defmodule AshPhoenix.FormTest do use ExUnit.Case import ExUnit.CaptureLog alias AshPhoenix.Form alias AshPhoenix.Test.{Domain, Artist, Author, Comment, Post, PostWithDefault} alias Phoenix.HTML.FormData defp form_for(form, _) do Phoenix.HTML.FormData.to_form(form, []) end defp inputs_for(form, key) do form[key].value end describe "validate_opts" do test "errors are not set on the parent and list child form" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, forms: [ comments: [ type: :list, resource: Comment, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form([:comments], validate_opts: [errors: false]) |> form_for("action") assert form.errors == [] assert Form.errors(form.source, for_path: [:comments, 0]) == [] end test "unknown errors produce warnings" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, params: %{"text" => "bar"}, forms: [ comments: [ type: :list, resource: Comment, create_action: :create_with_unknown_error ] ] ) |> Form.add_form([:comments], params: %{"text" => "foo"}, validate_opts: [errors: true]) |> form_for("action") assert capture_log(fn -> Form.errors(form.source, for_path: [:comments, 0]) == [] end) =~ "Unhandled error in form submission for AshPhoenix.Test.Comment.create_with_unknown_error" end test "empty atom field" do Post |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, params: %{} ) |> Form.submit!( params: %{"inline_atom_field" => "", "custom_atom_field" => "", "text" => "text"} ) end test "update_form marks touched by default" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, params: %{"text" => "bar"}, forms: [ comments: [ type: :list, resource: Comment, create_action: :create_with_unknown_error ] ] ) |> Form.add_form([:comments], params: %{"text" => "foo"}) |> Form.update_form([:comments, 0], & &1) assert MapSet.member?(form.touched_forms, "comments") end test "errors are not set on the parent and single child form" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ type: :single, resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form([:post], validate_opts: [errors: false]) |> form_for("action") assert form.errors == [] assert Form.errors(form.source, for_path: [:post]) == [] end end describe "clear_value/1" do test "it clears attributes" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create) |> Form.validate(%{"text" => "text"}) assert Form.value(form, :text) == "text" assert form.source.attributes == %{text: "text"} assert form.source.params == %{"text" => "text"} assert form.params == %{"text" => "text"} form = Form.clear_value(form, :text) assert Form.value(form, :text) == nil assert form.source.attributes == %{} assert form.source.params == %{} assert form.params == %{} end test "it clears arguments" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create) |> Form.validate(%{"excerpt" => "text"}) assert Form.value(form, :excerpt) == "text" assert form.source.arguments == %{excerpt: "text"} assert form.source.params == %{"excerpt" => "text"} assert form.params == %{"excerpt" => "text"} form = Form.clear_value(form, :excerpt) assert Form.value(form, :excerpt) == nil assert form.source.arguments == %{} assert form.source.params == %{} assert form.params == %{} end test "it clears multiple fields" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create) |> Form.validate(%{"excerpt" => "text", "text" => "text"}) assert Form.value(form, :excerpt) == "text" assert Form.value(form, :text) == "text" assert form.source.attributes == %{text: "text"} assert form.source.arguments == %{excerpt: "text"} assert form.source.params == %{"excerpt" => "text", "text" => "text"} assert form.params == %{"excerpt" => "text", "text" => "text"} form = Form.clear_value(form, [:excerpt, :text]) assert Form.value(form, :text) == nil assert Form.value(form, :excerpt) == nil assert form.params == %{} assert form.source.arguments == %{} assert form.source.attributes == %{} assert form.source.params == %{} end end describe "validations and form values" do test "validation errors don't clear fields" do form = AshPhoenix.Test.User |> AshPhoenix.Form.for_create(:register) |> AshPhoenix.Form.validate(%{"password" => "f"}) |> AshPhoenix.Form.validate(%{"password" => "fo"}) |> AshPhoenix.Form.validate(%{"password" => "fo", "password_confirmation" => "foo"}) assert AshPhoenix.Form.value(form, :password) == "fo" end test "form values are retrieved casted for un-changing arguments" do form = AshPhoenix.Test.User |> AshPhoenix.Form.for_create(:register) |> AshPhoenix.Form.validate(%{"password" => "f"}) |> AshPhoenix.Form.validate(%{"password" => :f}) assert AshPhoenix.Form.value(form, :password) == "f" end test "lists with invalid values return those invalid values when getting them" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create_author_required, domain: Domain, forms: [auto?: true]) |> Form.validate(%{"list_of_ints" => %{"0" => %{"map" => "of stuff"}}}) assert AshPhoenix.Form.value(form, :list_of_ints) == [%{"map" => "of stuff"}] end end describe "has_form?" do test "checks for the existence of a list of forms" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, forms: [ comments: [ type: :list, resource: Comment, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form([:comments]) # assert Form.has_form?(form, [:comments]) assert Form.has_form?(form, [:comments, 0]) assert Form.has_form?(form, "form[comments][0]") refute Form.has_form?(form, [:comments, 1]) refute Form.has_form?(form, "form[comments][1]") end test "checks for the existence of a single form" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ type: :single, resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form([:post]) assert Form.has_form?(form, [:post]) assert Form.has_form?(form, "form[post]") refute Form.has_form?(form, [:unknown]) refute Form.has_form?(form, "form[unknown]") end end describe "form_for fields" do test "it should show simple field values" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create) |> Form.validate(%{"text" => "text"}) |> form_for("action") assert FormData.input_value(form.source, form, :text) == "text" end test "it sets the default id of a form" do assert Form.for_create(Post, :create).id == "form" assert Form.for_create(Post, :create, as: "post").id == "post" end end test "a read will validate attributes" do form = Post |> Form.for_read(:read) |> Form.validate(%{"text" => [1, 2, 3]}) |> form_for("action") assert form.errors[:text] == {"is invalid", []} end test "validation errors are attached to fields" do form = Form.for_create(PostWithDefault, :create, domain: Domain) form = AshPhoenix.Form.validate(form, %{"text" => ""}, errors: form.submitted_once?) {:error, form} = Form.submit(form, params: %{"text" => ""}) assert %{errors: [text: {"is required", []}]} = form_for(form, "foo") assert form.valid? == false end test "blank form values unset - helps support dead view forms" do form = Form.for_create(PostWithDefault, :create, domain: Domain, exclude_fields_if_empty: [:text, :title] ) {:ok, post} = Form.submit(form, params: %{"title" => "", "text" => "bar"}) assert post.text == "bar" assert post.title == nil end test "blank nested form values unset - helps support dead view forms" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, forms: [ post: [ resource: PostWithDefault, create_action: :create ] ], exclude_fields_if_empty: [post: [:title, :description]] ) |> Form.add_form(:post) {:ok, comment} = Form.submit(form, params: %{"text" => "comment", "post" => %{"title" => "", "text" => "bar"}} ) post = assert post.text == "bar" assert post.title == nil end test "phoenix forms are accepted as input in some cases" do form = Form.for_create(PostWithDefault, :create, domain: Domain) form = AshPhoenix.Form.validate(form, %{"text" => ""}, errors: form.submitted_once?) form = form_for(form, "foo") # This simply shouldn't raise AshPhoenix.Form.params(form) end test "a phoenix form is returned in cases where a phoenix form is passed in" do form = Form.for_create(PostWithDefault, :create, domain: Domain) form = AshPhoenix.Form.validate(form, %{"text" => ""}, errors: form.submitted_once?) form = form_for(form, "foo") assert %Phoenix.HTML.Form{} = AshPhoenix.Form.validate(form, %{}) end test "it supports forms with data and a `type: :append_and_remove`" do post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "post"}) |> Ash.create!() comment = Comment |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "comment"}) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:post, post, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() form = post |> Form.for_update(:update_with_replace, domain: Domain, forms: [ comments: [ read_resource: Comment, type: :list, read_action: :read, data: [comment] ] ] ) assert [comment_form] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "blah"), :comments) assert Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_value(comment_form, :text) == "comment" form = Form.validate(form, %{"comments" => [%{"id" =>}]}) comment_id = assert %{"comments" => [%{"id" => ^comment_id}]} = Form.params(form) end test "ignoring a form filters it from the parameters" do post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "post"}) |> Ash.create!() comment = Comment |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "comment"}) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:post, post, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() form = post |> Form.for_update(:update_with_replace, domain: Domain, forms: [ comments: [ read_resource: Comment, type: :list, read_action: :read, data: [comment] ] ] ) assert [comment_form] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "blah"), :comments) assert Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_value(comment_form, :text) == "comment" form = Form.validate(form, %{"comments" => [%{"id" =>, "_ignore" => "true"}]}) assert %{"comments" => []} = Form.params(form) form = Form.validate(form, %{"comments" => [%{"id" =>, "_ignore" => "false"}]}) comment_id = assert %{"comments" => [%{"id" => ^comment_id, "_ignore" => "false"}]} = Form.params(form) form = Form.validate(form, %{"comments" => [%{"id" =>, "_ignore" => "true"}]}) assert %{"comments" => []} = Form.params(form) end describe "the .changed? field is updated as data changes" do test "it is false for a create form with no changes" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create) |> Form.validate(%{}) refute form.changed? end test "it is false by default for update forms" do post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "post"}) |> Ash.create!() form = post |> Form.for_update(:update) |> Form.validate(%{}) refute form.changed? end test "it is true when a change is made" do post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "post"}) |> Ash.create!() form = post |> Form.for_update(:update) |> Form.validate(%{text: "post1"}) assert form.changed? end test "it goes back to false if the change is unmade" do post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "post"}) |> Ash.create!() form = post |> Form.for_update(:update) |> Form.validate(%{text: "post1"}) assert form.changed? form = form |> Form.validate(%{text: "post"}) refute form.changed? end test "adding a form causes changed? to be true on the root form, but not the nested form" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, forms: [ post: [ resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post) assert form.changed? refute form.forms[:post].changed? end test "removing a form that was there prior marks the form as changed" do post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "post"}) |> Ash.create!() comment = Comment |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "comment"}) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:post, post, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() # Check the persisted post.comments count after create post = Post |> Ash.get!( |> Ash.load!(:comments) assert Enum.count(post.comments) == 1 form = post |> Form.for_update(:update, domain: Domain, forms: [ comments: [ resource: Comment, type: :list, data: [comment], create_action: :create, update_action: :update ] ] ) refute form.changed? form = Form.remove_form(form, [:comments, 0]) assert form.changed? end test "generated forms have default values even with no server round-trips" do post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "post"}) |> Ash.create!() comment = Comment |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "comment"}) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:post, post, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() # Check the persisted post.comments count after create post = Post |> Ash.get!( |> Ash.load!(:comments) assert Enum.count(post.comments) == 1 form = post |> Form.for_update(:update, domain: Domain, forms: [ comments: [ resource: Comment, type: :list, data: [comment], create_action: :create, update_action: :update ] ] ) form = AshPhoenix.Form.add_form(form, :comments) assert AshPhoenix.Form.params(form, hidden?: true) == %{ "_form_type" => "update", "_touched" => "comments", "comments" => [ %{ "_form_type" => "update", "_touched" => "_form_type,id", "id" => post.comments |> |> Map.get(:id) }, %{"_form_type" => "create", "_touched" => "_form_type"} ], "id" => } end test "removing a non-existant form should not change touched_forms" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, forms: [auto?: true]) |> AshPhoenix.Form.remove_form([:author]) assert MapSet.member?(form.touched_forms, "author") == false end test "removing a form that was added does not mark the form as changed" do post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "post"}) |> Ash.create!() comment = Comment |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "comment"}) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:post, post, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() # Check the persisted post.comments count after create post = Post |> Ash.get!( |> Ash.load!(:comments) assert Enum.count(post.comments) == 1 form = post |> Form.for_update(:update, domain: Domain, forms: [ comments: [ resource: Comment, type: :list, data: [comment], create_action: :create, update_action: :update ] ] ) refute form.changed? form = Form.add_form(form, [:comments]) assert form.changed? form = Form.remove_form(form, [:comments, 1]) refute form.changed? end end describe "errors" do test "errors are not set on the form without validating" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create) |> form_for("action") assert form.errors == [] end test "errors are set on the form according to changeset errors on validate" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create) |> Form.validate(%{}) |> form_for("action") assert form.errors == [{:text, {"is required", []}}] end test "nested errors are set on the appropriate form after submit" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, forms: [ post: [ resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{}) |> Form.validate(%{"text" => "text", "post" => %{}}) |> Form.submit(force?: true) |> elem(1) |> form_for("action") assert form.errors == [] assert hd(inputs_for(form, :post)).errors == [{:text, {"is required", []}}] end test "relationship source data is retained, so that it can be properly removed" do post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "post"}) |> Ash.create!() comment = Comment |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "comment"}) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:post, post, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() comment = Comment |> Ash.get!( comment |> Ash.load!(:post) |> Form.for_update(:update, domain: Domain, forms: [ auto?: true ] ) |> Form.remove_form([:post]) |> Form.submit!(params: %{"text" => "text", "post" => %{"text" => "new_post"}}) assert [%{text: "new_post"}] =!(Post) end test "nested errors are set on the appropriate form after submit, even if no submit actually happens" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, forms: [ post: [ resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{}) |> Form.submit(params: %{"text" => "text", "post" => %{}}) |> elem(1) |> form_for("action") assert form.errors == [] assert hd(inputs_for(form, :post)).errors == [{:text, {"is required", []}}] end test "nested errors can be fetched with `Form.errors/2`" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, forms: [ post: [ resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{}) |> Form.validate(%{"text" => "text", "post" => %{}}) |> Form.submit(force?: true) |> elem(1) |> form_for("action") assert Form.errors(form.source, for_path: [:post]) == [{:text, "is required"}] assert Form.errors(form.source, for_path: [:post], format: :raw) == [ {:text, {"is required", []}} ] assert Form.errors(form.source, for_path: [:post], format: :plaintext) == [ "text: is required" ] assert Form.errors(form.source, for_path: :all) == %{[:post] => [{:text, "is required"}]} end test "errors can be fetched with `Form.errors/2`" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, forms: [ post: [ resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{}) |> Form.validate(%{"post" => %{"text" => "text"}}) |> Form.submit(force?: true) |> elem(1) |> form_for("action") assert Form.errors(form.source) == [{:text, "is required"}] assert Form.errors(form.source, format: :raw) == [ {:text, {"is required", []}} ] assert Form.errors(form.source, format: :plaintext) == [ "text: is required" ] end test "nested forms submit empty values when they have been touched, even if not included in future params" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{}) |> Form.validate(%{"text" => "text"}) assert %{"text" => "text", "post" => nil} = Form.params(form) end test "nested forms submit empty list values when not present in input params" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{}) |> Form.validate(%{"text" => "text"}) assert Form.value(form, :text) == "text" assert %{ "text" => "text", "post" => [], "_form_type" => "create", "_touched" => "_form_type,_touched,post,text" } = Form.params(form, hidden?: true) end test "nested errors are set on the appropriate form after submit for many to many relationships" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, for: :linked_posts, resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{}) |> Form.validate(%{"text" => "text", "post" => [%{}]}) |> Form.submit(force?: true) |> elem(1) |> form_for("action") assert form.errors == [] assert [nested_form] = inputs_for(form, :post) assert nested_form.errors == [{:text, {"is required", []}}] end test "errors with a path are propagated down to the appropirate nested form" do author = %Author{ email: "" } form = author |> Form.for_update(:update_with_embedded_argument, domain: Domain, forms: [auto?: true]) |> Form.add_form(:embedded_argument, params: %{}) |> Form.validate(%{"embedded_argument" => %{"value" => ""}}) |> form_for("action") assert AshPhoenix.Form.errors(form, for_path: [:embedded_argument]) == [ value: "must match email" ] assert AshPhoenix.Form.errors(form) == [] # Check that errors will appear on a nested form using the Phoenix Core Components inputs_for # %Phoenix.HTML.FormField{field: field_name, form: parent_form} = form[:embedded_argument] inputs_for_form = parent_form.impl.to_form( parent_form.source, parent_form, field_name, parent_form.options ) |> List.first() # This is the expected format for a phoenix core component assert inputs_for_form.errors == [{:value, {"must match email", []}}] end test "deeply nested errors don't multiply" do author = %Author{ email: "" } form = author |> Form.for_update(:update_with_embedded_argument, domain: Domain, forms: [auto?: true]) |> Form.add_form(:embedded_argument, params: %{}) |> Form.add_form([:embedded_argument, :nested_embeds], params: %{}) |> Form.validate(%{ "embedded_argument" => %{ "value" => "", nested_embeds: %{"0" => %{"limit" => "non-integer", "four_chars" => "not-4-chars"}} } }) |> form_for("action") %Phoenix.HTML.FormField{field: field_name, form: parent_form} = form[:embedded_argument] inputs_for_arg_form = parent_form.impl.to_form( parent_form.source, parent_form, field_name, parent_form.options ) |> List.first() %Phoenix.HTML.FormField{field: field_name, form: parent_form} = inputs_for_arg_form[:nested_embeds] inputs_for_nested_form = parent_form.impl.to_form( parent_form.source, parent_form, field_name, parent_form.options ) |> List.first() # Note: I'm not 100% which of the 3 errors messages are preferred. The opts are get_text bindings for error translation # In the Phoenix core components the error translation is done `Gettext.dpgettext(MyApp.Gettext, domain, msgctxt, msgid, bindings)` with our tuple being `{msgid, bindings}` assert Keyword.get_values(inputs_for_nested_form.errors, :limit) == [ {"is invalid", []} ] assert Keyword.get_values(inputs_for_nested_form.errors, :four_chars) == [ {"must have length of exactly %{exact}", [ exact: 4 ]} ] end end describe "data" do test "it uses the provided data to create forms even without input" do post1_id = Ash.UUID.generate() post2_id = Ash.UUID.generate() form = Comment |> Form.for_create( :create, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, data: [%Post{id: post1_id}, %Post{id: post2_id}], update_action: :update, forms: [ comments: [ type: :list, resource: Comment, create_action: :create ] ] ] ] ) |> form_for("foo") assert Enum.count(inputs_for(form, :post)) == 2 end test "a function can be used to derive the data from the data of the parent form" do post1_id = Ash.UUID.generate() post2_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment_id = Ash.UUID.generate() form = Comment |> Form.for_create( :create, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, data: [ %Post{id: post1_id, comments: [%Comment{id: comment_id}]}, %Post{id: post2_id, comments: []} ], update_action: :update, forms: [ comments: [ data: &(&1.comments || []), type: :list, resource: Comment, create_action: :create, update_action: :update ] ] ] ] ) |> Form.validate(%{ "text" => "text", "post" => %{ "0" => %{"id" => post1_id, "comments" => %{"0" => %{"id" => comment_id}}}, "1" => %{"id" => post2_id} } }) assert %{ "post" => [ %{"comments" => [%{"id" => ^comment_id}], "id" => ^post1_id}, %{"id" => ^post2_id} ], "text" => "text" } = Form.params(form) end end describe "submit" do test "it runs the action with the params" do assert {:ok, %{text: "text"}} = Post |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain) |> Form.validate(%{text: "text"}) |> Form.submit() end test "it fallback to resource defined Domain if unset" do assert {:ok, %{name: "name"}} = Artist |> Form.for_action(:create) |> Form.validate(%{name: "name"}) |> Form.submit() assert {:ok, [%{name: "name"}]} = Artist |> Form.for_action(:read) |> Form.validate(%{name: "name changed"}) |> Form.submit() artist = Artist |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "name"}) |> Ash.create!() assert {:ok, %{name: "name changed"}} = artist |> Form.for_action(:update) |> Form.validate(%{name: "name changed"}) |> Form.submit() assert :ok = artist |> Form.for_action(:destroy) |> Form.validate(%{name: "name changed"}) |> Form.submit() end end describe "prepare_source" do test "it runs on initial create" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, prepare_source: &Ash.Changeset.put_context(&1, :foo, :bar) ) assert == :bar end test "it is preserved on validate create" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, prepare_source: &Ash.Changeset.put_context(&1, :foo, :bar) ) |> Form.validate(%{text: "text"}) assert == :bar end test "it is preserved through to submit" do result = Post |> Form.for_create(:create, domain: Domain, prepare_source: fn changeset -> Ash.Changeset.before_action( changeset, &Ash.Changeset.force_change_attribute(&1, :title, "special_title") ) end ) |> Form.validate(%{text: "text"}) |> Form.submit!() assert result.title == "special_title" end end describe "params" do test "it includes nested forms, and honors their `for` configuration" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create, forms: [ comments: [ type: :list, resource: Comment, create_action: :create ] ] ], other_post: [ type: :single, for: :for_posts, resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form("form[post]", params: %{"text" => "post_text"}) |> Form.add_form("form[other_post]", params: %{"text" => "post_text"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "post_text"}) |> Form.validate(%{ "text" => "text", "post" => [%{"comments" => [%{"text" => "post_text"}], "text" => "post_text"}], "other_post" => %{"text" => "post_text"} }) assert %{ "text" => "text", "post" => [%{"comments" => [%{"text" => "post_text"}], "text" => "post_text"}], "for_posts" => %{"text" => "post_text"} } = Form.params(form) end end test "it properly retains form order" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create, forms: [ comments: [ type: :list, resource: Comment, create_action: :create ] ] ], other_post: [ type: :single, for: :for_posts, resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form("form[post]", params: %{"text" => "post_text"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "0"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "1"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "2"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "3"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "4"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "5"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "6"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "7"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "8"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "9"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "10"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{"text" => "11"}) assert %{ "post" => [ %{ "comments" => [ %{"text" => "0"}, %{"text" => "1"}, %{"text" => "2"}, %{"text" => "3"}, %{"text" => "4"}, %{"text" => "5"}, %{"text" => "6"}, %{"text" => "7"}, %{"text" => "8"}, %{"text" => "9"}, %{"text" => "10"}, %{"text" => "11"} ] } ] } = Form.params(form) end describe "`inputs_for` with no configuration" do test "it should raise an error" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create) |> Form.validate(%{text: "text"}) |> form_for("action") assert_raise AshPhoenix.Form.NoFormConfigured, ~r/There is a no attribute or relationship called `post` on the resource `AshPhoenix.Test.Post`/, fn -> AshPhoenix.Form.add_form(form, :post) end end end describe "inputs_for` relationships" do test "it should name the fields correctly on `for_update`" do post_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment = %Comment{ text: "text", post: %Post{ id: post_id, text: "Some text", comments: [%Comment{id: comment_id}] } } form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, as: "comment", forms: [ post: [ data:, type: :single, resource: Post, update_action: :update, create_action: :create, forms: [ comments: [ data: & &1.comments, type: :list, resource: Comment, update_action: :update, create_action: :create ] ] ] ] ) comments_form = form |> form_for("action") |> inputs_for(:post) |> hd() |> inputs_for(:comments) |> hd() assert == "comment[post][comments][0]" end test "the `type: :single` option should create a form without integer paths" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text"}) |> Form.validate(%{"text" => "text", "post" => %{"text" => "post_text"}}) |> form_for("action") assert %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} = related_form = hd(inputs_for(form, :post)) assert == "form[post]" assert FormData.input_value(related_form.source, related_form, :text) == "post_text" end test "it should show nothing in `inputs_for` by default" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.validate(%{"text" => "text"}) |> form_for("action") assert inputs_for(form, :post) == [] end test "when a value has been appended to the relationship, a form is created" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text"}) |> form_for("action") assert [ %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} = related_form ] = inputs_for(form, :post) assert FormData.input_value(related_form.source, related_form, :text) == "post_text" end test "a query path can be used when manipulating forms" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create, forms: [ comments: [ type: :list, resource: Comment, create_action: :create ] ] ] ] ) |> Form.add_form("form[post]", params: %{text: "post_text"}) |> Form.add_form("form[post][0][comments]", params: %{text: "post_text"}) |> form_for("action") assert [ %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} = post_form ] = inputs_for(form, :post) assert [ %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Comment}} ] = inputs_for(post_form, :comments) end test "list values get an index in their name and id" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text0"}) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text1"}) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text2"}) assert [ %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} = form_0, %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} = form_1, %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} = form_2 ] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "action"), :post) assert == "form[post][0]" assert == "form_post_0" assert == "form[post][1]" assert == "form_post_1" assert == "form[post][2]" assert == "form_post_2" end test "when a value has been removed from the relationship, the form is removed" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text0"}) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text1"}) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text2"}) assert [ %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}}, %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}}, %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} ] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "action"), :post) form = form |> Form.remove_form([:post, 0]) |> Form.remove_form([:post, 1]) assert [ %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} = related_form ] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "action"), :post) assert FormData.input_value(related_form.source, related_form, :text) == "post_text1" end test "when all values have been removed from a relationship, the empty list remains" do form = Comment |> Form.for_create(:create, forms: [ post: [ type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text0"}) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text1"}) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text2"}) assert [ %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}}, %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}}, %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} ] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "action"), :post) form = form |> Form.remove_form([:post, 0]) |> Form.remove_form([:post, 0]) |> Form.remove_form([:post, 0]) |> Form.validate(%{}) assert [] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "action"), :post) assert %{"post" => []} = Form.params(form) end test "when all values have been removed from an existing relationship, the empty list remains" do post1_id = Ash.UUID.generate() post2_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment = %Comment{text: "text", post: [%Post{id: post1_id}, %Post{id: post2_id}]} form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, forms: [ post: [ data:, type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create, update_action: :update ] ] ) |> Form.add_form(:post, params: %{text: "post_text3"}) assert [ %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}}, %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}}, %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} ] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "action"), :post) form = form |> Form.remove_form([:post, 0]) |> Form.remove_form([:post, 0]) |> Form.remove_form([:post, 0]) |> Form.validate(%{}) assert %{"post" => []} = Form.params(form) end test "when all values have been removed from an existing `:single` relationship, the empty list remains" do post_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment_2 = %Comment{text: "text"} comment = %Comment{text: "text", post: %Post{id: post_id, comments: [comment_2]}} form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, forms: [ post: [ data: & &, type: :single, resource: Post, update_action: :update, create_action: :create, forms: [ comments: [ type: :list, resource: Comment, data: & &1.comments, create_action: :create, update_action: :update ] ] ] ] ) assert [%Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}}] = form |> form_for("action") |> inputs_for(:post) form = form |> Form.remove_form([:post, :comments, 0]) # This is added by the hidden fields helper, so we add it here to simulate that. |> Form.validate(%{"post" => %{"_touched" => "comments"}}) assert %{"post" => %{"comments" => []}} = Form.params(form) end test "remaining forms are reindexed after a form has been removed" do post1_id = Ash.UUID.generate() post2_id = Ash.UUID.generate() post3_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment = %Comment{ text: "text", post: [%Post{id: post1_id}, %Post{id: post2_id}, %Post{id: post3_id}] } form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, forms: [ posts: [ data:, type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create, update_action: :update ] ] ) |> Form.remove_form([:posts, 1]) assert [ %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} = form_0, %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} = form_1 ] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "action"), :posts) assert == "form[posts][0]" assert == "form_posts_0" assert == "form[posts][1]" assert == "form_posts_1" end test "sparse forms can also be removed by index" do post1_id = Ash.UUID.generate() post2_id = Ash.UUID.generate() post3_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment = %Comment{ text: "text", post: [%Post{id: post1_id}, %Post{id: post2_id}, %Post{id: post3_id}] } form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, forms: [ posts: [ data:, type: :list, resource: Post, create_action: :create, update_action: :update, sparse?: true ] ] ) |> Form.remove_form([:posts, 1]) assert [ %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} = form_0, %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} = form_1 ] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "action"), :posts) assert == "form[posts][0]" assert == "form_posts_0" assert == "form[posts][1]" assert == "form_posts_1" form = form |> Form.remove_form([:posts, 1]) assert [ %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}} ] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "action"), :posts) end test "when `:single`, `inputs_for` generates a list of one single item" do post_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment = %Comment{text: "text", post: %Post{id: post_id, text: "Some text"}} form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, forms: [ post: [ data:, type: :single, resource: Post, update_action: :update ] ] ) assert [%Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Post}}] = inputs_for(form_for(form, "action"), :post) end test "it creates nested forms for single resources" do post_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment = %Comment{ text: "text", post: %Post{ id: post_id, text: "Some text", comments: [%Comment{id: comment_id}] } } form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, forms: [ post: [ data:, type: :single, resource: Post, update_action: :update, create_action: :create, forms: [ comments: [ data: & &1.comments, type: :list, resource: Comment, update_action: :update, create_action: :create ] ] ] ] ) assert [%Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Comment}}] = form |> form_for("action") |> inputs_for(:post) |> hd() |> inputs_for(:comments) end test "it `add_form`s for nested single resources" do post_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment = %Comment{ text: "text", post: %Post{ id: post_id, text: "Some text", comments: [] } } form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, forms: [ post: [ data:, type: :single, resource: Post, update_action: :update, create_action: :create, forms: [ comments: [ type: :list, resource: Comment, create_action: :create ] ] ] ] ) |> Form.add_form([:post, :comments]) assert [%Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: %AshPhoenix.Form{resource: AshPhoenix.Test.Comment}}] = form |> form_for("action") |> inputs_for(:post) |> hd() |> inputs_for(:comments) end test "it `remove_form`s for nested single resources" do post_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment = %Comment{ text: "text", post: %Post{ id: post_id, text: "Some text", comments: [] } } form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, forms: [ post: [ data:, type: :single, resource: Post, update_action: :update, create_action: :create, forms: [ comments: [ type: :list, resource: Comment, create_action: :create ] ] ] ] ) |> Form.add_form([:post, :comments]) |> Form.remove_form([:post, :comments, 0]) assert [] = form |> form_for("action") |> inputs_for(:post) |> hd() |> inputs_for(:comments) end test "when `remove_form`ing an existing `:single` relationship, a nil value is included in the params - if the form has been touched" do post = Post |> |> Ash.Changeset.set_argument(:author, %{email: ""}) |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "post"}) |> Ash.create!() form = post |> Form.for_update(:update, domain: Domain, forms: [auto?: true]) |> Form.remove_form([:author]) params = form |> Form.params() assert %{"author" => nil} = params end test "when add_forming a required argument, the added form should be valid without needing to manually validate it" do form = Post |> Form.for_create(:create_author_required, domain: Domain, forms: [auto?: true]) |> Form.validate(%{"text" => "foo"}) |> Form.add_form([:author], params: %{"email" => ""}) assert form.valid? == true end test "add form with nested params generate form with correct name" do post_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment = %Comment{ text: "text", post: %Post{ id: post_id, text: "Some text", comments: [%Comment{id: comment_id}] } } form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, as: "comment", forms: [auto?: true]) |> Form.add_form([:post]) |> Form.add_form([:post, :comments], params: %{"post" => %{}}) post_form = form |> form_for("action") |> inputs_for(:post) |> hd() |> inputs_for(:comments) |> hd() |> inputs_for(:post) |> hd() assert == "comment[post][comments][0][post]" end test "update nested form name correctly when remove form in the middle" do post_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment_id = Ash.UUID.generate() comment = %Comment{ text: "text", post: %Post{ id: post_id, text: "Some text", comments: [%Comment{id: comment_id}] } } form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, as: "comment", forms: [auto?: true]) |> Form.add_form([:post, :comments], params: %{"post" => %{}}) |> Form.add_form([:post, :comments], params: %{"post" => %{}}) |> Form.add_form([:post, :comments], params: %{"post" => %{}}) |> Form.remove_form([:post, :comments, 1]) assert form |> AshPhoenix.Form.get_form([:post, :comments, 0]) assert form |> AshPhoenix.Form.get_form([:post, :comments, 1]) assert form |> AshPhoenix.Form.get_form([:post, :comments, 2]) assert form |> AshPhoenix.Form.get_form([:post, :comments, 2, :post]) |> Map.get(:name) == "comment[post][comments][2][post]" refute form |> AshPhoenix.Form.get_form([:post, :comments, 3]) end end describe "issue #259" do test "updating should not duplicate nested resources" do post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "post"}) |> Ash.create!() comment = Comment |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{text: "comment"}) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:post, post, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() # Check the persisted post.comments count after create post = Post |> Ash.get!( |> Ash.load!(:comments) assert Enum.count(post.comments) == 1 # Grab the persisted comment comment = Comment |> Ash.get!( |> Ash.load!(post: [:comments]) form = comment |> Form.for_update(:update, as: "comment", domain: Domain, forms: [ post: [ data: & &, type: :single, resource: Post, update_action: :update, create_action: :create, forms: [ comments: [ data: & &1.comments, type: :list, resource: Comment, update_action: :update, create_action: :create ] ] ] ] ) updated_comment = form |> AshPhoenix.Form.submit!( params: %{ "post" => %{ "id" =>, "text" => "text", "comments" => %{ "0" => %{ "id" =>, "text" => comment.text } } } } ) assert Enum.count( == 1 # now, check the persisted post persisted_post = Post |> Ash.get!( |> Ash.load!(:comments) assert Enum.count(persisted_post.comments) == 1 end end end