Mike Buhot 1265f289c0
Feat(DocSidebar): Extract TreeView component to improve consistency (#48)
With the TreeView component, the behaviour of each node can be
controlled with options for collapsable, indent_guide, icon, link, etc.

The sidebar looks roughly the same, with some improvements to spacing
and some items can be collapsed now where the couldn't previously.
2022-11-13 10:43:11 -05:00

41 lines
884 B

# The directory Mix will write compiled artifacts to.
# If you run "mix test --cover", coverage assets end up here.
# The directory Mix downloads your dependencies sources to.
# Where 3rd-party dependencies like ExDoc output generated docs.
# Ignore .fetch files in case you like to edit your project deps locally.
# If the VM crashes, it generates a dump, let's ignore it too.
# Also ignore archive artifacts (built via "mix").
# Ignore package tarball (built via "mix").
# Ignore assets that are produced by build tools.
# Ignore digested assets cache.
# In case you use Node.js/npm, you want to ignore these.