defmodule AshOban do require Logger defmodule Trigger do @moduledoc """ A configured trigger. """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{ name: atom, action: atom, read_action: atom, queue: atom, scheduler_cron: String.t(), scheduler_queue: atom, action_input: map(), max_attempts: pos_integer(), record_limit: pos_integer(), log_final_error?: boolean(), log_errors?: boolean(), debug?: boolean(), max_scheduler_attempts: pos_integer(), read_metadata: (Ash.Resource.record() -> map), stream_batch_size: pos_integer(), scheduler_priority: non_neg_integer(), worker_priority: non_neg_integer(), where: Ash.Expr.t(), scheduler: module | nil, state: :active | :paused | :deleted, worker: module, __identifier__: atom, on_error: atom } defstruct [ :name, :action, :read_action, :action_input, :worker_read_action, :queue, :debug?, :read_metadata, :scheduler_cron, :scheduler_queue, :scheduler_priority, :worker_priority, :max_attempts, :stream_batch_size, :max_scheduler_attempts, :record_limit, :where, :state, :scheduler, :worker, :on_error, :log_final_error?, :log_errors?, :__identifier__ ] def transform(%{read_action: read_action, worker_read_action: nil} = trigger) do {:ok, %{trigger | worker_read_action: read_action}} end def transform(other), do: {:ok, other} end @trigger %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :trigger, target: Trigger, args: [:name], identifier: :name, imports: [Ash.Filter.TemplateHelpers], transform: {Trigger, :transform, []}, examples: [ """ trigger :process do action :process where expr(processed != true) worker_read_action(:read) end """ ], schema: [ name: [ type: :atom, doc: "A unique identifier for this trigger." ], action_input: [ type: :map, doc: "Static inputs to supply to the update/destroy action when it is called. Any metadata produced by `read_metadata` will overwrite these values." ], scheduler_queue: [ type: :atom, doc: "The queue to place the scheduler job in. The same queue as job is used by default (but with a priority of 1 so schedulers run first)." ], debug?: [ type: :boolean, default: false, doc: "If set to `true`, detailed debug logging will be enabled for this trigger. You can also set `config :ash_oban, debug_all_triggers?: true` to enable debug logging for all triggers." ], scheduler_cron: [ type: {:or, [:string, {:literal, false}]}, default: "* * * * *", doc: """ A crontab configuration for when the job should run. Defaults to once per minute (\"* * * * *\"). Use `false` to disable the scheduler entirely. """ ], stream_batch_size: [ type: :pos_integer, doc: "The batch size to pass when streaming records from using `!/2`. No batch size is passed if none is provided here, so the default is used." ], queue: [ type: :atom, doc: "The queue to place the worker job in. The trigger name is used by default." ], record_limit: [ type: :pos_integer, doc: "If set, any given run of the scheduler will only ever schedule this many items maximum" ], log_errors?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, doc: "Whether or not to log errors that occur when performing an action." ], log_final_error?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, doc: "If true, logs that an error occurred on the final attempt to perform an action even if `log_errors?` is set to false." ], worker_priority: [ type: :non_neg_integer, doc: "A number from 0 to 3, where 0 is the highest priority and 3 is the lowest.", default: 2 ], scheduler_priority: [ type: :non_neg_integer, doc: "A number from 0 to 3, where 0 is the highest priority and 3 is the lowest.", default: 3 ], max_scheduler_attempts: [ type: :pos_integer, default: 1, doc: "How many times to attempt scheduling of the triggered action." ], max_attempts: [ type: :pos_integer, default: 1, doc: """ How many times to attempt the job. After all attempts have been exhausted, the scheduler may just reschedule it. Use the `on_error` action to update the record to make the scheduler no longer apply. """ ], read_metadata: [ type: {:fun, 1}, doc: """ Takes a record, and returns metadata to be given to the update action as an argument called `metadata`. """ ], state: [ type: {:one_of, [:active, :paused, :deleted]}, default: :active, doc: """ Describes the state of the cron job. See the getting started guide for more information. The most important thing is that you *do not remove a trigger from a resource if you are using oban pro*. """ ], read_action: [ type: :atom, doc: """ The read action to use when querying records. Defaults to the primary read. This action *must* support keyset pagination. """ ], worker_read_action: [ type: :atom, doc: """ The read action to use when fetching the individual records for the trigger. Defaults to `read_action`. If you customize this, ensure your action handles scenarios where the trigger is no longer relevant. """ ], action: [ type: :atom, required: true, doc: "The action to be triggered. Defaults to the identifier of the resource plus the name of the trigger" ], where: [ type: :any, doc: "The filter expression to determine if something should be triggered" ], on_error: [ type: :atom, doc: "An update action to call after the last attempt has failed. See the getting started guide for more." ] ] } defmodule Schedule do @moduledoc """ A configured scheduled action. """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{ name: atom, action: atom, cron: String.t(), action_input: map(), worker: module(), queue: atom, debug?: boolean, priority: non_neg_integer() } defstruct [ :name, :action, :cron, :debug, :priority, :action_input, :queue, :worker, :debug?, :__identifier__ ] end @schedule %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :schedule, target: Schedule, args: [:name, :cron], identifier: :name, schema: [ name: [ type: :atom, doc: "A unique identifier for this scheduled action." ], cron: [ type: :string, doc: "The schedule in crontab notation" ], action_input: [ type: :map, doc: "Inputs to supply to the action when it is called." ], action: [ type: :atom, doc: "The generic or create action to call when the schedule is triggered." ], queue: [ type: :atom, doc: "The queue to place the job in. Defaults to the resources short name plus the name of the scheduled action (not the action name)." ], state: [ type: {:one_of, [:active, :paused, :deleted]}, default: :active, doc: """ Describes the state of the cron job. See the getting started guide for more information. The most important thing is that you *do not remove a scheduled action from a resource if you are using oban pro*. """ ], max_attempts: [ type: :pos_integer, default: 1, doc: """ How many times to attempt the job. The action will receive a `last_oban_attempt?` argument on the last attempt, and you should handle errors accordingly. """ ], debug?: [ type: :boolean, default: false, doc: "If set to `true`, detailed debug logging will be enabled for this trigger. You can also set `config :ash_oban, debug_all_triggers?: true` to enable debug logging for all triggers." ] ] } @scheduled_actions %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :scheduled_actions, entities: [@schedule], describe: """ A section for configured scheduled actions. Supports generic and create actions. """, examples: [ """ scheduled_actions do schedule :import, "0 */6 * * *", action: :import end """ ] } @triggers %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :triggers, entities: [@trigger], examples: [ """ triggers do trigger :process do action :process where expr(processed != true) worker_read_action(:read) end end """ ] } @oban %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :oban, examples: [ """ oban do api AshOban.Test.Api triggers do trigger :process do action :process where expr(processed != true) worker_read_action(:read) end end end """ ], schema: [ api: [ type: {:behaviour, Ash.Api}, doc: "The Api module to use when calling actions on this resource", required: true ] ], sections: [@triggers, @scheduled_actions] } @sections [@oban] @moduledoc """ Tools for working with AshOban triggers. """ use Spark.Dsl.Extension, sections: @sections, imports: [AshOban.Changes.BuiltinChanges], transformers: [ AshOban.Transformers.SetDefaults, AshOban.Transformers.DefineSchedulers, AshOban.Transformers.DefineActionWorkers ] def schedule(resource, trigger) do trigger = case trigger do %AshOban.Trigger{} -> trigger name when is_atom(name) -> AshOban.Info.oban_trigger(resource, name) end %{} |> |> Oban.insert!() end def run_trigger(%resource{} = record, trigger, oban_job_opts \\ []) do trigger = case trigger do %AshOban.Trigger{} -> trigger name when is_atom(name) -> AshOban.Info.oban_trigger(resource, name) end primary_key = Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key(resource) metadata = case trigger do %{read_metadata: read_metadata} when is_function(read_metadata) -> read_metadata.(record) _ -> %{} end %{primary_key: Map.take(record, primary_key), metadata: metadata} |> |> Oban.insert!() end @config_schema [ require?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, doc: """ Whether to require queues and plugins to be defined in your oban config. This can be helpful to allow the ability to split queues between nodes. See """ ] ] @doc """ Alters your oban configuration to include the required AshOban configuration. # Options #{} """ def config(apis, base, opts \\ []) do opts = Spark.OptionsHelpers.validate!(opts, @config_schema) pro? = cron_plugin = if pro? do Oban.Pro.Plugins.DynamicCron else Oban.Plugins.Cron end if pro? && base[:engine] not in [Oban.Pro.Queue.SmartEngine, Oban.Pro.Engines.Smart] do raise """ Expected oban engine to be Oban.Pro.Queue.SmartEngine or Oban.Pro.Engines.Smart, but got #{inspect(base[:engine])}. This expectation is because you've set `config :ash_oban, pro?: true`. """ end apis |> Enum.flat_map(fn api -> api |> Ash.Api.Info.resources() end) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.flat_map(fn resource -> resource |> AshOban.Info.oban_triggers() |> tap(fn triggers -> if opts[:require?] do Enum.each(triggers, &require_queues!(base, resource, &1)) end end) |> Enum.filter(& &1.scheduler_cron) |>{resource, &1}) end) |> case do [] -> base resources_and_triggers -> if opts[:require?] do require_cron!(base, cron_plugin) end Enum.reduce(resources_and_triggers, base, fn {resource, trigger}, config -> add_job(config, cron_plugin, resource, trigger) end) end end defp add_job(config, cron_plugin, _resource, trigger) do Keyword.update!(config, :plugins, fn plugins ->, fn {^cron_plugin, config} -> opts = case trigger.state do :paused -> [events: [paused: true]] :deleted -> [events: [delete: true]] _ -> [] end cron = {trigger.scheduler_cron, trigger.scheduler, opts} {cron_plugin, Keyword.update(config, :crontab, [cron], &[cron | &1])} other -> other end) end) end defp require_queues!(config, resource, trigger) do unless config[:queues][trigger.queue] do raise """ Must configure the queue `:#{trigger.queue}`, required for the trigger `:#{}` on #{inspect(resource)} """ end unless config[:queues][trigger.scheduler_queue] do raise """ Must configure the queue `:#{trigger.scheduler_queue}`, required for the scheduler of the trigger `:#{}` on #{inspect(resource)} """ end end defp require_cron!(config, name) do unless Enum.find(config[:plugins] || [], &match?({^name, _}, &1)) do raise """ Must configure cron plugin #{name}. See oban's documentation for more. AshOban will add cron jobs to the configuration, but will not add the basic configuration for you. Configuration received: #{inspect(config)} """ end end @doc false def update_or_destroy(changeset, api) do if changeset.action.type == :update do api.update(changeset) else api.destroy(changeset) end end @doc false def debug(message, true) do Logger.debug(message) end def debug(message, false) do if Application.get_env(:ash_oban, :debug_all_triggers?) do Logger.debug(message) else :ok end end def stacktrace(%{stacktrace: %{stacktrace: stacktrace}}) when not is_nil(stacktrace) do stacktrace end def stacktrace(_), do: nil end