defmodule AshJsonApiWrapper.DataLayer do @field %Ash.Dsl.Entity{ name: :field, target: AshJsonApiWrapper.Field, schema: AshJsonApiWrapper.Field.schema(), docs: """ Configure an individual field's behavior, for example its path in the response. """, args: [:name] } @fields %Ash.Dsl.Section{ name: :fields, describe: "Contains configuration for individual fields in the response", entities: [ @field ] } @endpoint %Ash.Dsl.Entity{ name: :endpoint, target: AshJsonApiWrapper.Endpoint, schema: AshJsonApiWrapper.Endpoint.schema(), docs: """ Configure the endpoint that a given action will use. Accepts overrides for fields as well. """, entities: [ fields: [@field] ], args: [:action] } @get_endpoint %Ash.Dsl.Entity{ name: :get_endpoint, target: AshJsonApiWrapper.Endpoint, schema: AshJsonApiWrapper.Endpoint.get_schema(), docs: """ Configure the endpoint that a given action will use. Accepts overrides for fields as well. Expresses that this endpoint is used to fetch a single item. Doing this will make the data layer support equality filters over that field when using that action. If "in" or "or equals" is used, then multiple requests will be made in parallel to fetch all of those records. However, keep in mind you can't combine a filter over one of these fields with an `or` with anything other than *more* filters on this field. For example Doing this will make the data layer support equality filters over that field. If "in" or "or equals" is used, then multiple requests will be made in parallel to fetch all of those records. However, keep in mind you can't combine a filter over one of these fields with an `or` with anything other than *more* filters on this field. For example, `filter(resource, id == 1 or foo == true)`, since we wouldn't be able to turn this into multiple requests to the get endpoint for `id`. If other filters are supported, they can be used with `and`, e.g `filter(resource, id == 1 or id == 2 and other_supported_filter == true)`, since those filters will be applied to each request. Expects the field to be available in the path template, e.g with `get_for :id`, path should contain `:id`, e.g `/get/:id` or `/:id`, `filter(resource, id == 1 or foo == true)`, since we wouldn't be able to turn this into multiple requests to the get endpoint for `id`. If other filters are supported, they can be used with `and`, e.g `filter(resource, id == 1 or id == 2 and other_supported_filter == true)`, since those filters will be applied to each request. Expects the field to be available in the path template, e.g with `get_for :id`, path should contain `:id`, e.g `/get/:id` or `/:id` """, entities: [ fields: [@field] ], args: [:action, :get_for] } @endpoints %Ash.Dsl.Section{ name: :endpoints, describe: "Contains the configuration for the endpoints used in each action", schema: [ base: [ type: :string, doc: "The base endpoint to which all relative urls provided will be appended." ] ], entities: [ @endpoint, @get_endpoint ] } @json_api_wrapper %Ash.Dsl.Section{ name: :json_api_wrapper, describe: "Contains the configuration for the json_api_wrapper data layer", sections: [ @fields, @endpoints ], schema: [ before_request: [ type: :any, doc: """ A function that takes the finch request and returns the finch request. Will be called just before the request is made for all requests, but before JSON encoding the body and query encoding the query parameters. """ ], finch: [ type: :atom, required: true, doc: """ The name used when setting up your finch supervisor in your Application. e.g in this example from finch's readme: ```elixir {Finch, name: MyConfiguredFinch <- this value} ``` """ ] ] } use Ash.Dsl.Extension, sections: [@json_api_wrapper] defmodule Query do defstruct [ :request, :action, :limit, :offset, :filter, :endpoint, :templates, :override_results ] end @behaviour Ash.DataLayer @impl true def can?(_, :create), do: true def can?(_, :boolean_filter), do: true def can?(_, :filter), do: true def can?(_, :limit), do: true def can?(_, :offset), do: true def can?(_, _), do: false @impl true def resource_to_query(resource) do %Query{request:, AshJsonApiWrapper.endpoint_base(resource))} end @impl true def filter(query, filter, resource) do IO.inspect(filter) if query.action do {filter, endpoint, templates} = validate_filter(query.filter, resource, query.action) {:ok, %{query | filter: filter, endpoint: endpoint, templates: templates}} else {:ok, %{query | filter: filter}} end end @impl true def set_context(_resource, query, context) do params = context[:data_layer][:query_params] action = context[:action] if params do {:ok, %{ query | request: %{query.request | query: params}, action: action }} else {:ok, %{query | action: action}} end end defp validate_filter(filter, resource, action) when filter in [nil, true] do {nil, AshJsonApiWrapper.endpoint(resource,, []} end defp validate_filter(filter, resource, action) do {nil, AshJsonApiWrapper.endpoint(resource,, []} end @impl true def limit(query, limit, _resource) do {:ok, %{query | limit: limit}} end @impl true def offset(query, offset, _resource) do {:ok, %{query | offset: offset}} end @impl true def create(resource, changeset) do endpoint = AshJsonApiWrapper.endpoint(resource, base = case endpoint.fields_in || :body do :body -> changeset.context[:data_layer][:body] || %{} :params -> changeset.context[:data_layer][:query_params] || %{} end {:ok, with_attrs} = changeset.attributes |> Kernel.||(%{}) |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, base}, fn {key, value}, {:ok, acc} -> attribute = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, key) field = AshJsonApiWrapper.field(resource, case Ash.Type.dump_to_embedded( attribute.type, value, attribute.constraints ) do {:ok, dumped} -> path = if field && field.write_path do field.write_path else [to_string(] end path = if endpoint.write_entity_path do endpoint.write_entity_path ++ path else path end {:cont, {:ok, put_in!(acc, path, dumped)}} :error -> {:halt, {:error, Ash.Error.Changes.InvalidAttribute.exception( field:, message: "Could not be dumped to embedded" )}} end end) {body, params} = case endpoint.fields_in do :params -> {changeset.context[:data_layer][:body] || %{}, with_attrs} :body -> {with_attrs, changeset.context[:data_layer][:query_params] || %{}} end request = :post |> endpoint.path || AshJsonApiWrapper.endpoint_base(resource), [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}, {"Accept", "application/json"}], body ) |> Map.put(:query, params) with {:ok, %{status: status} = response} when status >= 200 and status < 300 <- request(request, resource), {:ok, body} <- Jason.decode(response.body), {:ok, entities} <- get_entities(body, endpoint), {:ok, processed} <- process_entities(entities, resource) do {:ok,, 0)} else {:ok, %{status: status} = response} -> {:error, "Received status code #{status} in request #{inspect(request)}. Response: #{inspect(response)}"} other -> other end end defp put_in!(body, [key], value) do Map.put(body, key, value) end defp put_in!(body, [first | rest], value) do body |> Map.put_new(first, %{}) |> Map.update!(first, &put_in!(&1, rest, value)) end @impl true def run_query(%{override_results: results}, _resource) when not is_nil(results) do {:ok, results} end def run_query(query, resource) do endpoint = query.endpoint || AshJsonApiWrapper.endpoint(resource, with {:ok, %{status: status} = response} when status >= 200 and status < 300 <- request(query.request, resource), {:ok, body} <- Jason.decode(response.body), {:ok, entities} <- get_entities(body, endpoint) do entities |> limit_offset(query) |> process_entities(resource) else {:ok, %{status: status} = response} -> {:error, "Received status code #{status} in request #{inspect(query.request)}. Response: #{inspect(response)}"} other -> other end end defp limit_offset(results, %Query{limit: limit, offset: offset}) do results = if offset do Enum.drop(results, offset) else results end if limit do Enum.take(results, limit) else results end end defp request(request, resource) do case AshJsonApiWrapper.before_request(resource) do nil -> request |> encode_query() |> encode_body() |> Finch.request(AshJsonApiWrapper.finch(resource)) hook -> request |> hook.() |> encode_query() |> encode_body() |> Finch.request(AshJsonApiWrapper.finch(resource)) end end defp encode_query(%{query: query} = request) when is_map(query) do %{request | query: URI.encode_query(query)} end defp encode_query(request), do: request defp encode_body(%{body: body} = request) when is_map(body) do %{request | body: Jason.encode!(body)} end defp encode_body(request), do: request defp process_entities(entities, resource) do Enum.reduce_while(entities, {:ok, []}, fn entity, {:ok, entities} -> case process_entity(entity, resource) do {:ok, entity} -> {:cont, {:ok, [entity | entities]}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end end) |> case do {:ok, entities} -> {:ok, Enum.reverse(entities)} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end defp process_entity(entity, resource) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.attributes() |> Enum.reduce_while( {:ok, struct(resource, __meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{ state: :loaded } )}, fn attr, {:ok, record} -> case get_field(entity, attr, resource) do {:ok, value} -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(record,, value)}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end end ) end defp get_field(entity, attr, resource) do raw_value = get_raw_value(entity, attr, resource) case Ash.Type.cast_stored(attr.type, raw_value, attr.constraints) do {:ok, value} -> {:ok, value} _ -> {:error, AshJsonApiWrapper.Errors.InvalidData.exception(field:, value: raw_value)} end end defp get_raw_value(entity, attr, resource) do case Enum.find(AshJsonApiWrapper.fields(resource), &(& == do %{path: path} when not is_nil(path) -> case ExJSONPath.eval(entity, path) do {:ok, [value | _]} -> value _ -> nil end _ -> Map.get(entity, to_string( end end defp get_entities(body, endpoint) do case endpoint.entity_path do nil -> {:ok, List.wrap(body)} path -> case ExJSONPath.eval(body, path) do {:ok, [entities | _]} -> {:ok, List.wrap(entities)} {:ok, _} -> {:ok, []} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end end end