defmodule AshPhoenix do @moduledoc """ Various helpers and utilities for working with Ash changesets and queries and phoenix. """ @doc false def to_form_error(exception) when is_exception(exception) do case AshPhoenix.FormData.Error.to_form_error(exception) do nil -> nil {field, message} -> {field, message, []} {field, message, vars} -> {field, message, vars} list when is_list(list) ->, fn item -> case item do {field, message} -> {field, message, []} {field, message, vars} -> {field, message, vars} end end) end end @doc """ Allows for manually transforming errors to modify or enable error messages in the form. By default, only errors that implement the `AshPhoenix.FormData.Error` protocol will show their errors in forms. This is to protect you from showing strange errors to the user. Using this function, you can intercept those errors (as well as ones that *do* implement the protocol) and return custom form-ready messages for them. Example: AshPhoenix.transform_errors(changeset, fn changeset, %MyApp.CustomError{message: message} -> {:id, "Something went wrong while doing the %{thing}", [thing: "request"]} end) # Could potentially be used for translation, although not quite ergonomic yet defp translate_error(key, msg, vars) do if vars[:count] do Gettext.dngettext(MyApp.Gettext, "errors", msg, msg, count, opts) else Gettext.dgettext(MyApp.Gettext, "errors", msg, opts) end end AshPhoenix.transform_errors(changeset, fn changeset, %MyApp.CustomError{message: message, field: field} -> translate_error(field, message, [foo: :bar]) changeset, any_error -> if AshPhoenix.FormData.Error.impl_for(any_error) do any_error |> AshPhoenix.FormData.error.to_form_error() |> List.wrap() |> {key, msg, vars} -> translate_error(key, msg, vars) end) end end) """ @spec transform_errors( Ash.Changeset.t() | Ash.Query.t(), (Ash.Query.t() | Ash.Changeset.t(), error :: Ash.Error.t() -> [{field :: atom, message :: String.t(), substituations :: Keyword.t()}]) ) :: Ash.Query.t() | Ash.Changeset.t() def transform_errors(%Ash.Changeset{} = changeset, transform_errors) do Ash.Changeset.put_context(changeset, :private, %{ ash_phoenix: %{transform_errors: transform_errors} }) end def transform_errors(%Ash.Query{} = changeset, transform_errors) do Ash.Query.put_context(changeset, :private, %{ ash_phoenix: %{transform_errors: transform_errors} }) end @doc """ Gets all errors on a changeset or query. This honors the `AshPhoenix.FormData.Error` protocol and applies any `transform_errors`. See `transform_errors/2` for more information. """ @spec errors_for(Ash.Changeset.t() | Ash.Query.t(), Keyword.t()) :: [{atom, {String.t(), Keyword.t()}}] | [String.t()] | map def errors_for(changeset_or_query, opts \\ []) do errors = if hiding_errors?(changeset_or_query) do [] else changeset_or_query.errors |> Enum.flat_map(&transform_error(changeset_or_query, &1)) |> Enum.filter(fn error when is_exception(error) -> AshPhoenix.FormData.Error.impl_for(error) {_key, _value, _vars} -> true _ -> false end) |> {field, message, vars} -> {field, {message, vars}} end) end case opts[:as] do raw when raw in [:raw, nil] -> errors :simple ->, fn {field, {message, vars}} -> message = Enum.reduce(vars || [], message, fn {key, value}, acc -> String.replace(acc, "%{#{key}}", to_string(value)) end) {field, message} end) :plaintext ->, fn {field, {message, vars}} -> message = Enum.reduce(vars || [], message, fn {key, value}, acc -> String.replace(acc, "%{#{key}}", to_string(value)) end) "#{field}: " <> message end) end end defp transform_error(_query, {_key, _value, _vars} = error), do: error defp transform_error(query, error) do case query.context[:private][:ash_phoenix][:transform_errors] do transformer when is_function(transformer, 2) -> case transformer.(query, error) do error when is_exception(error) -> if AshPhoenix.FormData.Error.impl_for(error) do List.wrap(AshPhoenix.to_form_error(error)) else [] end {key, value, vars} -> [{key, value, vars}] list when is_list(list) -> Enum.flat_map(list, fn error when is_exception(error) -> if AshPhoenix.FormData.Error.impl_for(error) do List.wrap(AshPhoenix.to_form_error(error)) else [] end {key, value, vars} -> [{key, value, vars}] end) end nil -> if AshPhoenix.FormData.Error.impl_for(error) do List.wrap(AshPhoenix.to_form_error(error)) else [] end end end def hide_errors(%Ash.Changeset{} = changeset) do Ash.Changeset.put_context(changeset, :private, %{ash_phoenix: %{hide_errors: true}}) end def hide_errors(%Ash.Query{} = query) do Ash.Query.put_context(query, :private, %{ash_phoenix: %{hide_errors: true}}) end def hiding_errors?(%Ash.Changeset{} = changeset) do changeset.context[:private][:ash_phoenix][:hide_errors] == true end def hiding_errors?(%Ash.Query{} = query) do query.context[:private][:ash_phoenix][:hide_errors] == true end @add_related_opts [ add: [ type: :any, doc: "the value to add to the relationship, defaults to `%{}`", default: %{} ], relationship: [ type: :atom, doc: "The relationship being updated, in case it can't be determined from the path" ], id: [ type: :any, doc: "The value that should be in `meta[:id]` in the manage changeset opts. Defaults to the relationship name. This only needs to be set if an id is also provided for `inputs_for`." ] ] @doc """ A utility to support "add" buttons on relationships used in forms. To use, simply pass in the form name of the relationship form as well as the name of the primary/outer form. ```elixir # In your template, inside a form called `:change` # In the view/component def handle_event("append_thing", %{"path" => path}, socket) do changeset = add_related(socket.assigns.changeset, path, "change") {:noreply, assign(socket, changeset: changeset)} end ``` ## Options #{} """ @spec add_related(Ash.Changeset.t(), String.t(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Ash.Changeset.t() def add_related(changeset, path, outer_form_name, opts \\ []) do opts = Ash.OptionsHelpers.validate!(opts, @add_related_opts) add = opts[:add] || %{} [^outer_form_name, key | path] = decode_path(path) {argument, argument_manages} = if changeset.action do {nil, nil} else # This is some magic to avoid having to pass in the relationship name # when we can figure it out from the action argument = changeset.action.arguments |> Enum.find(&(to_string(& == key)) if argument do manage_change = find_manage_change(argument, changeset.action) if manage_change do {argument, manage_change} end end end changeset.resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.relationships() |> Enum.find_value(fn relationship -> if == opts[:relationship] || to_string( == key || == argument_manages do manage = changeset.relationships[] || [] to_manage = Enum.find_index(manage, fn {_manage, opts} -> opts[:id] == opts[:key] || opts[:id] == opts[:relationship] || (argument && opts[:id] == end) {, opts[:id] || opts[:relationship] || (argument && opts[:id]) ||, to_manage} end end) |> case do nil -> changeset {rel, id, nil} -> new_relationships = changeset.relationships |> Map.put_new(rel, []) |> Map.update!(rel, fn manages -> manages ++ [{add_to_path(nil, path, add), [meta: [id: id]]}] end) %{changeset | relationships: new_relationships} {rel, _id, index} -> new_relationships = changeset.relationships |> Map.put_new(rel, []) |> Map.update!(rel, fn manages -> List.update_at(manages, index, fn {manage, opts} -> {add_to_path(List.wrap(manage), path, add), opts} end) end) %{changeset | relationships: new_relationships} end end @remove_related_opts [ add: [ type: :any, doc: "the value to add to the relationship, defaults to `%{}`", default: %{} ], relationship: [ type: :atom, doc: "The relationship being updated, in case it can't be determined from the path" ], id: [ type: :any, doc: "The value that should be in `meta[:id]` in the manage changeset opts. Defaults to the relationship name. This only needs to be set if an id is also provided for `inputs_for`." ] ] @doc """ A utility to support "remove" buttons on relationships used in forms. To use, simply pass in the form name of the related form as well as the name of the primary/outer form. ```elixir # In your template, inside a form called `:change` # In the view/component def handle_event("remove_thing", %{"path" => path}, socket) do {record, changeset} = remove_related(socket.assigns.changeset, path, "change") {:noreply, assign(socket, record: record, changeset: changeset)} end ``` ## Options #{} """ @spec remove_related(Ash.Changeset.t(), String.t(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {Ash.Resource.record(), Ash.Changeset.t()} def remove_related(changeset, path, outer_form_name, opts \\ []) do [^outer_form_name, key | path] = decode_path(path) {argument, argument_manages} = if changeset.action do {nil, nil} else # This is some magic to avoid having to pass in the relationship name # when we can figure it out from the action argument = changeset.action.arguments |> Enum.find(&(to_string(& == key)) if argument do manage_change = find_manage_change(argument, changeset.action) if manage_change do {argument, manage_change} end end end changeset.resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.relationships() |> Enum.find_value(fn relationship -> if == opts[:relationship] || to_string( == key || == argument_manages do manage = changeset.relationships[] || [] to_manage = Enum.find_index(manage, fn {_manage, opts} -> opts[:id] == opts[:key] || opts[:id] == opts[:relationship] || (argument && opts[:id] == end) {, to_manage} end end) |> case do nil -> changeset {_rel, nil} -> changeset {rel, index} -> new_relationships = changeset.relationships |> Map.put_new(rel, []) |> Map.update!(rel, fn manages -> if path == [] do List.delete_at(manages, index) else List.update_at(manages, index, fn {manage, opts} -> {remove_from_path(manage, path), opts} end) end end) new_value = cond do path == [] -> nil is_nil(changeset.relationships[rel]) -> nil true -> case[rel], index) do nil -> nil {value, _opts} -> value end end changeset = %{changeset | relationships: new_relationships} {new_data, new_value} = if changeset.action_type == :update do case Map.get(, rel) do %Ash.NotLoaded{} -> {[], new_value} value -> cond do path == [] and is_list(value) -> {Map.update!(, rel, fn related ->, &hide/1) end), []} match?([i] when is_integer(i), path) and is_list(value) -> [i] = path new_value = List.update_at(Map.get(, rel), i, &hide/1) if Enum.all?( new_value, &Ash.Resource.Info.get_metadata(&1, :private)[:hidden?] ) do {Map.put(, rel, new_value), []} else {Map.put(, rel, new_value), new_value} end path == [] || match?([i] when is_integer(i), path) -> {Map.update!(, rel, &hide/1), nil} end end end changeset = mark_removed(changeset, new_value, rel) {new_data, %{changeset | data: new_data}} end end defp hide(nil), do: nil defp hide(record) do Ash.Resource.Info.put_metadata(record, :private, %{hidden?: true}) end defp find_manage_change(argument, action) do Enum.find(action.changes, fn {Ash.Resource.Change.ManageRelationship, opts} -> opts[:argument] == _ -> false end) |> case do nil -> nil {_, opts} -> opts[:relationship_name] end end @doc """ A utility to support "add" buttons on embedded types used in forms. To use, simply pass in the form name of the embedded form as well as the name of the primary/outer form. ```elixir # In your template, inside a form called `:change` # In the view/component def handle_event("append_thing", %{"path" => path}, socket) do changeset = add_embed(socket.assigns.changeset, path, "change") {:noreply, assign(socket, changeset: changeset)} end ``` You can also pass a specific value to be added, to seed the changes in a customized way. By default, `%{}` is used. """ def add_embed(query, path, outer_form_name, add \\ %{}) def add_embed(%Ash.Changeset{} = changeset, path, outer_form_name, add) do [^outer_form_name, key | path] = decode_path(path) cond do attr = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(changeset.resource, key) -> current_value = Ash.Changeset.get_attribute(changeset, new_value = add_to_path(current_value, path, add) new_value = case attr.type do {:array, _} -> List.wrap(new_value) _ -> new_value end changeset |> Ash.Changeset.change_attribute(, new_value) |> mark_removed(new_value, arg = Enum.find(changeset.action.arguments, &(& == key || to_string(& == key)) -> current_value = Ash.Changeset.get_argument(changeset, new_value = add_to_path(current_value, path, add) new_value = case arg.type do {:array, _} -> List.wrap(new_value) _ -> new_value end changeset |> Ash.Changeset.set_argument(, new_value) |> mark_removed(new_value, true -> changeset end end def add_embed(%Ash.Query{} = query, path, outer_form_name, add) do [^outer_form_name, key | path] = decode_path(path) arg = Enum.find(query.action.arguments, &(& == key || to_string(& == key)) if arg do current_value = Ash.Query.get_argument(query, new_value = add_to_path(current_value, path, add) new_value = case arg.type do {:array, _} -> List.wrap(new_value) _ -> new_value end query |> Ash.Changeset.set_argument(, new_value) |> mark_removed(new_value, else query end end @doc """ A utility to support "remove" buttons on embedded types used in forms. To use, simply pass in the form name of the embedded form as well as the name of the primary/outer form. ```elixir # In your template, inside a form called `:change` # In the view/component def handle_event("remove_thing", %{"path" => path}, socket) do changeset = remove_embed(socket.assigns.changeset, path, "change") {:noreply, assign(socket, changeset: changeset)} end ``` """ def remove_embed(%Ash.Changeset{} = changeset, path, outer_form_name) do [^outer_form_name, key | path] = decode_path(path) cond do attr = Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(changeset.resource, key) -> current_value = Ash.Changeset.get_attribute(changeset, new_value = if path == [] do nil else new_value = remove_from_path(current_value, path) case attr.type do {:array, _} -> List.wrap(new_value) _ -> new_value end end changeset |> Ash.Changeset.change_attribute(, new_value) |> mark_removed(new_value, arg = Enum.find(changeset.action.arguments, &(& == key || to_string(& == key)) -> current_value = Ash.Changeset.get_argument(changeset, new_value = if path == [] do nil else new_value = remove_from_path(current_value, path) case arg.type do {:array, _} -> List.wrap(new_value) _ -> new_value end end changeset |> Ash.Changeset.set_argument(, new_value) |> mark_removed(new_value, true -> changeset end end def remove_embed(%Ash.Query{} = query, path, outer_form_name) do [^outer_form_name, key | path] = decode_path(path) arg = Enum.find(query.action.arguments, &(& == key || to_string(& == key)) if arg do current_value = Ash.Query.get_argument(query, new_value = remove_from_path(current_value, path) new_value = case arg.type do {:array, _} -> List.wrap(new_value) _ -> new_value end query |> Ash.Changeset.set_argument(, new_value) |> mark_removed(new_value, else query end end defp mark_removed(%Ash.Query{} = query, value, name) do Ash.Query.put_context(query, :private, %{removed_keys: %{name => value in [nil, []]}}) end defp mark_removed(%Ash.Changeset{} = changeset, value, name) do Ash.Changeset.put_context(changeset, :private, %{ removed_keys: %{name => value in [nil, []]} }) end defp add_to_path(nil, [], add) do add end defp add_to_path(value, [], add) when is_list(value) do value ++ List.wrap(add) end defp add_to_path(value, [key | rest], add) when is_integer(key) and is_list(value) do List.update_at(value, key, &add_to_path(&1, rest, add)) end defp add_to_path(empty, [key | rest], add) when is_integer(key) and empty in [nil, []] do [add_to_path(nil, rest, add)] end defp add_to_path(value, [key | rest], add) when (is_binary(key) or is_atom(key)) and is_map(value) do cond do Map.has_key?(value, key) -> Map.update!(value, key, &add_to_path(&1, rest, add)) is_atom(key) && Map.has_key?(value, to_string(key)) -> Map.update!(value, to_string(key), &add_to_path(&1, rest, add)) is_binary(key) && Enum.any?(Map.keys(value), &(to_string(&1) == key)) -> Map.update!(value, String.to_existing_atom(key), &add_to_path(&1, rest, add)) true -> Map.put(value, key, add_to_path(nil, rest, add)) end end defp add_to_path(nil, [key | rest], add) when is_binary(key) or is_atom(key) do %{key => add_to_path(nil, rest, add)} end defp remove_from_path(value, [key]) when is_integer(key) and is_list(value) do List.delete_at(value, key) end defp remove_from_path(value, [key]) when is_map(value) and (is_binary(key) or is_atom(key)) do cond do is_atom(key) -> if is_struct(value) do Map.put(value, key, nil) else Map.drop(value, [key, to_string(key)]) end is_binary(key) && Enum.any?(Map.keys(value), &(to_string(&1) == key)) -> if is_struct(value) do Map.put(value, String.to_existing_atom(key), nil) else Map.drop(value, [key, String.to_existing_atom(key)]) end true -> Map.delete(value, key) end end defp remove_from_path(value, [key | rest]) when is_list(value) and is_integer(key) do List.update_at(value, key, &remove_from_path(&1, rest)) end defp remove_from_path(value, [key | rest]) when is_map(value) and (is_binary(key) or is_atom(key)) do cond do Map.has_key?(value, key) -> Map.update!(value, key, &remove_from_path(&1, rest)) is_atom(key) && Map.has_key?(value, to_string(key)) -> Map.update!(value, to_string(key), &remove_from_path(&1, rest)) is_binary(key) && Enum.any?(Map.keys(value), &(to_string(&1) == key)) -> Map.update!(value, String.to_existing_atom(key), &remove_from_path(&1, rest)) true -> Map.put(value, key, remove_from_path(nil, rest)) end end defp remove_from_path(value, _), do: value defp decode_path(path) do path = Plug.Conn.Query.decode(path) do_decode_path(path) end defp do_decode_path(path) when is_map(path) and path != %{} do path_part =, 0) rest = do_decode_path(elem(path_part, 1)) path_part |> elem(0) |> Integer.parse() |> case do {integer, ""} -> [integer | rest] _ -> [elem(path_part, 0) | rest] end end defp do_decode_path(""), do: [] defp do_decode_path(other) do [other] end end