This commit is contained in:
Zach Daniel 2019-12-04 09:58:20 -05:00
parent 1b61705e43
commit dc94994ea3
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: A57053A671EE649E
6 changed files with 346 additions and 362 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ erl_crash.dump
# Ignore package tarball (built via "mix").

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# AshEcto
# AshPostgres
**TODO: Add description**

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
defmodule AshEcto do
defmodule AshPostgres do
@behaviour Ash.DataLayer
defmacro __using__(opts) do
quote bind_quoted: [repo: opts[:repo]] do
@data_layer AshEcto
@data_layer AshPostgres
@repo repo
unless repo do
raise "You must pass the `repo` option to `use AshEcto` for #{__MODULE__}"
raise "You must pass the `repo` option to `use AshPostgres` for #{__MODULE__}"
unless repo.__adapter__() == Ecto.Adapters.Postgres do
raise "Only Ecto.Adapters.Postgres is supported with AshEcto for now"
raise "Only Ecto.Adapters.Postgres is supported with AshPostgres for now"
def repo() do
@ -359,4 +359,339 @@ defmodule AshEcto do
|> Map.put_new(:__after_action__, [])
|> Map.update!(:__after_action__, fn list -> [hook | list] end)
# Copied from an older file, to be added as more functionality is added back in
# @impl true
# def update(%resource{} = record, _action, attributes, relationships, _params) do
# @repo.transaction(fn ->
# changeset =
# record
# |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(attributes, Map.keys(attributes))
# |> AshPostgres.DataLayer.cast_assocs(@repo, resource, relationships)
# result =
# case @repo.update(changeset) do
# {:ok, result} -> result
# {:error, changeset} -> @repo.rollback(changeset)
# end
# case changeset do
# %{__after_action__: [_ | _] = after_action_hooks} ->
# Enum.each(after_action_hooks, fn hook ->
# case hook.(changeset, result, @repo) do
# :ok -> :ok
# {:error, error} -> @repo.rollback(error)
# :error -> @repo.rollback(:error)
# end
# end)
# result
# _other ->
# result
# end
# end)
# end
# @impl true
# def append_related(record, relationship, resource_identifiers) do
# @repo.transaction(fn ->
# AshPostgres.DataLayer.append_related(@repo, record, relationship, resource_identifiers)
# end)
# end
# @impl true
# def delete_related(record, relationship, resource_identifiers) do
# @repo.transaction(fn ->
# AshPostgres.DataLayer.delete_related(@repo, record, relationship, resource_identifiers)
# end)
# end
# @impl true
# def replace_related(record, relationship, resource_identifiers) do
# @repo.transaction(fn ->
# AshPostgres.DataLayer.replace_related(@repo, record, relationship, resource_identifiers)
# end)
# end
# @impl true
# def delete(record, _action, _params) do
# @repo.delete(record)
# end
# @doc false
# def replace_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{
# type: :many_to_many,
# through: through,
# source_field: source_field,
# source_field_on_join_table: source_field_on_join_table,
# destination_field_on_join_table: destination_field_on_join_table
# },
# identifiers
# ) do
# ids = identifiers |>, :id)) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
# source_id = Map.get(record, source_field)
# delete_now_unrelated_ids(
# repo,
# source_id,
# through,
# source_field_on_join_table,
# destination_field_on_join_table,
# ids
# )
# upsert_join_table_rows(
# repo,
# source_id,
# through,
# identifiers,
# source_field_on_join_table,
# destination_field_on_join_table
# )
# record
# end
# def replace_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{
# type: :has_many,
# source_field: source_field,
# destination: destination,
# destination_field: destination_field
# },
# identifiers
# ) do
# ids = identifiers |>, :id)) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
# field_value = Map.get(record, source_field)
# query =
# from(row in destination,
# where: in ^ids
# )
# repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field, field_value}])
# record
# end
# def replace_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{
# type: :belongs_to,
# source_field: source_field
# },
# identifier
# ) do
# value =
# case identifier do
# %{id: id} -> id
# nil -> nil
# _ -> raise "what do"
# end
# record
# |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%{source_field => value}, [source_field])
# |> repo.update()
# |> case do
# {:ok, record} -> record
# {:error, error} -> repo.rollback(error)
# end
# end
# def replace_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{
# type: :has_one,
# source_field: source_field,
# destination_field: destination_field,
# destination: destination
# },
# identifier
# ) do
# value =
# case identifier do
# %{id: id} -> id
# nil -> nil
# _ -> raise "what"
# end
# query =
# from(row in destination,
# where: field(row, ^destination_field) == ^Map.get(record, source_field)
# )
# repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field, value}])
# record
# end
# @doc false
# def append_related(repo, record, %{type: :many_to_many} = relationship, identifiers) do
# source_id = Map.get(record, relationship.source_field)
# upsert_join_table_rows(
# repo,
# source_id,
# relationship.through,
# identifiers,
# relationship.source_field_on_join_table,
# relationship.destination_field_on_join_table
# )
# record
# end
# def append_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{type: :has_many, destination: destination, destination_field: destination_field},
# identifiers
# ) do
# ids =
# identifiers
# |>, :id))
# |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
# query =
# from(related in destination,
# where: in ^ids,
# where: field(related, ^destination_field) != ^
# )
# repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field,}])
# end
# @doc false
# def delete_related(repo, record, %{type: :many_to_many} = relationship, identifiers) do
# source_id = Map.get(record, relationship.source_field)
# ids =
# identifiers
# |>, :id))
# |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
# delete_related_ids(
# repo,
# source_id,
# relationship.through,
# relationship.source_field_on_join_table,
# relationship.destination_field_on_join_table,
# ids
# )
# record
# end
# def delete_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{type: :has_many, destination: destination, destination_field: destination_field},
# identifiers
# ) do
# ids =
# identifiers
# |>, :id))
# |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
# query =
# from(related in destination,
# where: in ^ids,
# where: field(related, ^destination_field) != ^
# )
# # TODO: Validate the a delete_related action doesn't exist for has_many relationships
# # where the destination field is not nullable. That will only ever error.
# repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field,}])
# end
# defp delete_related_ids(
# repo,
# source_id,
# through,
# source_field_on_join_table,
# destination_field_on_join_table,
# ids
# ) do
# query =
# from(join_row in through,
# where: field(join_row, ^destination_field_on_join_table) in ^ids,
# where: field(join_row, ^source_field_on_join_table) == ^source_id
# )
# repo.delete_all(query)
# end
# def add_through_schema_fields(repo, resource, includes) when is_list(includes) do
# Enum.flat_map(includes, fn {rel, further} ->
# case Ash.relationship(resource, rel) do
# %{type: :many_to_many, destination: destination} = relationship ->
# [
# {rel, &fetch_and_add_through_row(&1, repo, relationship)},
# {rel, add_through_schema_fields(repo, destination, further)}
# ]
# %{destination: destination} ->
# [
# {rel, add_through_schema_fields(repo, destination, further)}
# ]
# end
# end)
# end
# def add_through_schema_fields(_repo, _resource, includes), do: includes
# defp fetch_and_add_through_row(source_ids, repo, relationship) do
# query =
# from(join_row in relationship.through,
# where:
# type(field(join_row, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table), :binary_id) in ^source_ids,
# join: destination_row in ^relationship.destination,
# on:
# type(field(join_row, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table), :binary_id) ==
# field(destination_row, ^relationship.destination_field)
# )
# query
# |> add_select(relationship)
# |> repo.all()
# |> {destination_row, join_row} ->
# {Map.get(join_row, relationship.source_field_on_join_table),
# Map.put(destination_row, :__join_row__, join_row)}
# end)
# end
# defp add_select(query, relationship) do
# case relationship.through do
# string when is_bitstring(string) ->
# from([join_row, destination_row] in query,
# select:
# {destination_row,
# %{
# ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table =>
# type(field(join_row, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table), :binary_id),
# ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table =>
# type(field(join_row, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table), :binary_id)
# }}
# )
# module when is_atom(module) ->
# from([join_row, destination_row] in query,
# select: {destination_row, join_row}
# )
# end
# end

View file

@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
defmodule AshEcto.DataLayer do
defmacro __using__(opts) do
quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts], location: :keep do
@behaviour Ash.DataLayer
# TODOs: It might be weird that they have to provide their own repo?
require AshEcto.Schema
unless opts[:repo] do
raise "You must configure your own repo"
unless opts[:repo].__adapter__() == Ecto.Adapters.Postgres do
raise "Only Ecto.Adapters.Postgres is supported with AshEcto for now"
@repo opts[:repo]
# @impl true
# def update(%resource{} = record, _action, attributes, relationships, _params) do
# @repo.transaction(fn ->
# changeset =
# record
# |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(attributes, Map.keys(attributes))
# |> AshEcto.DataLayer.cast_assocs(@repo, resource, relationships)
# result =
# case @repo.update(changeset) do
# {:ok, result} -> result
# {:error, changeset} -> @repo.rollback(changeset)
# end
# case changeset do
# %{__after_action__: [_ | _] = after_action_hooks} ->
# Enum.each(after_action_hooks, fn hook ->
# case hook.(changeset, result, @repo) do
# :ok -> :ok
# {:error, error} -> @repo.rollback(error)
# :error -> @repo.rollback(:error)
# end
# end)
# result
# _other ->
# result
# end
# end)
# end
# @impl true
# def append_related(record, relationship, resource_identifiers) do
# @repo.transaction(fn ->
# AshEcto.DataLayer.append_related(@repo, record, relationship, resource_identifiers)
# end)
# end
# @impl true
# def delete_related(record, relationship, resource_identifiers) do
# @repo.transaction(fn ->
# AshEcto.DataLayer.delete_related(@repo, record, relationship, resource_identifiers)
# end)
# end
# @impl true
# def replace_related(record, relationship, resource_identifiers) do
# @repo.transaction(fn ->
# AshEcto.DataLayer.replace_related(@repo, record, relationship, resource_identifiers)
# end)
# end
# @impl true
# def delete(record, _action, _params) do
# @repo.delete(record)
# end
# @doc false
# def replace_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{
# type: :many_to_many,
# through: through,
# source_field: source_field,
# source_field_on_join_table: source_field_on_join_table,
# destination_field_on_join_table: destination_field_on_join_table
# },
# identifiers
# ) do
# ids = identifiers |>, :id)) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
# source_id = Map.get(record, source_field)
# delete_now_unrelated_ids(
# repo,
# source_id,
# through,
# source_field_on_join_table,
# destination_field_on_join_table,
# ids
# )
# upsert_join_table_rows(
# repo,
# source_id,
# through,
# identifiers,
# source_field_on_join_table,
# destination_field_on_join_table
# )
# record
# end
# def replace_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{
# type: :has_many,
# source_field: source_field,
# destination: destination,
# destination_field: destination_field
# },
# identifiers
# ) do
# ids = identifiers |>, :id)) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
# field_value = Map.get(record, source_field)
# query =
# from(row in destination,
# where: in ^ids
# )
# repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field, field_value}])
# record
# end
# def replace_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{
# type: :belongs_to,
# source_field: source_field
# },
# identifier
# ) do
# value =
# case identifier do
# %{id: id} -> id
# nil -> nil
# _ -> raise "what do"
# end
# record
# |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%{source_field => value}, [source_field])
# |> repo.update()
# |> case do
# {:ok, record} -> record
# {:error, error} -> repo.rollback(error)
# end
# end
# def replace_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{
# type: :has_one,
# source_field: source_field,
# destination_field: destination_field,
# destination: destination
# },
# identifier
# ) do
# value =
# case identifier do
# %{id: id} -> id
# nil -> nil
# _ -> raise "what"
# end
# query =
# from(row in destination,
# where: field(row, ^destination_field) == ^Map.get(record, source_field)
# )
# repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field, value}])
# record
# end
# @doc false
# def append_related(repo, record, %{type: :many_to_many} = relationship, identifiers) do
# source_id = Map.get(record, relationship.source_field)
# upsert_join_table_rows(
# repo,
# source_id,
# relationship.through,
# identifiers,
# relationship.source_field_on_join_table,
# relationship.destination_field_on_join_table
# )
# record
# end
# def append_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{type: :has_many, destination: destination, destination_field: destination_field},
# identifiers
# ) do
# ids =
# identifiers
# |>, :id))
# |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
# query =
# from(related in destination,
# where: in ^ids,
# where: field(related, ^destination_field) != ^
# )
# repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field,}])
# end
# @doc false
# def delete_related(repo, record, %{type: :many_to_many} = relationship, identifiers) do
# source_id = Map.get(record, relationship.source_field)
# ids =
# identifiers
# |>, :id))
# |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
# delete_related_ids(
# repo,
# source_id,
# relationship.through,
# relationship.source_field_on_join_table,
# relationship.destination_field_on_join_table,
# ids
# )
# record
# end
# def delete_related(
# repo,
# record,
# %{type: :has_many, destination: destination, destination_field: destination_field},
# identifiers
# ) do
# ids =
# identifiers
# |>, :id))
# |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
# query =
# from(related in destination,
# where: in ^ids,
# where: field(related, ^destination_field) != ^
# )
# # TODO: Validate the a delete_related action doesn't exist for has_many relationships
# # where the destination field is not nullable. That will only ever error.
# repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field,}])
# end
# defp delete_related_ids(
# repo,
# source_id,
# through,
# source_field_on_join_table,
# destination_field_on_join_table,
# ids
# ) do
# query =
# from(join_row in through,
# where: field(join_row, ^destination_field_on_join_table) in ^ids,
# where: field(join_row, ^source_field_on_join_table) == ^source_id
# )
# repo.delete_all(query)
# end
# def add_through_schema_fields(repo, resource, includes) when is_list(includes) do
# Enum.flat_map(includes, fn {rel, further} ->
# case Ash.relationship(resource, rel) do
# %{type: :many_to_many, destination: destination} = relationship ->
# [
# {rel, &fetch_and_add_through_row(&1, repo, relationship)},
# {rel, add_through_schema_fields(repo, destination, further)}
# ]
# %{destination: destination} ->
# [
# {rel, add_through_schema_fields(repo, destination, further)}
# ]
# end
# end)
# end
# def add_through_schema_fields(_repo, _resource, includes), do: includes
# defp fetch_and_add_through_row(source_ids, repo, relationship) do
# query =
# from(join_row in relationship.through,
# where:
# type(field(join_row, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table), :binary_id) in ^source_ids,
# join: destination_row in ^relationship.destination,
# on:
# type(field(join_row, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table), :binary_id) ==
# field(destination_row, ^relationship.destination_field)
# )
# query
# |> add_select(relationship)
# |> repo.all()
# |> {destination_row, join_row} ->
# {Map.get(join_row, relationship.source_field_on_join_table),
# Map.put(destination_row, :__join_row__, join_row)}
# end)
# end
# defp add_select(query, relationship) do
# case relationship.through do
# string when is_bitstring(string) ->
# from([join_row, destination_row] in query,
# select:
# {destination_row,
# %{
# ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table =>
# type(field(join_row, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table), :binary_id),
# ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table =>
# type(field(join_row, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table), :binary_id)
# }}
# )
# module when is_atom(module) ->
# from([join_row, destination_row] in query,
# select: {destination_row, join_row}
# )
# end
# end

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
defmodule AshEcto.MixProject do
defmodule AshPostgres.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
def project do
app: :ash_ecto,
app: :ash_postgres,
version: "0.1.0",
elixir: "~> 1.9",
start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
defmodule AshEctoTest do
defmodule AshPostgresTest do
use ExUnit.Case
doctest AshEcto
doctest AshPostgres
test "greets the world" do
assert AshEcto.hello() == :world
assert AshPostgres.hello() == :world