defmodule AshPostgres.BulkUpdateTest do use AshPostgres.RepoCase, async: false alias AshPostgres.Test.{Post, Record} require Ash.Expr require Ash.Query test "bulk updates can run with nothing in the table" do Ash.bulk_update!(Post, :update, %{title: "new_title"}) end test "bulk updates update everything pertaining to the query" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "fred"}, %{title: "george"}], Post, :create) Ash.bulk_update!(Post, :update, %{}, atomic_update: %{title: Ash.Expr.expr(title <> "_stuff")} ) posts =!(Post) assert Enum.all?(posts, &String.ends_with?(&1.title, "_stuff")) end test "bulk updates can set datetimes" do Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{title: "fred"}) |> Ash.create!() Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{title: "george"}) |> Ash.create!() now = DateTime.utc_now() Ash.bulk_update!(Post, :update, %{datetime: now}, strategy: :atomic) posts =!(Post) assert Enum.all?(posts, fn post ->, now) == :eq end) assert Enum.all?(posts, fn post -> DateTime.diff(now, post.updated_at, :minute) < 1 end) end test "a map can be given as input" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "fred"}, %{title: "george"}], Post, :create) Post |> Ash.bulk_update!( :update, %{list_of_stuff: [%{a: 1}]}, return_records?: true, strategy: [:atomic] ) |> Map.get(:records) |> &1.list_of_stuff) end test "a map can be given as input on a regular update" do %{records: [post | _]} = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "fred"}, %{title: "george"}], Post, :create, return_records?: true ) post |> Ash.Changeset.for_update(:update, %{list_of_stuff: [%{a: [:a, :b]}, %{a: [:c, :d]}]}) |> Ash.update!() end test "bulk updates only apply to things that the query produces" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "fred"}, %{title: "george"}], Post, :create) Post |> Ash.Query.filter(title == "fred") |> Ash.bulk_update!(:update, %{}, atomic_update: %{title: Ash.Expr.expr(title <> "_stuff")}) titles = Post |>!() |> &1.title) |> Enum.sort() assert titles == ["fred_stuff", "george"] end test "bulk updates honor update action filters" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "fred"}, %{title: "george"}], Post, :create) Post |> Ash.bulk_update!(:update_only_freds, %{}, return_errors?: true, atomic_update: %{title: Ash.Expr.expr(title <> "_stuff")} ) titles = Post |>!() |> &1.title) |> Enum.sort() assert titles == ["fred_stuff", "george"] end test "bulk updates honor update action filters when streaming" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "fred"}, %{title: "george"}], Post, :create) Post |> Ash.bulk_update!(:update_only_freds, %{}, strategy: :stream, return_errors?: true, atomic_update: %{title: Ash.Expr.expr(title <> "_stuff")} ) titles = Post |>!() |> &1.title) |> Enum.sort() assert titles == ["fred_stuff", "george"] end test "errors in streaming bulk updates that would result in rollbacks are handled" do Ash.bulk_create!( [ %{uniq_custom_one: "fred", uniq_custom_two: "weasley1"}, %{uniq_custom_one: "fred", uniq_custom_two: "weasley2"} ], Post, :create, return_records?: true ) assert %Ash.BulkResult{errors: [%Ash.Error.Invalid{}]} = Post |> Ash.bulk_update(:update, %{uniq_custom_two: "weasley"}, strategy: :stream, return_errors?: true ) end test "bulk updates can be limited" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "fred"}, %{title: "george"}], Post, :create) Post |> Ash.Query.limit(1) |> Ash.Query.sort(:title) |> Ash.bulk_update!(:dont_validate, %{}, atomic_update: %{title: Ash.Expr.expr(title <> "_stuff")}, strategy: :atomic ) titles = Post |>!() |> &1.title) |> Enum.sort() assert titles == ["fred_stuff", "george"] end test "the query can join to related tables when necessary" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "fred"}, %{title: "george"}], Post, :create) Post |> Ash.Query.filter(author.first_name == "fred" or title == "fred") |> Ash.bulk_update!(:update, %{}, atomic_update: %{title: Ash.Expr.expr(title <> "_stuff")}) titles = Post |>!() |> &1.title) |> Enum.sort() assert titles == ["fred_stuff", "george"] end test "bulk updates can be done even on stream inputs" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "fred"}, %{title: "george"}], Post, :create) Post |>!() |> Ash.bulk_update!(:update, %{}, atomic_update: %{title: Ash.Expr.expr(title <> "_stuff")}, return_records?: true, strategy: [:stream] ) titles = Post |>!() |> &1.title) |> Enum.sort() assert titles == ["fred_stuff", "george_stuff"] end test "bulk updates that require initial data must use streaming" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "fred"}, %{title: "george"}], Post, :create) assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, ~r/had no matching bulk strategy that could be used/, fn -> Post |> Ash.Query.for_read(:paginated, %{}, authorize?: true) |> Ash.bulk_update!(:requires_initial_data, %{}, authorize?: true, allow_stream_with: :full_read, authorize_query?: false, return_errors?: true, return_records?: true ) end end test "bulk updates return error for null value if allow_nil? false with strategy :stream" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{full_name: "foo"}], Record, :create) assert %Ash.BulkResult{ error_count: 1, errors: [ %Ash.Error.Invalid{errors: [%Ash.Error.Changes.Required{field: :full_name}]} ] } = Ash.bulk_update(Record, :update, %{full_name: ""}, strategy: :stream, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true, authorize?: false ) end test "bulk updates return error for null value if allow_nil? false with strategy :atomic" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{full_name: "foo"}], Record, :create) assert %Ash.BulkResult{ error_count: 1, errors: [ %Ash.Error.Invalid{errors: [%Ash.Error.Changes.Required{field: :full_name}]} ] } = Ash.bulk_update(Record, :update, %{full_name: ""}, strategy: :atomic, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true, authorize?: false ) end end