defmodule AshJsonApiWrapper.Filter do @moduledoc false def find_simple_filter(%Ash.Filter{expression: expression}, field) do find_simple_filter(expression, field) end def find_simple_filter( %Ash.Query.BooleanExpression{op: :and, left: left, right: right} = expr, field ) do case find_simple_filter(left, field) do {:ok, nil} -> case find_simple_filter(right, field) do {:ok, nil} -> {:ok, expr, []} {:ok, {right_remaining, right_instructions}} -> {:ok,, left, right_remaining), right_instructions} end {:ok, {left_remaining, left_instructions}} -> case find_simple_filter(right, field) do {:ok, nil} -> {:ok, {, left_remaining, right), left_instructions}} {:ok, {right_remaining, right_instructions}} -> {:ok, {, left_remaining, right_remaining), left_instructions ++ right_instructions}} end end end def find_simple_filter( %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{left: left, right: %Ash.Query.Ref{} = right} = op, field ) do find_simple_filter(%{op | right: left, left: right}, field) end def find_simple_filter( %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{ left: %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: [], attribute: %{name: name}} }, field ) when name != field do {:ok, nil} end def find_simple_filter( %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{ left: %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: [], attribute: %{name: field}}, right: value }, field ) do {:ok, {nil, [{:set, field, value}]}} end def find_simple_filter( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{ left: %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: [], attribute: %{name: field}}, right: values }, field ) do {:ok, {nil, [{:expand_set, field, values}]}} end def find_simple_filter(_, _) do {:ok, nil} end def find_place_in_list_filter( filter, field, path, type, context \\ %{in_an_or?: false, other_branch_instructions: nil} ) def find_place_in_list_filter(nil, _, _, _, _), do: {:ok, nil} def find_place_in_list_filter(%Ash.Filter{expression: expression}, field, path, type, context) do find_place_in_list_filter(expression, field, path, type, context) end def find_place_in_list_filter( %Ash.Query.BooleanExpression{op: op, left: left, right: right} = expr, field, path, type, context ) do case find_place_in_list_filter(left, field, path, type, context) do {:ok, nil} -> case find_place_in_list_filter(right, field, path, type, context) do {:ok, nil} -> {:ok, expr, []} {:ok, {right_remaining, right_instructions}} -> {:ok,, left, right_remaining), right_instructions} end {:ok, {left_remaining, left_instructions}} -> case find_place_in_list_filter(right, field, path, %{ context | other_branch_instructions: left_instructions }) do {:ok, nil} -> {:ok, {, left_remaining, right), left_instructions}} {:ok, {right_remaining, right_instructions}} -> {:ok, {, left_remaining, right_remaining), left_instructions ++ right_instructions}} end end end def find_place_in_list_filter( %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{left: left, right: %Ash.Query.Ref{} = right} = op, field, path, type, context ) do find_place_in_list_filter(%{op | right: left, left: right}, field, path, type, context) end def find_place_in_list_filter( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{left: left, right: %Ash.Query.Ref{} = right} = op, field, path, type, context ) do find_place_in_list_filter(%{op | right: left, left: right}, field, path, type, context) end def find_place_in_list_filter( %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{ left: %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: [], attribute: %{name: name}} }, field, _path, _type, _context ) when name != field do {:ok, nil} end def find_place_in_list_filter( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{ left: %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: [], attribute: %{name: name}} }, field, _path, _type, _context ) when name != field do {:ok, nil} end def find_place_in_list_filter( %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{ left: %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: [], attribute: %{name: field}}, right: value }, field, path, type, _context ) do {:ok, {nil, [{type, path, value}]}} end def find_place_in_list_filter( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{ left: %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: [], attribute: %{name: field}}, right: values }, field, path, type, _context ) do {:ok, {nil,, &{type, path, &1})}} end def find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( expr, resource, action, templates \\ nil, in_an_or? \\ false, uses_endpoint \\ nil ) def find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( %Ash.Filter{expression: expression}, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?, uses_endpoint ) do find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( expression, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?, uses_endpoint ) end def find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( %Ash.Query.BooleanExpression{op: :and, left: left, right: right}, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?, uses_endpoint ) do case find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint(left, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?) do {:ok, {left_remaining, get_endpoint, left_templates}} -> if uses_endpoint && get_endpoint != uses_endpoint do {:error, "Filter would cause the usage of different endpoints: #{inspect(uses_endpoint)} and #{inspect(get_endpoint)}"} else case find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint(right, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?) do {:ok, {right_remaining, get_endpoint, right_templates}} -> if uses_endpoint && get_endpoint != uses_endpoint do {:error, "Filter would cause the usage of different endpoints: #{inspect(uses_endpoint)} and #{inspect(get_endpoint)}"} else {:ok, {, left_remaining, right_remaining), uses_endpoint, add_templates([left_templates, right_templates, templates])}} end {:ok, nil} -> {:ok, {, left_remaining, right), uses_endpoint, add_templates([left_templates, templates])}} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end {:ok, nil} -> case find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint(right, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?) do {:ok, {right_remaining, get_endpoint, right_templates}} -> if uses_endpoint && get_endpoint != uses_endpoint do {:error, "Filter would cause the usage of different endpoints: #{inspect(uses_endpoint)} and #{inspect(get_endpoint)}"} else {:ok, {, left, right_remaining), uses_endpoint, add_templates([right_templates, templates])}} end {:ok, nil} -> {:ok, {, left, right), uses_endpoint, nil}} end {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end def find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( %Ash.Query.BooleanExpression{op: :or, left: left, right: right} = expr, resource, action, templates, _in_an_or?, uses_endpoint ) do case find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint(left, resource, action, templates, true) do {:ok, nil} -> case find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint(right, resource, action, templates, true) do {:ok, nil} -> {:ok, {expr, uses_endpoint, nil}} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end {:error, error} -> {:error, error} _ -> raise "Unreachable!" end end def find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{left: %Ash.Query.Ref{}, right: %Ash.Query.Ref{}} = expr, _, _, _, _, uses_endpoint ) do {:ok, {expr, uses_endpoint, nil}} end def find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{ left: left, right: %Ash.Query.Ref{} = right } = op, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?, uses_endpoint ) do find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( %{op | right: left, left: right}, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?, uses_endpoint ) end def find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{ left: left, right: %Ash.Query.Ref{} = right } = op, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?, uses_endpoint ) do find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( %{op | right: left, left: right}, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?, uses_endpoint ) end def find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{ left: %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: [], attribute: attribute}, right: value }, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?, uses_endpoint ) do case AshJsonApiWrapper.DataLayer.Info.get_endpoint(resource,, do nil -> {:ok, nil} get_endpoint -> if in_an_or? do {:error, "Cannot use get_endpoint attributes in an `or` clause of a filter."} else if uses_endpoint && get_endpoint != uses_endpoint do {:error, "Filter would cause the usage of different endpoints: #{inspect(uses_endpoint)} and #{inspect(get_endpoint)}"} else {:ok, {nil, get_endpoint, add_templates([[{, value}], templates])}} end end end end def find_filter_that_uses_get_endpoint( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{ left: %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: [], attribute: attribute}, right: values }, resource, action, templates, in_an_or?, uses_endpoint ) do case AshJsonApiWrapper.DataLayer.Info.get_endpoint(resource,, do nil -> {:ok, nil} get_endpoint -> if in_an_or? do {:error, "Cannot use get_endpoint attributes in an `or` clause of a filter."} else if uses_endpoint && get_endpoint != uses_endpoint do {:error, "Filter would cause the usage of different endpoints: #{inspect(uses_endpoint)} and #{inspect(get_endpoint)}"} else {:ok, {nil, get_endpoint, add_templates([, &{, &1}), templates])}} end end end end defp add_templates(templates) do if Enum.all?(templates, &is_nil/1) do nil else Enum.flat_map(templates, &List.wrap/1) end end end