defmodule AshOban do require Logger defmodule Trigger do @moduledoc """ A configured trigger. """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{ name: atom, action: atom, read_action: atom, queue: atom, scheduler_cron: String.t(), scheduler_queue: atom, action_input: map(), max_attempts: pos_integer(), record_limit: pos_integer(), log_final_error?: boolean(), log_errors?: boolean(), debug?: boolean(), max_scheduler_attempts: pos_integer(), read_metadata: (Ash.Resource.record() -> map), stream_batch_size: pos_integer(), scheduler_priority: non_neg_integer(), worker_priority: non_neg_integer(), where: Ash.Expr.t(), scheduler: module | nil, state: :active | :paused | :deleted, worker: module, __identifier__: atom, on_error: atom } defstruct [ :name, :action, :read_action, :action_input, :worker_read_action, :queue, :debug?, :read_metadata, :scheduler_cron, :scheduler_queue, :scheduler_priority, :worker_priority, :max_attempts, :stream_batch_size, :max_scheduler_attempts, :record_limit, :where, :state, :scheduler, :worker, :on_error, :log_final_error?, :log_errors?, :__identifier__ ] def transform(%{read_action: read_action, worker_read_action: nil} = trigger) do {:ok, %{trigger | worker_read_action: read_action}} end def transform(other), do: {:ok, other} end @trigger %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :trigger, target: Trigger, args: [:name], identifier: :name, imports: [Ash.Expr], transform: {Trigger, :transform, []}, examples: [ """ trigger :process do action :process where expr(processed != true) worker_read_action(:read) end """ ], schema: [ name: [ type: :atom, doc: "A unique identifier for this trigger." ], action_input: [ type: :map, doc: "Static inputs to supply to the update/destroy action when it is called. Any metadata produced by `read_metadata` will overwrite these values." ], scheduler_queue: [ type: :atom, doc: "The queue to place the scheduler job in. The same queue as job is used by default (but with a priority of 1 so schedulers run first)." ], debug?: [ type: :boolean, default: false, doc: "If set to `true`, detailed debug logging will be enabled for this trigger. You can also set `config :ash_oban, debug_all_triggers?: true` to enable debug logging for all triggers." ], scheduler_cron: [ type: {:or, [:string, {:literal, false}]}, default: "* * * * *", doc: """ A crontab configuration for when the job should run. Defaults to once per minute (\"* * * * *\"). Use `false` to disable the scheduler entirely. """ ], stream_batch_size: [ type: :pos_integer, doc: "The batch size to pass when streaming records from using `!/2`. No batch size is passed if none is provided here, so the default is used." ], queue: [ type: :atom, doc: "The queue to place the worker job in. The trigger name is used by default." ], record_limit: [ type: :pos_integer, doc: "If set, any given run of the scheduler will only ever schedule this many items maximum" ], log_errors?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, doc: "Whether or not to log errors that occur when performing an action." ], log_final_error?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, doc: "If true, logs that an error occurred on the final attempt to perform an action even if `log_errors?` is set to false." ], worker_priority: [ type: :non_neg_integer, doc: "A number from 0 to 3, where 0 is the highest priority and 3 is the lowest.", default: 2 ], scheduler_priority: [ type: :non_neg_integer, doc: "A number from 0 to 3, where 0 is the highest priority and 3 is the lowest.", default: 3 ], max_scheduler_attempts: [ type: :pos_integer, default: 1, doc: "How many times to attempt scheduling of the triggered action." ], max_attempts: [ type: :pos_integer, default: 1, doc: """ How many times to attempt the job. After all attempts have been exhausted, the scheduler may just reschedule it. Use the `on_error` action to update the record to make the scheduler no longer apply. """ ], read_metadata: [ type: {:fun, 1}, doc: """ Takes a record, and returns metadata to be given to the update action as an argument called `metadata`. """ ], state: [ type: {:one_of, [:active, :paused, :deleted]}, default: :active, doc: """ Describes the state of the cron job. See the getting started guide for more information. The most important thing is that you *do not remove a trigger from a resource if you are using oban pro*. """ ], read_action: [ type: :atom, doc: """ The read action to use when querying records. Defaults to the primary read. This action *must* support keyset pagination. """ ], worker_read_action: [ type: :atom, doc: """ The read action to use when fetching the individual records for the trigger. Defaults to `read_action`. If you customize this, ensure your action handles scenarios where the trigger is no longer relevant. """ ], action: [ type: :atom, required: true, doc: "The action to be triggered. Defaults to the identifier of the resource plus the name of the trigger" ], where: [ type: :any, doc: "The filter expression to determine if something should be triggered" ], on_error: [ type: :atom, doc: "An update action to call after the last attempt has failed. See the getting started guide for more." ] ] } defmodule Schedule do @moduledoc """ A configured scheduled action. """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{ name: atom, action: atom, cron: String.t(), action_input: map(), worker: module(), max_attempts: non_neg_integer(), queue: atom, debug?: boolean, state: :active | :paused | :deleted, priority: non_neg_integer() } defstruct [ :name, :action, :cron, :debug, :priority, :action_input, :max_attempts, :queue, :worker, :debug?, :state, :__identifier__ ] end @schedule %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :schedule, target: Schedule, args: [:name, :cron], identifier: :name, schema: [ name: [ type: :atom, doc: "A unique identifier for this scheduled action." ], cron: [ type: :string, doc: "The schedule in crontab notation" ], action_input: [ type: :map, doc: "Inputs to supply to the action when it is called." ], action: [ type: :atom, doc: "The generic or create action to call when the schedule is triggered." ], queue: [ type: :atom, doc: "The queue to place the job in. Defaults to the resources short name plus the name of the scheduled action (not the action name)." ], state: [ type: {:one_of, [:active, :paused, :deleted]}, default: :active, doc: """ Describes the state of the cron job. See the getting started guide for more information. The most important thing is that you *do not remove a scheduled action from a resource if you are using oban pro*. """ ], max_attempts: [ type: :pos_integer, default: 1, doc: """ How many times to attempt the job. The action will receive a `last_oban_attempt?` argument on the last attempt, and you should handle errors accordingly. """ ], priority: [ type: :non_neg_integer, doc: "A number from 0 to 3, where 0 is the highest priority and 3 is the lowest.", default: 3 ], debug?: [ type: :boolean, default: false, doc: "If set to `true`, detailed debug logging will be enabled for this trigger. You can also set `config :ash_oban, debug_all_triggers?: true` to enable debug logging for all triggers." ] ] } @scheduled_actions %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :scheduled_actions, entities: [@schedule], describe: """ A section for configured scheduled actions. Supports generic and create actions. """, examples: [ """ scheduled_actions do schedule :import, "0 */6 * * *", action: :import end """ ] } @triggers %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :triggers, entities: [@trigger], examples: [ """ triggers do trigger :process do action :process where expr(processed != true) worker_read_action(:read) end end """ ] } @oban %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :oban, examples: [ """ oban do triggers do trigger :process do action :process where expr(processed != true) worker_read_action(:read) end end end """ ], schema: [ domain: [ type: {:behaviour, Ash.Domain}, doc: "The Domain to use when calling actions on this resource. Defaults to the resource's domain." ] ], sections: [@triggers, @scheduled_actions] } @sections [@oban] @moduledoc """ Tools for working with AshOban triggers. """ use Spark.Dsl.Extension, sections: @sections, imports: [AshOban.Changes.BuiltinChanges], transformers: [ AshOban.Transformers.SetDefaults, AshOban.Transformers.DefineSchedulers, AshOban.Transformers.DefineActionWorkers ] @type triggerable :: Ash.Resource.t() | {Ash.Resource.t(), atom()} | Ash.Domain.t() | atom() @type result :: %{ discard: non_neg_integer(), cancelled: non_neg_integer(), success: non_neg_integer(), failure: non_neg_integer(), snoozed: non_neg_integer(), queues_not_drained: list(atom) } @doc """ Schedules all relevant jobs for the provided trigger or scheduled action ## Options `:actor` - the actor to set on the job. Requires configuring an actor persister. """ def schedule(resource, trigger, opts \\ []) do case trigger do %AshOban.Trigger{} -> trigger %AshOban.Schedule{} -> trigger name when is_atom(name) -> AshOban.Info.oban_trigger(resource, name) || AshOban.Info.oban_scheduled_action(resource, name) end |> case do %AshOban.Schedule{worker: worker} -> %{} |> store_actor(opts[:actor]) |> |> Oban.insert!() %AshOban.Trigger{scheduler: scheduler} -> %{} |> store_actor(opts[:actor]) |> |> Oban.insert!() end end @spec authorize? :: boolean def authorize? do Application.get_env(:ash_oban, :authorize?, true) end @spec store_actor(args :: map, actor :: any) :: any def store_actor(args, nil), do: args def store_actor(args, actor) do case Application.get_env(:ash_oban, :actor_persister) do nil -> args persister -> Map.put(args, "actor", end end @spec lookup_actor(actor_json :: any) :: any def lookup_actor(actor_json) do case Application.get_env(:ash_oban, :actor_persister) do nil -> {:ok, nil} persister -> persister.lookup(actor_json) end end @doc """ Runs a specific trigger for the record provided. ## Options - `:actor` - the actor to set on the job. Requires configuring an actor persister. - `:args` - additional arguments to merge into the job's arguments map. All other options are passed through to `` """ def run_trigger(record, trigger, opts \\ []) do record |> build_trigger(trigger, opts) |> Oban.insert!() end @doc """ Builds a specific trigger for the record provided, but does not insert it into the database. ## Options - `:actor` - the actor to set on the job. Requires configuring an actor persister. - `:action_arguments` - additional arguments to merge into the action invocation's arguments map. affects the uniqueness checks for the job. - `:args` - additional arguments to merge into the job's arguments map. the action will not use these arguments, it can only be used to affect the job uniqueness checks. you likely are looking for the `:action_arguments` job. All other options are passed through to `` """ def build_trigger(%resource{} = record, trigger, opts \\ []) do {opts, oban_job_opts} = Keyword.split(opts, [:actor, :args, :action_arguments]) trigger = case trigger do %AshOban.Trigger{} -> trigger name when is_atom(name) -> AshOban.Info.oban_trigger(resource, name) end primary_key = Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key(resource) metadata = case trigger do %{read_metadata: read_metadata} when is_function(read_metadata) -> read_metadata.(record) _ -> %{} end %{ primary_key: validate_primary_key(Map.take(record, primary_key), resource), metadata: metadata, action_arguments: opts[:action_arguments] || %{} } |> AshOban.store_actor(opts[:actor]) |> then(&Map.merge(opts[:args] || %{}, &1)) |> end defp validate_primary_key(map, resource) do Enum.each(map, fn {key, value} -> case value do %Ash.NotLoaded{} = value -> raise "Invalid value provided for #{inspect(resource)} primary key #{key}: #{value}" %Ash.ForbiddenField{} = value -> raise "Invalid value provided for #{inspect(resource)} primary key #{key}: #{value}" _ -> :ok end end) map end @config_schema [ require?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, doc: """ Whether to require queues and plugins to be defined in your oban config. This can be helpful to allow the ability to split queues between nodes. See """ ] ] @doc """ Alters your oban configuration to include the required AshOban configuration. # Options #{} """ def config(domains, base, opts \\ []) do domains = List.wrap(domains) opts = Spark.Options.validate!(opts, @config_schema) base = Keyword.update(base, :plugins, [], fn plugins ->, fn item -> if is_atom(item) do {item, []} else item end end) end) pro_dynamic_cron_plugin? = base |> Keyword.get(:plugins, []) |> Enum.any?(fn {plugin, _opts} -> plugin == Oban.Pro.Plugins.DynamicCron end) pro_dynamic_queues_plugin? = base |> Keyword.get(:plugins, []) |> Enum.any?(fn {plugin, _opts} -> plugin == Oban.Pro.Plugins.DynamicQueues end) cron_plugin = if pro_dynamic_cron_plugin? do Oban.Pro.Plugins.DynamicCron else Oban.Plugins.Cron end if (pro_dynamic_cron_plugin? || pro_dynamic_queues_plugin?) && base[:engine] not in [Oban.Pro.Queue.SmartEngine, Oban.Pro.Engines.Smart] do raise """ Expected oban engine to be Oban.Pro.Queue.SmartEngine or Oban.Pro.Engines.Smart, but got #{inspect(base[:engine])}. This expectation is because you're using at least one Oban.Pro plugin`. """ end domains |> Enum.flat_map(fn domain -> domain |> Ash.Domain.Info.resources() end) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.flat_map(fn resource -> resource |> AshOban.Info.oban_triggers_and_scheduled_actions() |> tap(fn triggers -> if opts[:require?] do Enum.each(triggers, &require_queues!(base, resource, pro_dynamic_queues_plugin?, &1)) end end) |> Enum.filter(fn %{scheduler_cron: scheduler_cron} -> scheduler_cron _ -> true end) |>{resource, &1}) end) |> case do [] -> base resources_and_triggers -> if opts[:require?] do require_cron!(base, cron_plugin) end Enum.reduce(resources_and_triggers, base, fn {resource, trigger}, config -> add_job(config, cron_plugin, resource, trigger) end) end end defp add_job(config, cron_plugin, _resource, trigger) do Keyword.update!(config, :plugins, fn plugins ->, fn {^cron_plugin, config} -> opts = case {cron_plugin, trigger.state} do {_cron_plugin, :paused} -> [paused: true] {_cron_plugin, :deleted} -> [delete: true] {Oban.Pro.Plugins.DynamicCron, :active} -> [paused: false] _ -> [] end cron = case trigger do %{scheduler_cron: scheduler_cron} -> {scheduler_cron, trigger.scheduler, opts} %{cron: cron} -> {cron, trigger.worker, opts} end {cron_plugin, Keyword.update(config, :crontab, [cron], &[cron | &1])} other -> other end) end) end defp require_queues!(config, resource, false, trigger) do unless config[:queues][trigger.queue] do raise """ Must configure the queue `:#{trigger.queue}`, required for the trigger `:#{}` on #{inspect(resource)} """ end if Map.has_key?(trigger, :scheduler_queue) do unless config[:queues][trigger.scheduler_queue] do raise """ Must configure the queue `:#{trigger.scheduler_queue}`, required for the scheduler of the trigger `:#{}` on #{inspect(resource)} """ end end end defp require_queues!(config, resource, true, trigger) do {_plugin_name, plugin_config} = config[:plugins] |> Enum.find({nil, nil}, fn {plugin, _opts} -> plugin == Oban.Pro.Plugins.DynamicQueues end) if !is_list(plugin_config) || !Keyword.has_key?(plugin_config, :queues) || !is_list(plugin_config[:queues]) || !Keyword.has_key?(plugin_config[:queues], trigger.queue) do raise """ Must configure the queue `:#{trigger.queue}`, required for the trigger `:#{}` on #{inspect(resource)} """ end if !is_nil(config[:queues]) && config[:queues] != false do raise """ Must configure the queue through Oban.Pro.Plugins.DynamicQueues plugin when Oban Pro is used """ end if Map.has_key?(trigger, :scheduler_queue) do unless plugin_config[:queues][trigger.scheduler_queue] do raise """ Must configure the queue `:#{trigger.scheduler_queue}`, required for the scheduler of the trigger `:#{}` on #{inspect(resource)} """ end end end defp require_cron!(config, name) do unless Enum.find(config[:plugins] || [], &match?({^name, _}, &1)) do ideal = if Keyword.keyword?(config[:plugins]) do Keyword.update!(config, :plugins, fn plugins -> Keyword.put(plugins, name, []) end) end ideal = if ideal do """ Example: #{inspect(ideal)} """ end raise """ Must configure cron plugin #{inspect(name)}. See oban's documentation for more. AshOban will add cron jobs to the configuration, but will not add the basic configuration for you. Configuration received: #{inspect(config)} #{ideal} """ end end @doc false def update_or_destroy(changeset) do if changeset.action.type == :update do Ash.update(changeset) else Ash.destroy(changeset) end end @doc false def debug(message, true) do Logger.debug(message) end def debug(message, false) do if Application.get_env(:ash_oban, :debug_all_triggers?) do Logger.debug(message) else :ok end end def stacktrace(%{stacktrace: %{stacktrace: stacktrace}}) when not is_nil(stacktrace) do stacktrace end def stacktrace(_), do: nil @doc """ Runs the schedulers for the given resource, domain, or otp_app, or list of resources, domains, or otp_apps. Options: - `drain_queues?` - Defaults to false, drains the queues after scheduling. This is primarily for testing - `queue`, `with_limit`, `with_recursion`, `with_safety`, `with_scheduled` - passed through to `Oban.drain_queue/2`, if it is called - `scheduled_actions?` - Defaults to false, unless a scheduled action name was explicitly provided. Schedules all applicable scheduled actions. - `triggers?` - Defaults to true, schedules all applicable scheduled actions. - `actor` - The actor to schedule and run the triggers with - `oban` - The oban module to use. Defaults to `Oban` If the input is: * a list - each item is passed into `schedule_and_run_triggers/1`, and the results are merged together. * an otp_app - each domain configured in the `ash_domains` of that otp_app is passed into `schedule_and_run_triggers/1`, and the results are merged together. * a domain - each reosurce configured in that domain is passed into `schedule_and_run_triggers/1`, and the results are merged together. * a tuple of {resource, :trigger_name} - that trigger is scheduled, and the results are merged together. * a resource - each trigger configured in that resource is scheduled, and the results are merged together. """ @spec schedule_and_run_triggers(triggerable | list(triggerable), keyword()) :: result def schedule_and_run_triggers(resources_or_domains_or_otp_apps, opts \\ []) do opts = opts |> Keyword.put_new(:scheduled_actions?, false) |> Keyword.put_new(:triggers?, true) |> Keyword.put_new(:drain_queues?, false) |> Keyword.put_new(:oban, Oban) do_schedule_and_run_triggers(resources_or_domains_or_otp_apps, opts) end def do_schedule_and_run_triggers(resources_or_domains_or_otp_apps, opts) when is_list(resources_or_domains_or_otp_apps) do Enum.reduce(resources_or_domains_or_otp_apps, default_acc(), fn item, acc -> item |> do_schedule_and_run_triggers(opts) |> merge_results(acc) end) end def do_schedule_and_run_triggers({resource, trigger_name}, opts) do triggers = resource |> AshOban.Info.oban_triggers_and_scheduled_actions() |> Enum.filter(fn %AshOban.Schedule{name: name} -> name == trigger_name trigger -> trigger.scheduler && == trigger_name end) Enum.each(triggers, fn trigger -> AshOban.schedule(resource, trigger, actor: opts[:actor]) end) queues = triggers |> &1.queue) |> Enum.uniq() # we drain each queue twice to do schedulers and then workers drain_queues(queues, opts) end def do_schedule_and_run_triggers(resource_or_domain_or_otp_app, opts) do cond do, Ash.Domain) -> resource_or_domain_or_otp_app |> Ash.Domain.Info.resources() |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn resource, acc -> resource |> do_schedule_and_run_triggers(opts) |> merge_results(acc) end), Ash.Resource) -> triggers = resource_or_domain_or_otp_app |> AshOban.Info.oban_triggers_and_scheduled_actions() |> Enum.filter(fn %AshOban.Schedule{} -> opts[:scheduled_actions?] && true trigger -> trigger.scheduler end) Enum.each(triggers, fn trigger -> AshOban.schedule(resource_or_domain_or_otp_app, trigger, actor: opts[:actor]) end) queues = triggers |> &1.queue) |> Enum.uniq() # we drain each queue twice to do schedulers and then workers drain_queues(queues, opts) true -> resource_or_domain_or_otp_app |> Application.get_env(:ash_domains, []) |> List.wrap() |> Enum.reduce(default_acc(), fn domain, acc -> domain |> do_schedule_and_run_triggers(opts) |> merge_results(acc) end) end end defp drain_queues(queues, opts) do if opts[:drain_queues?] do Enum.reduce(queues ++ queues, default_acc(), fn queue, acc -> [queue: queue] |> Keyword.merge( Keyword.take(opts, [ :queue, :with_limit, :with_recursion, :with_safety, :with_scheduled ]) ) |> drain_queue() |> Map.put(:queues_not_drained, []) |> merge_results(acc) end) else default_acc() |> Map.update!(:queues_not_drained, &Enum.uniq(&1 ++ queues)) end end defp drain_queue(opts) do oban = opts[:oban] || Oban config = Oban.config(oban) if config.testing == :disabled do raise ArgumentError, """ Cannot use the `drain_queues?: true` option outside of the test environment, unless you are also using oban pro. For more information, see this github issue: """ else Oban.drain_queue(opts) end end defp default_acc do %{ discard: 0, cancelled: 0, success: 0, failure: 0, snoozed: 0, queues_not_drained: [] } end defp merge_results(results, acc) do Map.merge(results, acc, fn :queues_not_drained, left, right -> Enum.uniq(left ++ right) _key, left, right -> left + right end) end end