defmodule AshPostgres.DataLayer do @moduledoc """ A postgres data layer that levereges Ecto's postgres capabilities. To use this data layer, you need to define an `Ecto.Repo`. Ash adds some functionality on top of ecto repos, so you'll want to use `AshPostgres.Repo` Then, configure your resource like so: ``` postgres do repo MyApp.Repo table "table_name" end ``` """ @postgres %Ash.Dsl.Section{ name: :postgres, describe: """ Postgres data layer configuration """, schema: [ repo: [ type: {:custom, AshPostgres.DataLayer, :validate_repo, []}, required: true, doc: "The repo that will be used to fetch your data. See the `Ecto.Repo` documentation for more" ], table: [ type: :string, required: true, doc: "The table to store and read the resource from" ] ] } alias Ash.Filter alias Ash.Filter.{Expression, Not, Predicate} alias Ash.Filter.Predicate.{Eq, GreaterThan, In, IsNil, LessThan} alias AshPostgres.Predicates.Trigram import AshPostgres, only: [table: 1, repo: 1] @behaviour Ash.DataLayer use Ash.Dsl.Extension, sections: [@postgres] @doc false def validate_repo(repo) do if repo.__adapter__() == Ecto.Adapters.Postgres do {:ok, repo} else {:error, "Expected a repo using the postgres adapter `Ecto.Adapters.Postgres`"} end end @impl true def custom_filters(resource) do config = repo(resource).config() add_pg_trgm_search(%{}, config) end defp add_pg_trgm_search(filters, config) do if "pg_trgm" in config[:installed_extensions] do Map.update(filters, :string, [{:trigram, AshPostgres.Predicates.Trigram}], fn filters -> [{:trigram, AshPostgres.Predicates.Trigram} | filters] end) else filters end end import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2, subquery: 1] @impl true def can?(_, :async_engine), do: true def can?(_, :transact), do: true def can?(_, :composite_primary_key), do: true def can?(_, :upsert), do: true def can?(_, :join), do: true def can?(_, :boolean_filter), do: true def can?(_, {:aggregate, :count}), do: true def can?(_, :aggregate_filter), do: true def can?(_, :aggregate_sort), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _, %In{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _, %Eq{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _, %LessThan{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _, %GreaterThan{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _, %IsNil{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, :string, %Trigram{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _}), do: false def can?(_, {:sort, _}), do: true def can?(_, _), do: false @impl true def in_transaction?(resource) do repo(resource).in_transaction?() end @impl true def limit(query, nil, _), do: {:ok, query} def limit(query, limit, _resource) do {:ok, from(row in query, limit: ^limit)} end @impl true def source(resource) do table(resource) end @impl true def offset(query, nil, _), do: query def offset(query, offset, _resource) do {:ok, from(row in query, offset: ^offset)} end @impl true def run_query(query, resource) do {:ok, repo(resource).all(query)} end @impl true def resource_to_query(resource), do: Ecto.Queryable.to_query({table(resource), resource}) @impl true def create(resource, changeset) do |> Map.update!(:__meta__, &Map.put(&1, :source, table(resource))) |> ecto_changeset(changeset) |> repo(resource).insert() rescue e -> {:error, e} end defp ecto_changeset(record, changeset) do Ecto.Changeset.change(record, changeset.attributes) end @impl true def upsert(resource, changeset) do |> Map.update!(:__meta__, &Map.put(&1, :source, table(resource))) |> ecto_changeset(changeset) |> repo(resource).insert( on_conflict: :replace_all, conflict_target: Ash.Resource.primary_key(resource) ) rescue e -> {:error, e} end @impl true def update(resource, changeset) do |> Map.update!(:__meta__, &Map.put(&1, :source, table(resource))) |> ecto_changeset(changeset) |> repo(resource).update() rescue e -> {:error, e} end @impl true def destroy(%resource{} = record) do case repo(resource).delete(record) do {:ok, _record} -> :ok {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end rescue e -> {:error, e} end @impl true def sort(query, sort, _resource) do query = default_bindings(query) sort_expr = sort |> sanitize_sort() |> {order, sort} -> binding = case Map.fetch(query.__ash_bindings__.aggregates, sort) do {:ok, binding} -> binding :error -> 0 end {order, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [binding]}, sort]}, [], []}} end) {:ok, %{query | order_bys: [%Ecto.Query.QueryExpr{expr: sort_expr, params: []}]}} end defp sanitize_sort(sort) do sort |> List.wrap() |> {sort, order} -> {order, sort} sort -> sort end) end @impl true def filter(query, %{expression: false}, _resource) do impossible_query = from(row in query, where: false) {:ok, Map.put(impossible_query, :__impossible__, true)} end def filter(query, filter, resource) do relationship_paths = filter |> Filter.relationship_paths() |> path -> relationship_path_to_relationships(resource, path) end) new_query = query |> join_all_relationships(resource, relationship_paths) |> add_filter_expression(filter) {:ok, new_query} end defp default_bindings(query) do Map.put_new(query, :__ash_bindings__, %{ current: Enum.count(query.joins) + 1, aggregates: %{}, bindings: %{0 => %{path: [], type: :root}} }) end @impl true def add_aggregate(query, aggregate, resource) do query = default_bindings(query) {query, binding} = case get_binding(resource, aggregate.relationship_path, query, :aggregate) do nil -> relationship = Ash.Resource.relationship(resource, aggregate.relationship_path) subquery = aggregate_subquery(relationship, aggregate) new_query = join_relationship( query, relationship_path_to_relationships(resource, aggregate.relationship_path), {:aggregate,, subquery} ) {new_query, get_binding(resource, aggregate.relationship_path, new_query, :aggregate)} binding -> {query, binding} end query_with_aggregate_binding = put_in( query.__ash_bindings__.aggregates, Map.put(query.__ash_bindings__.aggregates,, binding) ) new_query = query_with_aggregate_binding |> add_aggregate_to_subquery(resource, aggregate, binding) |> select_aggregate(resource, aggregate) {:ok, new_query} end defp select_aggregate(query, resource, aggregate) do binding = get_binding(resource, aggregate.relationship_path, query, :aggregate) query = if do query else from(row in query, select: row, select_merge: %{aggregates: %{}} ) end %{query | select: add_to_select(, binding, aggregate)} end defp add_to_select( %{expr: {:merge, _, [first, {:%{}, _, [{:aggregates, {:%{}, [], fields}}]}]}} = select, binding, %{load: nil} = aggregate ) do field = {:type, [], [ {{:., [], [{:&, [], [binding]},]}, [], []}, Ash.Type.ecto_type(aggregate.type) ]} field_with_default = if aggregate.default_value do {:coalesce, [], [ field, aggregate.default_value ]} end new_fields = [ {, field_with_default} | fields ] %{select | expr: {:merge, [], [first, {:%{}, [], [{:aggregates, {:%{}, [], new_fields}}]}]}} end defp add_to_select( %{expr: expr} = select, binding, %{load: load_as} = aggregate ) do field = {:type, [], [ {{:., [], [{:&, [], [binding]},]}, [], []}, Ash.Type.ecto_type(aggregate.type) ]} field_with_default = if aggregate.default_value do {:coalesce, [], [ field, aggregate.default_value ]} end %{select | expr: {:merge, [], [expr, {:%{}, [], [{load_as, field_with_default}]}]}} end defp add_aggregate_to_subquery(query, resource, aggregate, binding) do new_joins = List.update_at(query.joins, binding - 1, fn join -> aggregate_query = if aggregate.authorization_filter do {:ok, filter} = filter( join.source.from.source.query, aggregate.authorization_filter, Ash.Resource.related(resource, aggregate.relationship_path) ) filter else join.source.from.source.query end new_aggregate_query = add_subquery_aggregate_select(aggregate_query, aggregate, resource) put_in(join.source.from.source.query, new_aggregate_query) end) %{ query | joins: new_joins } end defp aggregate_subquery(relationship, _aggregate) do from(row in relationship.destination, group_by: ^relationship.destination_field, select: field(row, ^relationship.destination_field) ) end defp add_subquery_aggregate_select(query, %{kind: :count} = aggregate, resource) do query = default_bindings(query) key_to_count = List.first(Ash.Resource.primary_key(resource)) type = Ash.Type.ecto_type(aggregate.type) field = {:count, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, key_to_count]}, [], []}]} {params, filtered} = if aggregate.query do {params, expr} = filter_to_expr( aggregate.query.filter, query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, ) {params, {:filter, [], [field, expr]}} else {[], field} end cast = {:type, [], [filtered, type]} new_expr = {:merge, [], [, {:%{}, [], [{, cast}]}]} %{query | select: %{ | expr: new_expr, params: params}} end defp relationship_path_to_relationships(resource, path, acc \\ []) defp relationship_path_to_relationships(_resource, [], acc), do: Enum.reverse(acc) defp relationship_path_to_relationships(resource, [relationship | rest], acc) do relationship = Ash.Resource.relationship(resource, relationship) relationship_path_to_relationships(relationship.destination, rest, [relationship | acc]) end defp join_all_relationships(query, resource, relationship_paths, path \\ []) do query = default_bindings(query) Enum.reduce(relationship_paths, query, fn [relationship | rest_rels], query -> # Eventually this will not be a constant join_type = :left current_path = [relationship | path] if has_binding?(resource, Enum.reverse(current_path), query, :aggregate) do query else joined_query = join_relationship(query, current_path, join_type) joined_query_with_distinct = add_distinct(relationship, join_type, joined_query) join_all_relationships( joined_query_with_distinct, relationship.destination, rest_rels, current_path ) end end) end defp has_binding?(resource, path, %{__ash_bindings__: _} = query, type) do paths = Enum.flat_map(query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, fn {_, %{path: path, type: ^type}} -> [path] _ -> [] end) Enum.any?(paths, &Ash.SatSolver.synonymous_relationship_paths?(resource, &1, path)) end defp has_binding?(_, _, _, _), do: false defp get_binding(resource, path, %{__ash_bindings__: _} = query, type) do paths = Enum.flat_map(query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, fn {binding, %{path: path, type: ^type}} -> [{binding, path}] _ -> [] end) Enum.find_value(paths, fn {binding, candidate_path} -> Ash.SatSolver.synonymous_relationship_paths?(resource, candidate_path, path) && binding end) end defp get_binding(_, _, _, _), do: nil defp add_distinct(relationship, join_type, joined_query) do if relationship.cardinality == :many and join_type == :left && !joined_query.distinct do from(row in joined_query, distinct: ^Ash.Resource.primary_key(relationship.destination) ) else joined_query end end defp join_relationship(query, path, join_type) do path_names =, & & case Map.get(query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, path_names) do %{type: existing_join_type} when join_type != existing_join_type -> raise "unreachable?" nil -> do_join_relationship(query, path, join_type) _ -> query end end defp do_join_relationship(query, relationships, kind, path \\ []) defp do_join_relationship(_query, [], {:aggregate, _, subquery}, _path) do {:left_lateral, subquery} end defp do_join_relationship(_, [], _, _), do: nil defp do_join_relationship(query, [%{type: :many_to_many} = relationship | rest], kind, path) do relationship_through = maybe_get_resource_query(relationship.through) relationship_destination = do_join_relationship(query, rest, kind, [ | path]) || Ecto.Queryable.to_query(maybe_get_resource_query(relationship.destination)) new_query = case relationship_destination do {:left_lateral, subquery} -> subquery = subquery( from(destination in subquery, where: field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) == field( parent_as(:rel_through), ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table ) ) ) from(row in query, left_join: through in ^relationship_through, as: :rel_through, on: field(row, ^relationship.source_field) == field(through, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table), left_lateral_join: destination in ^subquery, on: field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) == field(through, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table) ) relationship_destination -> from(row in query, left_join: through in ^relationship_through, on: field(row, ^relationship.source_field) == field(through, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table), left_join: destination in ^relationship_destination, on: field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) == field(through, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table) ) end join_path = Enum.reverse([String.to_existing_atom(to_string( <> "_join_assoc") | path]) full_path = Enum.reverse([ | path]) binding_data = case {kind, rest} do {{:aggregate, name, _agg}, []} -> %{type: :aggregate, name: name, path: full_path} _ -> %{type: :left, path: full_path} end new_query |> add_binding(%{path: join_path, type: :left}) |> add_binding(binding_data) |> merge_bindings(relationship_destination) end defp do_join_relationship(query, [relationship | rest], kind, path) do relationship_destination = do_join_relationship(query, rest, kind, [ | path]) || Ecto.Queryable.to_query(maybe_get_resource_query(relationship.destination)) new_query = case relationship_destination do {:left_lateral, subquery} -> subquery = from( sub in subquery( from(destination in subquery, where: field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) == field(parent_as(:rel_source), ^relationship.source_field) ) ), select: field(sub, ^relationship.destination_field) ) from(row in query, as: :rel_source, left_lateral_join: destination in ^subquery, on: field(row, ^relationship.source_field) == field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) ) relationship_destination -> from(row in query, left_join: destination in ^relationship_destination, on: field(row, ^relationship.source_field) == field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) ) end full_path = Enum.reverse([ | path]) binding_data = case {kind, rest} do {{:aggregate, name, _agg}, []} -> %{type: :aggregate, name: name, path: full_path} _ -> %{type: :left, path: full_path} end new_query |> add_binding(binding_data) |> merge_bindings(relationship_destination) end defp add_filter_expression(query, filter) do {params, expr} = filter_to_expr(filter, query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, []) if expr do boolean_expr = %Ecto.Query.BooleanExpr{ expr: expr, op: :and, params: params } %{query | wheres: [boolean_expr | query.wheres]} else query end end defp filter_to_expr(%Filter{expression: expression}, bindings, params) do filter_to_expr(expression, bindings, params) end # A nil filter means "everything" defp filter_to_expr(nil, _, _), do: {[], true} # A true filter means "everything" defp filter_to_expr(true, _, _), do: true # A false filter means "nothing" defp filter_to_expr(false, _, _), do: {[], false} defp filter_to_expr(%Expression{op: op, left: left, right: right}, bindings, params) do {params, left_expr} = filter_to_expr(left, bindings, params) {params, right_expr} = filter_to_expr(right, bindings, params) {params, {op, [], [left_expr, right_expr]}} end defp filter_to_expr(%Not{expression: expression}, bindings, params) do {params, new_expression} = filter_to_expr(expression, bindings, params) {params, {:not, [], [new_expression]}} end defp filter_to_expr(%Predicate{} = pred, bindings, params) do %{predicate: predicate, relationship_path: relationship_path, attribute: attribute} = pred current_binding = case attribute do %Ash.Resource.Attribute{} -> Enum.find_value(bindings, fn {binding, data} -> data.path == relationship_path && data.type in [:left, :root] && binding end) %Ash.Query.Aggregate{} = aggregate -> Enum.find_value(bindings, fn {binding, data} -> data.path == aggregate.relationship_path && data.type == :aggregate && binding end) end type = Ash.Type.ecto_type(attribute.type) filter_value_to_expr(, predicate, type, current_binding, params) end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %Eq{value: value}, type, current_binding, params) do simple_operator_expr( :==, params, value, type, current_binding, attribute ) end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %LessThan{value: value}, type, current_binding, params) do simple_operator_expr( :<, params, value, type, current_binding, attribute ) end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %GreaterThan{value: value}, type, current_binding, params) do simple_operator_expr( :>, params, value, type, current_binding, attribute ) end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %In{values: values}, type, current_binding, params) do simple_operator_expr( :in, params, values, {:in, type}, current_binding, attribute ) end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %IsNil{nil?: true}, _type, current_binding, params) do {params, {:is_nil, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}]}} end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %IsNil{nil?: false}, _type, current_binding, params) do {params, {:not, [], [{:is_nil, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}]}]}} end defp filter_value_to_expr( attribute, %Trigram{} = trigram, _type, current_binding, params ) do param_count = Enum.count(params) case trigram do %{equals: equals, greater_than: nil, less_than: nil, text: text} -> {params ++ [{text, {current_binding, attribute}}, {equals, :float}], {:fragment, [], [ raw: "similarity(", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}, raw: ", ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count]}, raw: ") = ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count + 1]}, raw: "" ]}} %{equals: nil, greater_than: greater_than, less_than: nil, text: text} -> {params ++ [{text, {current_binding, attribute}}, {greater_than, :float}], {:fragment, [], [ raw: "similarity(", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}, raw: ", ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count]}, raw: ") > ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count + 1]}, raw: "" ]}} %{equals: nil, greater_than: nil, less_than: less_than, text: text} -> {params ++ [{text, {current_binding, attribute}}, {less_than, :float}], {:fragment, [], [ raw: "similarity(", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}, raw: ", ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count]}, raw: ") < ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count + 1]}, raw: "" ]}} %{equals: nil, greater_than: greater_than, less_than: less_than, text: text} -> {params ++ [{text, {current_binding, attribute}}, {less_than, :float}, {greater_than, :float}], {:fragment, [], [ raw: "similarity(", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}, raw: ", ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count]}, raw: ") BETWEEN ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count + 1]}, raw: " AND ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count + 2]}, raw: "" ]}} end end defp simple_operator_expr(op, params, value, type, current_binding, attribute) do {params ++ [{value, type}], {op, [], [ {{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [Enum.count(params)]} ]}} end defp merge_bindings(query, %{__ash_bindings__: ash_bindings}) do ash_bindings |> Map.get(:bindings) |> Enum.sort_by(&elem(&1, 0)) |> Enum.reduce(query, fn {_binding, data}, query -> add_binding(query, data) end) end defp merge_bindings(query, _) do query end defp add_binding(query, data) do current = query.__ash_bindings__.current bindings = query.__ash_bindings__.bindings new_ash_bindings = %{ query.__ash_bindings__ | bindings: Map.put(bindings, current, data), current: current + 1 } %{query | __ash_bindings__: new_ash_bindings} end @impl true def transaction(resource, func) do repo(resource).transaction(func) end @impl true def rollback(resource, term) do repo(resource).rollback(term) end defp maybe_get_resource_query(resource) do {table(resource), resource} end end