.additional_heads_for(specs, name, arity) :macro -> heads ++ Types.additional_heads_for(specs, name, arity) _ -> heads end heads = heads |> head -> head |> Code.format_string!(line_length: 68) |> IO.iodata_to_binary() end) |> case do [] -> ["#{name}/#{arity}"] heads -> heads end docs = """ ```elixir #{Enum.join(heads, "\n")} ``` #{docs} """ [ %{ name: to_string(name), type: type, file: file, line: line, arity: arity, order: order, doc: docs || "No documentation" } ] end def build_function(_, _, _, _, _, _), do: [] def build_module(module, category, order) do case Code.fetch_docs(module) do {:docs_v1, _, :elixir, _, docs, _, defs} -> module_doc = case docs do %{"en" => en} -> en _ -> "" end module_info = try do module.module_info(:compile) rescue _ -> nil end file = file(module_info[:source]) types = Types.for_module(module) callbacks = Types.callbacks_for_module(module) typespecs = Types.specs_for_module(module) {:ok, %{ name: inspect(module), doc: module_doc, file: file, order: order, category: category, functions: defs |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.flat_map(fn {definition, i} -> build_function(definition, file, types, callbacks, typespecs, i) end) }} _ -> :error end end def build_mix_task(mix_task, category, order) do {:docs_v1, _, :elixir, _, docs, _, _} = Code.fetch_docs(mix_task) module_doc = case docs do %{"en" => en} -> en _ -> "" end module_info = try do mix_task.module_info(:compile) rescue _ -> nil end file = file(module_info[:source]) %{ name: Mix.Task.task_name(mix_task), doc: module_doc, file: file, order: order, category: category } end defp file(nil), do: nil defp file(path) do this_path = Path.split(__ENV__.file) compile_path = Path.split(path) this_path |> remove_shared_root(compile_path) |> Enum.drop_while(&(&1 != "deps")) |> Enum.drop(2) |> case do [] -> nil other -> Path.join(other) end end defp remove_shared_root([left | left_rest], [left | right_rest]) do remove_shared_root(left_rest, right_rest) end defp remove_shared_root(_, remaining), do: remaining defp type({:behaviour, mod}), do: Module.split(mod) |> List.last() defp type({:spark, mod}), do: Module.split(mod) |> List.last() defp type({:spark_behaviour, mod}), do: Module.split(mod) |> List.last() defp type({:spark_behaviour, mod, _builtins}), do: Module.split(mod) |> List.last() defp type(:module), do: "Module" defp type({:spark_function_behaviour, mod, {_, arity}}) do type({:or, [{:fun, arity}, {:spark_behaviour, mod}]}) end defp type({:spark_function_behaviour, mod, _builtins, {_, arity}}) do type({:or, [{:fun, arity}, {:spark_behaviour, mod}]}) end defp type({:custom, _, _, _}), do: "any" defp type(:any), do: "any" defp type(:keyword_list), do: "Keyword List" defp type({:keyword_list, _schema}), do: "Keyword List" defp type(:non_empty_keyword_list), do: "Keyword List" defp type(:atom), do: "Atom" defp type(:string), do: "String" defp type(:boolean), do: "Boolean" defp type(:integer), do: "Integer" defp type(:non_neg_integer), do: "Non Negative Integer" defp type(:pos_integer), do: "Positive Integer" defp type(:float), do: "Float" defp type(:timeout), do: "Timeout" defp type(:pid), do: "Pid" defp type(:mfa), do: "MFA" defp type(:mod_arg), do: "Module and Arguments" defp type({:fun, arity}), do: "Function/#{arity}" defp type({:one_of, choices}), do: type({:in, choices}) defp type({:in, choices}), do: Enum.map_join(choices, " | ", &inspect/1) defp type({:or, subtypes}), do: Enum.map_join(subtypes, " | ", &type/1) defp type({:list, subtype}), do: type(subtype) <> "[]" defp type({:list_of, subtype}), do: type({:list, subtype}) defp type({:mfa_or_fun, arity}), do: "MFA | function/#{arity}" defp type(:literal), do: "any literal" defp type({:tagged_tuple, tag, type}), do: "{:#{tag}, #{type(type)}}" defp type({:spark_type, type, _}), do: inspect(type) defp type({:spark_type, type, _, _}), do: inspect(type) def modules_for(all_modules, modules) do case modules do %Regex{} = regex -> Enum.filter(all_modules, fn module -> Regex.match?(regex, inspect(module)) || Regex.match?(regex, to_string(module)) end) other -> if is_list(modules) do Enum.flat_map(modules, &modules_for(all_modules, &1)) else other |> List.wrap() |> end end end def guides(mix_project, name) do root_dir = File.cwd!() app_dir = name |> Application.app_dir() |> Path.join("../../../../deps/#{name}") |> Path.expand() try do!(app_dir) extras = mix_project.project[:docs][:extras] |> Enum.reject(fn {name, config} -> config[:ash_hq?] == false || config[:ash_hq] == false _ -> false end) |> {file, config} -> file = to_string(file) config = if config[:title] do Keyword.put(config, :name, config[:title]) else title = file |> Path.basename(".md") |> String.split(~r/[-_]/) |> |> Enum.join(" ") |> case do "F A Q" -> "FAQ" other -> other end Keyword.put(config, :name, title) end {to_string(file), config} file -> file = to_string(file) title = file |> Path.basename(".md") |> String.split(~r/[-_]/) |> |> Enum.join(" ") |> case do "F A Q" -> "FAQ" other -> other end {file, name: title} end) groups_for_extras = mix_project.project[:docs][:groups_for_extras] |> List.wrap() |> Kernel.++([{"Miscellaneous", ~r/.*/}]) groups_for_extras |> Enum.reduce({extras, []}, fn {group, matcher}, {remaining_extras, acc} -> matches_for_group = matcher |> List.wrap() |> Enum.flat_map(&take_matching(remaining_extras, &1)) # only reason I'm using uniq_by here is because the module docs for uniq_by says # "the first unique element is kept", and I need those semantics. # uniq might be the same way, but the docs don't say it. |> Enum.uniq_by(& &1) {remaining_extras -- matches_for_group, [{group, matches_for_group} | acc]} end) |> elem(1) |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.flat_map(fn {category, matches} -> matches |> Enum.with_index() |> {{path, config}, index} -> route = path |> Path.absname() |> String.trim_leading(app_dir) |> String.trim_leading("/documentation/") |> String.trim_trailing(".md") config |> |> Map.put(:order, index) |> Map.put(:route, route) |> Map.put(:category, category) |> Map.put(:text,!(path)) end) end) after!(root_dir) end end defp take_matching(extras, matcher) when is_binary(matcher) do extras |> Enum.filter(fn {name, _} -> name == matcher end) end defp take_matching(extras, %Regex{} = matcher) do Enum.filter(extras, fn {name, _} -> Regex.match?(matcher, name) end) end end acc = %{ extensions: [], guides: Utils.guides(mix_project, String.to_atom(name)), modules: [], mix_tasks: [] } extensions = mix_project.project[:docs][:spark][:extensions] || mix_project.project[:docs][:spark_extensions] {:ok, all_modules} = name |> String.to_atom() |> :application.get_key(:modules) all_modules = all_modules |> Kernel.||([]) |> Enum.reject(fn module -> Enum.find(extensions || [], &(&1.module == module)) end) all_modules = all_modules |> Enum.filter(fn module -> case Code.fetch_docs(module) do {:docs_v1, _, _, _, :none, _, _} -> false {:docs_v1, _, _, _, type, _, _} when type != :hidden -> true _ -> false end end) acc = mix_project.project[:docs][:groups_for_modules] |> Enum.reject(fn {"Internals", _} -> true {:Internals, _} -> true _ -> false end) |> Enum.reduce(acc, fn {category, modules}, acc -> modules = Utils.modules_for(all_modules, modules) modules |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.reduce(acc, fn {module, order}, acc -> case Utils.build_module(module, category, order) do {:ok, built} -> Map.update!(acc, :modules, fn modules -> [built | modules] end) _ -> acc end end) end) acc = mix_project.project[:docs][:spark][:mix_tasks] |> List.wrap() |> Enum.reduce(acc, fn {category, mix_tasks}, acc -> mix_tasks |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.reduce(acc, fn {mix_task, order}, acc -> Map.update!(acc, :mix_tasks, fn mix_tasks -> [Utils.build_mix_task(mix_task, category, order) | mix_tasks] end) end) end) data = extensions |> Kernel.||([]) |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.reduce(acc, fn {extension, i}, acc -> acc |> Map.put_new(:extensions, []) |> Map.update!(:extensions, fn extensions -> [, i) | extensions] end) end) File.write!(file, Base.encode64(:erlang.term_to_binary(data)))