defmodule AshOban.Test do @moduledoc "Helpers for testing ash_oban triggers" @type triggerable :: Ash.Resource.t() | {Ash.Resource.t(), atom()} | Ash.Api.t() | atom() @type result :: %{ discard: non_neg_integer(), cancelled: non_neg_integer(), success: non_neg_integer(), failure: non_neg_integer(), snoozed: non_neg_integer() } @doc """ Runs the schedulers for the given resource, api, or otp_app, or list of resources, apis, or otp_apps. If the input is: * a list - each item is passed into `schedule_and_run_triggers/1`, and the results are merged together. * an otp_app - each api configured in the `ash_apis` of that otp_app is passed into `schedule_and_run_triggers/1`, and the results are merged together. * an api - each reosurce configured in that api is passed into `schedule_and_run_triggers/1`, and the results are merged together. * a tuple of {resource, :trigger_name} - that trigger is scheduled, and the results are merged together. * a resource - each trigger configured in that resource is scheduled, and the results are merged together. """ @spec schedule_and_run_triggers(triggerable | list(triggerable), keyword()) :: result def schedule_and_run_triggers(resources_or_apis_or_otp_apps, drain_opts \\ []) def schedule_and_run_triggers(resources_or_apis_or_otp_apps, drain_opts) when is_list(resources_or_apis_or_otp_apps) do Enum.reduce(resources_or_apis_or_otp_apps, %{}, fn item, acc -> item |> schedule_and_run_triggers(drain_opts) |> Map.merge(acc, fn _key, left, right -> left + right end) end) end def schedule_and_run_triggers({resource, trigger_name}, drain_opts) do triggers = resource |> AshOban.Info.oban_triggers() |> Enum.filter(fn trigger -> trigger.scheduler && == trigger_name end) Enum.each(triggers, fn trigger -> AshOban.schedule(resource, trigger) end) queues = triggers |> &1.queue) |> Enum.uniq() # we drain each queue twice to do schedulers and then workers Enum.reduce(queues ++ queues, %{}, fn queue, acc -> [queue: queue] |> Keyword.merge(drain_opts) |> Oban.drain_queue() |> Map.merge(acc, fn _key, left, right -> left + right end) end) end def schedule_and_run_triggers(resource_or_api_or_otp_app, drain_opts) do cond do, Ash.Api) -> resource_or_api_or_otp_app |> Ash.Api.Info.resources() |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn resource, acc -> resource |> schedule_and_run_triggers(drain_opts) |> Map.merge(acc, fn _key, left, right -> left + right end) end), Ash.Resource) -> triggers = resource_or_api_or_otp_app |> AshOban.Info.oban_triggers() |> Enum.filter(fn trigger -> trigger.scheduler end) Enum.each(triggers, fn trigger -> AshOban.schedule(resource_or_api_or_otp_app, trigger) end) queues = triggers |> &1.queue) |> Enum.uniq() # we drain each queue twice to do schedulers and then workers Enum.reduce(queues ++ queues, %{}, fn queue, acc -> [queue: queue] |> Keyword.merge(drain_opts) |> Oban.drain_queue() |> Map.merge(acc, fn _key, left, right -> left + right end) end) true -> resource_or_api_or_otp_app |> Application.get_env(:ash_apis, []) |> List.wrap() |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn api, acc -> api |> schedule_and_run_triggers(drain_opts) |> Map.merge(acc, fn _key, left, right -> left + right end) end) end end end